
Is the Obama Administration a "Failed Presidency"?

Is the Obama Administration a "Failed Presidency"?

  • Failed

    Votes: 26 45.6%
  • Successful

    Votes: 26 45.6%
  • Other (please comment)

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters


Mar 13, 2013
I just read the "Obama Tears" thread, and I figured (Perhaps Wrongly :mrgreen: ) a discussion of Obama's term is in order. I assume now that Around the World is gone, we can post politics in here. I apologize if I am wrong.

This is also a question that has been on my mind to post here for a few weeks.

As we enter the last months of his term, do you believe Obama has failed as a president? Failed America?

Or do you think his terms have been overall successful?

As a Canadian, I don't live it, I see from the outside. I'm curious, however, how people who live in the US every day feel about it.

Feel free to elaborate on why you voted the way you did.


Jan 26, 2003


Aug 12, 2005
I don't think Obama's presidency was either a success or a failure. I think, like most presidencies, it falls somewhere in the middle, closer to success at times and closer to failure at others.

The problem I see with his terms has been the failure of Congress to get their shit together. It isn't up to the POTUS to fix everything. It's up to us, the American people, to elect people into Congress who will actually represent us and do their jobs. I don't blame Obama and I don't thank Obama--I sure do give certain members of Congress the side-eye, though. I did watch Obama being groomed back in the early oughts and then watched him change his stance on gay marriage and when I voted that his tears were staged that is why. He is a straight up politician and that's it.

Lastly, the ACA is one of those things that started off with the best of intentions but was a piece of shoddy work that was pushed through before it could be edited into a workable plan. I am all for it but the it was handled so poorly that it's just as much a detriment to some as it is a positive to others.


Dec 12, 2008
In the end, I don't know that it really matters..success to some is a failure to others and what some see as things he is lacking, or failing on or whatever, others see as things that he has excelled at. What some view should be the things focused on during a presidency are things others don't. We're all imperfect...and boy howdy, you add politician on top of that..Politicians are no different to the stereotypical "used car salesman" type, in my eyes. I really don't know that they are capable of NOT talking out of both sides of their mouths, making promises they can't keep etc. I have no hopes for any of them, ever. Doesn't seem to matter how good they look initially, get them in office, get them in doing whatever it is they're campaigning for, and their heads are turned.


Nov 7, 2004
Unless someone really messes up (impeachment etc) sometimes it is hard to see at the time how a presidency is judged or rated. My feeling is once the dust settles he will be judged favorably, but there is no way to know. All I know my perception of last 8 years is the frustrating gridlock in congress.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
:think: :think:

Our Prez is no longer the most powerful man in the world.
Threw Netanyahu under the bus.
Let Putin poke his finger at his nose whenever he feel like it.
Fighting Mother Nature instead of ISIS.
Releasing dangerous terrorists from Gitmo.
Disastrous Iranian nuclear deal.

The biggest spending Prez in history.
Median household income down since he became Prez.
Slow job growth, only about 220k per month.
Obamacare Disaster.

Lunchtime! :bigsmile:


Mar 13, 2013
packrat|1452195220|3972253 said:
In the end, I don't know that it really matters..success to some is a failure to others and what some see as things he is lacking, or failing on or whatever, others see as things that he has excelled at. What some view should be the things focused on during a presidency are things others don't. We're all imperfect...and boy howdy, you add politician on top of that..Politicians are no different to the stereotypical "used car salesman" type, in my eyes. I really don't know that they are capable of NOT talking out of both sides of their mouths, making promises they can't keep etc. I have no hopes for any of them, ever. Doesn't seem to matter how good they look initially, get them in office, get them in doing whatever it is they're campaigning for, and their heads are turned.

I'm glad you brought this up, because I forgot to say it. I'm really looking for peoples opinions. The opinion is obviously couched in your own personal priorities, wants and needs. I personally don't think there is a right or wrong answer. For example, DF is a climate denier, I am not. Obviously our opinions on the matter will skew how we view the president.

I guess I'm just wondering how people are feeling.


