
Dog question


Aug 11, 2008
Hi all-since I won't be able to see our Vet until tomorrow and all I am going to be doing is worrying about it-I thought I would ask the all knowing PS'ers for their opinions and to see if anyone else has had similar experiences.

Our dog who is at least 12yrs old(but suspected older by the Vet) has had issues with lipomas(fatty tumors-benign)since we adopted him. He has had one spot on his side that has gotten progressively larger and darker colored every year. It is now about the size of a peach pit, protrudes out and is very dark(he has a pink tummy with dark spots, so they were assuming it was just under a dark spot to begin with-but now I am not so sure, it is really black looking).

Well yesterday we saw him licking it and noticed it was suddenly all bloody, pretty oozy(didn't look pussy at all) at that moment like it just opened up. We cleaned it with peroxide and put pressure on it until the bleeding slowed to just a tiny bit. Today I checked in the morning and it was open in one spot and just a tiny bit oozy(not pussy) again, so I cleaned it again. Neither time seemed to bother our dog. Well tonight I went to clean it again and the open spot was much much larger(10-12mm-at least) and looked quit ulcerated and there were 2 other spots opening up and beginning to bleed.

Now I am really worried, has anyone ever experienced this with their pooch??? I am worried it is cancer or something horrible!

Thanks for any info in advance!!!
Gosh, I hesitate to post this but it sounds like the vascular cancer that affected one of my whippets. He had only 1 external tumor that sounds like what you're describing but it was growing on a vein. Turns out there were many more tumors inside. Sending PS dust your way that it turns out not to be anything serious.
I never experienced this. If your dog is uncomfortable, I would find an emergency veterinary service and get him in tonight. If not, I would make him feel comfortable and loved at home until he could see his regular vet tomorrow. The best of luck, stepcutnut.

Thanks for the dust!!!

He was seen yesterday and the Vet wanted it removed right away, but had to wait until this morning to get in a special anesthetic that he will hopefully tolerate better than what was used for his last dental cleaning.

She called and said the mass is being examined under the microscope as I type, but initial thoughts are that it is looking like a lipoma that turned 'angry'.

So, thanks again for the dust(we really appreciate it) and please keep it coming as we wait to hear the final biopsy results!!!
DUST DUST DUST for good results on that biopsy.
stepcutnut said:
Thanks for the dust!!!

He was seen yesterday and the Vet wanted it removed right away, but had to wait until this morning to get in a special anesthetic that he will hopefully tolerate better than what was used for his last dental cleaning.

She called and said the mass is being examined under the microscope as I type, but initial thoughts are that it is looking like a lipoma that turned 'angry'.

So, thanks again for the dust(we really appreciate it) and please keep it coming as we wait to hear the final biopsy results!!!

I'm thinking positive thoughts for your pup stepcutnut. Please let us know what the Vet says.
gemgirl said:
stepcutnut said:
Thanks for the dust!!!

He was seen yesterday and the Vet wanted it removed right away, but had to wait until this morning to get in a special anesthetic that he will hopefully tolerate better than what was used for his last dental cleaning.

She called and said the mass is being examined under the microscope as I type, but initial thoughts are that it is looking like a lipoma that turned 'angry'.

So, thanks again for the dust(we really appreciate it) and please keep it coming as we wait to hear the final biopsy results!!!

I'm thinking positive thoughts for your pup stepcutnut. Please let us know what the Vet says.

I just want to say that I'm with gemgirl on this one. I'll be waiting and hoping for good news!
