
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy stupid early Friday morning kids!

Curby, I hear you on Marty using the clapper once and never again! Joke presents are fun but I sometimes have to force myself to step away when they turn into real money. I did find the pink Fostoria. I ended up putting three glasses in a box that’s ultimately 12 x 12 x 12 (inner box 10 x 10 x 10). The lady may think I’m crazy when she opens it up, but the glasses are so pretty and relatively rare so I want to protect them as best I can. My friend is using a local printer because she’ll get better quality that way than doing it herself. LOL on micromanaging!

So it’s pitch dark outside and I’m sitting in my car in front of a house in a sketchy neighborhood waiting for an estate sale… They aren’t even giving out numbers for two more hours! But I didn’t want to take the chance of not being first for the blue glass… and I pulled a muscle in my hip yesterday moving stuff around in the basement and didn’t sleep At All so I figured at some point I might as well just get up and go. My choice iof a Stephen King audio book here on the dark deserted street is somewhat questionable! :lol:

Will report back later on my treasures!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I also try to keep my joke presents down in the less pricey range. Unless it's too good to pass up.

Good idea to protect the pink Fosteria for shipping, they are pretty unique but I do recall seeing pick glasses off and on over the years. Did you get any great treasures at the estate sale?

Probably a good idea for your friend to have a local printer make the cards for her. Marty uses Vista Print for a lot of things and I use Snapfish sometimes.

Glad you survived hanging out in the dark in a sketchy neighborhood while listening to a Stephen King book - sounds like you were setting yourself up for a jumping morning! Once your imagination gets going . . .

I hate to hear your hip was bothering you. I hope it is feeling better today.

I feel like taking a nap for some reason; I woke up early today. Ha Ha.

My new lens is great! I haven't taken many picture with it yet but I am pleased so far. Marty picked it up on the way to the gym last night and I had to stop and pick it up there. He and a friend of ours kept talking to me and I'm thinking in my head "I'm losing daylight here" but I politely chatted with them for a while. Then on my way home with new lens but no camera I'm seeing this gorgeous sunset and an orange sky behind silhouetted trees. By the time I got home the colors had faded already. I did take some sunrise pictures this morning that were okay. It's crazy windy here today so I doubt I'll go try any outdoor shots today.

We went out for breakfast, picked up groceries and I think I'll make a batch of dinner rolls today for Thanksgiving. I started laundry asa well.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, why were you up so early this morning?!? :lol: (Sorry!!!) It's too bad you missed the great sunset, but there will be more. My hip is a lot better today -- thank god because that was a miserable night! I did get some more treasures today, but not necessarily the ones I set out for. Some of the glasses were "sick" so I passed on those, but I picked up others along the way -- of course!

I swear I don't know where today has gone. I have pictures for five listings to put up, but other than that I don't have a lot to show for the day. Of course I've been "distracted" with other things, LOL. I'm going to run by and see Ilya and the stone this week while I'm downtown. I cut out a little piece of a post it note that I'm wearing right now trying to figure out what to do with it. It's really outside of my normal wheelhouse in terms of size that I'm open to all ideas.

I can't believe it's so dark out already. I hate this time of year! It makes me want to drink (more) wine and go to bed early. We haven't even had dinner yet!

Speaking of which, I better go figure out what's going to happen on that front...


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I've found my inspiration for the xmas gift! I'll wait until a little later to send it to you. :lol:

Today I need to be a listing MACHINE. I already told Liam that I am taking over the kitchen counter all day since that is where I get the best background for most of the pics with the white countertop and white sheer curtains. I've also got two orders to pack up to ship tomorrow, but I'm going to wait and do that tonight.

In addition to taking pictures, pictures, pictures I need to do some laundry, laundry, laundry! The hamper in our bathroom isn't starting to look like Mt. Everest, and I'm sure the one in the feral's bathroom isn't any better.

Dinner tonight is going to be roast made in the crockpot. Easy peasy.

Ok... launching out of bed in three... two... one... !


