
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Dee Jay. No doubt about it. I’m getting the 4mm scattered diamond band.

Darn the wine supply is down. We need to restock as well. I did not get any wine yesterday but it really sounds good.

I feel your pain. I have no desire to be working today either. Other things are so much more fun!!! Darn your internet isn’t working well. You are having small town issues like I get.

You know I’m a brat, right? So I’m going to ask - are you live yet? I do crack myself up. Darn you had trouble loading pictures on your site. I should take pictures of my glasses I want to get a few more of since I broke one. They are 30 years old and not a single marking on them that I can find to help identify them. Pretty sure they are crystal and came in a blue box. I had 8 of them and just broke one a few years ago. I sent pictures to that replacements Ltd but without markings they couldn’t identify it. I was thinking they were Mikasa or Oneida but not sure.

Today we are in the mid 30’s, tomorrow is low 30’s (before wind chill) and then the polar vortex is dropping us in temperatures that should not be thought about. Brrr.

I’m hungry already. Maybe I’ll eat my strawberries that I brought to go with lunch.

Have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
I actually like the solitaire better than I thought I would. It looks great with my .55 ctw band. I have that same band with 3 pointers as well. They took pictures with the 3mm scattered band instead of the 4mm scattered band but it gives you the idea. I tried to size the pictures to actual size but not sure how close it will be. I like them both but right now leaning towards the solitaire just because I think it would be more protection. BTW I noticed the head of my ring is kind of slanted now - I am sure that's from the lady tightening the prongs not that it was that way all along.


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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I like a wider band solitaire too. And the lady bent the head on your ring?! That's crazy! Identifying glassware can be challenging. I did find a pattern last night that I'd been trying to figure out, so that was gratifying, but I've got another that I'm pretty sure is from the same maker (Fostoria) because of a certain way the leaves and branches are done, but I just can't place it. I've also got some gorgeous blue glasses that I'd love to post first thing because they are very eye catching and I have been looking for that pattern for a year and a half but no success yet. I will find it though! When Liam brought me my coffee he said the wind chill is -16. Sounds like a really good reason not to leave the house!

Yesterday I went through all of my emails, both in and out box, and "cleared the deck" as my boss likes to say. I always find that gratifying. I've got one (probably) small thing I need to do before my call with my boss tomorrow and a couple of big projects that I've been putting off, at least one of which I commit to starting today. There's also a weird request that came in from one of our investors that has somehow become my problem... ???

Last night I queued up some more listing stuff. Now I've got six of them ready to go but I want to have about 20 before I make the site live. Now that I've got a system down I think it will go much faster. I do need to figure out how to preview a listing (it's not working on my phone) to see if there's anything else I want to do/change in the "template" format I'm using, and I should probably do that before I get much farther along. I think by this weekend I'll really be rocking and rolling!

There's an online auction that ends tomorrow night that I want to figure out how to bid on. I don't see anything truly earth shattering, but I'm going to use this one as a test to make sure I've got the process down so when something comes along that I DO want I know what to do.

I made a crockpot full of chili yesterday so we're set on the food front today. That's always a relief! I am just weary of figuring out "what's for dinner." Believe me, there's nothing "fancy" going on here, but it's still something I've never had to think about before and it kind of looms over me every day until I come up with a plan -- even if that plan is just Hamburger Helper!

OK, off to the shower.

Later gators!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes I like the wider band as well but I’m still thinking about another scattered diamond band. I just asked Brittany to send me a picture of their 3mm and 4mm side by side. My 3mm is really about 2mm wide. Maybe I can get a little heftier head on it with 6 prongs? Yes, I couldn’t believe it when I noticed the head is crooked now. Grr.

I am sure identifying glass patterns is challenging. I’m drawing a blank on what glassware my mom bought a lot of, they have a plant in Michigan. My sister should remember. I am sure you will spend a lot of time identifying patterns but it’s something you love! Your cold spell is heading south and will be here for about a week. Darn for both of us.

Too funny to clear the deck. They keep showing up though. Glad you got the deck cleared. When our company used Oracle there was a button to turn off email. I was always tempted to do that. Plausible deniability. Good luck with your big projects.