Apr 22, 2004
Hard to say because everything he tried to pass was met with a big fat NO, whether it was a good or bad idea/policy.


Aug 12, 2005
blackprophet|1452200313|3972287 said:
packrat|1452195220|3972253 said:
In the end, I don't know that it really matters..success to some is a failure to others and what some see as things he is lacking, or failing on or whatever, others see as things that he has excelled at. What some view should be the things focused on during a presidency are things others don't. We're all imperfect...and boy howdy, you add politician on top of that..Politicians are no different to the stereotypical "used car salesman" type, in my eyes. I really don't know that they are capable of NOT talking out of both sides of their mouths, making promises they can't keep etc. I have no hopes for any of them, ever. Doesn't seem to matter how good they look initially, get them in office, get them in doing whatever it is they're campaigning for, and their heads are turned.

I'm glad you brought this up, because I forgot to say it. I'm really looking for peoples opinions. The opinion is obviously couched in your own personal priorities, wants and needs. I personally don't think there is a right or wrong answer. For example, DF is a climate denier, I am not. Obviously our opinions on the matter will skew how we view the president.

I guess I'm just wondering how people are feeling.

Blackprophet, I feel sad and disappointed, honestly. On one hand I am proud that Americans have come so far since the Civil Rights movement began to elect a President of color, but on the other hand this country has seen so many racial atrocities occur in the past few years that it seems like we took one step forward and about 50 steps back. And, I was so so so excited back in '08 when this idea of hope and change was in the air and then everything just turned into the same old political bullshit it always does. The current outlook seems pretty dismal as well. I feel like there are no great, new potential nominees on any side who could really lead this country and enact positive change. And not having ever had a female president in this country is, in my opinion, a huge sign that this country is still WAY behind the times. I shouldn't get started on that, though. It is freaking laughable and I don't mean in a funny haha way.


Mar 2, 2013
Chrono|1452200408|3972288 said:
Hard to say because everything he tried to pass was met with a big fat NO, whether it was a good or bad idea/policy.

And the same can be said for what Congress tried to do, but was met with resounding veto threats before they could finalize a thing, or flat out refusal to bring bills to the floor of the Senate when led by Reid.

My position is - Obama/dems had a golden ticket to pass whatever legislation he/they wanted his first two years with dem controlled house & senate (gun control included), and he/they didn't, except the ACA (which is NOT affordable nor saving me $2500/year). He waited to make gun control a partisan issue to blame Republicans for inaction so he could whip out his trusty pen collection instead and go the EO route.

Regardless of party, I do not feel our country is better off (domestically or internationally) than it was when he took office, and I think we will see more/worse pain as a result of his policies long after he leaves office. And I certainly don't feel any safer - in my community nor as a nation as a whole.

One of my greatest hopes was to see the racial divide in our country finally heal with a black president, and I feel he set race relations back 50 years with his divisiveness. And his behavior and actions toward law enforcement has such crippling effects in communities that will take a long time to overcome.

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.


For my family he has been a disaster. Our health care has gone up 100% this year - we are paying in excess of $25,000 per year for medical coverage for our family of four. This is out of pocket, after taxes. We are self employed, small business owners and employ about 30 employees. We continue to provide health coverage for our employees which has also become a huge expense. Luckily we are well established and in a very profitable business. The term "affordable health care" is a joke in my opinion.


Jun 8, 2008
I am disappointed in the Obama presidency. Many of us had high hopes that were not even close to being realized.

Many people's health care expenses went up quite a bit and IMO the quality of health care went down (because doctors must see more patients to make less money).

I feel our country is less safe today than it was before he took the presidency. From a foreign policy point of view we are seen as (and are) weak. He hurt our relationship with Israel. Obama's ideologue views were/are unrealistic and a bit naive.

The economy has only been limping along because business does not have confidence in the administration.