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, glad to hear your hip is feeling better. I hate those nights something keeps you awake like that.

Nice you found some glassware at the auction.

I will be anxious to see what you think of pinkie in person. One of the jewelers at our mall used to have unusual gem shows and one of them was colored diamonds. It was always fun to go see what they had.

It is getting dark early; our earliest sunset times here start Dec 5 and won't gain an entire minute back for well over a week.

Oh no - should i be worried about something you found to send me? Ha Ha.

I finished laundry today too. It piles up fast with just 2 of us; I hope your mountain of laundry went down quickly. I took pictures today as well starting with the sunrise. I totally like my new lens.

Roast sounds quite good for supper; I like crock pot days. I have potatoes right now and we are having steaks later - the wind is crazy here again today so I doubt Marty can grill them. He will dig out his cast iron skillet for the stove and oven if he can't grill.

We rented the latest James Bond movie last night. It was pretty good. We had popcorn for supper while watching the movie.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I will be anxious to see your finished pinkie.

The highlight of my day was getting pictures of my ruby earrings; I can hardly wait to see them. I think I'll be wearing red on Thursday.

I finally got my "replacement" to stop by for some training today. I covered 3 things with her. I should start a countdown calendar somewhere. That new gal continues to concern me; stuff I covered with her and her new trainer has covered with her still remains elusive. Guess it won't be my problem in the long run and it's not like I picked her for the position.

It was kind of warm here today - too bad the wind speed pretty much matched the temperature.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm so excited to see your earrings! Did they get done faster than expected? I had in my head they were going to take longer than this. The new gal is indeed not going to be your problem! Doesn't it feel great to be able to realize that? Our weather is all over the board right now. I was also looking at Phoenix; this week it's low eighties, next week it drops down into low 70s. Of course. Oh well, it's till better than low 30s, right?!

I am playing cut-n-paste with Pinkie ideas. I think I'm liking the pear concept with it, but I'm not ruling out a marquise either. If I went pear I think I would always wear it white toward my pinkie finger, but if I went marquise I miiiight flip it back and forth... ? Need to get out my mock up stones and put some more options on my finger to see, ha ha.

Today I'm working from home, but then I'm pretty much off through next week. We leave for Phoenix on Monday so... Vay... Cay... !!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I have completely fallen down the rabbit hole with this ring design LOL. Now I'm thinking maybe halo... Maybe east / west with halo... Could I get any farther from the original idea(s)?

Today is going to be BUSY. I have an order to ship with 26 glasses, then I need to run up over the Wisconsin border to grab some stuff that Liam and I won in last night's auction. After that, I've committed to straightening up the house a little bit. Oh... and I've still got a dining room full of glass to list. Oy!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

So... tell me if this sounds crazy... but I'm thinking of having Ilya make me wax replicas of both the moi et toi and the double halo with split shank just like the one I texted you the picture of the other day (except of course elongated instead of square). I'm sure this thing is not going to be done for Christmas regardless so why not, right? I mean, I'll definitely pay for it so it shouldn't matter to him -- although I'm sure I annoy him to no end, LOL.

I've got a couple of work things today, but really I'm pretty much out at this point for the next week. Woo hoo! Trying to think about packing because a bunch of things don't fit me any more since my three months of no joy -- I mean no carbs. :lol: I also need some work pants but I got a 15% off coupon from Kohl's yesterday so I'm going to hold off and order those on the 21st when it kicks in.

Liam is supposed to come home at lunch and pick up a load for the Salvation Army. I hope that happens because I've been piling stuff up in the entryway thinking this trip would be imminent... for the past month!

The mail lady just pulled into the driveway; better go see what today's treasurers are!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes they got my earring to me about 4 days early. The looking fabulous in person and match my ring really well. Not that anyone will see them on my ears but I know they are there.

Yes, it feels great to know employee issues will no longer be my problem. I was leaning towards officially retiring Dec. 24 and incidentally that would mean I get 2 holidays for the 23rd and 24th ha ha - but Marty took off the last 2 weeks of December so maybe I'll move it up a week. Don't know yet.

