
Did you send holiday cards? Is it a dying tradition?


Apr 30, 2005
We didn't send any but got some and felt guilty.
I heard someone say they are not green so they stopped sending them, and send e-cards instead.
It just doesn't seem the same to get an email.
I got a few and didn't send any. I keep meaning to make a list, get the cards, address them, send them out...

But there always seems like so much to do (in general).
I didn't send any even though I had every intention. I only received one this year. It does make me a little sad because I miss receiving them and I love any opportunity for a handwritten note.
I always send cards out...I'm known for my cards :praise: but I have to say...this year we didn't receive that many compared to past years. I love sending cards and receiving..bummed that many ppl didn't send out this year. I love receiving the photo cards with the children on it. We don't get to see many ppl and love to see recent pics of their kids.
We dont do any cards because i find it wasteful. Last year i requested to forgo gifts altogether. I hate shopping for others because it stresses me out... never know what to get. The bf and i wire each other money for birthdays now, and i love it!
For the first time in about 10 years we sent out cards. And we actually got quite a few cards this year before we sent ours out. Maybe they are coming back in? We didn't do traditional cards, we did those photo ones you make at Walgreens and upload from home, as were most of the ones we got. We really enjoyed receiving those and they were pretty cheap so we sent them out. I think we will do it again next year!
C and I recieved a LOT of cards. We actually put a long piece of string on the counter, and let them hang so you can see who we got cards from. We also send them out...GENERALLY we send them as we recieve them, that way we have everyone address. LoL....we also give them to a few people around town who help us , and we see on a regular basis. I love it, i dont like ecards, i cant display it for everyone to see.
Seems like every year we get fewer cards than the previous year and we got less than 10 this year. I did send out cards and a lot of the family members who've sent me cards all my life didn't send out cards (or at least to us)...I have to say it's kind of a bummer when I go to the post office and my PO Box is empty :( (lol)...

I did receive an amazingly beautiful Papyrus card! :)
MC|1293239977|2805696 said:
I did receive an amazingly beautiful Papyrus card! :)

Me too! :D
this is our first "married" christmas & we received quite a few cards. however, we did not send any out this year. i just couldn't bring myself to do another mass mailing (we--i mean--i did save the dates, invites, & thank you cards), so i just couldn't. next year though! i love receiving cards. actually any mail that is not bills or credit card apps makes me happy.
I haven't since 1998. Until then I was faithful for 10 years. In 1999 I had a baby and my mom died and the only thing I could think to say was, "Well I have some good news and some bad news" and I couldn't shake that morbid humor from my head and my mom died mid november so I let myself off the hook for that year. Every year thereafter I would buy new cards with the intent of sending them out and I never have since. I have for 12 years about 8 years worth of cards - like 100 cards per year... it's a reciprocal thing for sure, as I haven't sent them out I've seen my pile of received cards go way down. Being here in China isn't helping either.... I don't even think people know how to get ahold of me, I think I'll be dropping off lists for good now.
We send out cards but didn't get as many this year as we have in past years. I think it is a dying tradition.
We send out a Christmas letter every year. Lots of pictures of the kids. There are only about 25 people on our list, so when we split the addressing duties, it really doesn't take all that long. All year long I'm looking for chances to get good photos of the family for the letter. We are still getting Christmas cards. It is nice to stay in touch once a year.
I haven't gotten many cards, but it actually seems to be going up, not down, as my friends settle down and get married.

I just sent Save the Date cards in December, so no regular holiday cards. But now I have everyone's address in a nice spreadsheet form, so next year I'm making this happen.
I didn't send out cards this year, so busy with other things in my life that I just ran out of time. I received very few cards.
I usually send them out, but I bought photo holder cards at the end of xmas sale last year and we never got around to taking a picture. We didn't get very many either, which was unusual. It's been a really rough year though, and I haven't been very good about keeping in touch with friends and family. I didn't feel too unpopular until I went over to my brother's house and he had an enormous montage of cards. (some from mutual friends who didn't send us one, haha) Oh well, I guess there's next year. :)
We get Christmas cards every year but I'm not good at sending them out.
We love sending out cards! Sent out 20 this year. We coordinate the cards to our wrapping paper... is that weird?

We love receiving cards too. Nearly recieved as many as we sent out.

