
Donald Trump: "Go Back Where You Came From"


Jan 26, 2003
This did not surprise you?

Did I mention that he addressed this remark, made today, to United States Congresswomen who represented people from the United States?

Should they return to their districts? Somehow, I do not think that is what he meant, because he goes on to refer to the foreign countries from which their ancestors hailed, as if he, himself, did not come from a family of GERMAN immigrants.

Are we not all, save the people indigenous to North America, immigrants?

"July 14, 2019

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Sunday weighed in on the friction between a group of four freshman Democratic congresswomen and Speaker Nancy Pelosi: He suggested that the congresswomen — none of whom are white — should 'go back and help fix' the countries they came from. His message was immediately seized upon by Democrats, who called it a racist trope.

'So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat (sic) Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,' Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter."

Link to article in "The New York Times"... Stories&pgtype=Homepage


May 11, 2013
@AGBF Hi Deb, I read this and I thought, we are a banana republic we are a nothing, we value nothing, we care nothing about each other, we are nothing. This is one of and probably the most reprehensible tweets(twit) this ****ing moron has said, excuse my foul language, I apologize Deb, you are woman of class and caring but sometimes I just don't think I'm going to survive this shit administration, in my WHOLE life I never thought we would be where we are today. Never. I am GLAD my dad and mom are dead, my parents would be appalled, my father as we all know was a WWII vet, and he wasn't the best man all the time, but this? he would never stand for it. never.

Did we boomers create this shitshow? I dunno anymore. I have always tried to live with good love, care and peace, but this? this disgusting moron, this disgusting parasite! this is beyond me. I am so disgusted.



Sep 23, 2017
As a gen xer it would be convenient to be able to blame the boomers but worshipping the economy above all else and using rascist/classist scapegoats to further sh*tty policy are problems as old as this country, sadly.


Mar 2, 2012
I'm incredibly disgusted by the Democratic party's refusal to impeach this dangerous megalomaniacal buffoon. Instead we're supposed to just win the 2020 election. Given recent poll numbers, that's just not going to happen. I dont know who to blame for this, but I'm going to say it's US society and its devotion to wealth and notoriety rather than good deeds or accomplishments, unless they take place on the football field.
And frankly I'm sick of hearing all the #me too self-congratulatory crap about how much better off we are because some people have come forward to say their boss harassed them. At this point it's only taking away the focus on womens reproductive rights. It's hard to feel all empowered when your own government is trying desperately to stifle your right to choose what to do with your own body. But our society loves a salacious story so we're treated to nonstop Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, while a formerly pregnant woman is placed in jail because someone else shot her in the abdomen and caused a miscarriage.


May 11, 2012
I think both as a reaction against terrorism and a reaction against things like high unemployment, and struggling economies, there is a vast movement across the globe of people in our societies wanting to blame everyone else or this mythical "other" or what they see as foreigners for all their woes. Close the boarders and batten down the hatches so to speak.....

American has legitimised racism and for that matter sexism, and every person who has any contempt, ill will, or racist (and sexist) thoughts against anyone else wants to use these negative thoughts as scapegoats, they want to blame others for their own personal problems and the problems of society more generally.

Australia, the UK and many places in Europe are no different, we are all going through to varying degrees this insular time where there is a political backlash against this perceived "other" and a move towards right wing conservatism with a racist element underpinning it. Sadly, it's happening everywhere, people like Trump just give it a clear voice.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Omar came to the US as a refugee then became a member of congress, and as a member of congress continues to talk trash about her own country and being hostile against Jews. The Dem. party still wouldn't dare to condemn her... :rolleyes: If Trump wins re-election in 2020 she and her other three radical Dems (the squad) are partly responsible.
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Jun 7, 2014
@MissGotRocks wrote a post here yesterday that summed up what this President is doing to this country. I wish she hadn’t deleted it.

We are moving backwards as a country to the 1950’s. We have a President who is stuck in that time warp and he wants to be a dictator. He doesn’t believe in science. There are scientists and people we have trusted telling us the alarms bells are ringing. Climate change is real, Russia is involved in our elections and we sit back and do nothing about it. Nothing is being done to stop Trump. We are watching our democracy die.