You are heading to Phoenix at a nice time of the year. That always makes me think of our lunch meeting - you know the day we ate in Mesa and we supposedly hit and run a car in a parking lot in California. Strange.

I totally get changing the design for pinkie - once you figure out exactly what you want you will know it. I don't think it is a bad idea to have Ilya make you wax replicas. I always say custom jewelry is like gambling; you need to decide what you are willing to loose because you may not like it. If paying for replicas ensures you are happy with the final ring then it is worth it. The halo idea sounds intriguing too. I will continue to vote and offer solicited opinions. I totally enjoy designing jewelry.

Nice you are out of work next week. I am working Monday to Wednesday only. A long term wish of mine is finally LIVE - we can import all the sports packages rather than enter them manually. Marcy's legacy when I'm gone. What a time saver plus it is far more accurate. Woo hoo!!!

It's good that our clothes are too big. Time to go shopping. I put on my favorite fleece vest yesterday and it was like a tent on me; it should go in the Salvation Army stack too. Nice that Liam is hauling some things off for them. Our Meals-on-wheels closed down their donations due to COVID - they were my usual place to donate clothes and household items too but we do have a SA here I can drop things by there.

I have today off and only managed to run 2 of my 5 errands. Our tax lady works in an office that is technically her garage so she likes to TALK when I stop by. Her 25 year old niece died last month 3 days after she got her 2nd booster shot. Doctors said it was due to blood clots; she was in the military and perfectly healthy. How awful.

I went to the grocery store next; the first store was so busy I couldn't find a place to park so I went to another grocery store and it was busy but not as bad. I went to pick up fruit and to get stuff for tacos for lunch. I ended up with a lot more than that. I wanted to go to the mall and get Marty some wool socks and some of those gloves that work with touch screens for his Christmas stocking. I also want to go pick up some of the St. Jude stuff animals at Kays to drop off at the bank for the Marine's Toys to Tots. I also need to get some prescriptions filled. I am heading over to a friends house to play cards at 3 though so at best I'll get one batch of laundry done. I wanted to bake a batch of rolls for Thanksgiving but didn't have time between getting home about noon and planing on leaving for cards at 3. Seems like being retired will be more work than working. Ha Ha. Speaking of work they have only bothered me 4 times. Marty said they better not bother me after I retire.

Have a great weekend.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I still maintain that Marty was gone for a loooong time when he went to the restroom during that lunch! :lol: Last week I ran by the Kays in our local mall when I was looking for ideas and didn't see the bears. Are they out yet? Maybe I just missed them. There are a list of errands piling up for me too... but I don't know how many of them I'll get to today since I am (once again... or should I say, As Usual!) on a listing mission.

Yesterday Liam called me from the local auction and there there wasn't anything there I would want, but I swung by anyway... And six hours later I had a set of dishes, three sets of glasses, a little oval library table (no idea where to put that, either here or at my condo, but it was just so damn cute I had to buy it!), and an absolutely gorgeous wedding kimono that I'm going to hang on my wall downtown. There was an obi (the wide sash belt you wrap around a kimono) on the to pf the box and I could tell there was other stuff underneath but I didn't want to pull it all out there in the crowded space and on the dirt floor, so I took a chance and got it for $15. When I opened it all up at home I was astonished! It is really large (they way they had it crammed in there -- ugh!) and the colors are super vibrant. There was also a receipt in the bottom of the box for $2,200. Who knows what that means, but the whole thing is definitely worth more than the $15 I paid! My plan is to hang it on the wall opposite the opening to my kitchen. I'd really love to put it above my couch, but I think it's just too big. I'll see if I can get you some sort of photo. It's just laying over the back of the couch right now, but at least you can see the colors.

Still waffling on Pinkie. One minute I'm all split-shank double halo, and the next I'm m toi et moi. Actually I'm so intrigued by the TEM idea that I might have one made with other stones even if I don't go this way with Pinkie. Because... yanno... I need more rings! :cheeky:

Alright, I hear my coffee coming up the stairs. Time to get rolling!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, LOL that Marty was gone for a long time during lunch. He was amused at your comment.

