
Could you....

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Jul 17, 2008
Go a week without internet?

How did I live the first 40 years of my life without the internet? I find myself running to the computer whenever I am bored or if I have a question about ANYTHING! It certainly has changed my life. And could I go a week without? I have when I have been traveling, but at home NO WAY!
When traveling yes. At home, no. But at least I don''t have a crackberry. Hubs has one. Then I did the crazy thing and got DD one. Bad mistake. She''s on it all the time.

Funny thing, funeral homes are getting requests that people be buried with their blackberrys. I had always joked that hubs would be buried with his as he''s so attached to it. But little did I know, people want this, or their cell phones...
That''s crazy.
i can live w/o a TV,but not thee internet.
Oh yeah. I have before and I will again. I like the internet, but sometimes I feel like a slave to it. It''s why my next computer will be a desktop so that I don''t always have it on and try to do 4 things at once. I think limiting my time on it will be better for me in the long run.
We had no phone or internet access while we were on our honeymoon (for three weeks). It was completely weird at first, mostly because I felt entirely cut off from my friends and family, and I felt like I was going to "miss" something. I got used to it after about 4 days, I think.

So yes, I''ve successfully established that I can go a week (or three!) without phone or internet.
The very thought chills me to the bone! When we were on our honeymoon in Mexico, we had no internet access. (We were not about to pay to be able to check our e-mail!!) But, mu hubby has a GPS pocket pc phone, so he could connect to the wireless and we could do a little bit of surfing. We mostly just used it to check weather and e-mail. That was the longest I have ever gone since I first got internet, and I don''t ever want to do it again!
I could, but I don''t think I''d be a very happy camper.
I am dating myself as reeeeally young, but I''ve had internet almost my entire truly cognizant life, and I''m very used to having it around. As a student I am basically glued to it, don''t know how to do research without it, and use it as my source of entertainment/procrastination/keeping in touch with family and friends. Sometimes I think I really am addicted to it, but it''s just a big part of my life and it''d be hard to go without. I want a crackberry sooooo badly, by the way.
Could I? Maybe? Would I want to? NOPE!

I''ve got to look into what access will be like where we are going on our honeymoon. I doubt that either of us would be a happy camper after going two weeks without the internet!
I''m pretty sure I''d die. I really would. I''d sit and stare at my laptop with a lost and forlorn look upon my face.
I would hate to live without it - I am totally addicted
I have before, while on vacation, or waiting for the connection to be hooked up after moving, but I did not like it! I LOVE the internet! It''s my main source of entertainment.
I choose to never go a week without the internet! Everywhere we travel has wireless access. I have optional dial-up travel service just in case!

I bought an adorable tiny Acer netbook for travel before Christmas! I haven''t even used it since I took it out of the box, because I bought it to take on trips since it is so small! I think the screen is 9"!

I rarely ever watch TV, so I''d cancel it in a minute. But the internet better be installed at the old folks home before I get there, because I''m not goin'' without it!
Our internet didn''t work for 4 days last week, and I would''ve completely lost it if it hadn''t been for internet on my iPhone
I second Kaleigh... Yes if traveling. At home no way!

If the internet were down for any reason at home, then I''d be at the library checkin my email (and PS of course
I''ve done it when traveling, too, but I''ve never done it at home for a week. I''m basically addicted to the internet, so quitting for a week voluntarily isn''t really an option for me!
Date: 1/15/2009 7:48:15 PM
Author: musey
We had no phone or internet access while we were on our honeymoon (for three weeks). It was completely weird at first, mostly because I felt entirely cut off from my friends and family, and I felt like I was going to ''miss'' something. I got used to it after about 4 days, I think.

So yes, I''ve successfully established that I can go a week (or three!) without phone or internet.
Not I! I paid a fortune to have wifi in our honeymoon overwater bungalow in French Polynesia! DH was so annoyed!
But in all fairness I was waiting for our wedding pics to be emailed. But yeah I spent a lot of time lurking on PS!

I don''t know if anyone knows the "technology" song from Naploean Dynamite, that Kipp sings to Lafawnda at the end of the movie. "I love technology, but not as much as you, you see, but I still love technology." Anyway, DH was singing it to me the whole time... poor guy!

I also have it on my phone! Comes in handy all the time (movie reviews/times, directions, restaurant reviews, weather, traffic.........).
I have before, when I move for example, and the internet hasn''t been set up. Last year I went for a week and a half without tv or internet. It was horrible! Made getting emails a lot harder too. I had to keep calling people to check my email for me. lol
As others have said, on vacation - yes. At home - *shudder*

DH would be even more lost. When our internet was out for less than a day he about went crazy, LOL!
Sometimes when I go out on audits, I''m without internet for a week or so depending on the location. So I can go without it. However, if its available to me, I cannot stay away.
Yes!!! I went a whole 8 days w/out the internet when we flew down to CA and it was wonderful! I didn''t even miss it. . .

Generally speaking, I find the less time I spend on the internet, the less inclined I am to keep running and checking my email. When I start my new job in a month, between that, commuting, and my kids, I won''t be on very much at all and I''m looking forward to a break.
I could do without internet but I wouldn''t be doing so voluntarily. I''m pretty addicted.
I could go longer without the internet than I could my cell phone.
Last weekend I drove my boyfriend''s truck to a store an hour away all by myself. Ten minutes into the drive I realized my battery was going to die - blinking empty. I couldn''t take it. I pulled over to a Wal-Mart and bought a charger. It was almost a scary thought being without a phone.
When I first moved to Germany it was 6 weeks with no internet and phone! We still don''t have tv. I read a lot and almost killed my FI about 36 times and threatened to move back to the states on more than one occasion.

I am saner now
Definitely. As long as I have other things to do.

If I''m home, bored as hell, then absolutely not. I''d go mad.

When I''m on vacation I might check my mail once or twice (over the course of 10 days) and I don''t go nuts. But this is because I''m super busy having fun, so there you go.
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