
Fair price for an emerald?


Apr 14, 2021
What do y’all think of this emerald? It’s a mildly oiled 0.37ct emerald of African origin going for $800 per carat.

I kind of like the pattern of the inclusions (and it’s not a very expensive) but no amount of “if you like it, buy it”’ will make me want to buy a $5 gem for $800/ct.

This particular emerald is fine with me if it’s more or less fairly valued for what it is.

I’ve been looking for a round emerald in the 5mm diameter range (0.35-0.45ct range). I prefer unoiled but light oiling is ok. I’m having a hard time locating what I’m looking for so if you have any suggestions I’m all ears. Budget is up to $3000/ct.

What do y’all think of this emerald? It’s a mildly oiled 0.37ct emerald of African origin going for $800 per carat.

I kind of like the pattern of the inclusions (and it’s not a very expensive) but no amount of “if you like it, buy it”’ will make me want to buy a $5 gem for $800/ct.


You wrote, "no amount of “if you like it, buy it”’ will make me want to buy a $5 gem for $800/ct." ...

I'm confused.
First, based on what you wrote
A 0.37 ct gem going for $800 per carat would cost $296, not $5.

Why do you call it a $5 gem?
Does the ad say the price is $5?

I don't understand.
You wrote, "no amount of “if you like it, buy it”’ will make me want to buy a $5 gem for $800/ct." ...

I'm confused.
First, based on what you wrote
A 0.37 ct gem going for $800 per carat would cost $296, not $5.

Why do you call it a $5 gem?
Does the ad say the price is $5?

I don't understand.

I’m not being literal. I was simply saying that if the gem is grossly overpriced I’ll keep looking. I wanted to gauge what the crowd at PS thinks with their collective experience in regard to emeralds, in particular the emerald mentioned in the OP.
Thanks for the clarification. :))
What do y’all think of this emerald? It’s a mildly oiled 0.37ct emerald of African origin going for $800 per carat.

I kind of like the pattern of the inclusions (and it’s not a very expensive) but no amount of “if you like it, buy it”’ will make me want to buy a $5 gem for $800/ct.

This particular emerald is fine with me if it’s more or less fairly valued for what it is.

I’ve been looking for a round emerald in the 5mm diameter range (0.35-0.45ct range). I prefer unoiled but light oiling is ok. I’m having a hard time locating what I’m looking for so if you have any suggestions I’m all ears. Budget is up to $3000/ct.


I think the price is a bit high for an African emerald, you should see more emerald options. I recently saw on the account @gemfactor_emeralds that they have beautiful round emeralds the size you are looking for and they are Colombian.
Realistically, at that price point, at least half of your budget is going to seller's time spent corresponding with you and photographing and image-editing and shipping, etc. So the same stone may be half that price at a gem show. Not sure how much lower you can go -- this seems like a low-risk purchase.

Useless aside: It's also why you don't buy super-cheap wine because almost none of the price goes for the grapes (so I am told) -- by the time you factor in bottling, marketing, and distribution. I think you need to be in the high teens per bottle at least before you are paying for the quality of the grape. (That said, I buy and drink my share of $9.99 wine -- but it's local.)

If, OTOH, you were asking "What is the best emerald I can get for $1,000?," then there is a more complicated answer.

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