
Help much appreciated!!


Mar 20, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I've found a diamond on Blue Nile and I'd appreciate any thoughts you can offer:

1.25 carat
H colour
61.8 depth
57.0 table
35.0 crown angle
40.8 pavillion angle
slightly thick to slightly thick girdle
No fluorescence
Ideal polish
Ideal symmetry
No culet

The price per carat is slightly lower than other similar diamonds on Blue Nile - should I be concerned? I've followed all the guidelines on specs and moved up to a VS1 to avoid any visible incursions.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Specs look good.

Blue Nile is a drop shipper, so you cannot request any images I believe. So essentially you have to get the diamond, have it appraised independently and then decide if you want to return it. More of a hassle if anything in the off chance this diamond wasn't to your liking.

But no one here will be able to really give you an opinion unless they see IS or ASET images and pictures of the stone.

How much is it?
HCA 1.7 Put it on hold and post the cert :)

There may be better diamonds too, what's your budget/requirements?
Thanks for the posts both.

The price is £5,548 excluding VAT, which seemed pretty good compared to similar specced H VS1 diamonds over 1 ct. should I be at all concerned that the price per carat seems a few hundred lower than the others? There doesn't seem to be anything on the forums regarding this.

In regards to what I'm looking for - originally it was a G, At least VS2, approx 1.2ct but I've read that some people are concerned that VS2 incursions can be visible... So I've decided to upgrade to VS1 (given buying slightly blind with BN) and also look at a H colour.

I already have a local jeweller that will place the diamond in their setting and they have agreed to appraise the diamond first to make sure it is up to their standards. What so you think - is it worth going ahead / is there anything else I should consider?

Thanks again.

Most VS2 aren't visible , just make sure its not a crystal in the table.
ryan_hutcho|1395390348|3638610 said:
RockyRacoon - thanks for the suggestion... the diamond looks good but should I be worried by the strong blue flourescence?

Ryan -

No, you don't need to be worried about the Strong Blue in the BG Blue stones. These stones have already been vetted to have no negative effects from fluorescence.

I own one of these stones myself (H-color, BG Blue with Strong Blue fluor) and can tell you that it is a benefit, not a detractor.

In addition, they have a great trade-up policy, so if you decide to ever do anything in the future (upgrade, etc), you will be on solid ground.

Since the Blue Nile stones (without any light analysis, expert inspection, or custom cutting) are about the same price as the BG stone (with Idealscope, AGS0 Ideal Cert, which has been personally inspected by expert cutter, and is custom-cut), I think this one is an easy decision.

If you do decide to go with BG, send them the info link of the setting you plan to purchase. They may able to get you something similar, so that you can get everything (stone + setting) in one place (most convenient, least exposure to risk).

Best of luck!
Also just to add since you seem to be in the UK like me, you'd just pay the 20% VAT at customs when it came in. There's no duty on unset stones.

So there's no real reason to stick with BlueNile, if that was swaying your decision at all. (I initially was BN only too but found better with US vendors :) )

If you decided to get it all from the US, the stone set into a setting etc, then it's 2.5% duty on top. Still may be worth it if you find a setting you like at the same supplier.