Hi PriceScopers-
I had a previous thread around finding an Emerald Cut (https://www.pricescope.com/community/threads/need-help-please-emerald-cut-20-25k-budget.101540/), and REALLY APPRECIATE everyone''s thoughtful insight. By the way, my budget referenced before includes the ring as well as the diamond (just FYI). I''m continuing to search through the channels that people have suggested (going with tried-and-true/trusted eyes), however, one stone from Angara continues to intrigue me... because of price. (see picture)
This stone is NOT available for viewing by Angara- it was explained to me that the supplier was overseas and Angara is not set up with the capability to provide many high-powered images, or videos; The business model of Angara seems to be built around providing the lowest cost service. In addition, I could not find the same stone on other vendors'' webpages- don''t most online vendors have access to the same "virtual inventories"?
Conversely, GOG can provide images and videos, while WhiteFlash and ERD can provide images- as well as an expert opinion on the stone.
The statistics on this stone are quite reasonable, but I understand that you cannot judge an EC by its statistics alone. However, given the price difference and the 30 day return policy, perhaps it''s worth even just pulling the trigger. Then if it''s not for me, I could return it and continue to pursue the higher priced ones through other channels. I feel a bit guilty even considering this, but if it means potentially missing out on a deal worth $5k+, then it would not be prudent of me to not consider it right?
I guess I would like to understand if the significant price difference a red-flag indicator for anyone. Is this one of those "too-good-to-be-true" situations? Or does my strategy just not make much sense?
Thanks again for all of the help so far.