That’s great you have 6 sets ready to go on your site. Glad it is going more quickly for you now. Great idea to watch that auction to see pricing.

I get the joy of planning meals. It’s strange for me now with Marty and his high protein and caloric consumption. We really don’t eat together much during the week but do on weekends. You get to plan for kids too. Are the ferals picky eaters? Chili sounds great today.

I’m in the office today and not really working much. I did what I had to do but not doing much extra. Explored assorted ring mountings but still come back to another scattered diamond band just a bit wider is what my gut tells me.

My SIL was here last night. She brought up a bench Marty bought for his gym.

Take care. My sapphire rings should arrive Thursday. I’m excited to see them.

Take care
Cold Curby


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm super excited to see your rings! Are you working from home tomorrow, or having them delivered to your office? Every day I hope I'll get that magic message from Ilya telling me MY sapphire ring is ready too, ha ha.

The Etsy site is not as easy to work as one would think... I'm hoping that once I go live so additional functionality that is mentioned in the how to guide becomes active. The good news/bad news is that once I push the button it's PUSHED, if you know what I mean! As of now I've got ten listings that I could go live on, but I am hoping to get a few more in before the launch.

So there's this weird thing I'm experiencing... This is goin to sound crazy, but I will for instance have a set of glasses that I want to list but need to identify. I mentioned a few days ago there was a set like that, which I'd bought about a year and a half ago and look HARD to find but never did. And then I looked again when I started this little adventure, but no dice. Well yesterday I was looking for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (different color, different maker, etc.) and what pops up? THOSE GLASSES. :eek-2: Then this morning I was looking for another pattern and what do I see in the images? A DIFFERENT set of glasses I have a draft for but hadn't identified yet. Again. not AT ALL the same thing. We don't have Alexa, I'm not on Facebook, etc., so all the usual suspects don't really apply here. I am starting to be a little afraid of the internet!

Liam is going to pick me up after work and we're going to run to an estate sale that is having a "preview" from 3-7. Then there are two online auctions tonight where I'm going to learn how to bid. How exciting -- this is a whole new thing for me!

OK, off to finish up a couple of things before I log off for the day.


Feb 27, 2007
Here are some pictures of my Blues - I am pretty darned happy with them


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, how did the estate sale preview go? I am sure you'll get the hang of online bidding with practice especially with Liam buying from auctions for so long.

It's kind of frightening how cookies online can track and know what you look at; I even see stuff pop up on my home computer that I look up at work. WTH? I hope the Etsy sight does work better / easier once it's online. I keep asking Marty if we shouldn't get a VPN but he says it won't stop all the tracking anyway. It is down right scary.

I did work at home today and my box o'rings showed up. I really like my oval sapphire with the thicker band, My solitaire ring seemed too big this afternoon but we'll see how well it fits in the morning. The sapphire makes it rather top heavy too so it spins a lot. As you can tell I took many pictures with my phone this afternoon.

Our temperatures continue the dive towards minus numbers. Phooey.

I'm still all over the place on what to do for a new ring for my diamond. That solitaire is a very similar style to the cathedral rinig I was considering and I really work about something that sticks up that much. If it wasn't so stinking cold I would probably go look at Jared's this weekend. I've been there when it's over 100 so why not go there when it's below zero?



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I really love both of your rings! How will you ever decide between them when you are picking out a sapphire for the day?! I hear you on not going to Jared's (or anywhere!) when it's so damn cold out. I realized when we went to the estate sale last night it was the first time I've been out since last Friday, LOL. And in typical Curby and Dee fashion, I fell right out of Liam's truck in the driveway of the house when we pulled up. My foot slipped off the running board and I landed on my a$$ and elbow. My a$$ had plenty of padding, but my elbow... not so much. It is really sore today and pretty bruised up.

Speaking of the estate sale, neither Liam nor I got anything. That's OK though, not ever place can be a trove of treasures that we are specifically looking for. The online auction was much more of a success for me! I "won" all five lots that I bid on, and ended up spending in total less than I had mentally set as my top prices. That being said, there is a weird feature where you can set a maximum bid and the system ALLEGEDLY bids in whatever the increment is (usually $2.50) if someone else outbids you up to your max. Well I wanted to see how that worked and coincidentally both times the final price was my max bid. :roll: I may try it again next time just to see, but I think I'm going to have to forgo that convenience and watch the bidding as it occurs to stay on top of it. The items can be picked up on Saturday so I'm excited to see what I actually bought, ha ha.

