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Jul 7, 2006
How would you feel about someone imitating your ring? How should you feel about someone imitating your ring?
I'd be annoyed if it was a close friend or someone I saw everyday, especially if their intent was to do the same thing but "better" (i.e., a friend wanted to replicate my ring but was sure to mention that hers would be a full carat). That would annoy me to no end.

But someone on PS? No problem and I would be flattered. I expect it when I post my things that someone might like it and want to copy it. And I have certainly drawn inspiration from others here too.

I'm always imitating ideas for my jeans from fashion boutiques

Friends/family.....FLATTERED again, I'll take it as ME having great jewelry taste LOL
You read my mind, Harriet! I have been pondering the same question since reading the comments on the other forum.

I suppose my answer has several parts. First, I don''t think that I would want to see my setting on someone else frequently. For example, it would bother me a little if I chose something unique or designed my own and then someone in my community or circle of friends copied it. I don''t think it would drive me to drink (at least not more than my usual wine consumption) but it would be mildly irritating.

It doesn''t bother me in the least, however, to think that someone in another city might wearing my ring-especially someone I don''t know. I think I might be a bit flattered.

Of course, I am mostly into fairly traditional solitaire-type settings so there wouldn''t be that much to copy. Perhaps I would feel differently if I had and elaborate setting designed just for me.

How do you feel about the question?
The way I look at it, we have two choices..

1) never let anyone see our rings so that no one else can ever have one like it


2) get a patent on the design and then post pictures with the caveat that it is a patented design and cannot be reproduced.

Short of that, I feel that any ring posted on the internet is fair game for me to use as a design. I consider it a compliment to the one with the original ring. And for that matter, there are hardly ANY true originals around.

As a matter of fact, Harriet, my e-ring is a smaller copy of yours! And ya know, I''d copy that design in your avatar in a heartbeat if I found a stone that was worthy of the setting! And I hope you''d be very flattered, because I think you have great taste!
Date: 1/6/2009 7:24:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
I''d be annoyed if it was a close friend or someone I saw everyday, especially if their intent was to do the same thing but ''better'' (i.e., a friend wanted to replicate my ring but was sure to mention that hers would be a full carat). That would annoy me to no end.

But someone on PS? No problem and I would be flattered. I expect it when I post my things that someone might like it and want to copy it. And I have certainly drawn inspiration from others here too.

How should you feel is exactly how you do feel. Does that make sense? You know, own your feelings because you are entitled to them... To each their own...
Well, my hairdresser got an A.Jaffe setting that''s pretty close to my Scott Kay, (she described my ring to her BF and he paid attention) but with single, instead of double prongs. And I''m thrilled for her! And flattered.
Admittedly my diamond has nicer specs (he didn''t do much diamond research
) But the ring is still lovely and she''s thrilled with it and I am happy I could inspire her.

Shoot - my wedding band got added to the WF catalog and I couldn''t be more excited. Granted it''s a spinoff of a Tiffany Jazz, LOL, it''s not like I came up with the design all by my lonesome, but I still think it''s cool and am still thrilled that others are able to enjoy it.

Now my sister... my sister stole my original ering design (sapphire center with baguette sides, although she got trillions). That.... that I was not amused about. But we''ve talked about it, I forgave her and discovered well-cut diamonds and decided they weren''t so bad after all.

So... how would I feel? Flattered, for the most part.

How should I feel? I dunno.
Uh oh!! I hope YOU don''t mind because I love your rings so much if I ever get the money I''m calling Leon and telling him to make me everything Harriet has in a 5.75!!! JK
Date: 1/6/2009 7:31:46 PM
Author: swingirl
Uh oh!! I hope YOU don''t mind because I love your rings so much if I ever get the money I''m calling Leon and telling him to make me everything Harriet has in a 5.75!!! JK
LMAO - Can I order a set to go in a 6.25?
I won''t presume to know how anyone (including myself) *should* feel ... but if I discovered someone on Pricescope copied the design of my ering exactly I think I''d be:
a) shocked
b) feel a bit violated
c) consider it more
d) ultimately be flattered

FWIW a very lovely, awesome poster here did purchase a version of my original, unmodified setting after I bought mine .. but it didn''t work out for her as is either IIRC. I even offered to send my original prongs if it helped her situation out.

As others have said though, I might feel differently if it was someone I saw regularly or someone who has been competitive with me in the past. Far flung webpals ... AOK by me.
I would be flattered. I understand by posting that opens the door for anyone to copy it. I had a replica made of a posters antique Tiffany ring. Mine was very nicely done but did not look as good as the original Tiffany IMO. How many times do people come here asking how to get a Tiffany replica or a copy of some other designer''s ring for less? Is that really any different? I also think someone can have a jeweler copy a ring but in reality it still won''t look *exactly* like the ring it''s copied after just like replica''s very rarely look *exactly* like the original designer''s version.
If it were a close friend I''d be

If it were a PS''er that I''ll never meet
I would feel flattered, for the most part.

