
in living color-emerald green tree boa


Dec 21, 2008
not color corrected-in the flesh-she could be testy at times-when they are young up to a year old-they are a orange color with small specks of white-at a year plus the orange turns to emerald green-they live their lives in trees & are known to be not well kept in captivity-like i said its good she never read the book about her-i think she can be considered color change but only happens once in their life under any light-she is nonpoisonus but does have long teeth & a short temper but we were buddies-she was a favorite because of her color & she liked her tummy rubbed-steve...


What a pretty color!!!!
We have had our Ball Python, Congo, for 12 years now ~ I consider her a beautiful snake too,
but certainly not as pretty a color as yours!
to os-ball pythons make good pets-loved to be handled & dont grow very big-steve...
Yes, she is very mild and nice. Shy, though.... :))
Hi Steve,

Love the boa, it is very cool!

I think I've seen some other snake threads over in the diamond hangout (it's not actually for diamonds, a lot of people check it every day for fun and unusual stuff), you might want to post it again over there, I think you might get more response. Especially from other snake/reptile owners.

I have to say, snakes usually give me the creeps, but yours is especially beautiful. :appl:
I dont mind snake rings, and the occasional snake necklace or bracelet. I have a large black and white photogram of a snake having crawled through powder made by a friend, but I dont get the warm and fuzzies from them. Your snake has a strong yellow modifier; I would say it is more like a peridot green tree boa.
ilander-i posted on the diamond web-thanks for your info-steve...
Oh, she is beautiful! The shape is perfect for showing off her colors, too, Steve. Yellow modifier, yes, but it doesn't bother me.

I love snakes. We have a lot of them here in North Carolina, even saw a coral snake (kept my distance from that fellow). I had a boyfriend with a boa named Dawg. He shared a house w/2 other guys & sometimes they'd let Dawg out of his case to slither around. Thus his name: when one of them brought home a girl who might be creeped out, he could open the door & shout, "Hey, can somebody catch Dawg?" and she wouldn't know it was a snake. I used to let Dawg wind around me. Turned down the offer to watch him eat, though.

Do you have other snakes, Steve? How old is this beauty?

--- Laurie
jewelfreak-just had the one pet-when i sold her back to the shop i bought her from she was 5 yrs & as snakes go was hand tamed & manageable & healthy-the shop enjoyed getting her back because all the hard upbringing/handleing had been done-steve...
Wow, she's beautiful! And I love your description of her personality...."long teeth, short temper"...sounds like my 4 year old daughter, lol!
Hi Steve! I'm not really a fan of snakes but her coloring is beautiful. Thanks for sharing pictures! :))