I'm hoping the IT guy can get my computer fixed today. I won't bore you with the details but whether something I save actually DOES save is a crap shoot at the moment (which I found out by accident when I was looking for a critical thing that was needed NOW -- of course). I'm really afraid to do anything else until this gets resolved...

Alright, off to get a few chores down while I wait to hear back from IT!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

I just got back from a "quick trip" to Office Depot, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls, Old Navy, Home Goods and Hobby Lobby. Oh -- and I filled up my car and got it washed. Four hours later... :lol:

Liam and I picked up some lobster tails from Costco last night and we're going to make a little surf 'n' turf tonight! Instead of steak we opted for these little seasoned pork tenderloins that looked too good to pass up. Of course now I'm so exhausted I hope I don't fall asleep right in my plate LOL.

I've been working on "tags" for the items in my Etsy store. Too bad I did figure this out at the very beginning because I could have set them once and just kept cloning the listings. Now I have to go back and do each one. Ugh. I was also talking to my IT guy who is a photographer on the side and he helped set up his SIL's web store. He gave me some tips... which basically boil down to Take All New Pictures, ha ha. I got some "props" at Home Goods and Hobby Lobby so we'll see how creative I get (or not!). I'm committing to going live this weekend (hopefully tomorrow!) though with my current 15 listings. I'll add more to my page as I get them done. I'm also picking up all the things from the auction tomorrow afternoon and that is a new category of "stuff" so that will add some variety to my wares.

I gotta say I had no idea how overwhelming this process would be! "Oh, sure, let me just open up an Etsy store! Budda boom, budda bing, and Bob's your uncle!" #OpeningStatementOfTheSeverelyMisguided !!!

It's almost 5 o'clock so I better go google how to cook a lobster tail... Wish me luck!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks - I was all blue today. I wore the new oval RHR, blue sapphire studs and then used my old round Blue sapphire ring as my wedding ring and wore it with my diamond and sapphire Danielle band.

Ouch to falling getting out of the pickup - those darned running boards can be slick in cold, snowy weather. I hope you are feeling better today. I am sure your elbow really got smacked. I definitely know the feeling of falling on your butt. We are pretty graceful sometimes, eh?

That's great you did so well with the online auction. Reminds me of the days when I'd set there and bit on things on Ebay. My beginnings of trying to find cheap jewelry. Marty probably wishes that is still where I bought my jewelry. That's great you can pick up your new treasures tomorrow.

Did they fix your computer? That sucks to lose an important document.

You went on quite a shopping spree. Nice to get your car washed. My car is pretty clean but definitely got snowed on today.

Sounds like you and Liam will dine well tonight; I hope you don't fall asleep on your plate.

Darn to going back and tagging all your items for your Etsy store. That was nice of the IT guys to give you some tips. How exciting to plan on going live tomorrow. I'll go look for it. Marty figured out how to import a spreadsheet for my sister's doll clothes website but she is just doing them one at a time. She is not too computer literate. I occasionally have to check the website for her - she has sections by doll type / size and I'll find duplicates or ones in the wrong section.

It was -8 on my way to work today with wind chill pulling it down to -27. I planned ahead though; I dug out my star party thermals and wore under my work clothes. I was toasty warm at work all day.

My motivataion0meter didn't register much today so I shopped rings online. I believe I want a custom but very easy ring to make - a 3mm custom fit band with a 4 prong head. I emailed Brittany today but didn't hear back from her. Basically it's their Broadway solitaire ring with a wider band.

I took Monday off since I have 232 hours accrued again. I picked that day since it is the coldest day next week. Ha Ha.

Have a great weekend.

Here is the Broadway solitaire


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I decided to spend my day in the kitchen. I've got a roast in the crock pot, rolls baking, next up is getting a batch of scalloped potatoes in the oven then have a pan of brownies ready to throw in the oven to bake while we eat. Marty's Valentine Dinner.

