Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if you could give me guidance on which of these 2 diamonds you prefer given that color, clarity, and size are all the same. So base on the specs/angles of the diamonds, which would have more sparkle? I’m requesting an ASET image for the GIA diamond but for comparison sake, if I only had these angles to go by, which would you advise? Would having a pavilion angle that’s a bit shallower (40.6) be ok for this crown angle (34.5)? What kind of “personality” would you say each of these diamond would exhibit giving their specs? I think I may be splitting hairs here but since it’s a big purchase I thought I’d check with the experts here . Thanks so much for your help!
Diamond 1 --- Diamond 2
Cert --- GIA ---- AGS
Table -- 57% --- 55.4%
Depth - 61.2% - 61.8%
Crown -- 34.5 --- 34.5
Pavilion - 40.6 --- 40.7
LGF --- 80% ---- 76%
Star --- 50% ---- 50%
Culet --- none ---- pointed
I was wondering if you could give me guidance on which of these 2 diamonds you prefer given that color, clarity, and size are all the same. So base on the specs/angles of the diamonds, which would have more sparkle? I’m requesting an ASET image for the GIA diamond but for comparison sake, if I only had these angles to go by, which would you advise? Would having a pavilion angle that’s a bit shallower (40.6) be ok for this crown angle (34.5)? What kind of “personality” would you say each of these diamond would exhibit giving their specs? I think I may be splitting hairs here but since it’s a big purchase I thought I’d check with the experts here . Thanks so much for your help!
Diamond 1 --- Diamond 2
Cert --- GIA ---- AGS
Table -- 57% --- 55.4%
Depth - 61.2% - 61.8%
Crown -- 34.5 --- 34.5
Pavilion - 40.6 --- 40.7
LGF --- 80% ---- 76%
Star --- 50% ---- 50%
Culet --- none ---- pointed