Quality of life issues also have been hurt but I won't go into that here because that is a combination of influences including local politicians which have led to dirtier subways, less safe subways and streets, less police around/less police presence in general, more petty crimes which leads to bigger crime etc. and just a whole less nice experience than the 90's and much of the 2000s.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.[/quote]

:-o ...don't say that!. there are too many liberals here.. :wink2:


Mar 3, 2013
I agree with pretty much all of what missy posted. Healthcare is is a mess - worse than it was before - as is our national security. A lack of strategy/coherent planning and failed programs (like the one to train moderate Syrian rebel forces to the tune of 500 million dollars...) illustrate his lack of ability to effectively deal with the issues in the Middle East.
Having said that, the political system is more broken than any one person (Obama), so I wouldn't say that the blame rests entirely on his shoulders....and that comes from somebody (me) who doesn't even like the guy.... ;-)

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004

I'm glad you brought this up, because I forgot to say it. I'm really looking for peoples opinions. The opinion is obviously couched in your own personal priorities, wants and needs. I personally don't think there is a right or wrong answer. For example, DF is a climate denier, I am not. Obviously our opinions on the matter will skew how we view the president.

I guess I'm just wondering how people are feeling.[/quote]

B/c I don't believe human beings can change the course of Mother nature.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Queenie60|1452202942|3972313 said:
For my family he has been a disaster. Our health care has gone up 100% this year - we are paying in excess of $25,000 per year for medical coverage for our family of four. This is out of pocket, after taxes. We are self employed, small business owners and employ about 30 employees. We continue to provide health coverage for our employees which has also become a huge expense. Luckily we are well established and in a very profitable business. The term "affordable health care" is a joke in my opinion.
Small businesses is the backbone of our economy. His health care policy is killing the economy.

This Admin cover up the Benghazi attack so that he will have a better chance of being re-elected.


Dec 12, 2008
If we give specifics..what I am happy about is that homosexuality is..or it seems to be? less of a..I don't know what the word is I'm looking's less.."scary" to people? That I feel like..say back when I was little, it was like THE worst thing ever to call someone gay or say oooo she likes girls-it was derogatory and you'd get pissed if someone said that. Now, I feel like, no you shouldn't say those things, but it's more shrugged off like, so what? There are obviously people who still can't get it in their heads/hearts that sexuality of someone else isn't/shouldn't be something to be frightened of, but I feel there are fewer people like that. Now, I can't say specifically that's Obama, but I like the opening of people's minds in that manner.

I believe he did some good things against animal abuse. And that's probably something that falls into the category of "other people's views", you know? Some people really don't care about animals, or they feel that people are more important and that the POTUS should concentrate on the people rather than animals. I do not place animals onto a pedestal, much as I adore my kitties and the tears I've cried over animal stories notwithstanding, however, I do not feel humans should have free reign, and I believe animal abuse speaks to the core of the person, their character.

Illegal not hold the popular opinion here on that matter. I'm sick of the "melting pot" argument and the "well we're all here illegally" argument. I'm sick to death of being expected to change everything for other people, and being expected to accommodate other people who flat out refuse to adapt one iota to our country. If we're a big melting pot then that means YOU have to melt TOO. I'm already here, I've already melted, and I shouldn't have to melt to YOU. So, no, amnesty to those who came here illegally? No.

Cops. That man did more to turn the average citizen against LE than anyone could ever imagine. I'm sick of hearing how horrible they are and they're out to kill black people and they don't need the equipment they use for certain things. Especially from people who don't do the job, or wouldn't do the job, couldn't do the job, don't know what the job entails, and basically all around don't have a clue. I think that above everything makes me the angriest. I live this life. My husband lives this life. My kids live this life.----and people don't believe US when we say what goes on in this profession--but they'll believe someone who has not spent one second in the profession. And when you hear someone lie, and someone do everything possible to incite the population like that, to encourage other public people that will do the same exact things...that, to me, is reprehensible, and that speaks to the core of his person and his character.

I don't care what race, color, creed, nationality, sexual orientation or whatever else we use to define and separate each other-I don't care who you are--an ******* is an *******.