Yes, the bears are out at Kays - I just picked up 2 bears and 2 puppies to drop off at the bank this week in their toys for tot box. They are wrapped individually this year so they only had a few in the cases and by the register. Other errands I accomplished today was got my Thanksgiving cards in the mail and didn't hit a curb in that little U shaped drive, finished laundry, lifted, worked on my December article for the paper, wrapped a few Christmas presents, dropped off a very full trash bag of clothes at Goodwill and finally remembered to pick up our mail.

Sounds like you made a haul at the auction. I will be anxious to see the wedding kimono. Sounds interesting and wow if it originally cost $2200. I'll look forward to the pictures.

Of course you need more rings. I think either choice for pinkie would look great. I haven't put on a piece of jewelry this weekend. What's up with that?

We went out for breakfast first thing then Marty headed to the gym. I've been busy all day and have potatoes baking now that smell great; Marty is going to grill us some beef here shortly. I am anxiously awaiting 6 pm to see the new episode of Yellowstone for the week. Do you watch that show? I am totally a fan.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I forgot to send you the kimono pic. I'll try to remember to do that today -- although since I'm completely senile that may or may not actually happen! I'm always amused lately (i.e., since almost two years ago when we went into lockdown!) when I look at -- and BUY! -- jewelry since I pretty much haven't worn any, especially out of the house, in all that time, LOL. My staple this whole while has been a teeny tiny pair of hoops I bought ages ago at a gem show for travel, and I pretty much haven't taken them out of my ears since they snap shut and are so small I don't even feel them at all, including when I sleep, and I'm not worried about them getting flipped off with a mask. What is your ring size now BTW? I'm wondering if it's changed a lot with your weight loss... ? I'm debating what size to make the toi et moi if I go that route. Normally I have everything made in a six, which is large on me anyway but I'm planning ahead for bigger knuckles, and then I use those spiral thingies, but I wonder if I should go smaller if I decide on that kind of ring.

Today we go to Phoenix! Fortunately we aren't leaving for the airport for another six hours because I have A LOT to do between now and then! Laundry... general clean up so the dog sitter doesn't think we're utter slovenly creatures, pack an order (and anything else that might sell between now and then) and take it to the post office, pick up the stuff we won at last night's auction, and pack my suitcase. Ugh. I'm worn out just thinking about all that!

Ok.. off to get this snow on the road!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that kimono is something. Very colorful and unique! That is kind of funny you are buying jewelry and not really wearing it much right now. I often don't wear jewelry on the weekend. I like little hoop earrings. I've had some off and on over the years but end up trading them for something else. Now I wear my diamond dangles the most. I definitely watch pulling off my mask that I don't pull out an earring. If one has cords that tend to do that the mask goes in the trash. Most of my rings are size 7 right now but should be size 6. My right hand usually is about a 1/2 size smaller. Yes, I am noticing my ring size has gone down. I usually have them a bit loose so they are really spinning right now. Those little springy things do work great and I worry about my knuckles too; some of my fingers are pretty crooked.

I hope your flight was uneventful to Phoenix. My SIL arrived here today for a few days then is heading back to Florence. She bought a 29 foot class C motor home and will tow a jeep behind it on her travels. I hope she likes traveling around.

Not much exciting going on here today. I had a very busy day at work so the day zipped by for me. My SIL has a cold so I fixed soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for supper for us. I did drop off the bears and puppies at the bank on my way home today. I thought it was best to get that done before I decide to keep them. Ha Ha.

Have fun in Arizona.



Feb 27, 2007
I just looked at the kimono on my laptop - the detail is amazing. I can see why it would originally cost quite a bit of money. Such a wonderful find!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, we have so much to catch up on!

