
Does anyone wear something (in public!) they they *know* is not flattering?

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Mar 26, 2006
I'm sure this seems like a crazy question but (gasp!) winter is here and I have a whole closet full of big bulky sweaters that hit me right on (or just below) the hips. I'm short and a little squat, and these sweaters don't really help matters--but they're WARM dammit!--so I do wear them anyway. Whenever I look in the mirror I cringe a little and think, man, I really need to spruce up my winter wardrobe, but I keep wearing the big sweaters anyway.

(The summer equivalent of this for me is capri pants--short girls SHOULD NOT wear capri pants unless they are THIN, which I definitely AM NOT).

Is anyone else in this boat? Leaving the house in the morning knowing you're not wearing the thing that makes you look your best and doing it anyway? How do I break out of this???

ETA: Forgive the double "they" in the title. Not enough coffee yet to type intelligently...
Yeah I wear things sometimes that are kind of frumpy. I just can''t be bothered sometimes especially since I have a baby with me all the time these days.
If I''m going to meet some friends or anything like that I make more of an effort.
And I never leave the house without mascara anyway. I guess we all have our priorities :)

I guess if you are feeling like you really want to change things ( though I think it''s okay to be a frumpy sometimes) you''ll have to make the more flattering clothes you own easily available to you and either get rid of the other stuff or store it somewhere.
Maybe go shopping with someone who''s opinion you respect and get a few warm winter items that really flatter your body type.
I totally understand. Now that school is on, I am getting up just minutes before I have to head out the door to do the junior high school drop off and highschool drop off and then hurry back home to help my elementary child out the door. I leave the house in either yoga pants,a thermal top and a sweatshirt or something similar with shoes. Not attractive AT ALL. My hair is usually in a pony tail and no makeup. Since I am in the car and do not need to get out, I look pretty bad and I deal with it for the short time I need to make the drop offs.

I did have one morning when I wore more pajama-looking clothes and that was the one morning someone accidentally bumped my car so I HAD to get out of the car. I was mortified!
It wasn''t bad and you can hardly see a thing unless you are looking but after that morning, I wear something that I can be seen in, even if it is totally different than what one would see me in the rest of the day.
I totally understand!! I gained a lot of weight when I was taking classes, so I could only fit into stretchy yoga pants and big t-shirts. My boyfriend has known me for 6 years, and for the first 5 years I was thinner and better dressed. He''s such a good guy that in the past year he never complained about me going out in those "outfits." But then for our 6th anniversary, he bought me a dress and asked me to wear it to dinner. I didn''t have heels with me, so I ran to Payless and bought a beautiful pair of shoes for $20! At the end of the night, he said, "I''m going to buy you more dresses." I asked "why?" And he laughed and said, "because now you look like a girl again." So now I''m back to "caring" about what I wear. I even wear heels once in a while! (GASP)!
I share your feelings on capri pants. I wear them anyways because I despise shorts and I never wear them - even when it gets up to 90 and humid here in MI. Ick. I also am 5''5" and I think it makes me look even shorter!! Oh well... its either that or the shorts, and I hate my legs, so that never happens.

I tend to live in my velour jumpsuits these days from Express and Old Navy since I am currently unemployed at the moment and when my husband comes home from work, I feel like I should at least put on a nice sweater or shirt and jeans, but very rarely I do lately!! I think he likes when I get dressed up and put the make up on for when we go out on the weekends... maybe I should make more of an effort...
Date: 10/20/2006 10:49:44 AM
Author: DeannaBana

I did have one morning when I wore more pajama-looking clothes and that was the one morning someone accidentally bumped my car so I HAD to get out of the car. I was mortified!
It wasn''t bad and you can hardly see a thing unless you are looking but after that morning, I wear something that I can be seen in, even if it is totally different than what one would see me in the rest of the day.
I''ve thought alot about this happening. It motivates me to wear something I wouldn''t mind being seen wearing by a cop etc.