Guns. There are things that could be done, things that could be talked about, and they aren't, and they won't be, and that pisses me off. I do feel that certain instances are used to increase support for things that politicians are aiming for. I do believe that 25 kids (random numbers, all) killed in a school shooting twist people's hearts more than 100 kids randomly killed during gang violence. And I do believe that the 100 kids randomly killed during gang violence are being ignored b/c in the grand scheme of things, it's easier to go after the single perpetrator of the 25 and where that weapon came from, rather than the multiple perpetrators of the 100. I watch things on TV, interviews w/people who deal drugs, they deal guns, they deal in criminal activity full stop, and those people *laugh* at what they do. They laugh b/c they're making hand over fist, they laugh b/c nobody will come after them, b/c nobody can do anything to them, b/c nobody *will* do anything to them, and they laugh b/c people's attention is constantly being turned away from them, allowing them by default to continue to do the things they do. And then all these things are held up in front of that damn monkey on The Lion King holding Simba up for viewing, held up to us like these things are our Savior. They are our Jesus Christ on a piece of paper. Ohhh this ONE thing is going to be our saving grace, it's going to make all the bad gunky go away--and when those of us in the know, who live it, say um..let's talk about this, let's look at this, let's figure this out, this isn't going to work and this is why, we're completely lambasted and treated like *we're* the ones who are committing these atrocities. And it starts at the top. It all starts at the top.

And now, b/c of those things, I feel like our country is going to have a backlash, and that scares me. I feel like people who have been trucking along tra la la la la skipping thru the middle of every issue..sometimes more to the left, sometimes more to the right but pretty much staying the course in the middle, those of us who are more willing to compromise on issues, are now going to be pushed one way or the other more toward a specific side, either side, b/c we're so fed up. And extremes are never the answer, they're never going to get us anywhere-either extreme, either side, is not going to work. But some of us feel like we're backed into a corner.

And again, I feel that all starts at the top. Rather than taking the high road and being the model for everyone, setting the example, instead of saying "hey, it's not ok, it's not right, but I don't hold an entire profession to the flame for the action of one, or blame an entire population who partake in a specific culture b/c of certain actions, let's get to the bottom of this so we all feel safe", I feel he chose to purposely divide us even more. He chose to say "X did this and X is bad, X is after all of us" I don't know that there is coming back from division like that. There isn't in my head or my heart. There isn't in JD's head or his heart.


Dancing Fire|1452210484|3972355 said:
Queenie60|1452202942|3972313 said:
For my family he has been a disaster. Our health care has gone up 100% this year - we are paying in excess of $25,000 per year for medical coverage for our family of four. This is out of pocket, after taxes. We are self employed, small business owners and employ about 30 employees. We continue to provide health coverage for our employees which has also become a huge expense. Luckily we are well established and in a very profitable business. The term "affordable health care" is a joke in my opinion.
Small businesses is the backbone of our economy. His health care policy is killing the economy.

This Admin cover up the Benghazi attack so that he will have a better chance of being re-elected.

Agreed DF - On another note, we pay for our own health care which is costing us much more for much less. At this point, we consider our health care to be catastrophic, we will have it in the event one of us has a disease or gets into a serious medical situation. Makes me ill to even think about it. And taxes, taxes, taxes........ I can go on and on. Rob from Peter to help pay for Paul who wants to sit on his a$$$$ and not do a thing. And the cover up and lies........ :angryfire: And do I feel safe? - absolutely not. I'm so concerned about the future of my children and hope that they can prosper.


Mar 2, 2013
Dancing Fire|1452209610|3972352 said:

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.

:-o ...don't say that!. there are too many liberals here.. :wink2:[/quote]

Nu uhh! For realZ? :-o

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Queenie60|1452211915|3972362 said:
Dancing Fire|1452210484|3972355 said:
Queenie60|1452202942|3972313 said:
For my family he has been a disaster. Our health care has gone up 100% this year - we are paying in excess of $25,000 per year for medical coverage for our family of four. This is out of pocket, after taxes. We are self employed, small business owners and employ about 30 employees. We continue to provide health coverage for our employees which has also become a huge expense. Luckily we are well established and in a very profitable business. The term "affordable health care" is a joke in my opinion.
Small businesses is the backbone of our economy. His health care policy is killing the economy.