My mom has cards that have been signed, addressed and stamped for 3 years that she has failed to mail out. Now the postage has gone up, so she's just given up.
This is the first year that we did not send out cards. I think we got about 6. 2 from friends, to from business associates, and 2
from family I wish would forget I exist. It was a little strange and sad, but not that big of a deal in the end. It was always
fun to receive them, but I never knew quite what to do with them after the holidays. I always felt bad throwing them out, especially
the ones with photo's. But I didn't want to keep them either.
One year I'd like to actually accomplish it. And if I did I think it would be easier to do it after that. It might be a dying tradition (although I don't think it's going to be dead for a long time, just that it's a lot more sporadic than it used to be) but I think it's an elegant tradition, and I think it would be a practical way to communicate with relatives and friends when, during the year, one doesn't have the time or energy, necessarily. In other words, it's diplomatic, and I think it would be fun if I started early enough.
I always send Xmas cards to my older relatives and don't expect any in return from them. I know it makes then happy to get one. Other than that I only send to people I keep in touch with on a regular basis rather than just at Xmas. In the past I would send to everyone and include my phone number and/or email address and they never would include theirs and I never heard from them except for the annual Christmas card with ridiculous holiday newsletter (if you don't want to keep in touch with me throughout the year, why should I care to read about you in a holiday letter?) So I have saved a tremendous amount of money in not purchasing cards, stamps plus have saved many a tree in the process.
soocool|1293288929|2805877 said:
I always send Xmas cards to my older relatives and don't expect any in return from them. I know it makes then happy to get one. Other than that I only send to people I keep in touch with on a regular basis rather than just at Xmas. In the past I would send to everyone and include my phone number and/or email address and they never would include theirs and I never heard from them except for the annual Christmas card with ridiculous holiday newsletter (if you don't want to keep in touch with me throughout the year, why should I care to read about you in a holiday letter?) So I have saved a tremendous amount of money in not purchasing cards, stamps plus have saved many a tree in the process.

I am not a fan of holiday newsletters! It takes A LOT of skill and talent for a humble letter to be pulled off...often times what is written can come off as braggy..."our life is so good. we're vacationing, have 10 houses, rich, blah, blah." No joke with that kind of subject matter. Kind of along the lines of the thread Iamdanny posted re: people talking about all their money.
We only had one relative who used to send those newsletters.

"Little Suzie graduated from Big State University and she's looking forward to marrying her finace Kyle in the Spring.

Johnny got all A's in class this year and improved his baseball game."

I was like WTF? I don't know thee people enough to want to know these details and I have my own life to live.

My cards will not have newsletters!
I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. I keep mine from previous years. Someday I hope to make things with them or I just enjoy looking through my box of older ones from people who have passed(grandparents).

I thought due to the bad economy that people just weren't sending them because they cost money and plus stamps could be something you can't really afford. But honestly, if I can afford to send them....anyone can!
Yes, I send them to our friends and family every year. It may be a dying tradition, but it's one that I try to keep alive! We got about 25 or so...
This is the first year I've sent them, because I've had everyone's addresses from our wedding invites. I just sent regular cards without pics, but next year I'd love to send a picture card. I sent 15...received maybe 8 cards plus a few e-cards.
We send them every year--we do the photo cards from costco. I love getting cards and I know people like receiving them as well. It's a nice way to say you're thinking about someone at the holidays.
yes, but the number is down to about 30 per year now.......

Imdanny|1293299292|2805919 said:
We only had one relative who used to send those newsletters.

"Little Suzie graduated from Big State University and she's looking forward to marrying her finace Kyle in the Spring.

Johnny got all A's in class this year and improved his baseball game."

I was like WTF? I don't know thee people enough to want to know these details and I have my own life to live.

My cards will not have newsletters!
I like the newsletters. We have family members we never talk to, but every year we get their newsletter. We learn what the kids are doing, how the horses are, and any other interesting things that happened throughout the year. I can skim it in under two minutes and enjoy hearing the details! And if the newsletters are ridiculous, they're fun to make fun of. Win-win!
MC|1293298739|2805917 said:
soocool|1293288929|2805877 said:
I always send Xmas cards to my older relatives and don't expect any in return from them. I know it makes then happy to get one. Other than that I only send to people I keep in touch with on a regular basis rather than just at Xmas. In the past I would send to everyone and include my phone number and/or email address and they never would include theirs and I never heard from them except for the annual Christmas card with ridiculous holiday newsletter (if you don't want to keep in touch with me throughout the year, why should I care to read about you in a holiday letter?) So I have saved a tremendous amount of money in not purchasing cards, stamps plus have saved many a tree in the process.

I am not a fan of holiday newsletters! It takes A LOT of skill and talent for a humble letter to be pulled off...often times what is written can come off as braggy..."our life is so good. we're vacationing, have 10 houses, rich, blah, blah." No joke with that kind of subject matter. Kind of along the lines of the thread Iamdanny posted re: people talking about all their money.

This reminds me of a family who used to send a letter to my parents' house every year. The wife was someone my mom knew in college, I think. Anyway, we laughed every year because the Christmas letters from this family were so over the top. It was like they were trying to top themselves each year in the things they accomplished or places they vacationed.

I actually do like getting Christmas letters. It's fun reading the ones that family and family friends write because even though I might not keep in close touch with some of them, I'm interested in how they're doing each year. My mom sends Christmas letters out and they're pretty funny.