So sorry it actually happened to you.
There are days when I''m lucky that what I''m wearing out of the house is clean. So yeah, I think I have frump days. While I''d love it if everything in my closet was amazingly flattering and coordinated, that just isn''t me. I don''t feel comfortable in layers, I don''t like jackets, and I sit in a chair all day so pants and a shirt are my goal and sometimes I realize the shirt is a little snug or the pants are a little too baggy, but until somebody nominates me for what not to wear and gives me the $5k to replace it all, I try my best and realize that I''m a casual person. Maybe I''ve just seen too many "fashion plates" to care. Don''t know.

At home, I''m usually in yoga pants and tank tops. When I work from home I rarely change into real clothes. I think my neighbors think I''m crazy, but whatever. At home, it''s all about comfort.
Well I''m glad to see I''m not alone!

I keep looking for the "excuse" here that will exhonerate my behavior and I just can''t come up with a good one... I have the money and the time to shop, but somehow it just never happens. Or--even worse--I go out American Express card in hand DETERMINED to buy some nice non-frumpy clothes in a *normal* store even if it''s not on sale, and the next thing you know I''m cruising the clearance racks or fighting through a tangle of clothing and hangers at Filene''s Basement or TJ Maxx determined to get a deal and (of course) not finding anything fabulous.

Let me tell you what I''m wearing RIGHT NOW:
- bra, undies and trouser socks from the Maidenform OUTLET
- boots that I got on clearance at Talbots last year
- khakies (that in all honesty are TOO SHORT) from the clearance rack at the end of this summer
- a sweater that is (a) too big and (b) a bad color for me that a friend of mine gave me when she cleaned out HER closet
- and (and I almost choked on my own tongue when I realized this) SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF JEWELRY (not even anything fancy, just my ring and the earrings and watch I wear virtually every day)

It''s hard. I am short too, Deejay, so I know how you feel. I have finally gotten down to my pre-baby weight although I still feel like I would like to be 5 or 10 pounds lighter.

I love sweaters but I have the same problem that you do. They can make you look even bulkier than you are.
But now I can''t wear any sweaters made of anything but cashmere or cotton. My skin became really sensitive. You might try some cashmere sweaters. You can get them from $100 up, depending on the quality. They tend to be a little thinner so they don''t make you look as frumpy. I just got two crewneck ones at, one blue and one green. They have a ton of colors and a few different styles.

Pant lengths drive me crazy. They are either too long, too short, need to get hemmed, make me look short or whatever. I feel your pain.

Personally, I never had any luck in TJ Maxx or Filenes. I think to shop successfully in those places, you have to have an ''eye'' for matching odd pieces. I don''t. I never will.

On the bright side, you couldn''t be as bad as my sister. She regularly comes over in hideously wrinkled clothes.
Date: 10/20/2006 3:18:27 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Well I''m glad to see I''m not alone!

I keep looking for the ''excuse'' here that will exhonerate my behavior and I just can''t come up with a good one... I have the money and the time to shop, but somehow it just never happens. Or--even worse--I go out American Express card in hand DETERMINED to buy some nice non-frumpy clothes in a *normal* store even if it''s not on sale, and the next thing you know I''m cruising the clearance racks or fighting through a tangle of clothing and hangers at Filene''s Basement or TJ Maxx determined to get a deal and (of course) not finding anything fabulous.

Let me tell you what I''m wearing RIGHT NOW:
- bra, undies and trouser socks from the Maidenform OUTLET
- boots that I got on clearance at Talbots last year
- khakies (that in all honesty are TOO SHORT) from the clearance rack at the end of this summer
- a sweater that is (a) too big and (b) a bad color for me that a friend of mine gave me when she cleaned out HER closet
- and (and I almost choked on my own tongue when I realized this) SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF JEWELRY (not even anything fancy, just my ring and the earrings and watch I wear virtually every day)

This is so funny, DeeJay. I do the same kind of thing. I don''t even want to buy RAZORS because I don''t want to spend the money on them, but then I spend so much money on jewelry.
Lizz, let me say we must be twins separated at birth! I bought a package of 20 razors at Costco A LONG time ago and I HATE THEM. But I am only about a quarter of the way through and I WILL USE THEM ALL.

