
Help required for inspecting diamonds


Apr 3, 2014
Hi a few friends of mine want me to buy diamonds for them as they don't have time to do the same amount of research I have done so far (not that much they're just lazy!). I want to be able to inspect the diamonds before I suggest they buy them and since I will be buying in the UK for them I don't trust a lot of the sellers. What equipment will I need to check that the diamonds are as they say they are? I know it will probably be expensive but I don't mind that since I'll find it interesting.

Obviously I will need a loupe(s), anyone recommend any of these? Cheap & expensive options - good enough to get the job done.
A microscope? Any suggestions?
Safe guarding against diamond simulant, so do I need any special equipment for this or can I spot these with a loupe/microscope if I know what I am looking for? (E.g. double refraction lines - but what else to look out for?).

The diamonds will be loose so I can inspect them easily.

Thanks for any help and input from any trade members regarding how they verify the authenticity of diamonds would be great too :D.
Get an idealscope and/or ASET scope as well if you can to check light performance of the diamond
If you are buying for others, I would consider a signed document that outlines your services and the onus being on the buyer to satisfy themselves it is a good stone in X days or request it be returned at their expense. These friendly arrangements never seem to last without something going wrong!
A cheap loupe is fine, and buy and idealscope and study how to use it.

Only shop at well regarded jewelers, and only buy diamonds that are graded by GIA or possibly HRD, which you may see in Europe. I would prefer GIA, though. As long as you do this, you don't have to worry about diamonds being fake. The jeweler can show you the inclusions with their microscope so you can see that it matches the diamond grading report.
Thanks for the replies :). How do you take pictures with the idealscope/does it require additional equipment?
Not to sound self-serving here but you are opening up a giant can of trouble that can cost you your friendship, if not some liability problems. Are you REALLY interested in putting yourself in the position of an expert spending thousands of dollars of your friends money? If you're serious, the place to start is the GIA-GG program, or at least the diamond grading part of it. They offer the training online and you can get details at A equally good alternative in the UK is the FGA program at the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.
denverappraiser|1400026129|3672134 said:
Not to sound self-serving here but you are opening up a giant can of trouble that can cost you your friendship, if not some liability problems. Are you REALLY interested in putting yourself in the position of an expert spending thousands of dollars of your friends money? If you're serious, the place to start is the GIA-GG program, or at least the diamond grading part of it. They offer the training online and you can get details at A equally good alternative in the UK is the FGA program at the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.

Hi thanks for the reply. I am considering taking a course for fun and I hadn't heard of the FGA course so I will look into that too :). I am not pretending to be an expert to them, just giving them a bit of advice since they're clueless. I'll just be making recommendations for them or telling them why a certain diamond is not a good idea, not guaranteeing them the best diamonds for the best price etc. They will be the ones making their individual purchases, I just wanted to be able to help them as much as possible ^^. I wouldn't be comfortable taking their money and spending it, but I can help them at least avoid a lot of common mistakes/ignoring terms thrown around here that shouldn't be such as you're just buying the certificate if you go GIA etc.

Edit: I can see I wasn't clear in my initial post regarding buying for them so apologies for that!