
Fred Phelps Obit


Apr 30, 2005
TOPEKA, KS—Fred Phelps Sr., the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church and the man who is widely credited with forever ending the gay rights movement in America, died today at age 84.

According to biographers and historians, many of the facets of modern-day society that we now take for granted—such as the ban on gay marriage in all 50 states and the inability of homosexuals to serve in the military—can be traced back to Phelps’ vocal public crusades against the unholy practice of homosexuality, which he began in 1991 and which quickly succeeded in bringing efforts to expand LGBT rights to a spectacular and abrupt halt.

“What Fred Phelps accomplished over the past 30 years—from a federal constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman, to nationwide laws allowing businesses to turn away gay customers—makes him easily one of the most successful and monumental figures of the past century,” said biographer Michael Ammons, noting that depictions of gays and lesbians began to disappear from popular culture and the media as soon as Phelps began taking his powerful rallies against homosexuality from state to state. “Fred Phelps devoted his life to one goal, and he triumphed. This was an incredibly influential man who deserved all the attention he received. Think of the legacy he leaves behind: In the past three decades, homosexuality has become practically nonexistent in society.”

“And his record goes on and on,” Ammons continued. “Just take a look around today: Nowhere in this country can same-sex partners enter into domestic partnerships, file joint tax returns, or adopt children. The unmitigated failure of the gay rights movement is something that can be singlehandedly attributed to Fred Phelps and his tireless efforts to show us that this was an unholy behavior.”

In addition to his enduring legislative legacy, experts agree that Phelps’ religious rallies also had an indelible impact on the American social landscape. Many have pointed to Phelps’ preaching against the sin of homosexuality as the overwhelming reason why all homosexual advocacy groups died out entirely in the early 1990s; why nobody in entertainment, politics, or professional sports has ever come out as gay or lesbian; and why citizens who do venture out of the closet feel nothing but ridicule and shame, knowing they are perversions who don’t deserve to exist.

Many historians also noted that Phelps was an outspoken voice on pro-life and pro-marriage matters, and that the current zero-percent rates of divorce and abortion in the United States can be entirely attributed to his powerful message.

“It’s sickening to think what would have happened to our country if Fred Phelps hadn’t succeeded. Just imagining the sin and depravity that would exist all around us if people went out in public with their same-sex partners, or publicly celebrated that perverse aspect of who they are—it’s disgusting, and I’m glad that’s not the world we live in,” said Seattle resident Christine Smith, one of hundreds of millions of Americans who was touched by Phelps’ charisma and was won over by the influential worldview of his Westboro Baptist Church. “But thankfully, Fred Phelps opened everyone’s eyes to the truth that homosexuality is a sin that God will vengefully punish, and we no longer have to deal with any of those vile people enjoying the same rights as you or me.”

“Fred Phelps may be gone, but he will long be remembered for the countless accomplishments and successes he achieved in his lifetime,” she added. “I can safely say that the name Fred Phelps will never, ever be forgotten, and that his entire life’s efforts—his very existence—was most certainly not in vain.”,35582/
This may make me somewhat jaded, I usually love feel good stories of love and compassion, but the well meaning outpouring of "messages of love" to the Phelps family after Fred's death just makes me sad.

These people are a cult. They are brainwashed. They will disown their own children like it's nothing after subjecting them to a life of hate and isolation. Your messages of love and light are falling on ears that are beyond deaf.

Ugh. I've had several shall we say unpleasant run ins with this family over the years. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Funny obit, I love The Onion.
Someone going to picket his funeral?
Sky56|1395719671|3640821 said:
Someone going to picket his funeral?

No, because that might make God chenge his mind and send Fred back.
" Fred Phelps will never, ever be forgotten"

Hu? Saddam Hussein will not be forgotten either, doesn't mean its a good thing. What, is he being equated to a Hollywood celebrity where there is no such thing as bad publicity? What self inflated egos these people have. :angryfire:

I once attended a counter protest of his when he came to town. He did it across form a local high school because they had a small gay student union. I have to say, I was really moved by the amount of student that showed up to counter his hate. Probably close to 200 kids to his group of maybe 8 to 10 people. He came to the wrong town to do this. This was not organized by the school either.

Before all that, I sort of had a jaded view of the world and younger kids that basically cared about nothing except themselves, their iPhones, Facebook and their selfies. But I was wrong, my faith in youth since that day has been restore. :saint:

I smile now when i see teenagers because I know the world will be OK. Something a lot of people my age don't get.
I think the previous posters have already said it. I just don't understand those who spend and dedicate their lives to a cause meant to devalue the self worth of others by saying they are sinning. :nono:
IF his funeral is given attention (he's already gotten WELL more than he deserved), I feel that there should be nothing less than a GIGANTIC PRIDE PARADE to escort his body.
craighnt|1395733060|3640882 said:
" Fred Phelps will never, ever be forgotten"

Hu? Saddam Hussein will not be forgotten either, doesn't mean its a good thing. What, is he being equated to a Hollywood celebrity where there is no such thing as bad publicity? What self inflated egos these people have. :angryfire:

I once attended a counter protest of his when he came to town. He did it across form a local high school because they had a small gay student union. I have to say, I was really moved by the amount of student that showed up to counter his hate. Probably close to 200 kids to his group of maybe 8 to 10 people. He came to the wrong town to do this. This was not organized by the school either.

Before all that, I sort of had a jaded view of the world and younger kids that basically cared about nothing except themselves, their iPhones, Facebook and their selfies. But I was wrong, my faith in youth since that day has been restore. :saint:

I smile now when i see teenagers because I know the world will be OK. Something a lot of people my age don't get.

It's the onion, a satire site.