
Gold-plating gold


Aug 18, 2013
I have a bracelet which is 10kt yellow gold. Given that a lot of my jewelry is 18kt yellow gold, this bracelet seems very dull to me and doesn't match anything I own. However, I don't want to throw it away or resell it. Does anyone know if it's possible to plate it with 18kt? Or, even better, 22kt?

Anyone with any idea on where I'd go to have this done? Can I have this done to rose gold? (ie have it plated with a higher kt yellow gold) I'm happy to ship to anyone who provided this service.

Anyone? Anyone?
I remembered this fairly recent testimonial thread in Jewelry Pieces about a UK metal plating vendor - - if this would be an international vendor for you (and international shipping of your jewelry), maybe they could refer to a US vendor?

Also, last year I bought a 9-stone band from LoupeTroop that had been in transit to JbEG at the time of my purchase - Grace went ahead and replated the 18kt YG prongs I believe in 24kt gold... maybe you could contact Grace (now at Jewels by Grace) to see if she has any suggestions?
Yes, it can be done. Just go into any mom and pop jewelry store to ask. Better yet, go to those with a bench in store. It will be done in 5 minutes.
Thank you so much, marymm and thecat. I spoke to Steven Kirsch about getting a ring made in 22kt yellow gold and he said it was too soft a metal, but that he could make it in 18kt yg, then plate it. So I know it's possible. I'm aware, though, how many jewelers dislike plating anything, and I wondered if it was something that had to be done in bulk or by a specialist, and I've never actually known a jeweler who plated yg gold with higher kt yg gold - though I know it happens with silver and brass often.

Anyway, thank you for the info - I'm off to my local jeweler right now!
Just got back from visiting a couple of jewelers. While they all did rhodium plating, and a couple could send away pieces to be silver plated, none of them did gold plating. Apparently it's much more specialized that the average jeweler offers. I'll contact Grace and see what she suggests.
I would love to hear what you find out as I would like to have it done also.
mrs-blop|1396895637|3649082 said:
Just got back from visiting a couple of jewelers. While they all did rhodium plating, and a couple could send away pieces to be silver plated, none of them did gold plating. Apparently it's much more specialized that the average jeweler offers. I'll contact Grace and see what she suggests.

I'm sorry to hear that it's not an easy fix. Where I am, any individual (as in not chain type) jewelry store will accept the job. I had one gold plated in less than 5 minutes. I was given 2 selections - 18 k or 22 k. Usually I won't go to chain stores for such jobs as these big chain stores don't make much out of such jobs and won't accept them. Small jewelry stores usually accept all types of jobs/repairs.

Alternatively, you can just look for craftsmen, not jewelry stores. Such places have all the equipment and can easily complete a job like this very fast.

ETA: I know that Wink accept repair jobs. Maybe you can contact Melissa. But it's best to get it done locally as gold plating jobs are quite affordable. You won't want the shipping to cost more than the plating.
Yes, I think you can do it. I'd call WInk.
This is very encouraging and helpful. Thanks ladies!
AprilBaby|1396913705|3649286 said:
I would love to hear what you find out as I would like to have it done also.

I would too. I also have 2 other questions. Do thye have to unmount the diamond first? How would they deal with a ring that's already rhodium plated?
Andelain, so far I haven't been able to find anyone who can do this. If I do, though, I'll post the information here.