Here''s something truly horrifying (I have no idea why this thread turned in my "true confessions, LOL!): For 4 years I used to be a roaming auditor in the financial industry. I stayed in a hotel 4 nights a week, 48 weeks a year. I would take EVERY ONE of those little bars of soap, tiny shampoos, itsy-bitsy conditioners, and miniscule body lotions. Just this year (so for the first time since 1999) we had to buy shampoo because we''re used up all the shampoo that I collected on that job. And WHAT SHAMPOO did I buy, you ask? Kirkland brand shampoo from COSTCO, of course! (And I hate that too, but that''s another story... ) We didn''t even use that hotel shampoo on The Demon Dog--we bought him Johnson''s Baby Shampoo!!! We are about to run out of conditioner and I''m in a panic--what will I do??? (We''re good on soap though--if we live to be 100 we still won''t make it through all that I''ve got stashed away.)

Oh, and on my way home I stopped at Lester Lampert, Graff, Troebert & Hoeffer, and Geneva Seal. I tried on rings that cost tens--in come cases hundreds--of thousands of dollars and did not bat one eyelash.

Good god. I need help!!!
DeeJay, you remind me of my very wealthy aunt and uncle in FL. We went to visit, and went out for lunch one day. After they paid the bill, at the table, they looked around, and my aunt says, ok. With that they stuck all the creamer containers in her purse. LMAO I about died.

(Reminds me in a good way)
Date: 10/20/2006 7:32:58 PM
Author: Ellen
DeeJay, you remind me of my very wealthy aunt and uncle in FL. We went to visit, and went out for lunch one day. After they paid the bill, at the table, they looked around, and my aunt says, ok. With that they stuck all the creamer containers in her purse. LMAO I about died.

(Reminds me in a good way)
That''s nothing.
I had an elderly relative (a relative-in-law, actually, or to be precise a step-relative-in-law) who died a couple of years ago and everyone was shocked to discover that she had 1/2 a million in the bank--for years she refused to buy new underwear and she re-used bandaids! That should make you feel like a normal person, DeeJay!
I think big sweaters are always in style - it''s the short ones that go in and out LOL!

What do I wear - I wear shorts. I don''t imagine my legs deserve to see the light of day, but darnit when it''s hot I really don''t care!!!!!
Date: 10/20/2006 10:49:44 AM
Author: DeannaBana
I totally understand. Now that school is on, I am getting up just minutes before I have to head out the door to do the junior high school drop off and highschool drop off and then hurry back home to help my elementary child out the door. I leave the house in either yoga pants,a thermal top and a sweatshirt or something similar with shoes. Not attractive AT ALL. My hair is usually in a pony tail and no makeup. Since I am in the car and do not need to get out, I look pretty bad and I deal with it for the short time I need to make the drop offs.

I did have one morning when I wore more pajama-looking clothes and that was the one morning someone accidentally bumped my car so I HAD to get out of the car. I was mortified!
It wasn''t bad and you can hardly see a thing unless you are looking but after that morning, I wear something that I can be seen in, even if it is totally different than what one would see me in the rest of the day.
I don''t care about being seen in frumpy clothes, but I have been known to drive the kids to school without a bra - okay maybe I should learn from you!!!!!!!!!
Date: 10/20/2006 6:54:17 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Lizz, let me say we must be twins separated at birth! I bought a package of 20 razors at Costco A LONG time ago and I HATE THEM. But I am only about a quarter of the way through and I WILL USE THEM ALL.

Here's something truly horrifying (I have no idea why this thread turned in my 'true confessions, LOL!): For 4 years I used to be a roaming auditor in the financial industry. I stayed in a hotel 4 nights a week, 48 weeks a year. I would take EVERY ONE of those little bars of soap, tiny shampoos, itsy-bitsy conditioners, and miniscule body lotions. Just this year (so for the first time since 1999) we had to buy shampoo because we're used up all the shampoo that I collected on that job. And WHAT SHAMPOO did I buy, you ask? Kirkland brand shampoo from COSTCO, of course! (And I hate that too, but that's another story... ) We didn't even use that hotel shampoo on The Demon Dog--we bought him Johnson's Baby Shampoo!!! We are about to run out of conditioner and I'm in a panic--what will I do??? (We're good on soap though--if we live to be 100 we still won't make it through all that I've got stashed away.)

Oh, and on my way home I stopped at Lester Lampert, Graff, Troebert & Hoeffer, and Geneva Seal. I tried on rings that cost tens--in come cases hundreds--of thousands of dollars and did not bat one eyelash.

Good god. I need help!!!
This post made me laugh so hard!! My fiance was a consultant for about a year and lived in hotels 3 days a week. Every week he'd bring home the little bottles of shampoo...and then would let it pour into our bottle (which happened to be the same shampoo). He thinks he's a genius!!

Lizz - in response to your creamer story, he likes to take the Sugar in the Raw from Starbucks, and brings home paper napkins from work...

He's an interesting one...but he's mine!
Dee Jay,
You crack me up girl! On a different scale, as I definitely do not have $70K in jewelry, but I wish I did! Sometimes I add up the cost of my shoes and purse and it will be like $400 with my $40 outfit from Old Navy or Target!

When I find something that I think is flattering, especially if it''s on sale, I like to get a couple different colors! I''m starting to be better about buying quality, not quantity of items - more room in the closet and I enjoy stuff more!

HOWEVER, I do notice that things I buy at better stores (not designer, just stuff like Ann Taylor or Banana Republic) doesn''t seem like it lasts any better than Target or Old Navy. More stylish, yes. Nicer cut and feel, yes. Durability? No. Anyone agree?
This thread is hilarious!!!!
Yes, Gail, my favorite clothes come from Old Navy. I used to live 2 miles from one and was in there all the time. Now I live quite a distance from one and can''t get there as often. Shopping online from them somehow isn''t as satisfying. But yes, the quality there is great. Just bought some great flat shoes from Target online last night (black suede with ruching). I have the same pair in brown. They are so comfy and great with skirts, jeans, dress pants, etc. I will not give up my cheap clothes. That way, I have more to spend on other stuff!
Dee Jay, you are so funny! I, too, am completely into comfort and am not into designer clothes at all! I was thin most of my life but need to lose about 25 pounds now. I am over 5''6", though, so pants usually are the right length for me without hemming. On the days I don''t work, I wear knit outfits with the hooded zipper jackets and matching pants with tennis shoes! All summer I wore capri''s with loose polo style shirts not tucked in and some kind of flip-flops. My college age daughter does sometimes threaten to turn me in to What Not to Wear! But I honestly just don''t have the desire to shop for clothes much anymore. I buy enough for everyone else and the novelty of shopping for clothes wears off to me!

When my husband travelled a lot I also had him save the travel shampoos and extra soap. We use them for travel mostly. I think being careful with spending is a very good quality...and leaves us more for diamond projects!

Let me add one other thing. Our oldest child said to me recently, why don''t you spend more on such-and-such an item because he knows poor people who spend more on that item than we do, yet we have much greater financial means. I told him to think about that awhile and he''d figure it out.
Hi DeeJay,
I am a serious lurker but usually have someone in my lap so posting becomes quite a challenge. But your post is too true and made me smile.
Have you ever watched "what not to wear?" where they re-vamp someone''s wardrobe and "look"? I think it''s on the Discovery Channel??? It''s fun but I find it unrealistic, as they sometimes make over mommies(like me) and it''s great to envision yourself in these snazzy blazers, fitted jeans, high heeled boots, etc to go to the grocery but with laundry, puke,poop, and breastfeeding, I am rarely able to be dressed like that on a week day! I mostly live in work-out clothes and shorts and t-shirts.
Next thought, have you ever thought about visiting a high end store(Saks, Neiman) where they have a personal shopper who can make some simple suggestions that you could use? I am tall, so being petite has never been my problem, just the opposite. Maybe you could walk away with some free ideas about dressing better to flatter your little self.
Lastly, maybe you are too hard on yourself and generally you look darn cute in those comfy sweaters. We are our own worst critics most of the time.
I am planning a trip to San Diego in a few weeks with my 11yr old son(sort of a "run away from home" trip for me as we have five children total) and I am fretting over my wardrobe, as if anyone is going to care? It''s funny how (generally) we women fret over fashion and I can truly say my hubby could care less about what he''s wearing, or what anyone else is....
Date: 10/20/2006 10:49:44 AM
Author: DeannaBana
I totally understand. Now that school is on, I am getting up just minutes before I have to head out the door to do the junior high school drop off and highschool drop off and then hurry back home to help my elementary child out the door. I leave the house in either yoga pants,a thermal top and a sweatshirt or something similar with shoes. Not attractive AT ALL. My hair is usually in a pony tail and no makeup. Since I am in the car and do not need to get out, I look pretty bad and I deal with it for the short time I need to make the drop offs.

