
Gift Ideas for MEN? What Was A BIG Hit? I Need Ideas!


May 23, 2010
Did you give a gift to your SO that was a big hit? Are you a guy that received a really great gift?

Let's share, since guys are just SO hard to buy for! :wavey:

Here's a couple that worked well for me in the past (but now I have to top them):

This is a virtual infrared keyboard that works really well! You're basically typing on any flat surface, and it reads your finger movements and acts as a regular keyboard. Totally freaky to watch!
This looks like just a regular collection of samples, but once he figures out which one he likes, we can trade in the included voucher for a full-size fragrance at Sephora. So, rather than spending money on a scent he doesn't like, he makes the choice. They have a women's version, too. I think this is genius.

Okay, so now I'm all out of ideas! Anybody have any suggestions?

50" Plasma. Never fails. ::)
DH takes a commuter train to work, and it has lots of high school kids (read: loud and noisy) on it. I got him Shure ear buds for our anniversary. He LOVES them. He puts them on, and cannot hear the high schoolers. It's made his commute a 1000 times better.

Prior for his birthday I got him a wetsuit (he's been doing triathlon training). But along those lines, does he plan any sports? You can get him something for that.
My dad and I went in together to buy DH a PS3 with a bunch of extras. We set it up already. It's big a big hit with DH and surprisingly a HUGE hit with me :cheeky: I'm loving Little Big Planet and Red Dead Redemption :bigsmile:
I got SO a custom made bobblehead when he graduated. The process was pretty fun, the maker emailed pictures of his progress periodically, so I could make suggestions. It looks quite a bit like SO and he loves to show it to people. Kind of a goofy gift, but I'd say it was a hit.
I think the best gift that my hubby every really liked was the Craftsman Standing Tool Chest I bought him one year, he is a craftsman that works with alot of tools and at that time he didnt have a big tool chest, so he really liked it...but then several years later he traded that one for a even bigger and better one from Snap On tool' and their toys lol
As a man.... and knowing other man....

It all depends on the man involved. I do not think there is a universal gift that works. The key is what is their interest?

Gifts (or stated gift ideas) that have really been great for me and the other men I know: Tools (specific to their interest). I once gave my brother a $150 quality drill bit set for his woodworking shop. He has told me many times over the decades since that it was one of the best gifts he's ever gotten (they are well used, he's had some of them professionally resharpened).

Do they use tools in any of their hobbies (or have to supply their own tools at work). The appropriate quality tools for their hobby or work will make an impression.

Is the man into cars or trucks.... Something that fits into their specific interest.

Are they into guns (hunting, target practice, etc). Sometimes guns work (if you know exactly what they want) - but how about a quality reloading press and dies. How about the gift of training at either the local gun range or at one of the national courses (everything from handgun use to machine guns is available).

Boats, water-skiing, fishing... Lots of possibilities there.

The key - cater to their interest - and get something they will recognize as "good."

BF is not the typical guy, especially in respect to gifts. He commutes on his bike, so gifts that relate to his bike are good, but it's difficult to choose those kinds of things for him.
He got these from his mom last year or the year before and they're really helpful in the winter.
He also got some noise canceling earbuds that he loves, but they broke a few times(and he got replacement parts) and then the cat started eating them.

I've gotten him some cookbooks that he's enjoyed but I'm not sure I should get him anymore. I kind of want to get him the Alton Brown cookbook though.
This is so hard! I have no ideas for christmas!
From the same page as iLander, my biggest hit has probably been the Logitech Edge cordless keyboard and matching mouse - my husband's a tech guy.

Actually, scratch that - I jut asked him! Apparently, his favorite was the silver keychain I handmade for him, featuring his totem animal. :)

My dad is probably a more "typical" guy, if you fill in "clotheshorse with expensive tastes" for "typical": with him, I've had great success with mufflers from Turnbull & Asser, sweaters from Burberry, and smoking accessories from Dunhill. I think Perry's right on this one ... it really is about individual tastes. I'd say the difference is that more women hint at what they want, whereas men have a nasty tendency to, a) not be particularly acquisitive, and b) simply buy what they want outright. :rolleyes:
Thank you guys for all the great ideas! :wavey:

I've did the TV last year, and yes that was a hit, thanks, Tuckins1. :appl:

But he's not a tool guy. More along the lines of super high-tech (he does programming) guy that has everything (including me, so he is indeed VERY lucky! :D ). He has the man cave, pool table, TV, Apple stuff, all that. Doesn't care what he's wearing, already has a nice car which doesn't really impress him. He's a middle-aged, so he's already got a ton of stuff.

