
Introduce yourself!

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Aug 20, 2004
Post your bio here so for those of us with bad memories will have a reference point!

Me: Rebekkah, 22
Him: Kyle, 22
Location: Mesa, AZ
Started dating: September 7th, 2003
How you met: Yahoo! Personals

Expected engagement date: "soon"

Anything else you want to add?: THANK YOU leonid for our shiny new forum!!

Me: 26
Him: 34
Location: MA
Started dating: June 3rd, 2003
How you met: through his sister (we first saw each other in a hotel lobby)
Expected engagement date: I wish, I wish... soon?!?

Anything else?: saw each other for the first time December 14th, 2002 (I liked him a lot already)
still rejected him twice for dinner... I wasn't ready... I wasn't looking
finally 1st dinner date on June 3rd, 2003 (he waited 6 months for me
no kiss just a big long hug... but we decided this should be our anniv date...
almost half year later... long distance relationship for 10 months (me: UK & him: US)
saw each other every 2nd month wasn't fun at all

Leonid thank you for making one of our wishes come true
Me: Lauren, 29, Business Development for a software company (test automation)
Him: Weston, 26, Digital Artist and Entrepreneur
Location: Plano, TX
Started dating: June 1st, 2002
How you met: Our local VW message board . . . I was looking for a roommate for my house.
Expected engagement date: Perhaps May/June when we go to Jamaica or August 2005 in Lake Tahoe.
**update Jan 2005** I nailed him down to a timeframe for engagement. He said soon - I asked him not to say soon because boy-soon and girl-soon are 2 completely different things. So when I explained what girl-soon was in my mind (3-6 months) and he gave me a timeframe of (6-18 months). So, now that that's out of my head, I can just enjoy . . . being . . .

**update again May 2005** So, when we talked in January, he gave me a timeframe of 6-18 months. Let the official waiting begin on our 3rd anniversary!

Thank you, Leonid for giving us our own forum!


Engaged - 12th February 2006
Married - 9th March 2006

Me: Melissa, 23

Him: Jeff, 22

Location: Buffalo, NY Ewwwww

Started dating: December 30th, 2001

How you met: Worked together in 1999 and 2000

Engagement date: October 20th

Wedding Date: May 27th, 2006

Anything else you want to add?: I am going to post my whole story sooon. I promise. I tried posting it this morning.. but pricescope hates me and didn''t post my message and then deleted everything I typed!
me: Honeynut, 27, from Montreal, Canada
Him: Karde, 26, from Redondo Beach, California
Met on on Nov 29th 2000, met in person May 18th 2001, moved in together Christmas day 2001 in Montreal, got engaged January 14th 2005!

Me: K, 26
Him: D, 32
Location: me: Canada, him: South Korea (Army separation)
Started dating: January 1997
How you met: Bar
Anything else you want to add?: Been married for 5 years. I love to follow your stories ladies!!!!
Me: Carin, 23, medical student
Him: Scott, 24, err computer/management.. stuff
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Started dating: October 24, 2003
How you met: at the party of a mutual friend. i was quite drunk, and played against bf and his friend in a friendly game of beer pong. i hit the last cup, and won!!! then proceeded forwardly in my intoxicated state and went to talk to him. apparently he had been watching me all night, but thought that i was 16!!
Expected engagement date: probably sometime this summer-ish, or winter???? he''s got some serious money saving to do first to make me happy

Anything else you want to add?: i looove our new forum! i think it''s going to be so much easier to keep up with everyone. thanks leonid!!

Me: Amanda, 23, news producer

Him: John, 26, Project Mgr. for a local office interiors firm

Central Arkansas

Started dating
: April 19, 2001

How you met: Through former friends & we went to college together..

