
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, trust me I look nothing like body building Debbie. I do plan on keeping up my lifting though.

I hope you get rested up this week. That flu really beat you up; too funny you took a nap in the car. I can't sleep in cars; I've tried.

Good luck shopping tomorrow. I hope those swivel chairs are still 50% off or have an even better discount.

It was snowy and cold today. Nice sheets of ice everywhere this morning. Work seemed to go on and on today. I only had to change 3 small thing on my employoee appraisals I submitted. I was surprised. Of course the past few years corporate pushes them back for us to change to meet their bell curve percentages. We will see.

Marty is at a local vodka distilling bar; I had no desire to go. it's downtown (no parking), it's cold, windy and icy and the place is an old, cold and loud. No thanks. I'm a party pooper.

Tomorrow I have a grocery order to pick up at 8. A haiir cut at 9 then a funeral at 1. Marty is going to Denver for an open house at some gym. He better remember to pick up my heart ring on the way home.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, If I could remember Debbie's last name I'd find you a picture! She was a sight to behold, LOL.

Yesterday I managed to successfully capture two grey leather swivel chairs that had been discontinued by the furniture chain where I found them. I had to drive all over god's green earth, but now I have them! Hopefully tomorrow TR and I will take them downtown and get the black leather chaise out of there.

We went to dinner at some friends' new house last night. The place is just amazing -- out in the woods and lots of sprawling space. I'm looking forward to going back in the daylight some time and seeing the rest of it.

We've got a batch of ribs in the crock pot with BBQ sauce. Can't wait for dinner to roll around!


Mar 26, 2006

I found her!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, ha ha I do not resemble that lady at ALL.

That's great you found some gray swivel chairs to put by the big bay window. That will be awesome. Darn you had to run around finding them though. On those days I reach a point where i say I don't care - get what you want. :D

Your friends new place sounds fabulous. I wish we'd opted for a more rural place than this one except for the driving to work through more snow part. I didn't want a rural place since at the time Marty was gone a lot.

BBQ ribs in the crock pot are the best. They get so tender. What time are they ready?

I've had a busy day so far. I picked up groceries at 8, had my hair cut at 9, fixed an egg, bacon and toast for myself to eat for breakfast, showered and am ready to head out to that funeral shortly. i tweaked my right knee bad getting dressed let's hope I can drive. I can use driver's assist for my of the way though.

My heart diamond should arrive by 7 or so tonight whenever Marty gets back from Denver.

Have a fabulous day.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Happy Sunday.

I slept in until 8. It was awesome! I worked on laundry and lifted. I deadlifted 80 pounds today. Woo hoo!

Here is my new heart diamond on my old semi mount. It looks white to the eye but photographs yellow. I did find out it's yellow florescent. Strange they don't list that on the GIA certificate. It's .80 carat I, Si1

Definitely not the best cut in the world but it sparkles enough to make me smile


Take Care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your new stone is great! I really like it with the sapphires, and you can definitely tell it's a heart!

So Saturday's ribs were OK... but only OK. We cooked them long enough to be fall-off-the-bone tender, but they were very fatty and I honestly didn't love the BBQ sauce. Oh well, they certainly didn't kill us!

Yesterday TR and I came downtown and did a bunch of things at my house, including bringing some boxes out from storage so I could sort through them and decide what I wanted out in terms of nick-nacks. I got some floating shelves to put up in the corner between the windows, but once we looked at the mounting hardware we weren't confident they would be secure with what I wanted to put on them, so I ordered some (hopefully) sturdier ones from Home Depot this morning that seem to have better hardware.

The swivel chairs look perfect in my big bay window, so that was a total win! I've ordered some (well... OK... three different versions of... )leopard print pillows to put on them and I'm anxious for those to arrive.

I need to go on a big returning mission; I've got things to take back to Ikea, home goods, At Home, and who knows where else. Clearing out a bunch of that extraneous stuff will be a relief, not to mention clear up a bit of the clutter that's making me crazy right now!

Still not ideas on artwork for over the couch... but baby steps, right?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thank you. I am enjoying my new heart ring. It sparkles and that is what matters, of course I'm easily entertained.

Darn that the BBQ ribs were fatty; I not a fan of that. When i eat prime rib it looks like I didn't eat much because i eat the lean portion out of the middle and then I'm done. I do like tender BBQ ribs though. I usually get the lean boneless ribs when I cook them.

it sounds like you and TR are getting a lot done at your place. Sweet. You'll be done soon. Good luck with your major return mission; are you bringing home more than you return though? That's my trick anyway.