I did have one morning when I wore more pajama-looking clothes and that was the one morning someone accidentally bumped my car so I HAD to get out of the car. I was mortified!
It wasn''t bad and you can hardly see a thing unless you are looking but after that morning, I wear something that I can be seen in, even if it is totally different than what one would see me in the rest of the day.
OMG! I often drop my 3rd grader off wearing my pajamas. It''s only about 3 minutes away and usually my husband drops him off on his way to work, and I don''t shower and do my thing until I get them out the door. Sometimes my hubby is a little late so I end up taking our son to school. It NEVER occurred to me that I might ever have to get out of the car.
Not me...I try to never leave the house wearing old stuff that doesn't flatter me. Inside the house is one matter, I throw on whatever feels good, is warm, or cool or whatever. I don't mess with matching or care if stuff has holes in it or even wear a bra or whatever. In fact in the winter I end up wearing really strange looking ensembles, but who cares because I'm warm. But outside the house, even if I am just going to the market for one thing or if I'm taking P out for a walk...I will go up and throw on Juicy pants and a matching hoodie or something that at least looks 'nice' and matches fairly well (aka no orange and lime green).

I got into this habit YEARS ago, when I dated this one guy who was always really particular about wearing stuff out of the house vs inside kinda thing, he always looked so nice when he went out and I really got into that same habit. Now I don't even think about it. I just go upstairs and change and then go out to do whatever. Greg could care less what he wears to wherever really. He'd probably wear ratty old clothes all the time if he liked them. But for me it's like this mental block thing. I always TRY at least to not leave the house without wearing something cute. I *have* the clothes, so I feel like I should wear them and it literally takes me 5 minutes or less to make myself presentable. I also will never leave the house wearing a big oversized t-shirt, oversized sweater, or a sweatshirt. I haven't done this in years. Actually I will wear something like an A&F fitted sweatshirt but nothing like unflattering. Again, just that unconscious mental block I don't even think about.

Of course now if you are talking about those moments LATER in the day when you feel like you put a lot of thought into an outfit and it looked super cute that morning but then later that day you look in the bathroom mirror at work or whatever and go WTF was I thinking? This looks not quite so great! That's an entirely different thing and yes that happens to me all the time. HAHA.

Oh the other thing I wanted to throw out there is that if you want to change that DJ...find out what you love about those sweaters. Is it the comfiness of them? The colors? What? Then throw them all out!! And go find new sweaters that are more fitted, or vneck, or whatever 'flatters' you and then get those instead. Okay keep one of the frumpy ones for the house. But I find that if you are in a rut with clothing, you have to get rid of it to really make a change. I *love* being I always have things like Juicy sweats around because they are pretty colors, they look nice and I can pair them with a quick sweater that is comfy and go out to the store or to the mall and I don't look like a fashion plate but I also don't look like my Mother either or anything. I think that once you know what you crave in terms of how you feel when you are wearing clothes, you can get rid of the old stuff that you don't really love but just like to have on...and replace it with stuff that looks more polished to the general public, but still feels comfy and good to you. I don't like high heels at all so I just find really cute smaller heeled shoes wherever I can because I know I want cute shoes but they have to be comfy too. Just a random example. Hope this makes sense, it's late and I had a long week...hahaa.

RANDOM note but someone mentioned wearing workout clothes a lot...I have really noticed that a lot of my stretchy yoga capris and stuff are super cute paired with flip flops and super comfy too!! So I have actually been wearing those more and more around outside of the house, with a hoodie or whatever. It's casual, comfy, but matches and I look like I actually 'tried' to dress....hahaha. So yeah I like the workout clothes idea.
Date: 10/21/2006 1:52:00 AM
Author: Mara
Not me...I try to never leave the house wearing old stuff that doesn''t flatter me. Inside the house is one matter, I throw on whatever feels good, is warm, or cool or whatever. I don''t mess with matching or care if stuff has holes in it or even wear a bra or whatever. In fact in the winter I end up wearing really strange looking ensembles, but who cares because I''m warm.

