
I don't understand these overated and overpaid celebs?


Mar 13, 2004
I read somewhere that Adam Sandler recently bought each of his co-stars in his new movie a Maserati. I dunno, is he really that rich? And if so, I think he's WAY overrated and overpaid. I find his humor annoying.

I also think Pamela Anderson is the ugliest "beautiful" playboy bunny ever. Why is she famous?

I can name tons more that I don't "get", but I'll let the rest of you have a chance.
I don't understand the amounts the premiership footballers in the UK get paid. Wayne Rooney for example is paid £250,000 a week!! Its just ridiculous!
Maisie, along those lines...NFL players. Michael Vicks. Ugh. :knockout:

Jaysonsmom, I agree with you - especially when it comes to celebs who are famous but don't actually do anything (like Paris Hilton, Heidi Montag). Another ugh.
Maisie|1290207383|2773486 said:
I don't understand the amounts the premiership footballers in the UK get paid. Wayne Rooney for example is paid £250,000 a week!! Its just ridiculous!

I can understand sports to a degree, although I wish it wasn't that way. People love sports. People will pay a lot to to watch them. Advertisers will pay a lot to the networks that broadcast events to get to the people who can't get to watch it live and have to watch it on TV.

Someone is making a boatload of money. Trickle down effect...people wouldn't get paid so much if the demand wasn't there.
TravelingGal|1290207569|2773491 said:
Maisie|1290207383|2773486 said:
I don't understand the amounts the premiership footballers in the UK get paid. Wayne Rooney for example is paid £250,000 a week!! Its just ridiculous!

I can understand sports to a degree, although I wish it wasn't that way. People love sports. People will pay a lot to to watch them. Advertisers will pay a lot to the networks that broadcast events to get to the people who can't get to watch it live and have to watch it on TV.

Someone is making a boatload of money. Trickle down effect...people wouldn't get paid so much if the demand wasn't there.

I think my problem with this footballer in particular is his dreadful reputation. He has been caught out cheating on his wife many times, once with a rather old prostitute. Sports celebs in this country are looked up to by many youngsters. I wish they would set a better example. He also played really badly in the world cup!
TravelingGal|1290207569|2773491 said:
Maisie|1290207383|2773486 said:
I don't understand the amounts the premiership footballers in the UK get paid. Wayne Rooney for example is paid £250,000 a week!! Its just ridiculous!

I can understand sports to a degree, although I wish it wasn't that way. People love sports. People will pay a lot to to watch them. Advertisers will pay a lot to the networks that broadcast events to get to the people who can't get to watch it live and have to watch it on TV.

Someone is making a boatload of money. Trickle down effect...people wouldn't get paid so much if the demand wasn't there.

I agree - it is all demand. If people didnt buy magazines with the latest scandal in the covers, watch more movies with this or that actor in a starring role, or continue to watch the big game with the dubious player in it, this would disappear.

I think the celebrity situation is a reflex of society as a whole, not just the media. Personally, I don't want a media that is censored or censors itself (Hayes code, for example) in order to keep up "society's moral values". If society truly had those values, the magazines, sport teams and movies in question would tank.

A while ago, there was a study about how having certain stars in a movie affects revenue. In most cases, the stars more than paid for themselves in aditional revenue (not always, specially with decadent stars). After all, don't people say they are going to see the "Sean Connery movie"?
Consider this about sports much does the person that pays them make? :eek:

It blows my mind that a girl named SNOOKI...makes money and has been mentioned by the PRESIDENT! I don't understand why people like Heidi Montag and Lindsay Lohan still make money!
I don't get the appeal for:

Everyone from any MTV "reality" show (Spencer and Heidi, Lauren Conrad, and everyone in Jersey Shore)
Nicky and Paris Hilton (especially Paris)

I know there are others but those are the first ones I thought of.

ETA:I should have just dittoed BEG and BBO. Yeah, Lindsey Lohan is another one. People who are famous for no reason (Joe the Plumber, anyone?!) really bug me.
I can safely say that no celebrity has ever gotten rich on what I spend on them. :bigsmile:

And I can assure the celebrity do-gooder know-it-alls that the very moment they loosen their lips to expound on some of-the-moment topic, (as if we were all just waiting for their opinion), I never again go to their movies, listen to their music, or even read an article about them.
Demand I suppose and society's insatiable thirst for all things celebrity.