We are putting people of color in cages as we permanently separate them from their children, and a large portion of the country looks the other way as though this is acceptable. We are taking women’s rights away. We have almost half the country who seem to have no problem with any of this as long as the rich get richer, the racists can feel their way of thinking is perfectly acceptable and women and people of color are treated like second class citizens.

Republican leadership is disgraceful right now. Their silence is deafening on so many issues. Pence standing there watching people in cages in deplorable conditions while he claims to be a Christian is disgusting.

@doberman, How do you think the House can impeach Trump when the Senate will not vote to approve it?


Jun 29, 2011
Omar came to the US as a refugee then became a member of congress, and as a member of congress continues to talk trash about her own country and being hostile against Jews. The Dem. party still wouldn't dare to condemn her... :rolleyes: If Trump wins re-election in 2020 she and her other three radical Dems (the squad) are partly responsible.
You mean other than H. Res. 183, which came about in rebuke of Omar, and yet only Republicans voted against? Other than that condemnation by vote on the Democrat-controlled House floor?

Right. Aside from that.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
We are moving backwards as a country to the 1950’s. We have a President who is stuck in that time warp and he wants to be a dictator. He doesn’t believe in science. There are scientists and people we have trusted telling us the alarms bells are ringing. Climate change is real, Russia is involved in our elections and we sit back and do nothing about it. Nothing is being done to stop Trump. We are watching our democracy die.
Yup, backwards is where the D party wanna to take this country..:rolleyes:. Look what is happening to China's economy in the past 35 yrs since they decided to move forward towards capitalism.

First it was global warming now is climate change? So Al Gore is wrong? :bigsmile: ...only the D party can change the course of mother nature. What happened to the ice age? Did human beings caused the climate to change?


May 11, 2013
@Dancing Fire what are the repubs answers to climate change? (best I can see is more coal, more heat), the course of mother nature was changed by humans, so humans must fix it. what happened to the ice age? it receded, read, took a thousand years btw. Yup human beings caused climate change, heck dude just read.


Jun 23, 2005
@MissGotRocks wrote a post here yesterday that summed up what this President is doing to this country. I wish she hadn’t deleted it.

We are moving backwards as a country to the 1950’s. We have a President who is stuck in that time warp and he wants to be a dictator. He doesn’t believe in science. There are scientists and people we have trusted telling us the alarms bells are ringing. Climate change is real, Russia is involved in our elections and we sit back and do nothing about it. Nothing is being done to stop Trump. We are watching our democracy die.

We are putting people of color in cages as we permanently separate them from their children, and a large portion of the country looks the other way as though this is acceptable. We are taking women’s rights away. We have almost half the country who seem to have no problem with any of this as long as the rich get richer, the racists can feel their way of thinking is perfectly acceptable and women and people of color are treated like second class citizens.

Republican leadership is disgraceful right now. Their silence is deafening on so many issues. Pence standing there watching people in cages in deplorable conditions while he claims to be a Christian is disgusting.

@doberman, How do you think the House can impeach Trump when the Senate will not vote to approve it?

Calliecake - thanks! I deleted it because I hate to mix my pleasure of diamonds with the distaste of politics. I had no idea anyone had seen it. However, your current post reflects some of what I had written yesterday so you definitely get where I was coming from. Sadly, we have witnessed time and time again the blunders, the insults, and the lies and we watch as only one party in the country is outraged. The rest keep their silence. That is probably as troublesome to me as a whole as anything in particular can be. I don't think people keep their silence because they are afraid to speak out against these things; I think they keep silent because they agree. If he were a visionary, a fair minded man, a wise man or a protector of this country, it would be fine. He is, in my opinion, the polar opposite of these things and yet they favor and protect him. We think we have come such a long way since the 40's and 50's but when you look around, you realize that only some of us have evolved with the times - and probably far fewer than we ever thought. Where this all ends is anyone's guess. . .


Aug 22, 2012
Trump is a twitter troll, plain and simple. Democrats provide the reactions he desires. But he is equal opportunity trolling Rs if he sees fit.

Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
I wish he would crawl back into the cesspool he came from.