However, if it were a close friend or someone I saw often and they did it to be competitive and better than mine, I would be annoyed.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:28:06 PM
Author: 777_LDY

Date: 1/6/2009 7:24:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
I''d be annoyed if it was a close friend or someone I saw everyday, especially if their intent was to do the same thing but ''better'' (i.e., a friend wanted to replicate my ring but was sure to mention that hers would be a full carat). That would annoy me to no end.

But someone on PS? No problem and I would be flattered. I expect it when I post my things that someone might like it and want to copy it. And I have certainly drawn inspiration from others here too.

How should you feel is exactly how you do feel. Does that make sense? You know, own your feelings because you are entitled to them... To each their own...
Ditto, ditto. Well said ladies.
I'd have to say I shouldn't be bothered by imitation. Designs, for the most part, have been repeated before.

I spoke with James Meyer on the phone today, and he told me he's gotten a lot of calls about my "one of a kind" handmade ring. Some folks want to replicate it--but it won't be exactly the same, because there are discrepancies with every handmade piece.

I thought about it, and in the end, I'm flattered. Look at the Van Craeynest thread--2 posters have the same lovely set, and couldn't be happier for each other--they have fun comparing notes. I actually want that set myself--haha.

As long as it's not my own copyrighted design/work--it's fair game.
I''d be fuming - but I generally own the copyright on my designs, so I''d be after the manufacturer rather quicker than you could say lawsuit...

I have had my designs ripped off several times professionally - and despite them being designs that were for sale (nothing with sentimental value like an engagement ring) I was furious and felt pretty violated that someone else was using my designs without my permission and without payment.

It would also depend on the degree of imitation. I was inspired by the Pokey Special - however I did contact Pokey to ask if he minded my using his ring as inspiration and he gave me permission to copy it wholesale if I wanted. Ultimately I wanted a ring that was 100% unique to me and so other than the fact they are both tsavorites with diamond accents with split-shanks and double claw prongs they look very different.

ETA: Anyone thinking of copying Harriet''s rings had better have plenty of change handy - she owns the copyright to her designs as well I believe!
If someone I knew closely IRL got my ring, because they had seen it on me, it might be a little weird. If there were other weirdnesses in our relationship, I might be annoyed or pissed at that person. But someone on PS? I think that is fair, appropriate use of ps! Be inspired by others' baubles!

I guess the caveat is that my ring is currently manufactured by a jeweler in the US, and I didn't have any expectation of my ring being 100% unique or anything.

I think that if it suddenly became the most popular design ever I might be more annoyed, as I liked it partly because it wasn't what everyone had. Kind of like if you name your kid something unusual, and it suddenly becomes a top 10 name, you might be a little annoyed at the extent of the imitation.

But there is very little for a person to do besides swallow it if they are upset with such imitation.

ETA: I think Pandora brings up a somewhat different issue of when the ring-wearer is also the copyright owner. That is a separate matter, and there are legal remedies available in that case! (Maybe not the easiest remedy, but there is law available.) There are also guidelines about how much change is necessary to call it a distinct design, and the rough fact that it is very difficult to stamp out all cheap imitation/forgeries/clones, etc. One is best protected with a well-manufactured design, such that the imitations are pale and inferior...
Honestly, unless it was something I had truly "created" (i.e. designed based on my own artistic sensibilities and sketched from scratch) myself, I don''t think I''d mind at all. And even if I had created it, I''m not sure I''d mind that much even then. Since I don''t make a living (nor do I plan to) as any kind of designer, I just don''t think it would bother me...
Date: 1/6/2009 7:59:47 PM
Author: cara
If someone I knew closely IRL got my ring, because they had seen it on me, it might be a little weird. If there were other weirdnesses in our relationship, I might be annoyed or pissed at that person. But someone on PS? I think that is fair, appropriate use of ps! Be inspired by others' baubles!
I'm in a similar camp:

1. If it is someone really close to me, ie: I'd see them flaunt it in front of my face all the time, that would really tick me off. Yanno those kinds of people who copy everything you do? Yes they're annoying as all heck but not much you can do about it.
2. But posted on the internet? No worries.

There is no such thing as a truly "original" design. All design is a compilation of elements out there in nature, architecture, art, etc.

If someone copied the blueberry? Help yourself. (I believe, in fact, someone here on PS has had WF quote them the cost of doing the same ring - they posted to me here asking if it would be ok, in fact. I thought that was a class act.). Mine will always be unique to me as the sapphire is not easily replicated. And yet, my ring was "inspired" by a Leon Ruby oval cluster. We tweaked the design to make it different, but the inspiration had to come from somewhere. As I'm sure LM's was as well....

