
BTDT -- Everwhere a Hair Hair & Plumbing Issues


Sep 10, 2003
for ladies of a certain age to discuss Bigfoot Syndrome and how to cross one's legs whilst standing & sneezing/coughing/laughing etc.
I feel like such an outsider when it comes to menopause! I do not have the leakage problem. But I wonder if this affects women who delivered babies vaginally more than ones who had c-sections ( I had a c-section). I take in around 64 oz in fluids everyday and the only thing that makes me go alot is any kind of caffeine.
Upgradable|1289999741|2769776 said:

LOL - Don't hate me, but I'm with Soocool on this one, and like her, I've only had one child and that was by C-section. Don't get me wrong, when I have had a bad cold or the flu and cough my head off until it's almost chronic (done that a couple of times) I'll use a panty liner just in case, but other wise, no problem with this one (yay team, there's a meno symptom out there I don't have yet). And I drink water by the quart.... I mean a LOT of water, and I can still (usually) go through the night without having to get up.

Can we have our own forum yet?????
I'm 33 and have Bigfoot syndrome already!
Oh, and a laughing fit can be scary, but I think I was always that way with laughing fits.
puppmom|1290011918|2769985 said:
I'm 33 and have Bigfoot syndrome already!

Do I dare ask what Bigfoot Syndrome is?
Maisie|1290025530|2770270 said:
puppmom|1290011918|2769985 said:
I'm 33 and have Bigfoot syndrome already!

Do I dare ask what Bigfoot Syndrome is?

Hair in places it shouldn't be!
Ohhhh! Is this where I admit that I have long curly hairs behind my knees?
Maisie|1290025864|2770279 said:
Ohhhh! Is this where I admit that I have long curly hairs behind my knees?

If you are still limber enough to see them behind your knees, you're too young to be on this thread! :lol: :lol: :lol: :naughty:

I figure that stuff like this is only a problem for people standing behind me.
Thats the problem. I can't see them. But I know they are there... lurking.....
Ah, this is very timely for me as just this morning I took the epilator to the black man hair that has recently shown up on my toes and (of all damn places), the top of my instep. I have no idea what's going on the back of my legs!

Disgusting. It's like I'm turning into a hobbit. (and,interestingly, I've also begun to find myself enjoying second breakfast)! :nono:

I think I've got the leg-cross-sneeze-coming-on maneuver down pat. I feel real love for other women my age when I see them do the same!
JillyC|1290041281|2770702 said:
Ah, this is very timely for me as just this morning I took the epilator to the black man hair that has recently shown up on my toes and (of all damn places), the top of my instep. I have no idea what's going on the back of my legs!

Disgusting. It's like I'm turning into a hobbit. (and,interestingly, I've also begun to find myself enjoying second breakfast)! :nono:

I think I've got the leg-cross-sneeze-coming-on maneuver down pat. I feel real love for other women my age when I see them do the same!


Your post made me laugh out loud!

I'm wondering though, how many of you toot when you sneeze? Now thats embarrassing. :shock:
Can I be an honorary member of the group, as I suffer from Bigfoot Syndrome and I'm only 30. :((
My laser lady is my BFF.
Wow. I may lose cred here, or even get my BTDT license revoked, but I have neither Bigfoot, nor Sneeze Syndrome. 8)
As I've gotten older, my body hair is doing a disappearing act :confused:
There is still time Ksinger! Don't feel smug! :lol:

I wonder where it is going Marian... probably to the back of your knees like mine :shock:
Maisie|1290071478|2771108 said:
There is still time Ksinger! Don't feel smug! :lol:

I wonder where it is going Marian... probably to the back of your knees like mine :shock:

Not smug, just playing the odds. I've never been hirsute and am growing less so, and I didn't have
Ah well you are probably not going to suffer. If I had not had so many children or didn't give birth naturally I think I would have escaped the leakage problem too.
I have weird hairs. Random nipple hairs that grow overnight, and they grow loooong overnight. I'm just a generally hairy person and it drives me nuts. I hate hair. I'll take head hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, the rest can just go. When I was younger, one of my dermatologists asked me if I was anorexic b/c I was so hairy. And when I was pg w/London, mom gave me one of those wand shaver things to use on my face and neck b/c I suddenly was even hairier. Covered in this long downy fur or something. I was fleecy.