Not much else going on exciting. I dialed in to work this morning to take care of a few things and we've been watching golf at Pebble Beach. I'd go back there any time.

It's currently snowing and -2 degrees. Yippee - I am glad I'm inside.

Have a fabulous weekend.

And today I still believe I want the solitaire above with a 3mm band.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I think that ring will look great and if you are still liking it then that must be the answer! Sometimes I get "set" on something and then the next day I'm like... uh... NO. Wow, you are a real cooking machine today! Our Lobster and pork tenderloin last night was beyond delicious. And being Costco the tenderloins came in like a 50 pack (or something like that!) so we had more today. And I think there's enough in the fridge for another big meal, ha ha.

Today was just chock full... I woke up around quarter to 7 and for some reason was just UP UP. During the day I've managed to get another listing up, BOLT to an estate sale way up north based on some photos Liam saw... but the only thing I wanted was long gone by the time I got there. Then I stopped at another place and got a set of glasses to see before coming back to the house and then going to pick up all the stuff from the auction. The lids on two of the auction pieces are chipped (one rather badly) but I'll make a point of disclosing that and giving photos. The other pieces are OK though, albeit a little heavy. Wow, I am surprised at how much some of this glass weighs!

I also went to a couple of other stores to find "props" for my photos, but at this point I think I'm just going to use what I've got and get on with things. Right now I have seven listings in my queue awaiting pictures and they I can make those live. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day!

Liam went to Costco to get me flowers for me for V-Day this evening. There was ONE bouquet left. So that's what I got! We're going to dinner with some people tomorrow. By then I should be utterly exhausted... !!! Good thing we're off on Monday. Oy.

I'll keep you posted on our "project." I'd like to get some stuff up and then we can execute out plan. How exciting -- I feel so covert. Curby and Dee -- Mission Impossible! :cheeky:

It's only about 8 o'clock but I'm fading fast I may to get in bed and read until I fall asleep (which won't take long I'm sure!).

Zzzzzz... !!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am the exact same way on jewelry, I love it one day then the next day not so much. I’ve wasted too much money on impulse buys. Today though I am still convinced I want that ring. Must be the one.

We only have a Sams club here but the meat packages are big like Costco. I have 2 huge packages of hamburger downstairs I need to thaw a break up someday but just haven’t done it yet. No way was I smart enough to do it when we brought it home. We sometimes get the pork or beef tenderloin shank / strip whatever they call that long old strip of meat but that works well too. Of course I’m not allowed to cut it up since a knife is involved.

Darn you didn’t get to see what you wanted at the auction yesterday. That is too bad the lids are chipped on what you picked up but as long as you disclose that in your listing that should be fine. Yes, some glasses are quite heavy. I had to look up the glassware pattern my mom had by the ton - it was Viking. Her aunt in Michigan had the same pattern so left her all of her glassware as well. You would have had a field day with all of my mom’s pieces.

Yay that Liam snagged the last bouquet of flowers for you last night. How was dinner with friends today? Nice you have tomorrow off; it’s not a holiday for us but I took it off already.

LOL Curby and Dee’s Mission Impossible.

Not much going on here. I slept in a bit. Started laundry and did my lifting. Marty picked up our grocery order on his way home from the gym. I ordered in some filet for dinner along with salads, chicken fingers as appetizers and got some dinner rolls out. We did finish a bottle of Malbec as well. I am working on my March article for the local newspaper today then I may as well get started on the March club newsletter.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids! And it IS a happy one since we're both off! :cheeky:

Curby, I'll have to look up your mother's pattern. I'm always excited to find and learn a new one. It's amazing what I now have cataloged in my brain and can identify with just a mere glimpse. Of course I can't seem to remember or focus on the important stuff, but Tiffin Etch Pattern 601 - CHECK! :lol: How was your dinner? Ours was good, but I definitely didn't need that big hunk o' flourless chocolate cake at the end! Did you get your news letter done?

