So last night I dreamed that BF proposed at some sort of holiday party with our families around (however, this would NOT be the way he would actually do it). I remember being totally over the moon, crying, hugging him, yadda yadda. then, the ring. I recall it being a pear in a halo. Not what I would like, but whatever. We kissed goodnight at the end of the evening, and I went to sleep. Woke up the next morning, and the ring had grown, and it was fake! It was like a giant, pear shaped frozen spit stone, and the setting had printing on it that said "gold plated plastic" I started to get really nervous and wondering how I would deal with this. The ring was huge and just UGLY like something you'd get out of a gumball machine. I woke up with a start. Whoa! So today, I'm alternating between scratching my head and laughing. thankfully, I'm not the kind of psychologist who does dream interpretation!!!