Don't ever want someone to copy your custom ring? Then don't post pics of it anywhere, especially on a diamond forum.

That being said, I understand SG's initial reaction to the posting on the other thread. But hopefully she'll come to see that no ill will was intended, no one is 'stalking' her ring, and the poster was elated at how it turned out. She was so complimentary to SG's original ring, I don't think there was any evil intent involved at all.

Where I DO take issue, however, is with the jeweller.....IMO he was out of line to provide a 'copy' without at least trying to speak to his original CLIENT first about it, or, to strongly suggest some modifications to make the 'copy' unique to the second client.

Date: 1/6/2009 7:24:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
I''d be annoyed if it was a close friend or someone I saw everyday, especially if their intent was to do the same thing but ''better'' (i.e., a friend wanted to replicate my ring but was sure to mention that hers would be a full carat). That would annoy me to no end.

But someone on PS? No problem and I would be flattered. I expect it when I post my things that someone might like it and want to copy it. And I have certainly drawn inspiration from others here too.
Ditto. NF always says what I think, LOL!!!
Date: 1/6/2009 8:10:03 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 1/6/2009 7:59:47 PM
Author: cara
If someone I knew closely IRL got my ring, because they had seen it on me, it might be a little weird. If there were other weirdnesses in our relationship, I might be annoyed or pissed at that person. But someone on PS? I think that is fair, appropriate use of ps! Be inspired by others'' baubles!
I''m in a similar camp:

1. If it is someone really close to me, ie: I''d see them flaunt it in front of my face all the time, that would really tick me off. Yanno those kinds of people who copy everything you do? Yes they''re annoying as all heck but not much you can do about it.
2. But posted on the internet? No worries.

There is no such thing as a truly ''original'' design. All design is a compilation of elements out there in nature, architecture, art, etc.

If someone copied the blueberry? Help yourself. (I believe, in fact, someone has had WF quote them the cost of doing the same ring). Mine will always be unique to me as the sapphire is not easily replicated.

Don''t ever want someone to copy your custom ring? Then don''t post pics of it anywhere, especially on a diamond forum.

That being said, I understand SG''s initial reaction to the posting on the other thread. But hopefully she''ll come to see that no ill will was intended, no one is ''stalking'' her ring, and the poster was elated at how it turned out. She was so complimentary to SG''s original ring, I don''t think there was any evil intent involved at all.

Where I DO take issue, however, is with the jeweller.....IMO he was out of line to provide a ''copy'' without at least trying to speak to his original CLIENT first about it, or, to strongly suggest some modifications to make the ''copy'' unique to the second client.

Indeed, but start marketing your copy of Tiffany''s latest cut and I think you''ll find it costs you a pretty penny!

The point you make about the jeweller is extremely important - I don''t know of many who are prepared to produce exact copies. The fact that in the case referred to the original client is not someone who happened to drop in one day and he never saw again, but someone he knows well and who has referred people to him - makes things far worse.
Date: 1/6/2009 7:24:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
I''d be annoyed if it was a close friend or someone I saw everyday, especially if their intent was to do the same thing but ''better'' (i.e., a friend wanted to replicate my ring but was sure to mention that hers would be a full carat). That would annoy me to no end.

But someone on PS? No problem and I would be flattered. I expect it when I post my things that someone might like it and want to copy it. And I have certainly drawn inspiration from others here too.

Well said.
Date: 1/6/2009 8:17:52 PM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 1/6/2009 8:10:03 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 1/6/2009 7:59:47 PM
Author: cara
If someone I knew closely IRL got my ring, because they had seen it on me, it might be a little weird. If there were other weirdnesses in our relationship, I might be annoyed or pissed at that person. But someone on PS? I think that is fair, appropriate use of ps! Be inspired by others'' baubles!
I''m in a similar camp:

1. If it is someone really close to me, ie: I''d see them flaunt it in front of my face all the time, that would really tick me off. Yanno those kinds of people who copy everything you do? Yes they''re annoying as all heck but not much you can do about it.
2. But posted on the internet? No worries.

There is no such thing as a truly ''original'' design. All design is a compilation of elements out there in nature, architecture, art, etc.

If someone copied the blueberry? Help yourself. (I believe, in fact, someone has had WF quote them the cost of doing the same ring). Mine will always be unique to me as the sapphire is not easily replicated.

Don''t ever want someone to copy your custom ring? Then don''t post pics of it anywhere, especially on a diamond forum.

That being said, I understand SG''s initial reaction to the posting on the other thread. But hopefully she''ll come to see that no ill will was intended, no one is ''stalking'' her ring, and the poster was elated at how it turned out. She was so complimentary to SG''s original ring, I don''t think there was any evil intent involved at all.

