
Donating to


Aug 5, 2009
I hope it’s okay to post this. I just made a donation to the Pasadena Humane Society. They were the focus of a national news report last night. People are bringing their own pets to stay, when they can’t take them to shelters or hotels. This is in addition to all of the abandoned and injured animals being brought in for care.
Lots of people are volunteering their time . Those of us who can’t do that, can help them to buy the food, litter, medications, etc.they will continue to need as this disaster continues.
This is one time that I have no guilt at all about spending money!
Thank you Jeanie! Sending a donation now!
I hope it’s okay to post this. I just made a donation to the Pasadena Humane Society. They were the focus of a national news report last night. People are bringing their own pets to stay, when they can’t take them to shelters or hotels. This is in addition to all of the abandoned and injured animals being brought in for care.
Lots of people are volunteering their time . Those of us who can’t do that, can help them to buy the food, litter, medications, etc.they will continue to need as this disaster continues.
This is one time that I have no guilt at all about spending money!

I donated to them Thursday. Also to a few other places. I wish I could help in more ways, but donating is about all that I can do. I figure I'll just keep donating as I become aware of more organizations that need help for both people and animals.
Thank you to all who have already and will donate!This belongs in the Good News Thread. Pricescope peeps are the best peeps on the planet❤️
You are an angel fish for providing this info. Thank you.
I hope it’s okay to post this. I just made a donation to the Pasadena Humane Society. They were the focus of a national news report last night. People are bringing their own pets to stay, when they can’t take them to shelters or hotels. This is in addition to all of the abandoned and injured animals being brought in for care.
Lots of people are volunteering their time . Those of us who can’t do that, can help them to buy the food, litter, medications, etc.they will continue to need as this disaster continues.
This is one time that I have no guilt at all about spending money!
basketball stars

Your generosity is inspiring! Supporting the Pasadena Humane Society during such a challenging time is a wonderful way to help both pets and their families. I just donated to them too!
So nice of you!
I LOVE that place! My dad got his dog there, and he was the goodest boi! :kiss2:I've donated to them in the past - it's an awesome place to support!
Thanks for sharing. The Dogist is a well known IG account and he shared a Gofundme for them and other rescues to help. I donated to it.
Thanks for sharing. The Dogist is a well known IG account and he shared a Gofundme for them and other rescues to help. I donated to it.

Same, I follow his IG and donated to his GoFundMe.

DK :))