
Jewelry with diamonds for lesbain?

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Nov 30, 2008

I am looking for a jewelery with diamond or rock that will be special for a lesbian friend.

I''ve searched Google for gay jewelery and found a few websites which is "specializing" in gay jewelry. BUT i am looking for an objective opinion, I need something special which will really mean something to her (just the lable as "gay" isn''t enough).

one of this sites called "Love and Pride" and got a lesbian jewelry section which got a lot of diamonds. but there isn''t any "vocational" explains - so here I need you guys.

(Maybe it sound like a strange request but I really need help with that
Hi Peter and welcome!

Thats a lovely idea to get your friend something special - I am sure she will appreciate it very much! If you are looking for something with diamonds, I would suggest you check out some of the trusted Pricescope vendors to see what they have. It is cut which makes a diamond beautiful, so if you are looking specifically for diamond jewellery, it could be an idea to check out the following vendors to ensure your jewellery piece has well cut stones that will sparkle!

Have a look at these vendors and see if anything appeals to you, they do pendants, right hand rings and earrings, bracelets etc.
I hope I don''t sound insensitive/offensive, but rainbow-colored sapphire rings and pendants always trigger the gay buzzer in my head when I see them. Is that too unoriginal?
Umm..okay...Why don''t you just buy something in her taste and style? As in, look at her current clothing/jewellery and get something that fits. Or ask her friends/family what she likes.
I don''t think that all lesbians will have the same taste in jewellery

Even though this is a nice gesture, I find it a pretty odd request..
Date: 12/1/2008 4:11:12 AM
Author: arjunajane
Umm..okay...Why don''t you just buy something in her taste and style? As in, look at her current clothing/jewellery and get something that fits. Or ask her friends/family what she likes.
I don''t think that all lesbians will have the same taste in jewellery

Even though this is a nice gesture, I find it a pretty odd request..
Ditto AJ, I didn''t trust my grumpy mood tonight to broach this topic.

AJ is right though, just cause I am a heterosexual doesn''t mean we all like rose gold solitaires - you get the idea
Yeah, I guess it would help if I understood what lesbian jewelry is and why one would want to wear it? Even gay people whose appearance and clothes look, well, not-straight as a matter of course don''t normally stamp ''gay pride'' on everything.

My first thought is what''s her style? Lesbian that would wear a dress to a wedding or lesbian that would wear a dress on to a cross-dressing party and look more uncomfortable than the straight guys? For my second thought, I have to borrow AJ''s, find something that is special in its own right, or special cause you thought of her tastes and found something perfect for her rather than something explicitly gay-themed.

I guess I''m having difficulty imagining a piece of jewelry that would manage to celebrate her sexuality in a way that was both special and non-tacky. Such a piece might exist but... currently I''m having a failure of imagination.
I am kind of lost at why you are looking for something specifically designed for lesbian. I have lesbian friends who would wear jewelry no different from mine (Unless they secretly label something "lesbian" on their jewelry without me noticing). The one thing I notice is that the more manly
partners would wear bulkier pieces.
I may be totally out-of-line with this, and I give the following suggestion very respectfully:

How about a ring with 2 princesses?

Live long,
We have a few lesbian couples - they are excellent clients. Some are pure mainstream, others like something individual and custom designed. Just like any other couples. But often 2x the sales

Date: 12/1/2008 6:23:36 AM
Author: Paul-Antwerp
I may be totally out-of-line with this, and I give the following suggestion very respectfully:

How about a ring with 2 princesses?

Live long,

thanks for the reception!

Rainbow-colored you mean like a few different colors of diamonds on a jewelery? couldn''t find something like that (found a few "rainbow" jewelries but non of them seem special)
i am really confused-why does the jewelry have to be "gay jewelry"? how about something nice for someone in her or his taste? unless you are meaning something with an actual symbol or engraving that is specific to being gay.
I must say, it never occurred to me that there was a sexual preference connotation to diamonds, that somehow there was a difference between gay and straight diamonds or that diamonds were the domain of heterosexuals. Buy whatever you think she would like. Two rounds and a baguette might be a nice design combination for example.

