No unless you mean very minimal insurance that they can void for any reason, like you were one day late getting your ring inspected. REAL insurance is against damage, mysterious disappearance, theft. And it is not voided because you didn''t go to XYZ store every 6months on the dot.Date: 11/4/2006 5:08:25 PM
Author: findarock
thanks I will take your advice.
In your research did you every here about stores that try and sell you insurance and bundle that with the ring.
Thanks Stone hunter!
You must call your insurance co to get a quote. The rates are very different in different parts of the country.Date: 11/5/2006 8:45:38 PM
Author: findarock
I was wondering what you think the it would cost to get a insurance policy and whether the best idea would be to add it to my home owners?
Also, what did you mean when you talked about Jewelers Mutual for online people.