Mar 2, 2012
I'm not overly fond of AOC or Ilhan Omar and I'm kind of over bearing about them. AOC accusing Nancy Pelosi of racism because she didnt agree with her, and then backpedaling is kind of the last straw for me. I wasn't impressed with Omar's anti-Jewish comments or her equivocal apologies either. All this Democrat vs Democrat business is playing right into the Republicans hands for the 2016 election. The one thing the Republican party does well is unite its different factions when it counts. In a time where Democrats should all be very concerned about the next election we're sniping at each other trying to determine who is more woke. It's all very juvenile. There was a very good opinion piece by Maureen Dowd in the NYT about this today.

I'm just disgusted by everything these days. The weakness of the Mueller report, the endless idiotic tweets of an egomaniac with nuclear powers, I could go on forever. There is literally no good news that comes out of DC. This country's best days are behind it because it's now more important to Make America White Again.


May 11, 2012
Bill Clinton gets caught messing with an intern he is impeached, Trump gets caught messing with young women, it makes him more popular. If Obama or for that matter Hillary did half the stuff we know Trump has done they would be impeached or the American people would call for their removal.

Trump treats women like disposable trash and is proven to have bribed women he has slept with while married to keep quiet and this makes him more popular, he has unacceptable ties to Russia and wins your election unfairly that also makes him more popular, he is a vocal racist and that makes him more popular..... and so on...

Trump represents all the repressed anger the US has, I swear the man could walk on water because in this day and age no one else would get away with half the stuff he has....


Jun 23, 2005
I'm not overly fond of AOC or Ilhan Omar and I'm kind of over bearing about them. AOC accusing Nancy Pelosi of racism because she didnt agree with her, and then backpedaling is kind of the last straw for me. I wasn't impressed with Omar's anti-Jewish comments or her equivocal apologies either. All this Democrat vs Democrat business is playing right into the Republicans hands for the 2016 election. The one thing the Republican party does well is unite its different factions when it counts. In a time where Democrats should all be very concerned about the next election we're sniping at each other trying to determine who is more woke. It's all very juvenile. There was a very good opinion piece by Maureen Dowd in the NYT about this today.

I'm just disgusted by everything these days. The weakness of the Mueller report, the endless idiotic tweets of an egomaniac with nuclear powers, I could go on forever. There is literally no good news that comes out of DC. This country's best days are behind it because it's now more important to Make America White Again.

I agree. Those four women create much more discord than help. Dividing the party even further does no favors to the Democratic party. They may be young and idealistic but they are going about it the wrong way. They have been four votes of dissention but that's it - four votes. And it gives even more fodder to the other side. Be the power that promotes all to work together for change - not the power that isolates you into some sort of stardom. Donald Trump's remarks are cruel and unbecoming the office of President but make no mistake - he will take the chance on saying it to put them further into the spotlight - where they can be scorned and rejected by the majority of both parties. There is always a method to his madness and they are playing into his hands IMO.


Sep 10, 2003
My opinion is that the democratic and the republican parties both need more people like Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. I hope they will be the progenitors of change that is desperately needed to shake up our stultified 2-party system to its core and effect change. And we desperately need change. And that change will not be pretty -- it will be divisive, ugly, and perhaps break our system of government because huge institutions such as ours usually don't change peacefully with everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya. They are challenging the status quo and saying aloud some truths that others lack the courage to say aloud. They may not be as suave and cunning as Pelosi and other fossils who wield power in Washington but, to date, neither are they bent under the weight of baggage of favors owed and ethics purchased by the rich. Yes, they'll make mistakes. They are not and will not be the reason if trump is re-relected. The reason will be the collective stupidity and moral erosion of US citizens because it is trumps depravity that appeals to them. My hope is that none of these 4 aspiring and inspiring women are assassinated by one of trump's zombies.
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Jun 7, 2014
@MissGotRocks , I agree with every word in your earlier post today and with what you wrote yesterday. The silence really bothers me. It speaks volumes as to who we are as a country.

You aren’t the only one who is disgusted @doberman .

Trump is a twitter troll, plain and simple. Democrats provide the reactions he desires. But he is equal opportunity trolling Rs if he sees fit.

It seems strong women of color really get under Trump and his supporters skin.