That is awesome the swivel chairs worked out so well. They sound great.

Work lived up to it's name today. Just because I'd rather be elsewhere. I think I'll take off Wednesday because it sucks working 5 days in one week and my SIL is stopping by briefly that day.

Marty needed something to run his Apple TV at his gym so i volunteered my 4 year old iPad mini and stopped by Target on the way home and picked up the latest version for me to use at work. It's all set up and ready to go. I haven't been in Target for a while because the electronics section is now the pharmacy. At least I the grand tour of the store.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, LOL on the electronics section now being the pharmacy. I hate it when I finally figure out where stuff is in a store and then they move it!

Yesterday I worked a little late and then one of my work girlfriends and I went out for a drink. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and got a few things so if I ever did spend more than 12 hours at my place I wouldn't starve to death.

TR is planning on coming down tonight. Unfortunately I don't have any of the stuff we need to hang pictures at this point. I'm wondering if I can zip to a nearby hardware store at lunch and see if they have one of those kits where you get different sized hooks, etc., all in one.

My boss and I have a call in 8 minutes to try to get something taken care of that I've been working on for 20 months now. Ugh. Please god, let this thing finally get rolling...


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Not much exciting to report... TR didn't make it down last night because he got a pretty late start and it would have been after 9 pm by the time he got here. Good thing too because there was a lot of ice up his way this morning so it would have been a slick drive home for him. Hopefully he'll make it down tonight.

I cut out paper in the size and shape of things I want to hang on the wall and put them up last night. I think I know now where things are going to go in the living room, so that's a plus. I also have a picture I want to hang in the entry way, but I can't do that until the ottoman for that area comes, which is supposed to be tomorrow. I've got two wild card pieces, one of which I think I will find a place for (maybe in the bedroom) and the other is likely a no-go in this space, but I'm going to keep it in storage (along with a bunch of other pieces... so much art, so little wall space!).

Tomorrow I need to come in because I'm going to Aspen next week, but on Friday I have a big list of stuff to return that I need to get started on.

OK, off to work on my project...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea for TR not to venture out to visit on ice.

Good idea to put up "test" pictures. You will be done decorating soon. Such fun!

I am glad you had a nice evening with a friend the other day and now you'll have something to eat at your place. As long as you have wine and something to eat you are good to go.

Yay for a trip to Aspen. I'll wave in that direction. You'll have fun.

I took off work today since my SIL is showing up sometime today. I cleaned the spare bathroom and guest room this morning, lifted, made Snickerdoodles, had lunch with a friend, played cribbage and it's only 2. I rest more at work. Ha Ha.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on resting more at work! I often say the same thing. On my "days off" I run around like a chicken with my head cut off! I am grateful for Mondays when I can go sit at my desk, ha ha.

Last night TR came down... but it didn't last. Once we went to bed he started coughing and had terrible heartburn, so around 11 he gave up and drove home. Then I didn't sleep for the rest of the night either. Whatever.

Today the contractor is (allegedly) there doing a bunch of the final touch up stuff. I'm just ready for them to be GONE! The bench for my entryway is coming today, as well as a couple of floor lamps. Still stymied by art for over the sofa... I get set on an idea... and then I over think it and go, "Nah." Back to square one. Ugh.

OK, off to work on today's project!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am totally with you on going to work on Monday to rest up from the weekend. Check!

Poor TR coughing and having heartburn then deciding to drive home. What a long night for him. He is probably shot today. I hope he feels better now.

Did the contractor actually finally finish up things today? It's about time, huh?

It was a tough day at work; only because I didn't really want to be there. I made it until 5 today but it took forever. I picked up a burger for supper so I'm ready to be lazy the rest of the night.

Tomorrow is Friday! Yippee.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the contractor did come yesterday and I declare them to be DONE. Well, ok, I declare them to be Out of My House, which I consider the same thing at this point, ha ha. There are a couple of tiny things left, but TR and I can do them (e.g., there was no ceiling paint left so when he put the new light in the kitchen the area didn't get touched up, that sort of thing, but the rest of it is fine by me).

Today I need to make a bunch of returns (and I"m sure buy some more things, LOL. I'm going hog wild and taking the price tag off some throw pillows and other stuff. Woah, Dee, calm down girl! :lol:

The bench for the entryway came yesterday... and i'ts very short. I like it in general and it fits the space otherwise so now I need or order taller legs for it. I'm going to make a leap of faith and hang the artwork I want there anyway, even before the legs come. I think I've also made (another!!!) decision about what to hang above the couch. Man, you'd think I was decorating Buckingham Palace with all this trauma/drama!