The trip into Phoenix was uneventful... but late. The last flight of the day seemed like a good idea when we booked it... Anyway. Tuesday we just tooled around and did some lite shopping, and had dinner with my friends. Wednesday was our out of town adventure, including Winslow, Arizona (Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona... ) and the big meteor crater. Of course we stopped at some other places along the way! Thursday was Food-A-Polluza. We went to a restaurant where you picked your starter, main and dessert. I had the steak and Liam had the turkey and we shared. Then we went back to my friends' place and drank and ate chocolate... and drank and ate chocolate... and drank... !!! Friday we got up crazy early and went to an estate sale in Mesa looking for some blue glass, which I got, but there wasn't nearly as much of it as we expected. Then we wandered around a bit and finally came home. Once again... on the last flight of the day! We didn't get to the house until almost 2 am and then I had to get up early to start packing the fourteen outstanding orders I accumulated while we were gone. I got ten of them shipped before the post office closed today at 1 pm, two of them will go on Monday, one more is yet to be packed. There was one going to Australia that turned out to be problematic because apparently US mail stopped international shipping to Australia back in September and I had no idea(!) so I spent a bunch of time looking for alternatives. I did ultimately get it shipped, and it cost me more, but that's fine. And now it's quarter to five and I'm trying to stay awake until a reasonable hour when I can finally Go To Bed!

That, girlfriend, is my week in a nutshell! What did you and Marty do?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your trip to Phoenix sounds like a great time. Too funny about standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona - that song is going off in my head now. I saw meteor crater as a kid but would like to go back sometime. We'll have to check it out sometime when we go visit Marty's parents. I bet you are tired from getting home so late. My BIL always takes the red eye flights. Marty likes the first flight out. Nice you found some glassware in Mesa too.

Sounds like orders stacked up while you were gone. That is too bad you had to find another way to ship to Australia. It's great your shop is so busy. Sweet.

We had a busy week too. My SIL was here from Monday through Friday morning. She and I put several puzzles together. I made cheesecake and lasagna for Thanksgiving dinner. Our friends didn't eat until 5 pm on Thursday so that was a long day - trying not to eat much so I'd be good and hungry. Dinner was great - like you said a Food-A-Polluza. Smoked turkey, baked turkey, potatoes, stuffing, brandy cranberries, rolls, lasagna, green been casserole and fresh fruit salad. Dessert had many selections but I went for apple pie and cheesecake.

My SIL left Friday morning - Marty was decorating the outside of the house so I started bringing up everything to decorate the inside of the house. We have everything done except the tree. Marty surprised me with an inflatable Snoopy Red Baron yard decoration. I had 5 Snoopy night lights I put up around the living room dining room and kitchen - one of them popped the circuit breaker so I threw the 4 away that get warm on the base. No sense starting a fire. At least my favorite one stays cool.

Between working on the puzzles, hauling things up and down the stairs then standing on cement in Lowe's for over an hour my lower back started talking to me. I know you can "feel" my pain on back pains. It is better today but since I sleep on my back every morning is pure pain getting up and going again. I lifted this morning as usual and dead lifts were awful but I powered through.

Marty picked up a snow blower at Lowe's for black Friday. I was going to ask him if I should cancel the shoveling service - ha ha.

Yesterday Marty grilled a giant tenderloin for dinner yesterday. It was delicious! We have enough leftovers to have for dinner today. Woo hoo!

I need to start working on my December club newsletter today. Laundry is finished. My 5 day weekend gave me a glimmer of my upcoming retirement. Yay.



Feb 27, 2007
Here is my Snoopy decoration



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, your Snoopy and Woodstock yard decoration is GREAT! Wow, you had a busy few days too! And the food... :lickout: We are in the same boat with our backs right now. As I type, I'm sitting in the kitchen with a heating pad on. No idea what I did, other than just general overdoing things. Ugh.

Yesterday I gave up around 5 pm and "took a nap." Yah, right. That lasted until about 11 pm, when I got back up, did some dishes, and packed up an order of ten plates. Liam was dead asleep on the couch and didn't even realize what had gone on until I told him this morning. I went back to bed around 1:30, had two good ideas for gifts that resulted in some internet money spending, and I finally fell back asleep until around 7 o'clock.