Professional Appraisals in Denver
Peter, like the others, I suggest you simply get her something that is **HER** taste. There is not certain jewelry that heterosexual women all want to wear and it would be the same thing with homosexual women...each woman will like different things based on her own taste.
As a resident lesbian on the site I can offer a few things...

Paul, that was a very clever idea. :P Very cute.

Everyone has very good ideas when they say look at her own style. Jewelry is a bit individual, as a painting. The way we adorn ourselves on a daily basis can be artistic in its own right.

I''ve known & dated a lot, but... I can say this. "Lesbians jewelry tastes" can be classified the same way you can group a crowd the street, that all happen to like mint chewing gum and their jewelry tastes.

Basically, one preference in terms of orientation doesn''t effect other preferences... such as jewelry. Listen to her sense of style, ask her the things she likes... or ask if she think what that girl in the street is wearing is pretty...but be prepared to give feedback back or she''ll get suspect.

This being said, I would highly recommend working with one of the vendors listed above for a gift. Can I ask what the gift is for? Maybe you''ll get some good suggestions on what is the most appropriate gift...

Date: 12/1/2008 4:30:15 AM
Author: honey22
Date: 12/1/2008 4:11:12 AM

Author: arjunajane

Umm..okay...Why don''t you just buy something in her taste and style? As in, look at her current clothing/jewellery and get something that fits. Or ask her friends/family what she likes.

I don''t think that all lesbians will have the same taste in jewellery

Even though this is a nice gesture, I find it a pretty odd request..

Ditto AJ, I didn''t trust my grumpy mood tonight to broach this topic.

AJ is right though, just cause I am a heterosexual doesn''t mean we all like rose gold solitaires - you get the idea

I really hope I haven''t offended anyone on this forum with my suggestion above. If I have, my apologies, that wasn''t the intention, like I said. I want to say that I was only trying to respond faithfully to what I thought the OP requested. I don''t know what kind of relationship s/he has with the friend, what her age is, her life style, what style of jewelry she likes. I wholeheartedly agree that jewelry is a tricky present if you''re not particularly close with the receiver, and even more so if the jewelry has the slightest possibility of offense. Although I''m not sure whether the OP was asking if it would be a faux-pas to give jewelry that screams "I''m a lesbian" it certainly doesn''t mean that his/her gift should. When I posted my reply I was under the assumption that the OP had already considered such factors, and didn''t want to give a generic heart pendant. S/he is after all the person who knows the to-be-gifted the best. I guess I imagined the receiver to be either very vocal and active in the community, and had other such jewelry/clothing that would be a clue for the OP, or that this was a coming out gift. (Peter, if you haven''t thought about all this, please do consider what the others have said above.)

Now, if you''re in a romantic relationship with this friend, I like Paul''s idea of two princesses too! (Needless to say, it would be totally inappropriate if you were not her partner.) If she''s single, a princess solitaire in a rainbow band with round stones, or a princess flush-set into a metal band would be neat. To clarify my original suggestion, here are some pictures.



somewhat more eye-catching...

rainbow diamond ring.jpg
Something like these but with one diamond. Either straight like that, or with the stone aligned diagonally. The band with will depend upon her taste in jewelry, or your budget?

Everyone above has made wise suggestions and excellent points ... I''ll just qualify to say that it can be hard to find symbols for less treaded paths in top materials. Depending on your budget, if you really want to get her something special that references her orientation, maybe commission a filigree diamond labrys? The contrast between style and subject would be really intriguing (at least to my eye).

I think we could probably give more helpful advice if you would tell us a little more about your friend and the occasion for the gift.

Is this a coming-out present? Is it a present for some other occasion, such as a birthday or graduation?

Is it meant to help her announce her orientation to others? Or were you just wondering whether there are particular jewelry traditions that are especially popular in lesbian communities?

Does your friend usually wear jewelry? What does her jewelry look like? What''s her style of dress like generally?
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