I hear my text dinging somewhere in this place, but I'm not sure where I put my phone. Better go find it before it dies; it was on 1% last time I looked.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, what a good feeling to be done with the contractor. You and TR should be able to finish up those remaining things in no time. I hope you were able to get something removed from your final payment.

How did your return-a-thon go today? Did you bring home more things that you returned? You did go a little crazy tearing tags off throw pillows though.

That's good you figured out what to hang over the couch and I am sure the art over your bench will be fine. And it is a palace to you, right?

I had my work done by 10 am today; what a long day. I amused myself with some episodes of That 70's Show. I never watched it when it was on TV but heard it was funny.

We have our astronomy meeting in a while.

It's cold and windy at least no snow yet.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy snowy Saturday kids!

Curby, I did return SOME things yesterday... but the day kind of became a clusterfvck...

I somehow spent four hours tooling around at my place yesterday morning so I didn't really get going until about 1 pm. I made a big return at Home Goods in the city (and only bought one thing!) and then I headed north because I told TR I would pick up the ferals at his ex's house. I put TJ Maxx and the name of the next town over from where the ex lives in the GPS because I figured I could go there and At Home and then get the children. Well my GPS took me to god only knows where. Frankly I should have realized it, but I was thinking instead of going north and then east to the town maybe it was taking me north and east and then would circle back west. (As you can tell, geography is not my strong point!) I made the return at TJ Maxx and then put in the ex's address... which was over an hour away instead of the 15 minutes I had expected. And then the snow started... I called TR and told him what was going on. He went to get the kids and I headed directly to his house. It took Over Three Hours in a blizzard. It was HORRIBLE. Fortunately I had no issues, but there were a lot of stupid people on the road. I just kept a slow and steady pace on whatever road I was on and made it fine, but it was dicey in several places. I was SO GLAD to finally get here!

Today I am going to do stuff here at TR's house. I really need to move the last of the xmas stuff down into the basement and organize the big "closet" I'm got things in so I can assess what else can go to my place. I also haven't even really touched my clothes in terms of moving them downtown, other than the half dozen work outfits I've got there that I keep recycycling.

Tomorrow I'm hoping the weather clears and I can do the returns I didn't get to yesterday. Not sure if I'll go downtown tomorrow or just wait 'till Monday.

How did your astronomy meeting go? Did you get snow?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, darn that you are having a snowy day. it's acting like winter, WTH? That is scary about having to drive in a blizzard to get to TR's. i hate when the GPS takes me somewhere else than what I planned. That is good TR was able to pick up the kids okay and all of you made it home okay.

Good luck organizing the closet and picking out some clothes to leave at your place in the city.

Our astronomy meeting went well. I totally enjoy it when someone else is giving the program instead of me.

I did have a busy day. Marty went to a gym in Denver today to “observe” some strength training coaches; he didn’t come home with any great new insights or questioning how he does things so that is good. I was going to hit the grocery story bright and early but I slept in a little bit then a friend of mine started texting me for about an hour so I decided there wasn’t really anything I needed today at the store. I washed the bedding in our guest bedroom and put it all back on the bed, diid my laundry, watched several movies and finished my lap blanket for work. I watched Line of Duty and the Birdcatcher. They were both good. I started to watch Downton Abbey but couldn’t get in to it. When Marty got home we watch Gemini Man.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Oh and we didn't get snow last night or today - just cold and wind.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, did you knit/crochet your lap blanket? I would love to see a picture! I can do both of those things, but in a very rudimentary way. My paternal grandmother could crochet like a mo fo! She made some really really gorgeous blankets, baby clothes, etc. My mother and grandmother were both professional seamstresses and could sew ANYTHING. I think there are all lost arts and I wish I had paid more attention as a child when it would have been easier to pick all this up.

Yesterday I made returns at Lowes, Home Depot, Kirklands and Home Goods. I did pick up a few things, but I ended up net $800 to the good! It was CRAZY windy and ridiculously cold though. When I set up it was not bad at all but by the time I got to Home Goods I and my cart were literally blown sideways across an icy parking lot. That's when I was like, OK Dee, get your a$$ home. Today I plan to go to Macys, Walmart, Ikea and At Home. It's not any warmer but I am hopeful it won't be as windy, and I'm definitely going to dress better. I didn't even have gloves with me yesterday!

Both dogs are barking and both ferals are screaming. No idea what's happening out there (I'm in bed drinking coffee that TR just brought me. Sounds like a good time to get in the shower and maybe the situations will resolve themselves by the time I get out LOL.


