
I'm thinking about purchasing an Ideal Scope. Advice?


Nov 22, 2010
Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to all of this diamond education, but I am learning every day by coming here. Thanks to all of you who are so wiling to share your knowledge with us.

I am thinking about purchasing an Ideal Scope along with a loop and some other stuff. I found a kit here:

Is this overkill for someone who isn't planning on selling diamonds? Or do you consider it necessary equipment?

I know I definitely need a loop, but what about the other I really need them?

I just want to educate myself and perhaps take these things along with me when I look at diamonds and perhaps use them on my own diamonds to see how they look to better educate myself. I'm really into the OEC's and OMC's and there are a lot of places that sell them right here in my city. Most of them have an EGL, very few have a GIA.

Would a professional think I was odd if I pulled out this stuff to look at what I am buying or is it normal, frowned upon?

Thanks for all of your help.

I think all you need to look at diamonds locally is a loupe (available at hobby stores, gem and mineral stores, online) and an Idealscope. A decent loupe is available for around $20. You can buy just an Idealscope for between $20 -$30, through the link that you posted. An Idealscope is more helpful in searching for traditionally cut round brilliants, but I think there are some old threads on PS (do a search) about people using their IS on OEC's and OMC's.

A loupe will help you check for scratches, chips, and inclusions.

Mall stores may not understand what you're doing, but if you're looking at pawn shops, antique shops, and locally owned jewelers, I don't think they will object or find it strange. But be prepared to hear some comments like "you should buy with your eyes, not because of what the loupe/IS shows or doesn't show."
I have the kit from the link - and use it all the time. We'll be going to St. Maartin this spring and I'll be brining it along. I love the back-light - it has made a huge difference for us as we decide between stones/pieces... Because I prefer fancies, I also bring the ASET - but if you primarily look at RB's,then you probably don't need that scope.
I'm not sure how we could do this since it's against the rules to post personal info, but I'd be willing to loan mine to you for as long as you needed it if you'll pay the shipping costs. I'm definitely not planning to use mine anytime soon, since I just purchased a new stone/setting. :wink2:
Thanks for your thoughts everyone.

And Yenny, thast is so nice of you to think of loaning me yours. I super appreicate the offer but, gosh, what if I break it or scratch it, or the dog thinks it's a new toy? Stuff like that drives me nutty just thinking about it. I think for my peace of mind I'd better buy my own...and you will thank me later for that, cuz' you've never met my dog....she does love new :naughty:
