
Best Online Jewelers?


Nov 22, 2010
Hi, I'm looking for an Asscher loose stone. Who are the best online jewelers? Thanks!
I don't know if there is a way to qualify 'the best'. It's a really subjective marketplace but pricescope brings a tremendous amount of objectivity to the industry. There are many testimonials and first hand stories here.

The pricescope vendors all have a great track record of honesty and integrity towards their customers.
If there is one in particular that you are interested in, do a forum search (top right of your window). You'll find lots of details and info for different online and bricks and mortar (B&M) jewelers.

Good luck with your search!
The vendors who work within Pricescope are subject to a huge forum of people who can read about any compliments or complaints. Therefore, there are very few complaints because of the power of this forum's participants. Few other places exist like this in regard to jewelry and diamonds. I don't know of any that come even close.

If you use a source that is on-line, but operating in a relative vacuum of watchfulness, you are far more likely if there is a problem to end up with a much more difficult to resolve situation. The activity and participation on Pricescope pressures resolution of problems far better.
I havent worked with them but I would recommend Good Old Gold. They can do all the pics/images and a video for you
so you can see how the stone "acts". Not too long ago a guy was looking for an EC and I think they had 5 different ones
they were comparing for him. Its nice to have a several choices and be able to see them all together.

I'm sure there are other vendors but GOG would be at the top of my list for a fancy stone.

Not sure if this link will work but this is what they have in stock. Of course they can call more in...
Asschers are REALLY, REALLY tricky to pick out online. There's so much variation in that cut ...and the movement (scintillation) the individual stones have -- that its hard to determine what your EYE would like *in person* using photographs or numbers or even video.

Do you live somewhere you can see Asschers in person? To at least get a base line of the types of cuts you like within the "Asscher" definition? (Thin steps vs Thick ... wide corners vs narrow ... many, many more factors)

I hesitate to recommend any purely online vendor for the Asscher search -- but tentatively would mention GOG (Good Old Gold). They'll at least do video comparisons of different-but-similar stones. And they have a proprietary cut (Octavia) that's been designed with optimization in mind.

I'm a bit out of the loop around here with diamond advice -- but that's my best input as an Asscher owner for 5 years. One that was selected *in person* though. Good luck!!!
Thanks everyone!
I just purchased a diamond from Union Diamonds and had a great experience. Good luck.