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, I knit my lap blanket. I did 4 stitches in ribbing so it is very stretchy. The stripes in it turned out pretty well for variegated yarn. I am so stinking cold at work all the time I wanted something to put over my lap and legs. That is great your grandmother could crochet like crazy and your mom and grandmother were seamstresses. I would agree sewing, knitting and crocheting are a lost art. I have knit since I was a kid and used to make a lot of things, I don't even need to pay attention unless it's a pattern. I learned to crochet after college and I couldn't get it from my "teachers" so I finally bought a book. I work the hook like a knitting needle but the stitches come out the same. I have to watch what I'm doing though and count every stitch. My mom and sisters are excellent seamstresses - not professional though; I was never that interested in sewing. I can sew but like the quick patterns.

Nice to net $800 in returns yesterday but holy cow that is lucky you weren’t hurt getting shoved around on ice in the wind. Sounds like you needed bricks in your pocket. I am glad you decided to head home. Hopefully your outings today go better.

Definitely a good idea to get in the shower while the kids and dogs are raising heck. Hopefully they are all quiet and calm when you venture out of the bedroom.

I slept in until 7:45. Sweet. I decided to “bake” my breakfast (to avoid dishes of course). Potatoes turned out great, Canadian bacon would have been fine except I overcooked it but the egg not so much. Oh well, I got enough to eat out of it.

Today I have to do my lifting and work on my stack-o-stuff to take care of; mostly paperwork.

Take care.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your blanket looks great! I think you may have to wrestle it away from the bears though because they look quite cozy there!

Yesterday netted another $500 in returns (I did pick up a few things at At Home, but that was the only place I bought anything). So I'm $1300 to the good for the weekend,and most importantly, the stuff is out of my life!

Today I am going to try to get going early(ish). After I shower I need to pack for Aspen and take that suitcase with me too because I leave Wednesday and I'm staying downtown both tonight and tomorrow. In addition to that suitcase I'm hoping have room for my big one in the car so I can take a bunch of other clothes. It finally starting to feel like I really can live there sometime soon, ha ha.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the bears were pretty sad when I took their blanket this morning. I'll have to get out a fleece blanket for them.

Sweet for netting $1300 from your returns. Spending money for Aspen. Plus it's nice to get those things out of your place (or storage).

All those suitcases and clothes will definitely fill up your car. You should be good to go spending the night in town now. Nice to have the option too.

I didn't even use my blanket today at work. I bought a cheap little thermometer for work too so i could "see" how cold it was. It never got below 72.7 degrees. Then again I was never cold either. I'll see if we get a cold day this week. I can't whine about being cold if it is 72 degrees. Well, I can but no one will care.

We worked on Marty's business income and expenses yesterday. Hopefully we'll get our W-2's soon so we can go to the accountant. Sad and scary news today a guy that does the same job as Marty was let go. Oh oh.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I have gather my tax info too (both person and business) and it's going to be a bit complicated this year. Well, OK, it's always a bit complicated, but 2019 even more so! Oh well, what can you do. Uncle Sam doesn't care if it's complicated or not, he just wants his $$$!

Yesterday was quasi-successful... Several things I ordered last week came earlier than expected, so that was good. The deliveries included some shelves I ordered to go in the corner of my living room. Poor TR... it took him two hours to put up three of the five shelves... and one of them is not level. He gave up at that point -- and I don't blame him! But I got the picture hung in the entry way (I had put the hook in the wall, but it was too big and heavy for me to put up myself) and the big antique platter that I brought back from Vietnam (which we TOTALLY over-engineered, but it's not like I can ever get another one so I was happy to hang it on a giant hook that is anchored to the wall in a way that will NEVER come out!). There were other things that didn't get done... but that's always the way, isn't it?!

My best friend from law school and his partner are coming over tonight. We're going to dinner and then (finally) exchanging x-mas presents. TR is coming down too. Should be fun!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids.

Dee Jay, darn those pesky taxes that we have to submit and pay. I swear I’m taking over Marty’s gym bookkeeping. He didn’t get any receipts for about $1600 worth of equipment he bought for the gym on Craig’s list.

Oh no that one of the shelves is not level. I don't blame TR for giving up either. How frustrating. Do the shelves that are up already look good? Pictures can be heavy for sure? The pictures Marty hung up in our deep stairwell were a challenge. He builds a multi level platform then puts a tall ladder on it and has to get on the ladder by climbing over our banister. I didn’t want to watch but he needed my help. Plus I had to be ready to call 911 if things go wrong.

Have fun at dinner with your BF from law school.

