


Apr 20, 2010
Well, FI got the ring yesterday and ended up proposing last night. I knew it wouldn''t be too long, but I thought it might be a couple days at least. Maybe a couple of weeks at the most. He mentioned the other day that what he had planned might take a couple weeks more, and was that okay? So I said sure. I guess he said that to "throw me off." Although when I was going to throw something frozen into the oven for dinner, and he told me to get dressed up because we were going out to dinner, I knew. I didn''t know how he was going to do it, but I knew it''d be that night.

He took me out to dinner to thee nice Italian restaurant where we had our first "fancy" date. I even wore the same dress from almost 3 years ago, though that was kind of a subconscious decision, because he didn''t tell me where we were going until we got there. He didn''t ask at the restaurant, and we went to pick up a bottle of wine. Well as we''re walking back into our apartment with our leftover food, wine, and some beer, he got down one knee in front of our front door and asked me. Even though I knew it coming last night, I totally wasn''t expecting that. I think he was pretty nervous, so he rambled about how he was going to ask outside of the restaurant, but there was an older lady standing there, and he thought it was awkward. After that, he kind of tacked on a "willyoumarryme?" And I was all thrown aback, so I said "I guess so...I mean, yes." Haha, I felt bad then, so I made him ask me again when we got into the apartment.

He said it was the most nervous he''s been on a date with me since the very beginning of our relationship.

The ring is beautiful, and I cannot believe the flashes coming off of this teeny AVC in the sun today! I was driving us to the store this afternoon, and FI was like "you are going to crash your car staring at that ring!" And I probably will!

Oh and I''ve got to apologize in advance for my nails. I was rocking the yellow polish, but it''s chipping. I would have redone them yesterday, but I need to go get new nail polish remover. And of course, I forgot about it while at the store today! There is some clever cropping in a few of the pictures to crop out some unfortunate nail images.

CONGRATS!!!! more pictures please~!!!!!!
It''s an AVC .71 G SI1.

I tried to catch the fire, which was kind of difficult to do!

There''s a flash! It''s pretty crazy in person under the sun.

Here''s one from right after he gave it to me. We went up to our apartment and sat on our deck taking pictures of ourselves like nerds! This is especially difficult to do with my DSLR camera.

maybe try taking pics indoor? so you can capture the fire more? I heard from somewhere on PS that even a WELL cut diamond won''t look good under direct sunlight. No matter what, your ring looks PRETTY on you!
I might try that. I took these on the deck earlier, because it looked so pretty in the sunlight. I was totally staring at it while driving today - totally not safe!
It''s divine! I love AVCs! Congratulations!!!!

I was wondering when you posted in the STL thread and said that you and your "FI" were running errands. I thought "I didn''t know she was engaged, I don''t remember seeing a thread about that....." Haha. Now it all makes sense!

I''m sad you''re not in STL anymore. I would have loved to have a look at that beauty in person! More pics, more pics!
Congrats merilenda!!

That AVC is gorgeous
Congratulations Merilenda!

Your AVC looks gorgeous. I love how the delicate diamond band realy makes it pop.
I think it''s sweet that your fiance was so nervous - he must realy love you!

Can we see a profile shot of your ring?
Congrats, Merilenda! The ring is just lovely, and so was your proposal! Best to you and your FI!
TG - I''m sad I''m not there anymore, too! I miss it! I might move back if I can get a job there, but we''ll see.

Thanks, everyone! I love AVCs so much, and I''m already dreaming about my future upgrade, hehe.

Hope - this is the best I have of a profile shot right now. I''m sure I''ll be attempting more pictures soon.

Oh and I''m already planning the stacking ring I''m going to get to keep my e-ring company, isn''t that funny? FI was like "are you serious? You''ve had THAT one for less than one day!" But actually I''ve been planning this for a while now (and I told FI that I will buy it for myself). Rubies were always just a thing with my Dad. He was born in July and my grandma was born in July (she died when he was 16, but he had been close to her and always spoke of her often). Anyway, most importantly, I associate rubies with him. He passed away a few months ago, and it''s really important to me that I get a ring with rubies to wear every day. I think I know what I want to do, and I''m hoping to stack it with the e-ring or maybe wear it as a RHR, too!

Congrats Merlinda!!! How sweet you went back to the first fancy date, and the AVC is such a gorgeous sparkler!

Congratulations! That was a very sweet proposal, and a very beautiful ring! Woohoo!
Congrats!!! Stunning ring.
Congratulations, it''s beautiful!
So beautiful : ) Congratulations.. and try to focus on the road inbetween stolen glances : P
"Well, FI got the ring yesterday and ended up proposing last night."

I love this part of your story. How your FI couldn’t wait one more minute to tell the world you are his intended!
Best wishes and Congratulations to the both of you
Congratulations on your engagement! The ring is beautiful. I love the head.
It''s very pretty ring congrats!
Congrats Merilenda! It''s gorgeous. Great proposal story.
Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful! I love your nails too. :)
Congratulations!!!! It looks great on you :)
Congrats!!!!!!!! Lovely ring!!!!!!!!!
Very sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! Congrats
congratulations!!!! it''s beautiful :)
Love it!
Congratulations! It''s beautiful. You must be so happy!