
Comparison of four cushions


Oct 20, 2010
What do you think of the LP potential of the following diamonds? They are all 3 ct cushions. I only have the certs, so I expect we may be able to rule some out, but we won't be able to say one has excellent LP just from a cert, right? I'm focusing on LP, but I would love to hear it if you see any other red flags.

1. ($25k)

2. ($19k)

3. ($28k)

4. ($20k)


P.S. CCL, you already saw the first one, but I haven't posted the other three yet.





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2 cushion brilliants and 2 modified cushion brilliants. I think this is like comparing apples and elephants!

The types of cuts look really different in real life, perhaps you should check them out IRL?
I am planning to see all of these in person. Right now, I am just trying to determine if there are any red flags from the certs.

CCL, what happened to your post? I saw it but then it disappeared. I only remember you said the last two were antique cut. I specifically asked these vendors for modern cut stones. I am not sure why they would show me antique cushions. Any ideas?

Thanks everyone!
You're right. It's very difficult/near impossible to tell the light performance of these stones based on the certs only. Can you obtain Aset images for any of these?

By the way, there may be a possibility that two are antique cut from the charts, but you might not find them antique-y looking when you see them. I find the charts have some informational value but definitely aren't determinative of their actual look.

Few things that caught my eye:

Stone 1.
- Thick to extremely thick girdle -> nothing to be concerned about integrity-wise, but the stone may face-up a little smaller than other 3 caraters.
- Table is 69% -> some people prefer smaller tables in cushions but this is a personal preference.
- is it eye clean?
- I'm also curious as to whether this stone has a shallow crown. A shallow crown can lead to less fire than stones with higher crowns. Something to check if you see the stone in person.

Stone 2.
- are the inclusions in the table eye visible?

Stone 3.
- largest face-up size - 9.09 x 8.82. (I note this stone is also quite a bit more expensive than the other ones too)
- one of the possible antique-y stones but again, not necessarily.
- 8 main cushion, which is sought after by some on PS (although having 8-mains does not necessarily mean it has great light performance, just that it has, well, 8 main facets. There's a GOG video showing the varying performance of different 8-mains and 4-mains:

Stone 4.
- I think this stone is likely an antique and not a modern cushion (crown angles greater than 40 degrees, slightly large culet, small table (57%), 8-main, also seems to face-up a little smaller. Check with the vendor.
Thanks! I forgot to mention that I am looking for a modern cut look but I am trying to avoid "crushed ice".

I have seen #3 in person, and it didn't look antique-y. I have recently seen a picture of #4 and it is indeed an antique.

I will pay close attention to if each stone is eye clean to my eyes.
No problem.

You'll need pictures of the other two in order to see if it's a bad crushed ice (some can be pretty). Good luck!
The general rule of thumb is to avoid crushed ice, avoid modified cushions, particularly the plot from Stone #2 (the ring around the pavilion).

When you said you told your vendor to look for modern cushions, he probably thought you meant modern cushion brilliants -- which is what he sent you. Perhaps you need to be more specific? Are you looking for something like a cushette (when you say modern)? Here's an example of a cushette from GOG:
(I'm not saying this is a good cushette, but just an example of one. Look at the face up photo.)

Can you describe the features of the cushion that you want?
with cushions you really need images (and preferably ASET images as well), you can't tell too much from the numbers on the report, and even within the categories of 'cushion brilliant' and 'cushion modified brilliant' there are a wide variety of types of stones...
I am looking for something with smaller flashes but not "crushed ice" (which looks like chaos to me). I don't know if cushion brilliant or modified is better for me. I am open to both after watching a GOG video showing that both cuts can offer good LP. I'm open to the cushette as well. I don't like the look of the AVC. I really like the SCHA, but it's very expensive. The same goes for buying from GOG--great but expensive.

Sorry I can't be more specific. I'm going to keep talking to vendors. Not all of them give ASET images, which is when I have to rely on a vendor's reputation on PS and learn what I can from the certificates. Unfortunately (and fortunately), most diamonds look great to me in person, so it's hard for me to discern differences unless I see two stones side-by-side. My budget is $25k, I'm looking for a square 3 ct, and J SI2 is the lowest I'll go.

Thanks again!
The names on the certificates don't really mean all that much with respect to performance (same goes for plot). At least have the vendor give you pictures, although really, if you can't see them in person, Asets are best.

Personally, if I couldn't hold the diamond in hand, I wouldn't buy from a vendor that did not provide Aset images, especially on a fancy cut of substantial value. If you're looking at virtual diamonds, most vendors will have access to them. Just send the link or GIA cert to a company you want to work with. They can usually bring it in and take Aset and other pictures for you.
Care to name a PS vendor who does not provide ASET? Isn't that an oxymoron!? :confused:
Acrata: Where did you end up getting your stone? I'm debating between ERD & GOG.
Acrata|1289962835|2769447 said:

But, it does not change the fact that that ERD has an ASET scope in the office (I have seen it, and gotten images from it) and it's the type that feed the image into a computer for emailing (but doesn't produce a computer-generated ASET, which is a little different).

You should tell ERD that the lack of ASET is costing them sales. (particularly if you don't buy from them). Perhaps this will make them learn how to use the darn thing properly.
Acrata: that is so true. It's making me second guess their stones.
Here is a photo and sarin for #5 (the AGS-certified one). Any thoughts?