Yesterday I spent about 3 hours taking pictures. I got a new set up in the other room of the basement with windows so I could use the natural light instead of the overhead lights, which cast a horrible glare. I also ordered some diffused lights off of Amazon that I hope will come today. This is proving to be the biggest challenge; taking pictures of glass without a total white reflection obliterating the pattern people want to see! I'm going to head to Hobby Lobby right when they open this morning and get some fake fruit and a few other props so I can list the bowls and stuff I got at the auction. TR thinks I'm crazy for going to all this trouble, but I really think the listings I have up with props are much more eye catching. He did make a good point about being clear that people are ONLY buying the GLASS in an add, or else some moron will complain that he got his bowl, but where are all the lemons?! So I am putting a blurd in the listings to that effect, LOL. I think I'll be ready for our "mission" today or tomorrow, so stay tuned!

And speaking of staying tuned, I'm pretty damn "tuned" to be hearing from Ilya any minute now!!! I really hope he reaches out this week and says my ring is done and/or my emerald is back from GIA and he's got some side stones for me to look at. I think I have to go downtown anyway late this week, assuming the contractor gets done, and I need to swap out my computer with the IT guy, so I'd love to kill at the birds with one stone (not that I advocate the killing of birds, with stones or otherwise!).

Even though banks are closed today Liam went in to work on some more PPP stuff while it's quiet. At least he brought my coffee up before he went! I might as well get this show on the road because Hobby Lobby certainly isn't going to bring the stuff to me!


Mar 26, 2006
My V-Day present!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I love that mug. I need to find one for Marty.

Nice that you and Liam have the day off; I am enjoying my day off as well.

How exciting you are becoming an expert at identifying glass patterns. I did find your Etsy page already. Sweet.

Our dinner was good too. How was flourless cake? Our brownies didn't suck. We had enough leftovers between Saturday and Sunday so that was our lunch for today.

Glad the light from the window is working well for your pictures; I find that is the best light for me too. Good idea to have some props and definitely to include disclaimer in your shop what is included in purchase. People are people and some are Karen's. Ha Ha.

I hope you get good news this week on your ring or on the emerald. How exciting! Sounds like a trip to the city this week anyway to swap out your computer.

I haven’t heard from WF today maybe they are closed. Darn.

I slept in about an extra hour and have been watching reruns of Yellowstone today. I have my article ready to send off to the newspaper today. I'll wait a few hours to proof read it then send it off. Tomorrow is back to work.



Feb 27, 2007
Here was the pattern my mom had a lot of pieces from Viking. She had these glasses for sure, the smaller and larger ones like this as well as goblets and dessert dishes. The ones she inherited from her aunt were the same pattern but in golden yellow or red.


When we got married we picked the Noritake Blue Swirl. We still have high ball glasses and the larger glasses in the man cave. We gave away all the goblets because I didn't have room for them at the time.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I love those glasses! Did you hear from WF yet? I wish I had some brownies now... My favorite part is the crispy edge! When I was a kid and my grandmother would make them everyone else always wanted the soft middle parts but she and I were all about the edges! :lickout: Hmmm... now you've got me thinking... Maybe I should get a box next time I go to the store and give making them a shot!

Yesterday I was on the go from before 7! Liam went into his office first thing and I wanted to be at Hobby Lobby when they opened at 9. I was running a little ahead so I went to Target first, then HL, and then Home Goods. I managed to get some more stuff to use as props. Once I came home I spent the next many (many!) hours down in the basement taking pictures. Our internet has been spotty, but I was able to get another 10 or so listings up last night. I don't know if I'll get to doing any today because I have to do actual work (WTH?!), but at the very least I need to do some organizing tonight because things are officially Out Of Control down in the basement, ha ha.

Liam came home for lunch and he made some wider tracks in the driveway for me in case I need to get out for any reason. My SUV is AWD but it's starting to be a clearance problem! And now that it's done that whole snow / melt / freeze cycle several times there no hope at all of cleaning the drive with the snowblower. At this rate it's going to be sheet of ice until about Easter!