Today I've been doing laundry and taking pictures. I got seven listings up. I'd love a few more but I'm just worn out at the moment. Currently I have only one thing to ship, but I'm going to wait a bit and see if any other orders roll in before I venture down to the basement. I also need to steam the new pants I ordered because even though I washed and dried them they have big creases in them... ???

This week is going to be crazy. Most importantly, I need to go see Ilya because my spinel ring is ready. I also need to talk with him about Pinkie. (More on that later.) This is also the week of the One Of A Kind Show, where my friend who makes the cowhide bags gets most of her sales for the year. I always go and help her, but I didn't want to commit for four solid days this year because I don't know what's going to happen with orders that I need to ship, so I said I'd be there as much as I can, but no ideas what that will actually be.

As for Pinkie... I picked up an art deco marquise ring at an estate sale while we were in Phoenix and it gave me inspiration. I'm going to ask Ilya for a CAD of a double halo, the inner one of calibrated french cuts and the outer one of round melee. I'll text you a few pics of the ring so you can see where I'm coming from. Honestly, I like this ring so much I think I'm going to have a "real" one made in almost the exact style, but with something black (onyx? black spinel? other? What else is black?) in place of the rubies. You'll see what I mean when I send the photos through.

Alright. Off to keep making some progress. It's been a lonnnnng day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks - the halls are all decked out here - not like the Griswold house but still pretty bright. LED lights really put out light.

I hope your back is better. I was pretty good when I went to bed but laying on my back caused instant pain. I had a very restless night - up and down and time quickly reminded me of my PITA. Ha Ha.

Good luck getting your hours adjusted again. That is a long nap you took.

I will go check out your new listings. WTH about creases in your pants? I have a table cloth that have perma-wrinkles that nothing seems to help get rid of them. That sucker must have been folded up for decades.

Ooh to getting Darth Vadar back this week and good luck finalizing your design for Pinkie. I got a catalog from Denver's Trice jewelers today and was definitely noticing anything double halo for Pinkie.

Your ruby ring looks great. I swear I've seen that same ring with sapphires. Speaking of black stones - they do have black diamonds and black sapphires too - for other options. I think black stones would look great in that style.

I hope the cowhide lady has great sales at her show. My sister has her last craft show this weekend. She makes and sells doll clothes. Maybe I should start some crafts to sell when I retire.

Speaking of a nap it's only about 7 pm here and I am yawning and wishing it was bedtime. Like I mentioned above I had a short night. Now that the overall pain has subsided I am thinking it's highly likely my pain is coming from my sciatica nerve. It has flared up over the years when I overdue things.

Work was busy today. The new gal who is impressing me less and less called in sick today. She only has 8.4 hours of vacation available - our company has always had a policy if you call in sick the day before or after a holiday you don't get paid for the holiday so she won't get paid for the 2 holidays we had last week. If she had PTO she could take 16 hours for that but she doesn't. I read over her last year's appraisal and let's say I think her boss pulled a fast one on us and just found a sucker to take her off their hands. She won't be my problem much longer though. I told my boss the whole thing smelled funny to me from the beginning,

I picked up Arby's for supper and finally walked all the way across the street to get our mail. Good thing I did because I doubt they could have crammed one more piece of mail in there - I'm guessing we didn't pick up our mall all week. I enjoyed browsing through all of the catalogs we get this time of year though.

I forgot to tell you my friend pulled out her green Uranium glasses for Thanksgiving dinner last week. She likes them.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, have you tried steaming the tablecloth? Sometimes that's the only thing that works! When I was looking for ideas for Pinkie I found the same ring in blue sapphires too. I told Ilya today I want one with black stones (yet to be determined). I'm going to hold off on that for a bit though... says She Of No Patience -- ha! I'm sorry your replacement isn't turning out great, but as you said, she won't be your problem. I'm happy to hear your friend is using the glasses!!!

Yesterday continued the sleep sh!t show. I went to my condo from the office and was in bed by seven. I slept until about three, when I got up to pee, and then went back to sleep until eight. I was just EXHAUSTED.

