
How did I do on this 60/ on their way


Jan 28, 2014
Carat: 1.51
Color: I
Clarity: VS1
Cut: Ex, Ex, Ex
Table: 59%
Depth: 60.8%
Crown: 33.0*
Pavilion: 41.0*
Lower Half: 80%
Girdle- STK-STK
Flouro: Strong Blue
Cost: $9,880

HCA: 1.2 (Ex, Ex, Ex, VG)


I know 60/60 stones have a different flavor (which I've enjoyed), but curious to what you all think of this 60/60 and how I did? Any issues with the numbers that you can see? I went through 3 stones (other 2 had clarity issues) before going down to I-color from G to get the clarity I wanted. By the way, this particular stone was about $1,000 less than comparables (even with some flouro) at the same vendor.

I will have several pictures up shortly.
I love the fluorescence and the price! Need to see the stone and Idealscope images to tell you any more!
c87|1395323736|3637875 said:
Carat: 1.51
Color: I
Clarity: VS1
Cut: Ex, Ex, Ex
Table: 59%
Depth: 60.8%
Crown: 33.0*
Pavilion: 41.0*
Lower Half: 80%
Girdle- STK-STK
Flouro: Strong Blue
Cost: $9,880

HCA: 1.2 (Ex, Ex, Ex, VG)


I know 60/60 stones have a different flavor (which I've enjoyed), but curious to what you all think of this 60/60 and how I did? Any issues with the numbers that you can see? I went through 3 stones (other 2 had clarity issues) before going down to I-color from G to get the clarity I wanted. By the way, this particular stone was about $1,000 less than comparables (even with some flouro) at the same vendor.

I will have several pictures up shortly

Sounds great! Can't wait to see pics
Well, to be honest, I'm sort of playing Monday morning quarterback here as I've already decided to keep the diamond. I guess I'm looking for "reassurance" haha. The relatively lower cost had me second guessing for a while, but when it was delivered, we fell in love with it. We were laughing at how we were so "set" on F color, but we love the I-color and face up, there is certainly no difference in my eyes.

My one concern was a diamond that leaks light, but from what I can tell (and supported by the HCA), I don't believe I have any issues. I'd like to get someone's thoughts on this, though.

These pictures were higher resolution when I uploaded. Sorry I couldn't get them bigger for you all! By the way, taken with a Galaxy S4, so not exactly professional pics :)
I love the fluorescence pic. The diamond looks great in the pictures, and the ring is gorgeous. If you've already decided to keep the ring, I only have congrats to offer. Even if you hadn't though, it's beautiful. :appl:
Amour_Et_Diamants|1395325291|3637893 said:
I love the fluorescence pic. The diamond looks great in the pictures, and the ring is gorgeous. If you've already decided to keep the ring, I only have congrats to offer. Even if you hadn't though, it's beautiful. :appl:

Thank you!!

Any other input would be awesome! Is there a way to judge leakage without an Ideal-Scope? This is probably a bit more difficult now that it is mounted!
Those numbers show potential.
I don't see anything wrong in the pics.
Love the fluorescence pictures.

Did you take it outside in sunlight and make sure it didn't go cloudy from being over blue?
I'd want to get those prongs shaved down a bit. They are really distracting.
liaerfbv|1395354540|3638234 said:
I'd want to get those prongs shaved down a bit. They are really distracting.

I had exactly the same thought, from the top it almost looks like a temporary setting/clamp holding it. Otherwise it looks amazing!
kay1|1395355525|3638245 said:
liaerfbv|1395354540|3638234 said:
I'd want to get those prongs shaved down a bit. They are really distracting.

I had exactly the same thought, from the top it almost looks like a temporary setting/clamp holding it. Otherwise it looks amazing!
Interesting - I actually like the prongs very much. They have a lot of style and coordinate well with the proportions of the setting. For some reason the setting reminds me of the Eiffel Tower when it is lit up at night. Beautiful.
I also think the diamond looks nice and bright but the prongs just seem like they're unfinished. Just bent over the diamond to hold it in but not filed or shaped nicely.
The prongs are ... interesting. I can see why there are strong love it/hate it reactions. All the matter is that the person wearing it is in the love it camp. If they are not... then have them changed.
Here's the story on the prongs:
I went to get the diamond set by my jeweler who initially said that it may look a little "prongy" after he sets. He stated he usually likes to "pull back" the prongs a bit, but couldn't with my specific application (he was concerned about the security of the diamond). However, he was more impressed after he saw the finished product, and so was I. Now, I'm realizing in the pictures that I posted above, the prongs look like way too much. She hasn't mentioned it once, and they are far less "eye-catching" on her finger (see pics below). When we first saw them, we liked the 'presence' of the prongs and how they looked.

With that said, they do bug me in the zoomed up photos, they do look like they are just sitting there. My question to you is this: wouldn't my jeweler have mentioned filing them down if this was an option? Is this a pretty common procedure? If so, I think we would like them filed slightly (not a jewelry expert, didn't even know filing was an option).

Here are pics on her size ~7 ring finger:


PS, was just looking at her ring this morning in the kitchen and with natural indirect daylight coming in, it gets VERY bright. Not sure if that has to do with borderline BIC/TIC cut or just a well cut diamond, but it's something that made us keep it for sure.

Thank you all!!
Bumping to get some more input. Thanks again
I spoke with the jeweler who said that he could shave down the prongs, but wanted to remind me of his original security concerns. I'm curious to get some input on this. With a 4 prong setting should I error on the side of caution?
c87|1396892709|3649061 said:
I spoke with the jeweler who said that he could shave down the prongs, but wanted to remind me of his original security concerns. I'm curious to get some input on this. With a 4 prong setting should I error on the side of caution?

If we're talking about a 5ct stone, I could see where having 4 tiny claw prongs might make someone nervous. I would not hesitate to shave the crap out of those guys for a 1.5ct stone.