I started a thread a few days ago about a 1.13 I SI1 BN Cushion HA. I was going back and forth about buying, but I think my girlfriend actually prefers Cushion H&A. I know the pictures aren't the best, but tell me what you think. I also tried to take a couple pictures through my ASET Scope If you need better picture quality, I'll try to get that. In addition to the pictures:
Do you think an I colored diamond would be okay in a tacori setting w/ G color diamonds in a pave setting? I'm not emotionally tied to the diamond yet, so any honest criticism would be accepted. Thanks
Setting: http://www.tacori.com/2565rd9.html

Do you think an I colored diamond would be okay in a tacori setting w/ G color diamonds in a pave setting? I'm not emotionally tied to the diamond yet, so any honest criticism would be accepted. Thanks
Setting: http://www.tacori.com/2565rd9.html