I'm sitting here admiring Darth Vader in my lousy office lighting. What! A! Difference!

OK, off to finish some analysis that I promised my boss today. Ugh.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I have not tried steaming the table cloth - good idea. I am pretty sure Marty has a steamer so I'll check with him.

Shall we place bets on how long before you order up your black stone double halo ring? Says she who also has no patience. It's not in my skill set either. I want things NOW!

My new employee and the lady training her certainly tried my patience today. Our new import process is very simple if you follow the steps I sent out to the team. They both can't seem to do that and then had the nerve to come tell me well I imported it but nothing is there - unless you got an error message I'm not thinking you imported and saved something.

I hope you get caught up on sleep soon. I don't think I've adjusted to the time change yet either.

I am glad Darth Vadar turned out so well. It truly looks amazing. I can't wait to see the cads for Pinkie either.

I reviewed my Marcy Stuff procedures today. Bugged the lady I'm training to get with me about some more things; she has some things covered already but the things I still need to show are definitely involve more things she's never done before. Soon it won't be my monkeys or my zoo, eh?

I picked up some stuff at Walgreens on the way home and am waiting for my supper to get done baking. I'm hungry.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby... I *may* have been looking at marquise stones on Ilya's site already... :Up_to_something: Boy oh boy, your employees are so much fun -- NOT. I'm sure you won't miss the monkeys, or the circus, one bit when the time comes! I've had many steamers over the years and used to buy the $9.99 versions. Some of them worked better (and longer) than others, but a few years ago I got one at Costco that is a little bigger and sturdier and it is like a miracle! Every time I use it I think to myself, why didn't I buy this thing years ago.

Yesterday afternoon I got some work done (after my trip to I&R!) and stopped at a happy hour on my way out for a departing employee. I didn't have any drinks though since I was about to drive up to the north estate, but I nibbled on a few of the appetizers and made that dinner. Today I've got four orders to pack up and some other things that need to get done including a memo I have to write once I get final info from one last person. Hopefully that will happen early on because come tomorrow and Friday I am All Cow Bags All The Time.

Alright, off to the races!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, fun to be checking out marquis stones already. It's good to always be working on that next gorgeous piece of jewelry. II currently don't have any marquis shaped rings; WTH? I've had some over the years but they were either sold in one of my liquidation sales or traded for something else. I like them though.

I will not miss the hassles I have with employees at all. The company policies are also not designed to reward or motivate people which make for mediocre performance; they just luck out with people like me that don't require outside motivation. My parents would turn over in their graves if I didn't always give more than a 100% in what I do.

I think Marty's steamer is a cheap one; he had it when he was traveling so much so he could get wrinkles out of his suits.

Appetizers sound good for dinner. I am rather hungry right now. I might have a piece of cheese and toast here shortly. I see it's almost noon. Time flies!

Can you pack an order for my SIL and mail it with your 4 packages? We bought her 2 t-shirts that arrived after she left. I might pack them up and drop them by office depot to send. I don't think I want to venture out to the post office today,.

I have the day off today. I have my follow up doctor appointment at 1 today. My doctor must be out of the office because I am seeing a nurse practitioner from another office. They generally are better than the doctors. We will see. Hoping my blood work looks better.

I am watching the end of Planes, Trains and Automobiles - a classic Thanksgiving movie.


Some of this year's decorations:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, at least your SIL's T-shirts are easy to pack and ship and you don't have to worry about breakage every step of the way, LOL. I get so jealous of Liam when he sells something, walks into his ebay room, and comes out two minutes later with whatever it is in a padded envelope ready to go. All the while I'm there with the bubble wrap... paper... box... peanuts... second box... tape tape tape!!! Your house looks GREAT! I've been seeing more and more decorated homes as I drive around and they make me feel cheery! How was your appointment? Did they say you're still alive?