I am bored at work and cold. I am taking my friend to lunch that lost her father a few weeks ago. Peach margaritas are in our future.
Take care.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, Marty's process for hanging up the pictures over the stairs sounds rather... um... dangerous. (As if you needed me to tell you that!) I wouldn't have wanted to watch either!

Last night was fun. TR decided to go home afterwards though because he had an early start this morning and didn't want to risk being late. I slept like the dead!

This morning I got everything ready for my trip (which didn't take much effort since I had packed my suitcase last weekend so I only had a few things to add in) and then the contractor came over. I think he was expecting a check, but I made it clear that No Waiver, No Check. So he left empty handed. He's got to come back with the granite guy next Tuesday anyway so he can pick it up then -- IF he's got the waiver!

I had ordered a storage ottoman from Pier! a few weeks ago. It came... but it's super short. SO short that it doesn't cover up the outlet in the entryway, which I wanted to do. Plus it is also SO low that it's not really feasible to sit on. So I ordered taller furniture legs and tried to put them on this morning since I had a few minutes before I had to leave. It didn't go well. I ended up really doing a number on one of the legs t the point that the corner has to be repaired in some pretty substantial way. Also, the legs (which are square) are too big at the top, so they stuck out. I put the whole mess aside and just ordered new ROUND legs that are smaller at the top, and that come with some more heavy duty hardware, so hopefully we can rig something up for that one broken area. Ugh. Nothing is ever easy!

Currently at the airport waiting to board for Aspen. We are (of course) delayed, but hopefully it won't be too long... In the interim I have managed to buy stuff off of both Amazon and Home Depot. God bless the magic of internet shopping!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay I so agree that process to hang pictures is dangerous. More guts than brains there.

Glad you had a great nights sleep. Sweet. I don’t blame TR for going home last night since he needed an early start today.

Sounds like packing for your trip was easy since you had a head start on it. Nice.

Darn that the storage stool was short and new legs didn’t work so well. Crap. At least new legs should take care of it.

Have a safe trip and fun in Aspen. Rub elbows with some celebrities while you are there. Isn’t it great you can shop anywhere now?

We are on he 40’s today will less wind than normal. I could hardly walk upright when I went to lunch. Ha ha.

I met a friend for lunch and ate too much so maybe I’ll nap at work this afternoon. I have to lift tonight.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, there are several days when I wish I could nap after lunch, especially when we have food in and it's heavy. I mean, who needs a big pile of meat and pasta at noon? Not that I don't enjoy it, but it really puts me in food coma for the rest of the day!

My trip in was ultimately uneventful, although the pilot came on and gave some alarming "well the weather has been iffy in Aspen today but we'll do our best" message just as the doors were closing. So we all spent the whole flight worried we'd end up in Denver or Grand Junction. Ugh. No matter though -- we got here!

Three of my friends are here at this point. One more is coming tonight and another tomorrow morning, so then we'll have a full house. We're in the same condo we've rented before so it's like old home week. Not the most luxurious, but a good location and enough room for all of us.

It's snowing steadily out there, and I thin it did all night, so the guys will have fresh powder for their morning runs. I'm sure that will make them happy! I will be right here with another cup of coffee and a blankie!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, sounds like you will have a nice, cozy day while your friends are out in the cold and snow. Nice! What a way to start the flight with such an announcement. That's good you were able to land okay. i don't think I'll ever forget the amount of planes parked at the Aspen airport with the vast majority of them probably private planes.

Marty had a grand opening / ribbon cutting celebration at his gym this afternoon with the Chamber of Commerce. About 8 members came by, some of his clients were there so it was nice. He forgot to take a table for his coffee and fresh fruit plate so asked me to come home and get it for him. I had too park about a block from his gym and haul the table across the street into the wind - good thing I have some muscles now.

I ate 2 servings of fresh fruit so didn't have to fix myself much for supper.

Take care.



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday Kids!

Dee Jay I hope you are having fun in Aspen. I saw where some place in Canada had over 12 feet of snow. That has to suck to get around in that.

busy weekend here. I lifted 82.5 pounds this morning. Ran errands yesterday. Sad that it’s Sunday already.

take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

We had rain today - I am sure there will be white stuff on the ground in the morning. I am rounding up some more tax documents tonight. I can't find a letter for a donation so hopefully I can find a copy of my cancelled check online. I made myself tacos for supper, we had 2 shells in the pantry, the veggies so I just cooked myself up one of my 4 oz hamburger patties and voila - tacos. It was quick and easy too.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

I owe a big update but I'm swamped at work. Will come back later and tell you all abt my Aspen trip!
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