
Jewelry Job Idea's Anybody?...


Nov 6, 2008
So with how much I talk about jewelry, diamonds, and gems in general; my friends, family and co-workers often mention how I should switch careers to something dealing with jewelry. Well I am in customer service/management and I have no idea what kind of jobs exsist out there related to this field. Can anybody help me out with ideas? The only think I can think of is actually working at a jewelry store, maybe some kind of personal assistant/shopper for wealthy people to buy jewelry for them, or something to do with gemology. I'm just brain storming and not thinking about anything too serious yet, but I would be open to going back to school for the right thing. Any thoughts?...
customer service background tells me you should go for sales at a store and work up to management. Being a personal shopper sounds cool but Im not sure how you would get a job doing that. Gemology stuff will take schooling to get needed credentials and you would probably be better off with RL sales experience anyways.
RissaLou|1291933195|2792487 said:
So with how much I talk about jewelry, diamonds, and gems in general; my friends, family and co-workers often mention how I should switch careers to something dealing with jewelry. Well I am in customer service/management and I have no idea what kind of jobs exsist out there related to this field. Can anybody help me out with ideas? The only think I can think of is actually working at a jewelry store, maybe some kind of personal assistant/shopper for wealthy people to buy jewelry for them, or something to do with gemology. I'm just brain storming and not thinking about anything too serious yet, but I would be open to going back to school for the right thing. Any thoughts?...

Ditto to TakingthePlunge. I actually had similar thoughts last year, and went so far as to take the on-campus GIA diamond grading course with an eye towards becoming an appraiser or personal buyer ... and all the advice I got came down to your needing to spend at least 2 or 3 years in sales before anybody would trust you. So I took a job in sales, and ... discovered that I hated it. Since you have a customer service background, that's one hurdle overcome - you know you're suited to client work. The holiday season can be a good time to dip your toes in the water: a lot of the big brands are hiring part-time help, so you could see if you enjoy the work, and go from there ....
One other option, if you live in a metro area, is working for jewelry wholesaler. My SIL works for one; her work deals mostly with pre-set diamond and gemstone stuffs, and they sell settings. Sometimes the retailer will bring in loose stones, so she gets to see them. She also travel to trade show in NYC, Vegas, Miami, etc.
qtiekiki|1292010357|2793478 said:
One other option, if you live in a metro area, is working for jewelry wholesaler. My SIL works for one; her work deals mostly with pre-set diamond and gemstone stuffs, and they sell settings. Sometimes the retailer will bring in loose stones, so she gets to see them. She also travel to trade show in NYC, Vegas, Miami, etc.

I'm really liking the sounds of that one! :)
Thanks for all the ideas. Lots to think about...