Ohh I do that too. Out of the house I like to look put together, but as soon as I''m inside, it''s all over. I toss on whatever t shirt/hoodie/comfy pants that happen to be within reaching distance. I have gotten to wear I really don''t like being dressed when I am at home. It''s to the point to where I have changed in and out of real clothes several times during the day.

I have gotten several roommates addicted to changing as soon as they walk in the door. My current roommate and I have a friend who watches Grey''s with us on Thursdays, and she asked us recently, "Do you guys EVER stay dressed?" We responded by offering her some pajammas.

I will leave the house in cute t-shirts or cute bum-around pants. It is possible to look cute in yoga pants and an old sorority tee if it all fits.

Now, college was a different story. In college, my dorm was right above one of my classrooms where we met for an 8:00 class, so a lot of times I woke up at 7:59 and stumbled down in whatever I woke up in. I would like to think that all of my sleep/lounge clothes are cute, but I am sure I stumbled down there in some crazy stuff. My roommate at the time had that class with me, so at least I had a pajamma buddy. Once we came to class dressed and made up, and it took the professor a little while to recognize us.

I also took art in college, so a lot of the time getting dressed wasn''t really worth it because I was just going to end up getting paint all over myself. Most of us had specific painting clothes to work in that we just stored in the art building. Those were usually REAL "special" looking.
dee jay - your post cracked me up. the other day I was driving hubby to Hobby airport houston in a realy bad part of town. i was wearing clothes from the usual TJ maxx and walmart. being in the bad part of town made me realize I was wearing clothes from walmart and twenty thousand dollars worth of jewelry.

ha ha. I still can't bring my self to spend on fancy clothes to get covered with Vis-a-Vis overhead marker at school. nope.
I was just down here laughing over all your responses and the happy hubby came in to see what was so funny. He sheepishly said that has this gift card from his work where they accumulate "points" (he''s now got several THOUSAND) that can be used at certain stores, and one of theme is Macy''s. He *suggested* that maybe I could use the card to buy some clothes, but then the lightbulb went off and I got out the list and looked at the stores we can use it at and said, "Screw new clothes honey, we''re getting that over-priced coffee table that I''ve been lusting after from William Sonoma Home!" since it''s FREE!!

He didn''t even respond--just rolled his eyes and went back upstairs.

I did--in a moment of madness--buy a really cool blouse from Mark Shale THAT WAS NOT EVEN ON SALE, but I''m afraid to wear it. I mean, seriously, what if something happened to it??? Red wine, The Demon''s dirty paws--the world if full of dangers!
Yeah, I''m a stay at home mom to three kids (1,2 and 9) and everything that goes along with my job as a wife and mom (soccer, clean house, grocery shopping, etc). So I go for comfy clothes! I won''t wear sloppy though and my clothes and shoes HAVE to match, Including my diaper bag, lol. But for the most part, my clothes are Lands End and LLBean! They last forever and are soooo comfy!

Sure, winter boots--ya know thick soles, big, not runway material......

Date: 10/21/2006 10:03:33 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
I was just down here laughing over all your responses and the happy hubby came in to see what was so funny. He sheepishly said that has this gift card from his work where they accumulate ''points'' (he''s now got several THOUSAND) that can be used at certain stores, and one of theme is Macy''s. He *suggested* that maybe I could use the card to buy some clothes, but then the lightbulb went off and I got out the list and looked at the stores we can use it at and said, ''Screw new clothes honey, we''re getting that over-priced coffee table that I''ve been lusting after from William Sonoma Home!'' since it''s FREE!!

He didn''t even respond--just rolled his eyes and went back upstairs.