Where I DO take issue, however, is with the jeweller.....IMO he was out of line to provide a ''copy'' without at least trying to speak to his original CLIENT first about it, or, to strongly suggest some modifications to make the ''copy'' unique to the second client.

Indeed, but start marketing your copy of Tiffany''s latest cut and I think you''ll find it costs you a pretty penny!

The point you make about the jeweller is extremely important - I don''t know of many who are prepared to produce exact copies. The fact that in the case referred to the original client is not someone who happened to drop in one day and he never saw again, but someone he knows well and who has referred people to him - makes things far worse.
Yes now that I know what this is all about I agree.
Well. I DID design my e-ring setting. And being a lawyer, thought about copyright, and owning the design. But decided I didn't care to own the design at all. And in fact at a recent GTG one of our fellow PSers (who is also becoming a friend) told me she wants to adapt my setting to her stone, eventually (we have similar, but not exact cuts and the setting would have to have some modifications made to work with her diamond). I was THRILLED. I offered her all the help she could want... and honestly, would be more than happy to take it in to a jeweler to see, if she choses someone local for the work. Doesn't bother me at all. And I am VERY flattered by it.

If it were a close person, AND IT WAS DONE WITH MALICIOUS INTENT, it would bother me. But even then, only because of the intent, not the copying.

ETA: I do understand that not everyone feels the same way, and can understand the initial reaction, and I too hope SG comes to feel flattered. Regarding Ari, I think he was put in a difficult position of deciding between two clients. Who did he owe the duty to, ethically (if to anyone?). Personally, I do think that he could have suggested some level of discomfort, and that he could have suggested that PT to let SG know what she wanted to do. But I don't think he should have snitched on PT directly to SG himself... if I were PT in that instance, I'd be ticked and have the work done elsewhere. He was at risk of losing a customer either way, the way I see it. The basic fact is, he may not have thought that SG cared... SINCE SHE DID POST THE (not designed by her) RING IN GREAT DETAIL ON A PUBLIC SITE, and felt no duty. And frankly, I respect that.
But it was somebody else''s idea originally sometime in the early 20th century. And if you don''t want people to copy it, then why post it on a jewelry forum on the WWW?
Date: 1/6/2009 7:49:59 PM
Author: coatimundi

I thought about it, and in the end, I'm flattered. Look at the Van Craeynest thread--2 posters have the same lovely set, and couldn't be happier for each other--they have fun comparing notes. I actually want that set myself--haha.

As long as it's not my own copyrighted design/work--it's fair game.
Completely agree!!! Who cares, seriously. . . Life is too short.
It is the internet, it isn't your next door neighbor (that might be different). I personally would be flattered if someone did the Skippy ring.
Date: 1/6/2009 8:17:52 PM
Author: Pandora II

Indeed, but start marketing your copy of Tiffany's latest cut and I think you'll find it costs you a pretty penny!

The point you make about the jeweller is extremely important - I don't know of many who are prepared to produce exact copies. The fact that in the case referred to the original client is not someone who happened to drop in one day and he never saw again, but someone he knows well and who has referred people to him - makes things far worse.
Yes, you are right on the point re: Tiffany's. IF it's a true 'copy' (which can be sometimes subjective), and, who owns the rights to it if it's not copyrighted?

The thing that bugged me about that thread was the jeweller's role in all of this. Methinks that this could have turned out quite differently if he had just picked up the phone and talked to SG about it. NOT that he has to abide by her wishes, of course, but it would have been respectful of her feelings.

ETA: I just saw Gypsy's post and am rethinking my thoughts on the jeweller.


The difference (and, to me, it's a pretty big one) here is that the original owner did not design this ring. She stumbled upon it in a jewelry store. No one knows who the designer is -- there may well be other copies out there manufactured by the original designer/jeweler.

Is it possible that Ari honestly didn't know that his customer would be so upset by this? Again, it's her ring, not her design. I know of at least one jeweler in NY whose entire business is making exact replicas of antique rings.
One of my best girlfriends asked me about my RB diamond solitaire earring studs (.5tcw) and matching RB solitaire pendant yesterday, she said with a view to having her husband buy her something similar.
I really like her, so I kinda felt flattered. It was weird to think I would inspire her to get something exactly similar though, particularly as these jewels are the most precious things I possess!
Date: 1/6/2009 8:38:33 PM
Author: kennedy
The difference (and, to me, it's a pretty big one) here is that the original owner did not design this ring. She stumbled upon it in a jewelry store. No one knows who the designer is -- there may well be other copies out there manufactured by the original designer/jeweler.

That was my first question- was the copied ring an original design? Apparently not, and I agree...there is a big difference.

I don't have a one-of-a-kind e-ring design, so it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I'd be flattered if someone saw a photo of my ring and wanted one just like it, even a friend/family member. Even if it was an original design. An exact copy might put me out a bit, but only if I saw the person daily and they had a nicer stone than I did.
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