Expected engagement date:
I have no idea. I hope soon...but I never know! :)

Anything else you want to add?:
I am so glad that I found this site! Yall are so much fun! I wish I could post more often!
Thanks for the new forum leonid!!!
YIPPEEE!!! I am so excited about our own forum, I think that I posted more tonight than I have during my stay on the list!
ok, anyhow here are a few details and hopefully a pic.
Me - Wendy 36 (Until Jan 19th)
Him - Steve 50
Location - Me/Wisconsin, Him/Florida
Engagement date - December 29, 2004
Wedding date - February 17, 2007
How we met - On line through a mutual friend

Me: 25
Him: 27
Location: Houston, Texas (but he travels to S. America a lot)
started dating: 1st date December 3, 2003
How you met: his sister(a friend from college) was home for Thanksgiving and introduced us (secret set up) on November 29, 2003
expected engagement date: March-June 2005...I won't wait any longer than that!
anything else: tentative wedding date 1st quarter 2006. I love his green eyes!!! And I love pave too!
Me = Alison, 22
Him = Phil, 22
Current Locations = I''m in Chicago, he''s in Washington, D.C. He will move here May 2005 after he finishes his masters (private school in CHicago vs. instate in VA makes the decision quite obvious, unfortunately)...until then, lots of phone calls and I''ll keep racking up my frequent flier miles

Started Dating = November 9, 2001
How We Met = Our soph. year at college, through some mutual friends.
Expected Engagement Date = Well, we know we''re going to get engaged, he''d do it with in the year, my requirement is that he move to Chicago and get to know my family better...So as much as I hate to admit it, we''ve still got a while
Anything else? = We met 2 months before I left to study in Italy, and totally didn''t think we''d stay together, but we did! And we''ve made it through a lot, and we''re pro''s, unfortunately, at long distance. Sometimes good things are worth the wait.

Oh this is exciting

Me: Kim, 28 college student again, recep. in docs office
Him: Ryan, 26 MBA student, AM for networking co.
Locale: Massachusetts, by way of NY, by way of NC, by way of Chi-town
Started dating: September 27, 2001
How we met: Lived in same apartment complex. Saw each other out a few times, he came up to me, we talked, during our convo, found out he would be transferred with his company from NC to NY soon and didn''t see him again for 2 months. Saw him again out one night, we chatted walking to the restroom, came out and lost him again! This was right after 9/11 and I said what the heck, I knew he was leaving, life''s too short to say, I shoulda, coulda, woulda, so I left him a note with my number on his car when I got home stating I would love to hang out before he left, and if not, I would see him around. Three days later he called and we''ve been together ever since. He''s my babe and I love him. We''ve had fun moving around the east coast the last few years (believe it or not), this is the time to do it. He bought a place here in Mass., so the ring was put on hold...I told him a house is an investment and the ring can definitely wait!! But, hopefully this year will be the year
ETA: 1/19/06: just updating some details

: Amanda, 31, Actor
Him: Bud, 32, Hotel Mgmt.
Location: San Diego area (we've been back and forth between SD, NY, and LA over the last near-decade)
Started dating: October 25, 1996
How you met: We were sitting next to each other on a crowded MARTA train at 2 AM after the Olympic Closing ceremonies. Started talking....had both just graduated from college 1.5 hours apart and actually had some mutual acquaintences. He walked me to my car and I gave him a ride back to his dorm (where the press was staying--he was w/ NBC then) exchange of numbers, nothing. He called my college's alumni office to get my address and sent me his card.....we exchanged letters for 3 months (this is pre e-mail for most!) and after a 7 hour phone call he came to visit me and the rest is history

Expected engagement date: Soon (girl soon, not boy soon) I hope! GOD ONLY KNOWS.
Anything else you want to add?: THANKS to LEONID and GOLDENGIRL!!!! I
the LIW list!

Me: Sarah 27

Him: D, 37

Location: Sunny Southern California

Started dating: April 2001

How you met: Through a mutual friend.

Expected engagement date: is 2005 too broad an answer?