This Admin cover up the Benghazi attack so that he will have a better chance of being re-elected.

Agreed DF - On another note, we pay for our own health care which is costing us much more for much less. At this point, we consider our health care to be catastrophic, we will have it in the event one of us has a disease or gets into a serious medical situation. Makes me ill to even think about it. And taxes, taxes, taxes........ I can go on and on. Rob from Peter to help pay for Paul who wants to sit on his a$$$$ and not do a thing. And the cover up and lies........ :angryfire: And do I feel safe? - absolutely not. I'm so concerned about the future of my children and hope that they can prosper.
Why work when I have $$$ coming in every month? There are more welfare recipients under this Admin than ever in history.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
JoCoJenn|1452212064|3972366 said:
Dancing Fire|1452209610|3972352 said:

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.

:-o ...don't say that!. there are too many liberals here.. :wink2:

Nu uhh! For realZ? :-o[/quote]
77% of PSers are liberals... :bigsmile:


Jan 30, 2008
Dancing Fire|1452213522|3972375 said:
Queenie60|1452211915|3972362 said:
Dancing Fire|1452210484|3972355 said:
Queenie60|1452202942|3972313 said:
For my family he has been a disaster. Our health care has gone up 100% this year - we are paying in excess of $25,000 per year for medical coverage for our family of four. This is out of pocket, after taxes. We are self employed, small business owners and employ about 30 employees. We continue to provide health coverage for our employees which has also become a huge expense. Luckily we are well established and in a very profitable business. The term "affordable health care" is a joke in my opinion.
Small businesses is the backbone of our economy. His health care policy is killing the economy.

This Admin cover up the Benghazi attack so that he will have a better chance of being re-elected.

Agreed DF - On another note, we pay for our own health care which is costing us much more for much less. At this point, we consider our health care to be catastrophic, we will have it in the event one of us has a disease or gets into a serious medical situation. Makes me ill to even think about it. And taxes, taxes, taxes........ I can go on and on. Rob from Peter to help pay for Paul who wants to sit on his a$$$$ and not do a thing. And the cover up and lies........ :angryfire: And do I feel safe? - absolutely not. I'm so concerned about the future of my children and hope that they can prosper.
Why work when I have $$$ coming in every month? There are more welfare recipients under this Admin than ever in history.

Don't forget those damn cripples!! They drain the system too. Fakers, all of them.


Dancing Fire|1452213771|3972377 said:
JoCoJenn|1452212064|3972366 said:
Dancing Fire|1452209610|3972352 said:

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.

:-o ...don't say that!. there are too many liberals here.. :wink2:

Nu uhh! For realZ? :-o
77% of PSers are liberals... :bigsmile:[/quote]

I'm part of the 23% !!!! How do you know this? Just curious.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Queenie60|1452213909|3972379 said:
Dancing Fire|1452213771|3972377 said:
JoCoJenn|1452212064|3972366 said:
Dancing Fire|1452209610|3972352 said:

So, he gets a big fat F in my book.

:-o ...don't say that!. there are too many liberals here.. :wink2:

Nu uhh! For realZ? :-o
77% of PSers are liberals... :bigsmile:

I'm part of the 23% !!!! How do you know this? Just curious.[/quote]

Now that makes 10 of ya!... :lol: If we do a survey the result will be 77% vs 23%... ;))


Mar 13, 2013
JoCoJenn|1452202619|3972308 said:
One of my greatest hopes was to see the racial divide in our country finally heal with a black president, and I feel he set race relations back 50 years with his divisiveness. And his behavior and actions toward law enforcement has such crippling effects in communities that will take a long time to overcome.

packrat said:
And again, I feel that all starts at the top. Rather than taking the high road and being the model for everyone, setting the example, instead of saying "hey, it's not ok, it's not right, but I don't hold an entire profession to the flame for the action of one, or blame an entire population who partake in a specific culture b/c of certain actions, let's get to the bottom of this so we all feel safe", I feel he chose to purposely divide us even more. He chose to say "X did this and X is bad, X is after all of us" I don't know that there is coming back from division like that. There isn't in my head or my heart. There isn't in JD's head or his heart.