Trump’s comments the past few days have done two things I feel he is trying to accomplish. We aren’t talking about how he has no plans for healthcare and he continues to show his base he is cruel and hateful.
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I agree. Those four women create much more discord than help. Dividing the party even further does no favors to the Democratic party.
Yup, b/c of these four women's ideologies Trump will be re-elected in 2020.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Bill Clinton gets caught messing with an intern he is impeached, Trump gets caught messing with young women, it makes him more popular. If Obama or for that matter Hillary did half the stuff we know Trump has done they would be impeached or the American people would call for their removal.
Where have you been??. Many members of the Dem. party have been calling for impeachment since day one, but for under what charge?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 because of the economy.
Yes, partly,but the other reasons are b/c the D party supports open borders and socialism.

The great D party of JFK fought socialism but today's D party embraces socialism.I never thought I would live to see the day of how the D party have had changed so much. At this very moment I'm sure JFK is flipping over in his grave.


Jun 23, 2005
Yup, b/c of these four women's ideologies Trump will be re-elected in 2020.
Not just this alone but in the long run it won’t help the Democratic Party. I think the majority of the party is far more middle of the road and they are too radical for the comfort of the majority. It is not their views as much as it is their delivery of same.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Not just this alone but in the long run it won’t help the Democratic Party. I think the majority of the party is far more middle of the road and they are too radical for the comfort of the majority. It is not their views as much as it is their delivery of same.


May 11, 2012
Trump will be re-elected in 2020 because of the economy.

In part perhaps, but Trump will mostly be re-elected because he represents all the things some of small minded white America are thinking but are too afraid to say. Men that want to repress and abuse women, white people who feel powerless, angry disenfranchised young men, older voters that want less immigrants, every single person that lives in fear after 9/11, right wing religious bodies who oppose gay and transgender people and want to put woman's rights back several decades, all the far right voters, and a huge one the NRA and people who are afraid they will lose their guns, and those that just cannot for whatever reason vote for the other side but don't like him that much by default.

And then you will have him and his team paying whomever to discredit any candidates that run against him just like they did with Hillary. So whoever does run against him has to contend with all that and then some....


Jun 29, 2011
You’re both giving voters too much credit for being philosophical. Voters decide who they like, then claim to be voting for whatever issue their chosen candidate is running on. W.Bush supporters called themselves “values voters” because that was his platform, then turned around and voted for Trump. (This goes both ways.) Today’s voters aren’t any more corrupted by Trump, it’s Trump who is corrupted. But also they’re not taking a philosophical stand against “socialism;” far from it. Only 37% of voters do not agree that healthcare is the responsibility of the government, according to Pew polling. Trump supporters wanted government-provided Trumpcare.

People are not philosophical, they are tribal.


Aug 22, 2012
In part perhaps, but Trump will mostly be re-elected because he represents all the things some of small minded white America are thinking but are too afraid to say. Men that want to repress and abuse women, white people who feel powerless, angry disenfranchised young men, older voters that want less immigrants, every single person that lives in fear after 9/11, right wing religious bodies who oppose gay and transgender people and want to put woman's rights back several decades, all the far right voters, and a huge one the NRA and people who are afraid they will lose their guns, and those that just cannot for whatever reason vote for the other side but don't like him that much by default.

And then you will have him and his team paying whomever to discredit any candidates that run against him just like they did with Hillary. So whoever does run against him has to contend with all that and then some....
I don't know anyone who thinks any of those things so that is a broad brush that doesn't cover well.


Aug 22, 2012
You’re both giving voters too much credit for being philosophical. Voters decide who they like, then claim to be voting for whatever issue their chosen candidate is running on. W.Bush supporters called themselves “values voters” because that was his platform, then turned around and voted for Trump. (This goes both ways.) Today’s voters aren’t any more corrupted by Trump, it’s Trump who is corrupted. But also they’re not taking a philosophical stand against “socialism;” far from it. Only 37% of voters do not agree that healthcare is the responsibility of the government, according to Pew polling. Trump supporters wanted government-provided Trumpcare.

People are not philosophical, they are tribal.
I find I am voting against something rather than having anything to be excited to vote for instead. It's all a nest of adders and only the agendas change.
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