Anything else you want to add?: i was wondering where the heck LIW went!
Date: 1/17/2005 1:21:31 AM
Author: blueroses
Me: Amanda, 30, Actor (dayjob marketing/admin)

Him: Bud, 31, Hotel Mgmt.

Location: One more week of long distance (bye-bye NYC
) and then San Diego for us both

Started dating: October 25, 1996

How you met: We were sitting next to each other on a crowded MARTA train at 2 AM after the Olympic Closing ceremonies. Started talking....had both just graduated from college 1.5 hours apart and actually had some mutual acquaintences. He walked me to my car and I gave him a ride back to his dorm (where the press was staying--he was w/ NBC then) exchange of numbers, nothing. He called my college''s alumni office to get my address and sent me his card.....we exchanged letters for 3 months (this is pre e-mail for most!) and after a 7 hour phone call he came to visit me and the rest is history

Expected engagement date: Soon (girl soon, not boy soon) I hope! By the Spring?? I think before his 32nd b-day?

Anything else you want to add?: THANKS to LEONID and GOLDENGIRL!!!! I
the LIW list!

Ha-ha, hee-hee. "Girl soon, not boy soon". Dang funny.

Ladies, I''m a married gal, I love reading your stories. Here''s to all of you LIWs!!!
me: Jen, 34
him: Tom, 31
location: SF bay area
started dating: 10/31/02
how we met:!

expected engagement.....who knows, but hopefully not too long as we are midway in the ring buying process from Whiteflash!

I''ll be back the midst of moving and needed a break!
Me: 23
Him: 24
Started dating: Sept 2003
Met: 10 years ago!
we''ve been friends forever...

How we met: He dated my best friend friend and I dated his, we stayed friends over the years until one day we got very very drunk and ummm
well, the next morning we were a couple. Man I need to think up a new story to tell the grandkids one day! * blush

Expected engagement: HA, can never tell with this guy could be in a month, could be in 2 years. But he was talking about wedding plans this weekend so ... maybe
We live together and have 2 beatiful babies... a tabby and a ginger

Anything else to add: I really wish I had more time to post here, but my boss has the eyes of an eagle. I do read everything though! Thank you leanid for the lovely new playground you gave us!
Me: Lovey, 33, Marketing/Textile & Surface Designer
Him: Keith, 36, Advertising
Location: NYC
Started dating: March 1994
How you met: On the dance floor of a bar. We met as "friends"...but that only lasted about 3 weeks.

Expected engagement date: this month!!! (jan 05)

Anything else you want to add?: Ladies, thank you for keeping me sane. You are all fabulous!!!
Me: Bree, 27, GIS software developer
Him: Justin, 27, MRI physicist/programmer
Location: Boston, MA
Started dating: July 4th, 2003
How you met: We both play soccer and had mutual friends through soccer, so we hung out a few times at social events and at soccer games. We really clicked, but he had a girlfriend at the time. Then almost a year later we went to a July 4th bash together, he monkey dumped me in the pool several times and that was the end of singledom. I''ve never been so sure of anything.
Expected engagement date: soon, he''s got the ring pieces, it needs to be set, and then it better not be too long! Maybe only a couple of weeks.
Anything else you want to add?: Thank you LIW for all of your considerate, thoughtful advice, and willingness to share your own troubles - you have saved my sanity. Oh, and GO PATS!!! Brady is so dreamy.

I will post a 2 of us pic later, I don''t have a decent one of us together here at work. Me & my best bud on the left, J on the right.

This is great! Maybe I can keep track now!
ME A, 36 (yikes!)
HIM G, 30
STARTED DATING around Christmas time 2001---but it''s hard to remember when because we were just friends for the longest time until one (drunken) night. In Vino Veritas!
HOW WE MET Playing Ultimate Frisbee during and Atlanta Summer League.
ANYTHING ELSE? This sweet guy considered himself a "cat-person" until he moved in with me and my two great danes! Now I catch him cuddling with them all the time.