And I do occasionally pee. I have a weird bladder. I had some sort of blockage that was fixed, somehow, when I was cathed during my labor w/London before the C-section, so then I quit having to pee every 15 minutes, but Dr was the only one who could cath me. When I had Trapper, the nurse finally was able to do it and she urethra is odd..I think that's what she said. It's like, tilted, bent or something. I was in a car accident years ago and started having problems after that, so the only thing I can think of is that the force of the accident, hitting the seatbelt so hard did something to my insides.

Mostly it takes me forever to pee and I have to wait a bit even when I'm positive I'm done b/c there's invariably a little left, and if I don't wait, when I pull my pants up, that's enough to contract the muscles and make me leak.
ksinger|1290079432|2771139 said:
Maisie|1290071478|2771108 said:
There is still time Ksinger! Don't feel smug! :lol:

I wonder where it is going Marian... probably to the back of your knees like mine :shock:

Not smug, just playing the odds. I've never been hirsute and am growing less so, and I didn't have

I used to shave my legs a few times a week and now it is a few times a year (normally in the summer). I don't shave inthe winter. Now my armpit hair has gone bye bye too! At least I have my eyebrows and eyelashes.

BTW, I stopped using my eyelash curler and my eyelashes have grown back full and thick. I never squeezed that hard but will never use one again.
I'm rarely jealous of others, but you hairless folks have me turning green over here.

I had little black hairs on my chiny chin chin before my laser lady ZAPPED them. I imagine it will only get worse with time.
My mom says it's the price of having a thick, dark mane on my head. Harumph. I'd rather have thinner hair on my head and none where it doesn't belong. Even my eyebrows are ridiculous--I've been shaping them (and keeping them from growing into one) since middle school!
I have blonde cheek beards. I don't try and wax it off though. Don't want it to turn into a full grown man face.
ksinger|1290048262|2770881 said:
Wow. I may lose cred here, or even get my BTDT license revoked, but I have neither Bigfoot, nor Sneeze Syndrome. 8)

You are hereby forthwith and prematurely banned from BTDT until you provide evidence of revolting growths, leaks, sags, wrinkles, creaks, & groans.
Maisie|1290103158|2771451 said:
I have blonde cheek beards. I don't try and wax it off though. Don't want it to turn into a full grown man face.

Since I've started full face waxing, the hair comes in finer & lighter and I'm hoping that it soon will disappear (but from what I've just read, it'll probably migrate to behind my knees -- don't care, if I can't see it, it isn't there.)
Maisie|1290071478|2771108 said:
There is still time Ksinger! Don't feel smug! :lol:

I wonder where it is going Marian... probably to the back of your knees like mine :shock:

I'll check there, Maisie. Perhaps the bottom of my feet. I could be a hobbit :shock:
I remember my great aunt complained that when she got "old", she lost all her body hair. She still had hair on her head though. I don't see that as such a big problem. I have the weird hair behind my knees too Maisie. The thing that bothers me the most is the beard I'm growing on my chin and neck. I wax it myself. I used to have thick luxurious hair. Girls in school were always jealous and asked me how I got such nice hair. Now my hair is thinning (partly from medication I'm on), but it is coming in thick and luxurious and BLACK on my neck. It's probably really only 10 or 12 hairs, but I am so embarrassed by it. It feels coarse, that is the worst part. No moustache at least. Wax strips (Veet or Nair?) are a quick and easy solution at home.

Oh ETA: I'm very sensitive to any hair removers and they don't even work on me because my hair is so coarse. Wax is the only way out.

I'm only 25 and sitting here nodding in sympathy because I understand exactly what you're talking about.

I HATE sneezing -- sometimes causes a leak (I'm still working at the leg-crossing avoidance technique) and other times causes.. um.. gas :oops:

I've got dark hairs all over my big toes (and now on some others too!) as well as the scattering on neck, face, breasts, etc.

And I'm sure I've got behind the knees too -- I can't usually see there, but managed one day and found (to my absolute horror) a nice thick patch of long hairs :nono: