Hi everyone,
I''ve been lurking and periodically making posts. Sorry, I should be a lot more active in this forum since I read it so much, but I''ve been a little scared and I haven''t had much to report. I had made a couple posts before while I was studying for my bar, but I figured I should re-introduce myself as the first introduction may have gotten buried and I post so infrequently.
My SO and I have been together for ten months. We met on eharmony. He was the first person I met and I knew immediately the only person I wanted to meet. So, I told him so. D was a little taken aback by my forwardness ( I think a little freaked) but he laughed it off and our date went great. I thought he wasn''t going to call me back, but he called me the next day and asked if i wanted to hang out again. since I was with my parents, D had to meet my parents for that second date.
Wow, that was 10 months ago. Anyway, fast-forward to now. All his friends and my friends are getting engaged. I know its only been ten months, but, really, we''ve already agreed we are each others "one" so I think we might as well get engaged too. I brought this up. (again, the bluntness). He has now told me that he understands his responsibility as a man to propose and not take his time about it, but i have to allow him to be a man and make his own decision.
I agree with him 100%, but it''s very hard. Especially when a couple months ago he stated that he wonders what we are waiting for ? (as in why are we waiting to get engaged). and some other things which he denies saying now. He''s also singing a whole different tune that I''m pushing him and that I should wait for him to decide these things.
I''m trying hard not to push him now, and not bring up the issue, but its very difficult when my friends parents keep asking us "so when are you getting married?" or when other people bring up the fact we live together so he has no reason to marry me.
So, today, i stopped bringing it up and thats when he showed me his friends'' engagement video and pictures. Then read me their relationship bios. (they all got engaged in less than a year). and I wanted to say HEY! This isn''t helping my psychosis! But, of course, i didn''t. I just watched them and brought up the fact that.. oh look they got engaged before a year was up. Hmmm. and, then, i promptly went back to searching for jobs and talking with my friends online so that I wouldn''t bother him again about getting engaged.
My mom told me this weekend not to worry. She thinks he has everything all figured out-- he told her he''s been asking his coworkers about work/life balance when you''re married with kids and he agreed to let me and my mom look at rings together.
He also told me that he is asking his friend about where to buy the diamond soon. He even paid attention to me showing up pricescope and giving him an education on rings and how he should get his diamond here. Hehehe.
I know he will do it eventually and I have to stop being pushy, but he keeps sending mixed signals and its driving me nuts.
*sigh* sorry everyone, just needed to get that off my chest. I feel much better now!
I''ve been lurking and periodically making posts. Sorry, I should be a lot more active in this forum since I read it so much, but I''ve been a little scared and I haven''t had much to report. I had made a couple posts before while I was studying for my bar, but I figured I should re-introduce myself as the first introduction may have gotten buried and I post so infrequently.
My SO and I have been together for ten months. We met on eharmony. He was the first person I met and I knew immediately the only person I wanted to meet. So, I told him so. D was a little taken aback by my forwardness ( I think a little freaked) but he laughed it off and our date went great. I thought he wasn''t going to call me back, but he called me the next day and asked if i wanted to hang out again. since I was with my parents, D had to meet my parents for that second date.

Wow, that was 10 months ago. Anyway, fast-forward to now. All his friends and my friends are getting engaged. I know its only been ten months, but, really, we''ve already agreed we are each others "one" so I think we might as well get engaged too. I brought this up. (again, the bluntness). He has now told me that he understands his responsibility as a man to propose and not take his time about it, but i have to allow him to be a man and make his own decision.
I agree with him 100%, but it''s very hard. Especially when a couple months ago he stated that he wonders what we are waiting for ? (as in why are we waiting to get engaged). and some other things which he denies saying now. He''s also singing a whole different tune that I''m pushing him and that I should wait for him to decide these things.
I''m trying hard not to push him now, and not bring up the issue, but its very difficult when my friends parents keep asking us "so when are you getting married?" or when other people bring up the fact we live together so he has no reason to marry me.
So, today, i stopped bringing it up and thats when he showed me his friends'' engagement video and pictures. Then read me their relationship bios. (they all got engaged in less than a year). and I wanted to say HEY! This isn''t helping my psychosis! But, of course, i didn''t. I just watched them and brought up the fact that.. oh look they got engaged before a year was up. Hmmm. and, then, i promptly went back to searching for jobs and talking with my friends online so that I wouldn''t bother him again about getting engaged.
My mom told me this weekend not to worry. She thinks he has everything all figured out-- he told her he''s been asking his coworkers about work/life balance when you''re married with kids and he agreed to let me and my mom look at rings together.
He also told me that he is asking his friend about where to buy the diamond soon. He even paid attention to me showing up pricescope and giving him an education on rings and how he should get his diamond here. Hehehe.
I know he will do it eventually and I have to stop being pushy, but he keeps sending mixed signals and its driving me nuts.
*sigh* sorry everyone, just needed to get that off my chest. I feel much better now!