
BTDT -- Things that Go Bump in the Night


Sep 10, 2003
for ladies of a certain age whose body parts have migrated from their birth positions and associated issues
Matata|1289970789|2769600 said:
for ladies of a certain age whose body parts have migrated from their birth positions and associated issues

You mean the girls who once stood proud and tall and are now slumping down to the knees? Even pectoral exercises can't do anything to help this! Only a good bra. I am so glad I finally got a proper fitting. It only took about 10 years, but it is amazing how much better one looks in clothes when the bra fits!

The other thing is what is this belly below the belly button. All the crunches in the world can't fix this. Everything above the belly button looks good, but just below it I don't know what to do.
soocool... I'm sorry about your below the belly button issues... us younger folk refer to it as a FUPA (fat upper pubic area :eek: ). I don't think there's much you can do to get rid of it - abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck) is pretty much the only way to go. Lipo can help, too.
I work on a surgical unit at a hospital. IF for whatever reason you need any kind of abdominal surgery, a lot of times the drs can do a tummy tuck or panniculectomy (when the fat actually hangs over, and poses skin issues) while they're in there.

Geez, are these the things I have to look forward to???
Lynnie|1290001325|2769801 said:
soocool... I'm sorry about your below the belly button issues... us younger folk refer to it as a FUPA (fat upper pubic area :eek: ). I don't think there's much you can do to get rid of it - abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck) is pretty much the only way to go. Lipo can help, too.
I work on a surgical unit at a hospital. IF for whatever reason you need any kind of abdominal surgery, a lot of times the drs can do a tummy tuck or panniculectomy (when the fat actually hangs over, and poses skin issues) while they're in there.

Geez, are these the things I have to look forward to???

Thanks, but no thanks. I had enough of hospitals this year. I think I will embrace my FUPA (I like that word) ,my sagging boobs, and c-sction scar. I will think of them as a life well lived.
I hate running upstairs without a bra on. That slapping sound is most disconcerting.
Maisie|1290025732|2770277 said:
I hate running upstairs without a bra on. That slapping sound is most disconcerting.
Maisie|1290025732|2770277 said:
I hate running upstairs without a bra on. That slapping sound is most disconcerting.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why isn't there an emoticon for snorting?
There should be one. There have been many times where I have needed a good snort emotie! I do rather like this little chap though...

Maisie|1290039577|2770641 said:
There should be one. There have been many times where I have needed a good snort emotie! I do rather like this little chap though...


Very cute!

Unfortunately, with my shortened attention span, I'm not sure I've actually seen it all the way through.....
Maisie|1290025732|2770277 said:
I hate running upstairs without a bra on. That slapping sound is most disconcerting.

I was just thinking this very thing this morning! Lmafo!
Yeah, and does anyone else have to actually hold the girls while trying exercises? Because if I don't, I might get a black eye, or worse. I don't believe there is a sports bra for this situation. I've never found one. That's why I took to bicycling instead of aerobic exercises. Walking is hard with my bad hip and arthritic foot. I did aquafit for a while, but the pool water was a bit chilly. Maybe that is the way to go though, at least the girls float! :rodent:
lyra|1290113548|2771766 said:
Yeah, and does anyone else have to actually hold the girls while trying exercises? Because if I don't, I might get a black eye, or worse. I don't believe there is a sports bra for this situation. I've never found one. That's why I took to bicycling instead of aerobic exercises. Walking is hard with my bad hip and arthritic foot. I did aquafit for a while, but the pool water was a bit chilly. Maybe that is the way to go though, at least the girls float! :rodent:

Depending on how you feel about the uni-boob look:

My well-endowed DD swears by this, but I can't get the dang thing over my head.
Aoife|1290113975|2771778 said:
Depending on how you feel about the uni-boob look:

My well-endowed DD swears by this, but I can't get the dang thing over my head.

Yeah, I don't think it would work for me either. I only have one good shoulder, so getting stuff on over my head (or off) can be challenging. I'm not quite (mind clean?) ready for the extra heavy duty support front latching support things either. I also have trouble if there is no underwire. I should rethink the front latching devices, but of course they are extremely expensive too.
I can't wear sports bras. They don't contain me well enough. And I hate the underboob sweating.
Since most of the exercise I do is low impact (walking, cycling, swimming) I just use my regular bra. And that is good quality, that's just not a place I want to economize since the difference it makes to the way my clothes look, and the difference it makes to the way my back feels is major.