Hi folks,
I'm looking to get my wife a diamond necklace as a surprise gift. We actually looked at some necklaces at DeBeers yesterday, and we liked this style:
I see this particular setting can take a center stone anywhere from 0.5 ct to 1.25 ct. My question is about how large a center stone is appropriate for everyday wear. I really want this to be a necklace she can wear everyday, and not a "special occasion" type of piece.
To give some background, she is 33 y/o, living in Manhattan, where bigger engagement rings and other jewelry aren't that unusual.
Any thoughts? The one she tried on was 1 ct, and that was really nice. Any thoughts about this vs a bigger 1.25 ct for everyday wear? I'd ask my wife what she thinks, but that would ruin the surprise!!
She has said she wouldn't mind if her 1.7 ct engagement ring were a little bigger; is that a hint to lean toward a bigger size here?
I'd love to hear any and all thoughts!

I'm looking to get my wife a diamond necklace as a surprise gift. We actually looked at some necklaces at DeBeers yesterday, and we liked this style:
I see this particular setting can take a center stone anywhere from 0.5 ct to 1.25 ct. My question is about how large a center stone is appropriate for everyday wear. I really want this to be a necklace she can wear everyday, and not a "special occasion" type of piece.
To give some background, she is 33 y/o, living in Manhattan, where bigger engagement rings and other jewelry aren't that unusual.
Any thoughts? The one she tried on was 1 ct, and that was really nice. Any thoughts about this vs a bigger 1.25 ct for everyday wear? I'd ask my wife what she thinks, but that would ruin the surprise!!
She has said she wouldn't mind if her 1.7 ct engagement ring were a little bigger; is that a hint to lean toward a bigger size here?
I'd love to hear any and all thoughts!