Come to think of it . . . he's not very materialistic . . . You're right, Circe, definitely not acquisitive.

Definitely closer to enlightenment than me! :lol:

AAAARRRGGHH! Men are SO frustrating.

I am on the hunt for an upgrade to the chess set, so that's one thing. He's getting me about 3-4 things, so I need a bit more to fill it out, I don't want to just get shirts and underwear. :rolleyes:
My wife bought me a really nice wallet. It's not something I would have done for myself, but I really appreciate it.
I found an antique map of my DH's hometown. I haven't given it to him yet, but he's mentioned wanting one a couple of times, so I think he'll like it. Next gift: framing said map...unfortunately, it was pricey enough that framing is a no-go right now.
Octavia|1292122826|2794594 said:
I found an antique map of my DH's hometown. I haven't given it to him yet, but he's mentioned wanting one a couple of times, so I think he'll like it. Next gift: framing said map...unfortunately, it was pricey enough that framing is a no-go right now.

Don't know if you're in the US, but Michaels (the craft megastore) has 60% off custom framing right now.

I like that idea very much! I will look into that one . . .
My husband likes the tech-y stuff too but I think the present he liked best was the rack of ribs from Montgomery Inn.
Does he have an ipad already?
There are lots of apple stuff e.g. ipad, iphone4, nano, ipod etc.
How about stuff to go with his apple gear e.g. ipad or iphone covers?

I say go PS3 if you don't have it already - it's fantastic because you can play blue ray DVDs.

Other ideas - iphone/ipod dock/speakers

Doubles up as alarm clock. I got one for my hubby a few years ago and he loves it.
Kismet|1292156942|2794768 said:
My husband likes the tech-y stuff too but I think the present he liked best was the rack of ribs from Montgomery Inn.

There's nothing better than those ribs.
I have given him a lot of things... but the one he uses the most and seemed to like the most was the PS3 with a bunch of games, extra controllers, remote, and breakage package.
Did he have any hobbies as a kid that he would love do to do again? My DH totally forgot about his love of model cars until I bought him a kit. Last year I got him a model ship to build which is somewhat more challenging. But he sets it up in a corner of the basement and works on it every once in a while.

If you DH is into high tech stuff, what if he built his own computer or electronic device or robot or improved your electronics? You could check out these websites:
Since we got our christmas gifts early (kindles) he's used his so much it's practically fused to his hand. If he likes techy stuff, maybe an e-reader?
Thanks for everybody's help! :wavey:

He's up to his eyeballs in everything that Apple makes (or ever has made), he has a PS3, he recently retrofitted a model car with lights (built light kit himself, including the bulbs themselves), and he doesn't actually read books. He's McGyver wrapped in Spock, surrounded by Stephen Hawking. Just to confuse you, he's also extremely artistic with a BFA and an MFA, and that's his "day job". So, we have a kiln, a full artist's studio, and all the painting supplies you could ever hope for.

Can you see why I'm having so much trouble? :errrr:

I'm looking into night vision goggles, even though there is nothing that he actually wants to see at night (not a hunter). Their only virtue is he doesn't already have them. At least I don't think he does :confused:

Is that desperate or what?

Socool, I'm going to pore over that electronics site, cross your fingers!
My husband is a gadget guy but I usually don't like to buy him any because it won't be the exact one he wants. I DID get him a Garmin GPS and he LOVED IT! He never thought of buying one for himself (he should have..he's always getting lost and won't ask for directions).

His GPS is old and starting to break down so I just ordered the new Garmin for his bday
Presents that went down well with DH:

- Kata camera cases - made by a company in Israel that make bullet-proof vests! DH is very into photography and has a lot of kit so I have bought him various sizes of their bags over the last few years from a simple 1 camera one to the huge case for several bodies & lenses plus tripods, flashes etc

- Absinthe Fountain - fill with ice and water and adjust the drip to dilute your absinthe the traditional way - and top brand absinthes.

- Solid silver Absinthe spoon - VERY hard to find and beautiful; and hand-blown crystal absinthe glasses.

- Shaving Brush - top of the range badger brush by a famous English manufacturer.

- Anything by Acqua di Parma - their Colonia Assoluta is gorgeous (and unisex :naughty: ) and their shaving cream is fabulous apparently.

- Victorian 15kt gold cufflinks.

- Sterling silver collar straighteners with name engraved on them and with that year's hallmarks.