My local newspaper is a perfect example - The Houston Chronicle. Most of the 2nd page of the first section of the paper is
all about celebrity, movies and who did what... So this is "news"? I can see printing that information and putting it way back
in another section of the paper, but the first section, IMHO, should be reserved for real news issues. Wouldn't it be
more important to read about other pressing issues in our world than the latest celebrity divorce or marriage or who
is now in rehab.???? :nono:
Oh boy, don't get me started. I could yammer forever about how irritated I am by these things.

I dated a guy years ago, when the baseball players went on strike. I was..20 maybe? Anyway, back in the mid 90's they went on strike and everyone was up in arms about it, and I found it laughable and pathetic. He was going on and on about OMG these POOR guys not getting paid what they're WORTH blah blah woe is me, wringing his hands over the unfairness of it all, and of COURSE they couldn't manage to support themselves on their strike pay. I asked what their strike pay was and it was THOUSANDS A WEEK! THOUSANDS! Like, what I made working full time in a YEAR, they made in one week being on strike. He equated it w/when the packing house would go on strike (where he worked) and I said uh hello, dude, you guys strike to be able to afford to put food on your table and not be on welfare. YOUR strike pay is $22 a week. Your weekly strike wages are what theirs are per MINUTE. Cuz they can hit a ball and run super duper fast.

In other news, people work tirelessly to cure cancer and end world hunger, but let's get back to those poor striking baseball players trying to make a living off slave wages. (or whatever Paris is doing, or the creepy guy w/the flesh colored beard and his wife w/the new face)

Oh to be able to change the world's ideals and priorities..
Double post, sorry.
I think that someone or some people are sitting back in their cushy chairs, in their highly paid marketing jobs, going, "yup, we marketed this one right."

It's all marketing and spin, and celebration of celebrity status. Every time we as the mere middle class buy a magazine, subscribe to a magazine, click on a website, i.e. give interest to a celebrity site, we are feeding the madness. I'm guilty.

Princess Diana? Yes, a marketing dream, whether she wanted to be that or not--she ended up paying with her life. I will never forget the day she died, nor will I forget that it was paps that allegedly brought her to her demise.

Buy a magazine? Subscribe to a website? Watch a "news" show that consists of celebrity gossip (E channel, anyone?) You are most certainly feeding into the celebunonsense. Which is how everyone makes their money in Hollywood or NYC or wherever...word of mouth, pics, etc.

It's nothing new. But if you don't want to feed into it, then don't watch the shows, don't buy the magazines, and don't subscribe or click on the websites. It's very simple--just don't feed the monster and then you won't be a guilty party saying "oh, poor Anna Nicole" or "oh, poor Princess Diana," or "oh, poor insert-latest-lovely name here." Am I right?
packrat|1290227369|2773729 said:
Oh boy, don't get me started. I could yammer forever about how irritated I am by these things.

I dated a guy years ago, when the baseball players went on strike. I was..20 maybe? Anyway, back in the mid 90's they went on strike and everyone was up in arms about it, and I found it laughable and pathetic. He was going on and on about OMG these POOR guys not getting paid what they're WORTH blah blah woe is me, wringing his hands over the unfairness of it all, and of COURSE they couldn't manage to support themselves on their strike pay. I asked what their strike pay was and it was THOUSANDS A WEEK! THOUSANDS! Like, what I made working full time in a YEAR, they made in one week being on strike. He equated it w/when the packing house would go on strike (where he worked) and I said uh hello, dude, you guys strike to be able to afford to put food on your table and not be on welfare. YOUR strike pay is $22 a week. Your weekly strike wages are what theirs are per MINUTE. Cuz they can hit a ball and run super duper fast.

In other news, people work tirelessly to cure cancer and end world hunger, but let's get back to those poor striking baseball players trying to make a living off slave wages. (or whatever Paris is doing, or the creepy guy w/the flesh colored beard and his wife w/the new face)

Oh to be able to change the world's ideals and priorities..

Yes! I agree with what you've said, Packie. I would also like to add that I have friends who also are working on cures for cancer, but are, at this age (30's) coming to grips with whether they will be happier saving 68 year old's lives to make them live to be 72, or saving the lives of 35 year olds who had no chance to begin with such as in Africa. It's really quite the dilemma and one that I, nor my friends who have all this education behind them, can come to a decision!
Over rated celebs? WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHY KATE GOSSELIN IS A CELEBRITY? The woman used her uterus as a clown car and we have to be punnished for the rest of our lives by reading about her or seeing picture of her every time we go to the supermarket?

Thank you. I feel so much better now. :P

eta: I don't get Will Farrell at all. my bff thinks he's hysterical, but I just want to smack him for being an overgrown frat boy.