OK, of to give the kitchen a quick clean now that Liam has made his lunch and then back at it.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Last night I was like, "Um... where are the dogs... ?" Well *someone* (you can guess who!) didn't close the basement door and the dogs were down there trying to get into the candy I had bought as props for some of my photos. There were M&Ms, three kinds of Hershey's kisses and a big package of Lindt balls. Fortunately I had put all of them in zip lock bags when I got done taking pics on Sunday, but they did get into my little trash bag and molest the wrappers from the dark chocolate kisses I *may* have eaten during the creative process. I'm sure in the spring when the snow melts we'll find sparkly purple foil poop all over the yard. And of course by then TR and the children won't remember this and I'm not tellin'! :lol:

No word from my contractor yet this week but he's SUPPOSED to be doing the doors and light fixtures there yesterday and today. I'm hoping for a text at some point tell me everything's done. We'll see...

It's currently -9 here. Again. Or maybe I should say STILL. WTF. But I'm going out this morning to take my packages to the post office for shipping, LOL. I've also got to train two new employees at 10:30 so I have to make this happen sooner rather than later!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am totally with you on the edge pieces of brownies - it seems like you get more brownie too because the edge is higher and thicker. I can give you my recipe for them; they are easy to make. The ferals would wipe out that 8" square pan in no time.

You made the rounds going shopping yesterday. Your props sound (and look) good. Oh no the dog ate some of the wraps from kisses. At least they didn't get in to the candy because I think chocolate can make dogs pretty sick.

How much snow have you got on the ground? It has been snowing lightly but non stop here for days. I'm guessing we've got about 8 inches of snow by now. My Audi's all did great in the snow; very sure footed.

Staring the day at -9? Sounds like here. We made it in to the teens today - woo hoo. I only had to wear my parka to go get the trashcan from the street. I skipped the hat and mittens.

Work was busy today; darn how can I watch TV and YouTube videos while I'm working? I lifted after work then decided popcorn sounded good for supper. We ordered in burgers from Door Dash for lunch.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I have a funny story about dogs and chocolate... It was the week I started as the chief compliance officer for a hedge fund, so needless to say I was up to my ankles in alligators. Bill called me and said, oh so nonchalantly, "How much chocolate does it take to kill a dog?" I came to a dead stop on the trading floor. Whaaaaaaa...??? We had been to Coscto the night before got a got a GIANT bag of Halloween candy, which we put in the far back corner of the countertop. The Demon apparently got the bag down, opened it, and ate one of every kind of candy (we found the wrappers). He then hid all of the almond joys All Over The House. Behind book shelves. In houseplant pots, Under couch cushions. In shoes Ev.Re.Where. He was planning for the future! That's when we realized we were dealing with one devious dog! But long story short, the vet told us it takes an ounce of pure chocolate per pound of dog to actually kill them. So The Demon lived to see another day. And we learned a valuable lesson about putting stuff away!

I honestly don't know how much snow we've got on the ground, but I'm guessing about a foot. If the plow pushes any more snow up against the side of the road the mail lady won't be able to get anything in the box! We're supposed to warm up a little in a few days, and then cool off again. The melt and freeze cycle -- then the REAL fun begins!

Last night after dinner I put up three more listings. Several people have also favorited my items, but I'm still waiting for the sale-o-meter to start cha-ching-ing! I'm making some headway in getting things organized downstairs, but it's slllllllllow going. I think I'm also going to have to order some more storage boxes. I loved the first batch I bought a few years ago, but they were expensive. I ordered a second version a few months back that were about half the price but I don't like them nearly as well. Plus they don't stack and nicely. I think I'm I'll go back to the $$$ ones.

Today I *should* work... but it's Thursday and I AM a three-day-a-week employee (ha!) so we'll see how things pan out!


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, that is pretty funny about Demon and the Halloween candy. Not only did he sample them all but then took all of the one he liked and hid them. Touché Demon!

A foot of snow that isn’t melting will certainly be fun for you. I hate when they plow in your driveway, mailbox and even worse in the middle of the street that you have to cross through it. That melt and freeze cycle that is coming is always a pain too. I hate ice. #iamaklutz.

How fun to see your site getting attention. I couldn’t figure out how to select your site as a favorite. I logged in too. I’ll go see what new things you have online.