Hah! Your very own forum. What a great idea! I follow your thread periodically.

F&I - 45 married to the same man for over 20 years. Met on a blind date. He forgot my name. Had to ask his friend my name - just when the bar got extremely quiet. Forgot my name ( in the most huffy of tones) - F&I was used to MUCH MORE attention. He got mine. Engaged in less than 6 months after proclaiming that he wasn''t going to get married until he was 30. We had a long engagement while he finished Grad School.

I''ll have to check in here every once in a while.
Me: Sarah, 19

Martin, 18 (19 in 2 months!)

Hampshire, UK

Started dating:
May 18th, 2002

How you met: School! Only got together once we''d left though! ( the day after the ball!)

Expected engagement date: It''s not expected. His brother was with his girlfriend 5 years before he proposed (Christmas 2004) and that was only after she put in some hard work, so I''m not expecting anything.

Anything else you want to add?:
I''ve spent the afternoon reading the forums and thought it only polite to introduce myself... I''m in my first year at Uni and my boyfriend and I are planning on moving in as soon as possible once I''ve graduated - can''t wait to graduate!
Yay!!! Our very own forum!!! Thanks so much Leonid!!! You''re the BEST!!!

Me: JC, 23 TODAY!!!
Him: JD, 25
Location: Nebraska
Started dating: September 27th, 1997
How you met: We both hung out with the same group of friends in H.S. but hadn''t actually met each other until a mutual friend''s 16th b-day party - we were bowling partners. Then a week later, our marching band went to Disney World, we carted around the parks in a big group, I got to know him better, developed a HUGE crush (I was 14/15 - my b-day occurred over the trip). A month later my best friend secretly told him I liked him, I told him I liked him, and it still took him until September to ask me out!! First date was the Homecoming dance my junior year, his senior year. Next year he was in college in our hometown, year after that I went to college in Illinois, we were long-distance for those 4 years, and it turned out that the U in town was the best place for me to go to grad school - PhD in biology. So, we''ve been together for 7+ years, now engaged, getting married this summer! Yay!!! OH! I joined LIW back in September 2004, and I''m so glad I did!!
Engagement date #1 (proposal, no ring): November 19, 2004
Engagement date #2 (re-proposal, ring): December 23, 2004
Wedding date: June 24, 2005
Anything else you want to add?: Even though I''m an alumnus now, I''m addicted to the LIW!! It was such a lifesaver during the waiting process! If anybody wants advice or reassurance or just someone to vent to, I''m glad to help!!

My sweetheart!!

My e-ring!! 3/8 ct, G, SI2 pear, plat setting with accent RB (prob about 1 - 3 points), 4.5 ring size.

(So nice to have alumnae still with us!)
ME: H, 27
HIM: J, 27
HOW WE MET: At a college friend''s party in Hoboken, NJ. She invited the guy she was seeing. He brought two friends. One of whom was my future bf! He lived in NYC and I lived in DC. Dated long distance for a year before we both moved to LA for two years and then back to NYC.
ENGAGEMENT DATE: Soon?!?! Ring is the night table drawing next to the bed though he doesn''t know I know. Still haven''t peeked. He also doesn''t know that I know that he asked for my parent''s blessing at X-mas telling them that it would be soon. But i still don''t know what that means!!!!!
ANYTHING ELSE? Thanks to all your ladies who have already managed to kept me same for just the few days i have been posting!
Me: 32
Him: 32 (will be 33 shortly)
Location: me: L.A. California. Him, Adelaide Australia
Started dating: wouldnt'' say "dating" per se, but it was February 2003
How you met:

We met in the Czech Republic. I had decided I was done with work for awhile and quit when I was 30 years old to grab a backpack and bum around Europe. Ah FREEDOM! Apparently, on the other side of the Pacific (Australia), a boy had the same idea and also quit his job to begin traveling when he was 30.