This is an interesting perspective to me, because I have never heard it before. Care to expand on this with specific examples or references?


Jun 8, 2008
missy|1452205669|3972331 said:
I am disappointed in the Obama presidency. Many of us had high hopes that were not even close to being realized.

Many people's health care expenses went up quite a bit and IMO the quality of health care went down (because doctors must see more patients to make less money).

I feel our country is less safe today than it was before he took the presidency. From a foreign policy point of view we are seen as (and are) weak. He hurt our relationship with Israel. Obama's ideologue views were/are unrealistic and a bit naive.

The economy has only been limping along because business does not have confidence in the administration.

Quality of life issues also have been hurt but I won't go into that here because that is a combination of influences including local politicians which have led to dirtier subways, less safe subways and streets, less police around/less police presence in general, more petty crimes which leads to bigger crime etc. and just a whole less nice experience than the 90's and much of the 2000s.

momhappy said:
I agree with pretty much all of what missy posted. Healthcare is is a mess - worse than it was before - as is our national security. A lack of strategy/coherent planning and failed programs (like the one to train moderate Syrian rebel forces to the tune of 500 million dollars...) illustrate his lack of ability to effectively deal with the issues in the Middle East.
Having said that, the political system is more broken than any one person (Obama), so I wouldn't say that the blame rests entirely on his shoulders....and that comes from somebody (me) who doesn't even like the guy.... ;-)

Momhappy, read my post. I never said the entire blame is Obama's now did I? The question posed by BlackProphet is what are our thoughts about the Obama presidency. My thoughts are we are worse off now than before Obama took office. The weakening of our national security concerns me greatly and as a country we are hurting in many ways that we were not before he took office. I am not saying it is 100% his fault but he has hurt us in many ways and I am unhappy with how he did his job. As President he had to learn to work with others who do not share his (too idealistic IMO) views and he didn't do a great job with that either. All I hear are excuses. OK great. What does the boss say when a project fails? A good boss takes responsibility as it is his responsibility to make it work yanno?
Anyway just sharing *my* thoughts. I like him as a person and think he meant well but he was not ready for the job he took IMO.


Mar 3, 2013
missy|1452258918|3972585 said:
missy|1452205669|3972331 said:
I am disappointed in the Obama presidency. Many of us had high hopes that were not even close to being realized.

Many people's health care expenses went up quite a bit and IMO the quality of health care went down (because doctors must see more patients to make less money).

I feel our country is less safe today than it was before he took the presidency. From a foreign policy point of view we are seen as (and are) weak. He hurt our relationship with Israel. Obama's ideologue views were/are unrealistic and a bit naive.

The economy has only been limping along because business does not have confidence in the administration.

Quality of life issues also have been hurt but I won't go into that here because that is a combination of influences including local politicians which have led to dirtier subways, less safe subways and streets, less police around/less police presence in general, more petty crimes which leads to bigger crime etc. and just a whole less nice experience than the 90's and much of the 2000s.

momhappy said:
I agree with pretty much all of what missy posted. Healthcare is is a mess - worse than it was before - as is our national security. A lack of strategy/coherent planning and failed programs (like the one to train moderate Syrian rebel forces to the tune of 500 million dollars...) illustrate his lack of ability to effectively deal with the issues in the Middle East.
Having said that, the political system is more broken than any one person (Obama), so I wouldn't say that the blame rests entirely on his shoulders....and that comes from somebody (me) who doesn't even like the guy.... ;-)

Momhappy, read my post. I never said the entire blame is Obama's now did I? The question posed by BlackProphet is what are our thoughts about the Obama presidency. My thoughts are we are worse off now than before Obama took office. The weakening of our national security concerns me greatly and as a country we are hurting in many ways that we were not before he took office. I am not saying it is 100% his fault but he has hurt us in many ways and I am unhappy with how he did his job. As President he had to learn to work with others who do not share his (too idealistic IMO) views and he didn't do a great job with that either. All I hear are excuses. OK great. What does the boss say when a project fails? A good boss takes responsibility as it is his responsibility to make it work yanno?
Anyway just sharing *my* thoughts. I like him as a person and think he meant well but he was not ready for the job he took IMO.