I spent yesterday getting my orders shipped, doing some work stuff, and TRYING to clean up a little... but that last part didn't go as swimmingly as one would hope, LOL. I also went and got my hair trimmed after dinner. It was a new guy and he decided I needed a clarifying wash to get rid of product build up (??? -- all I do is wash and condition and didn't even know I HAD product build up -- ???). He washed my hair FOUR TIMES. Don't get me wrong, I love to have my hair washed, but it seemed like mayyyyyybe a little overkill. When I got home a lady had messaged me about six of my listings so I prepped about half of that for shipping last night, and I'll do the rest this morning (assuming of course she actually buys them, but I think she will because she seems pretty committed. Unfortunately they're going to California so I'll have to make a run to Fed Ex in addition to the post office today, but that's OK.

On the Christmas front... Ack. I am BEHIND! Even though I've got all but one gift bought (child's mother has yet to tell me what he wants) I haven't wrapped One Single Thing -- and there is A LOT. I better get hopping on that because I fear shipping this year is going to be a sh!t show.

Time to hop in the shower and get some things done!


Mar 26, 2006
Oh! And I just asked Ilya for a THIRD version of CADs... The east/west one, but with prongs. So I'll see that one with both prongs and bezel. He probably thinks I'm crazzzzzzzy! :lol:

Is there a simple inexpensive CAD program we can get so we can design stuff ourselves?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I love driving around looking at Christmas lights and decorations. We usually go ride around a night or two near Christmas.

Yes, t shirts are easy to pack. They are in a bubble envelope. You definitely have fragile contents to send. I hope that lady does buy the glassware since you started packing it up already.

i do wash and wear hair and used to use a conditioner every day and my stylist told me the same thing that it builds up on your hair. 4 shampoos does seem like overkill. I just use one dab of shampoo now.

Darn you have so many things to wrap. I need to start as well but I don’t have more than maybe a few dozen to wrap.

Not a bad idea to get 3 cads if your are still uncertain what setting you want for Pinkie. There are CAD programs but it’s not anything I’ve messed around with before. I like the websites where you can design and build your own rings. I waste a lot of time on the when I’m thinking I want something.

I typed up a brief retirement letter today for my retirement date of December 24. I’ll print it and sign it tomorrow then turn it in to my boss. Woo Hoo!

I did come back from the doctor alive. As a matter of fact the paragraph below was still in the reply box from last night. I got distracted and didn’t post it. Basically no definitive answers and a few more tests

Back from the doctor. BP was high so they are upping that dosage on my pills. The fill in doctor thinks I should get an EKG since I have a heart murmur. I can keep taking Tylenol but only take Advil when I’m in pain. I am to take 2 kiddie vitamins a day rather than one. The hyperthyroidism looked better and I only have one common symptom for that. The anemia was still questionable. Some things better some things not. I’ll get the EKG scheduled then get blood work again and go back for another follow up. Joy.



Mar 26, 2006
Curby, I am SO JEALOUS you have your retirement letter ready to go!!!

"We" are awaiting CADs. Ilya said they are being worked on now... So stay tuned!

I posted about the new and improved Darth Vader in SMTR. When I looked at blown up pics of the "before" prongs I was truly horrified, LOL.


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, I plan on signing it and handing my letter in first thing tomorrow. What a big step!

Sweet you'll get some CADs soon. I'll go find your Darth Vadar thread. I want to see the difference too. I keep meaning to start a thread on my ruby halo earrings but haven't got that far yet.



Mar 26, 2006
Curby, today's The Day!!! I'm super excited for you! And I'm so sorry for you boss's loss. :lol:

Yesterday I did get the order for the six listings and shipped it all off. After dinner I motivated on the wrapping front and got everything out and started the process. I realized they shipped something incorrectly for one of my mom's gifts so now I have to call customer service and get them to exchange it. I hope it doesn't take too long because I need to get all this on its way. Damn!

I have no idea how today is going to unfold. As of now I've only gone one order to ship, and it's a bowl so that will be easy. There is a work thing that HAS to happen today, but I'm hopeful it won't be too much of a bear. And I'd love to get some more listings up too of course!
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