I had not planned to go to a little town called Cesky Krumlov (and I''m a planner!) For some reason I decided to go there. It was dark when I arrived, and a misty cold night. I had no idea where I was going, but had a flyer of a hostel I wanted to check out. I kept passing by other hostels, but for some reason, I continued on, even though I was cold and tired. When I finally found it, I found him. Handsome, with a sexy Ozzie accent, and MY AGE! (I can''t tell you how many 19 year olds, albeit very nice 19 year olds, told me, "I want to look as good as you when I get to be YOUR age." WHA????? I''m not that old!!


Whirlwind romance while in Europe isn''t supposed to last. Well, at least it''s statistically challenged. But we both went home to our corners of the globe, and decided when fate throws something your way, you go with it.

Expected engagement date: I don''t care for an engagement at this point (found this site because I wanted some information on why he SHOULDN''T be looking at Tiffany rings!). I am a LIW because we are waiting for his greencard to come through (I hope you don''t mind me posting here...I have been following your stories with interest and thought I should introduce myself on this thread.) He won the greencard in a govt lottery. No joke! When we won, we figured it was fate. So we are just waiting for the final interview, which should be this spring...and then we can live in the same hemisphere, oh joy! We don''t want to get married to bring him into the country (or vice versa)

Anything else you want to add?: You ladies all seem very beautiful and intelligent. The biggest mystery to me is why these men aren''t already BEGGING you to marry them! Good luck in 2005 ladies!

P.S. I have to say (and I know many of you ladies who are doing it would agree): Long distance sucks!!
Me: Kate, 25 - Film publicist

Him: Rob, 32 - Filmmaker

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Started dating: Thanksgiving weekend, 2001

How you met: Through mutual friends in Florida, where I was in my last year of college, and he was visiting home (he''d already relocated to LA by this point.) We were long distance for the first 6 months, and then I moved to CA when I graduated. For a couple of years we lived within walking distance of each other on the same street, and then bought a house together about a year ago. We now live together, with 2 adorable, wonderful doggies, and have been together for a little over 4 years, through thick and thin.

Expected engagement date: I''m thinking "Boy soon"... We talk about it and understand that it''s a mutual priority, and I would think within the year for sure. But, I''m trying not to put pressure on or do much of the initiation. I want it to happen when he''s really ready and I want him to initiate the whole process - I think it will be more fun that way!

Anything else you want to add?: This forum is great. Although I try not to fixate on the whole engagement thing, I think this forum has actually helped me not obsess in a weird way, because I read all of these stories about people who are in my boat, for whom the process is taking longer than they''d like for some reason, and I realize that there''s nothing wrong with us, and the process is different for everyone! There''s no "right" amt of time to have been together before a proposal, and there''s no "right" order that everything needs to happen in.

The way I look at it, I''ve had an extra year to really consider everything I want in an engagement ring and learn so much more about diamonds than I would have otherwise!


Happy birthday, JCJD!!

Me: E, 25, PhD student (biochem/cell bio)
Him: K, 28, visual fx engineer
Location: San Francisco

We can''t remember when we met, but we have about 80% overlapping friends and I lived in the same dorm as his brother in 1998. Started dating November 2001, engaged November 2004, wedding sometime in 2006 (need to buy a flat and pass my quals first
Awww!! So sweet! Thanks again blueroses, and thanks sciencegeek!!!

KBerly - we have the same dating anniversary!! How cool!

Happy Anniversary to NoonersMom today!!!!! 2 years I believe...
Me: Kathy (yea, my name isn't actually ginger
, that's just his favorite cookie
), 26 - med student
Him: Arturo, 26 - electrical engineer
Location: Houston, TX
Started dating: July 9, 1998
How you met: college - best friends for a year...then he kissed me and the rest is history

Expected engagement date: crossing fingers for marchish aprilish?
eeek!!! sorry for the big pics...couldn't find one of us together and then i tried to reduce these but wasn't so successful i

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