
Have gems made you like a colour you didn't?


Jun 5, 2011
My favourite colours have been red and blue for as long as I can remember. However, some of my favourite gems are colours that I would say I didn't really like before. For example, my spess and chrysoberyl. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of pink or purple, or green, either, and many of you know how that has turned out, too! :lol: Has this happened to you? If so, what colour/s? Please feel free to post pics of the gems that made you change your mind!

Here are my spess and chryso. :)


Yes, orange for me as well!

Though I will just never love purple.
yes, and like many it is "orange"....who knew?!
I definitely was not a fan of orange until is saw spessartite. I didn't use to have any pink clothes until I got a pink sapphire ring. I still do t like really dark colors like a deep purple or navy blue stones.
pink is my color..

Nope, as my colour preferences have not changed over the years, and my eyes are drawn to those that I like and can wear.

DK :))
Orange for me too. I actually have a bad association with orange. When I was about 6 or 7 I got sick and had to take antibiotics. I HATED the flavor of the medicine - it made me sick so I had to take it again! And the colour of the bottle it came in was orange. Childhood issues, I know :cheeky: I love spess now and I find I prefer the look of more orangey pad sapphire.
I actually hated green- and then I got a mint garnet ;) And I've since learnt how to love greens with a blue modifier.
Purple. My Mom hated it so , by default and brainwshing I was never a fan. My 12 Y.O.'s favorite color has been purple since she was born. I buy all things purple for her and her room is lavendar. Now I am craving a big royal purple amythest pendant. Go figure.
Pinks/reds. I never liked them at all, until I saw my first mahenge...and now I'm addicted to mahenges!! It has had a huge impact on what I collect and wear every single day.

Blues and greens I always loved, but I realized that while I like green, in my gems I really prefer mint green. I've since sold all my tsavs and bought up mints instead :)

Also purple a little. I've never cared for the color at all, but I now know that I love a large, well cut amethyst.
Actually some gems ruined a color for me. After seeing fine Burmese rubies, no red gemstone is red enough for me. LOL!

I really disliked yellow forever, and vowed I would never buy a yellow gem. I'm not even keen on yellow diamonds, but I really love neon yellow Tanzanian chrysoberyl, so I have some of those.

I used to think brown diamonds were tacky and lame. Now i look at caramel ones and think they are delicious. I here people say "brown diamonds?! why would yo want a poo colored diamond" and i just think :roll: they are :love: :love:

i don't own one buy i would sure like to.
Red and yellow for me. I've never been drawn to warm colours at all, preferring cool greens, greys and blues, but all of a sudden I'm obsessed with rubies (and heliodor, of all things! It keeps stopping me in my tracks).

I have a nasty suspicion that I'll amass a collection of the little darlings and then never turn them in to jewellery or wear them - just hoard them like Smaug for no real reason at all. Weird.
My fav colors are still the same (red and blue).
I still love red and blue but have a new found appreciation for orange (even though it looks horrible on me), green (especially with a blue modifier) and anything lavender (especially with some blue). I still dislike yellow but I'm surprised how much I enjoy chartreuse chrysoberyl.
Interesting topic!
And here is my rather boring answer, in that I don't think they have, No.
My favourite colour when I was young was purple and all its cousins (lavender, violet) - hence why Donatello was my favourite TM Ninja Turtle ;-)
And as an adult my favourites are green and blue..Can't get enough of green, as it has so many variations in nature (and in gems).
I don't actually dislike any colour strongly, however I find I am not drawn to the red & pink family..I do love a good rhodolite or tanga garnet, however the strong reds or extreme pinks are not personally high on my list - although I definitely admire the PSers with the verve to wear their gorgeous mahenge spinels (I wouldn't pull it off!).
I was recently considering faceted black spinel..I think they'd make a very handsome gent's ring. I already like black, but before seeing these spinels I just thought of black gems with the stigma of silly celebrities who get black diamond e-rings; so these gems did change that opinion.. does that count? :wink2:
I'm loving these answers! Feel free to post pics of either the gems that changed your mind, or one that would. :naughty:
I've always been a yellow/orange/green/blue/grey/brown/red kind of girl. Not at all into pink, purple, mauve, lavender-the typical girl colors!

The stones on my wishlist would be a yellow diamond, Spress garnet, Mint or Tsav garnet, sapphire, ruby.

I am finding myself drawn to hot pink lately after seeing all of the gorgeous spinels on here. I might surprise myself and give in eventually :cheeky:
Reds and pinks. I can't even wear red because with my coloring it makes my skin and hair look green. Yet they are the dominate colors of my gemstone rings. I can't get enough Mahenges.

Purple is my favorite color but I cannot love purple gems- at least not in person. In photography I love them, but not so much in real life.
I hate orange.

And red.

And brown.

And white.




Green and orange and all the variations of the colors. Green- blue, green-yellow, orange- pink,orange yellow. I haven't found a color I don't like but I am surprised when I fall in love with a color of a stone that I wasn' t expecting. Depending on how you look at it I'm lucky to be able to visit a store with a fabulous collection of colored stones.
Orange and limey green for me too! My sister thinks that my mandarin spessartite is too "flashy" but she doesn't get the allure of natural gemstones.
movie zombie|1401076404|3680101 said:
yes, and like many it is "orange"....who knew?!

The gorgeous spess in your avatar, is that your engagement ring? :love:
Lol, Freke! I hope to like brown some day.

ILG, what is this "too flashy"???? You need to work on her! :Up_to_something: ;))
Great question, but can't think of any particular color. I can say its definitely enhanced my love of the colors I loved before, if that makes sense. It also has made me realize that while I love the intensity of pinkish red spinels, that hot pink and magenta stones are just not for me. :knockout:
Orange - ALL the way!!! I didn't own anything orange until about a year ago, but found myself getting all kinds of orange shirts, sundresses, and whatnot, but I never did I ever think that it would translate to stones, and here I am loving all of the Spess's that I see. I sooooo tried to get Gene's round spess from a drop back and missed it, but one of these days, I'll have a little glow ball :-)


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