I never said you said the entire blame falls on Obama, so I don't know where you got that? I said that I agreed with much of your post (about how we're worse off), but the part about blame had nothing to do with your post - it was my thoughts. Sorry for the confusion.


Jun 8, 2008
momhappy|1452259287|3972591 said:
missy|1452258918|3972585 said:
missy|1452205669|3972331 said:
I am disappointed in the Obama presidency. Many of us had high hopes that were not even close to being realized.

Many people's health care expenses went up quite a bit and IMO the quality of health care went down (because doctors must see more patients to make less money).

I feel our country is less safe today than it was before he took the presidency. From a foreign policy point of view we are seen as (and are) weak. He hurt our relationship with Israel. Obama's ideologue views were/are unrealistic and a bit naive.

The economy has only been limping along because business does not have confidence in the administration.

Quality of life issues also have been hurt but I won't go into that here because that is a combination of influences including local politicians which have led to dirtier subways, less safe subways and streets, less police around/less police presence in general, more petty crimes which leads to bigger crime etc. and just a whole less nice experience than the 90's and much of the 2000s.

momhappy said:
I agree with pretty much all of what missy posted. Healthcare is is a mess - worse than it was before - as is our national security. A lack of strategy/coherent planning and failed programs (like the one to train moderate Syrian rebel forces to the tune of 500 million dollars...) illustrate his lack of ability to effectively deal with the issues in the Middle East.
Having said that, the political system is more broken than any one person (Obama), so I wouldn't say that the blame rests entirely on his shoulders....and that comes from somebody (me) who doesn't even like the guy.... ;-)

Momhappy, read my post. I never said the entire blame is Obama's now did I? The question posed by BlackProphet is what are our thoughts about the Obama presidency. My thoughts are we are worse off now than before Obama took office. The weakening of our national security concerns me greatly and as a country we are hurting in many ways that we were not before he took office. I am not saying it is 100% his fault but he has hurt us in many ways and I am unhappy with how he did his job. As President he had to learn to work with others who do not share his (too idealistic IMO) views and he didn't do a great job with that either. All I hear are excuses. OK great. What does the boss say when a project fails? A good boss takes responsibility as it is his responsibility to make it work yanno?
Anyway just sharing *my* thoughts. I like him as a person and think he meant well but he was not ready for the job he took IMO.

I never said you said the entire blame falls on Obama, so I don't know where you got that? I said that I agreed with much of your post (about how we're worse off), but the part about blame had nothing to do with your post - it was my thoughts. Sorry for the confusion.

No no LOL mom happy you wrote to me originally that " I wouldn't say that the blame rests entirely on his shoulders....and that comes from somebody (me) who doesn't even like the guy" and I took that to mean you felt I wrote it did. I was just clarifying I did not write that. Ultimately however I feel he has to take responsibility instead of making excuses. He didn't even try to compromise on everything he wanted to accomplish. IMO and as I see it. He didn't do a good job. IMO. I am disappointed in his presidency to answer BlackProphet's question and these are the reasons why.


Mar 3, 2013
^Gotcha! =)


Dec 6, 2014
From an outside, foreigner's perspective he is the pick out of the last 3 presidents that the US has had. Bush was a bumbling buffoon that everyone was completely ashamed of it seemed and made some terrible decisions (the Iraq invasion being possibly the biggest IMO), then there was the whole Clinton/Lewinski thing before that which made Clinton look absolutely terrible - that was about as much as you could ever have your dirty laundry aired.

I can't say that I have followed Obama's work as far as what policies he has tried to introduce and what has been successful etc, I barely even do that in my own country. But as far as an outsider looking in he has the best reputation internationally as far as integrity.

I guess the question I am answering here is 'Who destroyed their reputation the least? :roll:
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