
do you wear a thumb ring?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
or know any friends that does?
no...i'm personally not a fan and don't think that they look very elegant--none of my friends wear them either.
Nope, but I only wear my wedding set at this point. I used to wear one in high school. I don't know anyone else who wears one.
I always wore a thumb ring in high school. Then again I also always wore 5 unmatched earrings every day....

I don't know anyone who wears a thumb ring now.
I wore a thumb ring when I was in high school. I would like to think that my taste in jewellery has matured since then.

I do know one woman who wears a thumb ring but she pulls it off really well. She's in her early 40's, tall and big and erm... quite busty. Very alternative lifestyle living, if you know what I mean, and she has a collection of Mexican silver rings that occasionally show up on the thumbs of either hand.

I don't know anyone else who could pull off that look.
A supervisor where I work does. She is in her mid 50s, and its a slender gold wedding band she inherited from a male member of her family.
I do, once in a while - either a mokume band that I inscribed with a quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt ("No one can make you feel inferior without your consent") or an eternity band. I wore them A LOT in my teens and mid-twenties, less so now. But I do wear them - and, Trekkie, I think I fit the bill for your description of your acquaintance! I wonder if we figure that the style balances out our phenotype ....
Never worn one
Don't know anyone who does
Nah...although I would if I ever found the "perfect" ring to fit either of my thumbs. Years of piano playing have left my fingers short-nailed and majorly unadorned, but my wrists are a different story! I like watches and multiple bracelets, can hardly stand wearing rings without meaning...

I love seeing thumb rings on others, though...I've always thought it was so cool!
No, I think I am way too old for that look.................... ;(
I don't wear one myself but a close friend in her late forties wears one and it looks great on her. She just has a thin silver band on her thumb and I love how it looks on her.
I wonder if it is a regional thing here, but there are a lot of women in my area who wear thumb rings. I can think of at least 5 I know. They all have slim, plain bands that I think look rather elegant. I've tried wearing my alternat wedding band on my thumb (its too large for my ring finger and can't be taken down due to the pattern...its antique) but I'm always scared ill lose it!
I used to but not anymore. I say if you want to wear it go for it (anyone who wants to wear one can).
I did for a short time because I thought it made me look cool. But I realized I really didn't and that it was not the most comfortable thing.
Circe said:
I do, once in a while - either a mokume band that I inscribed with a quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt ("No one can make you feel inferior without your consent") or an eternity band. I wore them A LOT in my teens and mid-twenties, less so now. But I do wear them - and, Trekkie, I think I fit the bill for your description of your acquaintance! I wonder if we figure that the style balances out our phenotype ....
lol I think I fit this too - I don't wear one often, but I like the look of wedding rings and gold band on one hand better than ANY other two finger ring combination on one hand. 90% of the time I just wear a ring on my left hand but wearing a ring on my thumb or on my right hand ring finger is almost equal.

I understand why some think it is more mature to forgo this, but I think that is using only the most conventional and conservative model. If you are willing to go outside the box it doesn't really apply to a mature sense of style as much as a conservative and conventional one. Nothing wrong with that :)
I don't, but I have though about a very delicate diamond eternity band for my thumb.