- Original map from 1780 of where we live.

- Mikimoto 14kt gold pearl cufflinks and matching tie clip.

- A sterling silver poker chip engraved with a design I drew.
I hear you Ilander! It seems if they want something they just buy it! We are not exchanging gifts this year but our anniversary is in january and I have commisioned a artist to do a protrait from pictures of our beloved Molly, our chessie bay retriever we lost last christmas. He misses her like crazy and I think he will really love this (I hope), anything like that you could do?

That infrared keyboard is sooo cool, my sil would love that! Thanks for the idea!
various CD/DVDs
fleece with his stable's logo embroidered
favorite candy in stocking
gift certificate for hot stone massage
Wine refrigerator -- fully stocked of course

crystal wine decanter & matching wine glasses

Big stack of books (took him nearly a year to read and he reads about 2 books per week)

Big stack of Sephardic music (something like 40 CDs)

For my grandfather:

VZ24 (rifle) & ammo -- he's showed anyone who will look

37 inch flat screen tv -- he (and my grandmother) is actually getting this on Sunday!!!

Other ideas:

projector (not terribly expensive, often comes with retractable screen, works with vaulted ceiling, 110 inch picture -- can easily hook up video games too)
I got DH the best gift ever this year, I know I'll never be able to top it. It's a race car driving experience. He's not really a Nascar fan, but alomst any guy would love to take one out around the track! He'll get an hour of instruction and 12 laps at as fast as he wants to go.
Things that went over well.
Clothes (things he needs but hates to shop for like swim trunks, union suits, long underwear, and dress socks).
Comics to complete collections he used to own when he was younger (I had him make a list at one point otherwise I would be hopeless).
Computer video games (again I get his hint what he is excited about)
Liquor (seems all guys like whiskey, and the port was also a hit).
This year I'm getting him an ipod classic 160GB, because he hinted he wanted something he could put ALL his music on it.
Itunes credit.
Surprisingly my sister gave him bay rum soap and he loved it (he otherwise doesn't wear fragrance), so he is getting that in addition to other herbal soaps that are on the manly spectrum.

As you can see this list really depends on what your husband likes. I just try to find things he would like, but wouldn't necessarily get for himself.
MustangGal|1292260998|2795667 said:
I got DH the best gift ever this year, I know I'll never be able to top it. It's a race car driving experience. He's not really a Nascar fan, but alomst any guy would love to take one out around the track! He'll get an hour of instruction and 12 laps at as fast as he wants to go.

Okay, this is pretty awesome!

It's pretty funny that considering all his talents, his high school aptitude test said he was best suited to being a race car driver! Once we were driving down the road and a semi started merging into our lane, he obviously didn't see us. I would have just freaked and crashed, but DH just calmly SPED UP and cleared the semi by inches. So this is a definite possibility!

I will make a card featuring this Nascar place, and if he opens it and likes it, I will book it!

Awesome, thanks, MustangGal! :wavey:

You guys are so great, these ideas are great for those crazy men of ours! :twirl:
iLander|1292249736|2795518 said:
Thanks for everybody's help! :wavey:

He's up to his eyeballs in everything that Apple makes (or ever has made), he has a PS3, he recently retrofitted a model car with lights (built light kit himself, including the bulbs themselves), and he doesn't actually read books. He's McGyver wrapped in Spock, surrounded by Stephen Hawking. Just to confuse you, he's also extremely artistic with a BFA and an MFA, and that's his "day job". So, we have a kiln, a full artist's studio, and all the painting supplies you could ever hope for.

Can you see why I'm having so much trouble? :errrr:

I'm looking into night vision goggles, even though there is nothing that he actually wants to see at night (not a hunter). Their only virtue is he doesn't already have them. At least I don't think he does :confused:

Is that desperate or what?

Socool, I'm going to pore over that electronics site, cross your fingers!

Well if he's artistic.... Why not introduce him to Lifecasting (and perhaps even send him to a class)

The best site I know of:

But you have to do a little digging to find the "good stuff" beyond casting of hands and perhaps faces:

Once you get the basics down (start with a hand or other small kit) - then they have classes - and because of the demand; here is a perennial class offered every year (and more often if the demand is there).

of course - many people start with the lessor classes.... (just trying to show something that should be interesting to most men - and if your husband is artistic and used to working with clay...)

Here is a typical range of projects that interested artist work on:

and here is another that caught my eye...

Finally - I could no leave without mentioning the "gift ideas"

I hope you all have fun with this...