Work was far too demanding of my time today especially when I had other things in mind to do around the house. I did hear from Whiteflash today and the custom band added over $500 which seemed high for what comfort band shanks sell for but what do I know? I also am leaning towards not going custom so I can return it for something else if I really don’t like the ring. Their w-prong solitaire is kind of the best of both worlds for me, it’s about 2.7mm width, the head looks like it protects the diamond but not as high as a cathedral mount. I asked Brittany if it would set relatively flush with my bands. If I didn’t have 4 bands i like I’d just get a new wedding set. I’d probably get some chunky bypass set with maybe some diamond accents.

I made some chocolate chip cookies after work and heated up a piece of pizza for supper.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
I see my admirer did show up on your site. Now if I could figure out how to get another picture on there instead of the abominable snowman.


Feb 27, 2007


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!!!

Curby, I like that ring a lot! I would be hard pressed to pick between that and the one I liked earlier with the small diamond accent on each side of the main stone, but I think I do prefer this one for the six prong aspect. Plus, I like the shape of this band a lot. Thank you A ZILLION TIMES for helping me out with the site!!! You have a black light... yes? When you get your package take them into a dark bathroom and play with the light. One of my favorite things to do, LOL.

So I had something kind of crazy happen last night. I had just logged off of my work computer (it was running some updates) and was getting ready to head upstairs for the night to PS for a while in bed. My phone started chirping weird noises at me, which I now realize are etsy sounds. Long story short, some lady bought five sets of 4 glasses and another set of 2 glasses! We went back and forth a bunch of times because she had so many questions (could I put this glass and that glass side by side and send her a picture so she could see the difference in size, etc.). She kept going, "ok, I'll that take set too," for every one we went back and forth on. It got to the point where I like... uh... ? Is this some sort of scam... ? But NO! We got it all settled, she hit the button, and the ap made this loud CHA CHING! noise (which scared the hell out of me, ha ha). The 700 square feet of bubble wrap I ordered last week showed up today so I'm going to have my hands full getting all this ready to ship. TR suggested Fed Ex rather than USPS and I think he's right in this instance. I'll likely break it up into two boxes, but they are still going to be pretty big boxes with all the padding. TWENTY TWO GLASSES! How exciting!

I just got back from downtown, where I grabbed a new computer from the IT guy and also went by and met my contractor. The new doors and light fixtures look great! I'm so glad I finally got that all done. I think now the only thing left to do is fix the mess I made of the caulk job to the left of the stove and then I'm calling it a day. Whew!

The IT guy is going to be calling me here in a minute to help set up my new machine so I better go get ready for that.

Later gators!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids.

Dee Jay that is awesome to sell 22 glasses light night. How exciting. I agree FedEx might be a good idea to ship them. I pack my Christmas glasses in wine boxes but I am sure you need heavier boxes to ship glasses in. I do have a UV light. Do I want to see what Is on those glasses? I may never drink out of anything again if I started looking. Marty for some reason never wants to take my light with him to check out hotel rooms. Go figure.

I am pretty excited about that ring. It’s kind of everything I imagined. I wanted a more solid and safe mount than what I have now, a chunky band and for it to set flush with my bands. I started liking the 6 prong head after looking at so many rings. Brittany got back to me she can order it for me and I did say yes I prefer a platinum head on it. She said I’d get in for maybe on Monday to send in my ring. Maybe 3 to 4 weeks out and I’ll get it. Any word on your ring and emerald?

That’s great your contractor is working out and doing a nice job. You are almost done. Then is it going on the market or will you enjoy it for a while?

How is the new computer working out?

I came in to the office today. More joy abounds with appraisals and expectations. And I’m cold. I swear I’m under an air conditioner at my desk.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
I am such a ditz. I have my ring all packed and ready to send in tomorrow and now I'm all worried - was the ring actually in the ring box? Why the heck didn't I check before putting it in a big, in a box, in another box with lots of tape between the outside and that envelope???? I at least looked everywhere and I don't see the ring or the ring box.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I swear that thing with the boxes and the ring is totally something I would do! And if they open everything up at WF and your ring ISN'T in there I'm sure they'll let you know, ha ha. What you'll see with the black light BTW isn't what's ON the glasses, it's what's IN them. They call them uranium glass because they use a trace of the element in the glass making process. It's totally safe (believe me, I did a ton of research on this), but the glasses will glow. It is the coolest thing ever! Interestingly enough, although it's generally the green ones that have it, other colors that glow too. I have a set that are watermelon (so one part of the glass is green and the other part is pink), and it's the pink part that glows and not the green. Those ones really surprised me! Ilya said my ring may be done this coming week (although no promises... ) and the emerald is still with GIA. I'm getting antsy!