I did--in a moment of madness--buy a really cool blouse from Mark Shale THAT WAS NOT EVEN ON SALE, but I''m afraid to wear it. I mean, seriously, what if something happened to it??? Red wine, The Demon''s dirty paws--the world if full of dangers!
I CANNOT stop laughing at this!!!!!
Date: 10/20/2006 6:54:17 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Lizz, let me say we must be twins separated at birth! I bought a package of 20 razors at Costco A LONG time ago and I HATE THEM. But I am only about a quarter of the way through and I WILL USE THEM ALL.

Here''s something truly horrifying (I have no idea why this thread turned in my ''true confessions, LOL!): For 4 years I used to be a roaming auditor in the financial industry. I stayed in a hotel 4 nights a week, 48 weeks a year. I would take EVERY ONE of those little bars of soap, tiny shampoos, itsy-bitsy conditioners, and miniscule body lotions. Just this year (so for the first time since 1999) we had to buy shampoo because we''re used up all the shampoo that I collected on that job. And WHAT SHAMPOO did I buy, you ask? Kirkland brand shampoo from COSTCO, of course! (And I hate that too, but that''s another story... ) We didn''t even use that hotel shampoo on The Demon Dog--we bought him Johnson''s Baby Shampoo!!! We are about to run out of conditioner and I''m in a panic--what will I do??? (We''re good on soap though--if we live to be 100 we still won''t make it through all that I''ve got stashed away.)

Oh, and on my way home I stopped at Lester Lampert, Graff, Troebert & Hoeffer, and Geneva Seal. I tried on rings that cost tens--in come cases hundreds--of thousands of dollars and did not bat one eyelash.

Good god. I need help!!!

YOU GOT TO GO TO GRAFF"S? I am sooo jealous. I have been trying to go back there ever since I tried on that 3 carat cushion cut ring a few months back but my kids nap from 10-5 and I have no sitter so it is next to impossible.

What did you try on at Graff''s? They are really nice there. That is where I tried on the million dollar necklace. (Well, $600k but I call it the million dollar necklace).
When I became a SAHM two years ago, I had two problems.... not fitting into my old clothes (which were mostly suits anyway. who's gonna wear a suit with a baby?) and not having the right ones. I hated feeling frumpy, and I live in a small suburb right outside the city where everyone knows everyone and all the stay at home mommies are dressed to the nines all the time. (and damn skinny too, I'm not sure how they do it).

Since I didn't want to buy clothes to fit my 'new larger body' I bought a ton of tshirts and pants from Target & Old Navy to get me through. (and one pair of Seven for all Mankind Jeans off ebay, just for some flair) Well I lost all the weight but 10lbs and after about a year, I decided to hell with it, all the cheap crap was going to Goodwill.

I totally cleaned out my closet. If it felt weird, unflattering, or if I hadn't worn it in a year, it was gone. I put all my special occasion wear & suits in garment bags so I can store them. I also saved just a few items of my pre-pregnancy clothes (3 or 4 awesome designer tops I spent some coin on, and my premium denim--which almost fits now, but can't.....quite......button). The rest I bagged up into 3 HUGE DRUM LINER bags. (like super duper big garbage bags) And it all went to GoodWill.

I don't have as many items in my closet, but wow, it looks so spacious and getting dressed is a lot faster now that I can see what "outfits" I have available.

I did splure on two adorable pairs of jeans for this weight (since I decided to try for a second baby, I could justify a new pair of Citizens -- since it will get me through the post baby transition the next time) and my other "mommy" look is one I love...I go to our outlets (we have an awesome Adidas outlet here) I hit the Adidas store. They ALWAYS have matching track suits. And lots of them. Its not the bottom of the barrel crap, or weird stuff no one wants. I usually buy one or two new track suits a year, a pair of matching tennies, and a coordinating ball cap. I have about 4 suits like that now, and if I am really tired from the business of being a mommy, at least I know I have a few clean, coordinating, and COMFY outfits.

And then I feel like Sporty Spice and it's all ok

But I really think less is more, and you have to get rid of your stuff you don't wear or that doesn't look good on you. It doesn't matter if you buy the cheapest clothes there are, or like to spend a lot, just don't buy crap you don't need, and don't buy clothes that don't look good on you just because you need something.

Half the time, finding a new wardrobe can be as simple as cleaning out your closet. I call it "shopping in my own closet". I found a ton of new outfit ideas by cleaning things out.

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