
Good rock or upgrade to an H?

Looks good. No opinion on the color sensitivity as it can varies a lot. If worse case, your gf can see the difference, there is still the WF upgrade policy to fall back on.
yeah looks good but maybe see if there is a H SI1 that is close in size/price? again, color is totally a matter of personal preference
The stone you posted looks good. It really depends on you and your GF's color sensitivity. Maybe you could go to a local jewelery store and compare an H and I of similar size in person? THat may give you a better idea of how sensitive you and your GF are to color. It's hard to tell color on computer monitors and everyone's level os sensitivity is different.
Thanks for the responses! I definately feel more comfortable now if I choose to go with that diamond.

I tried comparing that "I" stone to other H's and it was extremely hard for me to tell a difference. I'm flying solo on my diamond search because I want to surprise her.

I also know that she would never comment on the color of the stone, even if she noticed it to be slightly tinted.

I keep seeing H color as being the "sweet spot" so it's making me question my initial impression. I will compare once more before I seal the deal.
Be sure to compare stones graded by GIA or AGS to make sure you are getting an accurate impression. Unless your gf is a real diamond enthusiast of has cultural ideals about color, then I am fairly certain she will be fine with an I color with such a great cut. Just don't tell her the color ;)) Most people have never in their lives seen a really well cut diamond, in any color, and most people don't know doodly about diamond color other than what they have been brainwashed to believe by diamond marketing, so the reality is that most people are not "color sensitive" unless they know they should be 8) MOst diamonds out there are probably Good cut and M color by GIA standards (not certed or in house certed by mall stores).
Do you know of anywhere with a good selection of platinum settings I could browse through for my round cut diamond? I'm having a hard time finding good choices. I'm looking for something similar to a simple Tiffany's knife's edge setting without such a sharp edge.
dandyman11|1290389385|2775016 said:
I keep seeing H color as being the "sweet spot" so it's making me question my initial impression. I will compare once more before I seal the deal.

If you're still seeing H as the "sweet spot," then maybe just stick with that rather than go to an I. My reasoning is that it may keep lingering on your mind.

Dreamer is right about your GF never asking/seeing the color on paper, but what if she runs across the certificate or needs to get it appraised for insurance, etc. If she is the one who takes care of all the paperwork and puts documents in your safe deposit box, chances are she will run across the info. Not to say that an I color will bother her, but just in case!