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Tuckins1|1292253276|2795557 said:In SE Michigan, there are over 500 schools closed. My lucky school is one of the 3 districts that is OPEN!!! What a joy it is, working with half staff and 10% of our students... Any other teachers have to work on this freezing, icy day?
geckodani|1292254637|2795577 said:I feel your pain! I tried to get to work twice today! Got stuck the first time and had to be pushed back into a spot. Just tried again a few minutes ago, and made it as far as the entrance. Cars are sliding backwards down the hill in front of my complex and getting stuck. The entrance is totally blocked. I am going to stop trying!
somethingshiny|1292256165|2795599 said:I was going to clean my grandma's house today. I looked out my window (in town) and thought, "I'm pretty sure I can make it through that." As I was getting ready to leave my grandma called and said she had 3 ft of snow drifts all down her 1/2 mile lane! So, staying home for both of us!
Cehrabehra|1292256839|2795606 said:way over here the weather is bu hao too... we don't have the insane quantities of snow, but it's really damn cold and very, very windy and we got our first snow... it really was freezing rain. Our driver smashed up the car pretty badHe may even have to quit his job because they want him to pay 1/3 of the damages and that comes to about 3 months salary for him. It's insane and I feel really bad for him. Today was just a crazy chain of weird events that was thankfully settled somewhat by 3 friends coming over and drinking baileys and coffee at 9:30am
elledizzy5|1292257439|2795613 said:Tuckins1|1292253276|2795557 said:In SE Michigan, there are over 500 schools closed. My lucky school is one of the 3 districts that is OPEN!!! What a joy it is, working with half staff and 10% of our students... Any other teachers have to work on this freezing, icy day?
OMG! Your school is OPEN? I didn't know ANY schools were open!
I was planning on shoveling the driveway today but it just looks too dang cold!
geckodani|1292285240|2796007 said:Matata- tell him he can have mine.
DH is off the side of the road... but still almost an hour out. He's seriously annoyed. Going to have one unhappy spouse...
Mannequin|1292324936|2796404 said:Snow day for my district again. Tuckins, staying home?
geckodani|1292340635|2796512 said:Tuckins - stay put!!
DH got home after 3 hours last night.... so not a happy human being. Took him 2 hours to get in this morning. Sigh. I told him to leave early.
davi_el_mejor|1292345040|2796564 said:Is it weird I'm super jealous of you guys?
In CT, we had rain for the last two days, and today, the sun is peeking out! It's cold, low 20's but to me that's not too horribly cold, the wind isn't kicking up, if it were windy, it would be COLD.
I miss living in Buffalo. Bet not a lot of people say that!
radiantquest|1292347821|2796609 said:I live about a mile above the mason dixon line and it is COLD. Terrible cold. This is the kind of weather where I wish it would snow tons. If it is going to be this cold we might as well have snow and ice so we dont have to go out.
This is the kind of cold that just makes me angry. It is ignorant for it to be this cold and windy. Its just plain RUDE!!!