Yesterday I zipped downtown, copied all my tax stuff at my real estate office, went to my place and saw the contractor (I'm really happy with the doors and the lights), grabbed the new laptop from the IT guy, and came back north. Then we went to dinner with some friends. The was A LOT of alcohol consumed. A WHOLE LOT. I'm about to take my second batch of Excedrin for the day. Ugh. And then I need to go down into the basement and start wrapping up the lady's glasses since the giant shipment of bubble wrap showed up yesterday. I need to also get a handle on shipping stuff because I think I'm paying way too much. The other day I got the label through etsy for you package at it was $28. I didn't really think much about it because I wanted to get it off to you right away, but when I did an estimate on the shipping for the lady's big box it's over $100. Liam said he'll help me see what my options are because that will sink my business before it even get started!

OK, off to find some more coffee and motivate on the wrapping front!


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, I will definitely check out those glasses with my UV light. That is really interesting. The watermelon ones sound cool too. The only thing I use my UV light on it jewelry. My new blue sapphires look sage green in the UV light - some of my other ones look pure red. I would love to find something that is phosphorous too.

I thought of telling Vera at WF that I worried if I stuck my ring in the package but she might just mess with me and say - hey your package arrived and it's empty. I wouldn't need a new ring thing after having a heart attack. LOL.

That is awesome the contractor did such a great job on your place. Sweet. Dinner and alcohol sounds really fun and hope the Excedrin helped with the aftermath. I haven't drank as much since we don't go out to eat as often. We need to stock up on wine.

Yes, you definitely need to find a more economical shipping method or have the customer pay shipping. You are using the post office; is that right? I saw a package on it's way from Etsy in my USPS informed delivery account. Glasses are heavy too and need lots of packing material. Good luck with that!

Work was it's usually delightful adventure yesterday. My grumpy glass half empty boss called me to his office about the company's de-motivational appraisal percentages and wants us to track each and every single error each team member makes so we can determine who gets the lowest ratings. I'm like what - this is manual entries - everyone makes mistakes and some of these are minor, paperwork errors. Yep, he wants them tracked. Joy. Retirement looks more appealing every single day.

I did go drop off my box at FedEx - hopefully they are delivering packages and WF is open on Monday. I topped off my gas tank while I was out since it's in the 30's and sunny. I got my FIL's birthday card in the mail while I am thinking about it. His birthday is March 3rd and with February being a short month I always forget to get his card in the mail on time. Since the Valentine's Day cards are still on my dining room table I decided I'd get that done NOW.

Now I'm working on laundry and plan on loading up my cart at Amazon shortly. I ordered Marty and I each a pair of gripper slippers from Bombas this morning as well. I'm on a shopping binge.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, you just reminded me that I have to do a happy birthday video message for one of my friends! She's turning 60 next week and her daughter is asking people to do a short clip so she can put it together and give her something special in the absence of a party. Are the gripper slippers like thick socks with rubber on the bottom? I had those in the hospital after each knee surgery and I really liked them. I bet if I went and dug around in my sock drawer they are still in there LOL.

Liam is on a roll with the lobster! He ran by Costco yesterday and came home with a four pack of tails. We had two last night and I guess we're having two more tonight, ha ha. After dinner I painted my nails, which I also cut pretty short hoping by the time I get to the two week mark they won't be absolute talons like they have the last few times. I used the color you and I both like the best but that doesn't wear as well. I put a coat of the good brand under it though and used the same good topcoat I always use so maybe that will give it a little more longevity. #ManicureMcGyver

Yesterday I didn't get a whole lot done... which is probably no big surprise! Today though, I am going to be a glass listing machine! Of course that will require me getting out of this nice warm bed and actually putting clothes on. Hmmm...
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