i was looking at another thread and came across some comments that got me thinking.....(btw in no means is this an attack on the comments made)
i posted this on the thread, not thinking it was more than a bit off topic. so i left it. but after a discussionat dinner last night, it got me thinking again, so im going to cut and paste my original post. and see what you all have to say. if anything!!!
Date: 10/15/2007 6:30:10 PM
Author: Gypsy
Date: 10/15/2007 6:24:40 PM
Author: LadyAmythyst69
The third Spencer Tiara formerly belonged to Marie Antoinette. It is pictured here with the Sutherland necklace. (The Sutherlands are a branch of the Spencer family who are also associated with the Churchill''s and the Dukes of Marlborough. Thery''re all the same family.) The Sutherland necklace is comprised of 17 of the largest diamonds from a necklace that was owned by Marie Antoinette AND is the necklace that helped spark the French Revolution. Oh yeah baby! That''s why I''m talking about, keep''em coming if you''ve got them LadyA, this is one fabulous thread! (The second Spencer tiara is really ugly... it definitely looked better before it''s present incarnation ). Any other pics of the Sutherland necklace? That necklace looks amazing. Ironic that it helped start a war in which the most famous cause of death, including the Queen''s, was decapitation.
Hi PS,
i was just looking a bit at ramdom and found this thread and love it. i love the history behind famous jewllery, often more than the jewles themselves.
well, while i have been looking for diamonds there has been LOTS of assurances here and there about conflict stones. which obviously is a good thing. nobody wants people to suffer human rights violations for ANY reason, least of all diamonds.
but i wonder why we all think differently of famous gems that we know for sure that full blown wars have been fought over in some way or another?
however, to play the devils advocate, i wonder how different banning ''conflict'' (i have used '''' because i am ignorant as to how we decide if they are conflict or not...ie precisely how its done) stones from the open market, therefore cutting off much needed funds to extremely poor people (yes, most goes on weapons or whatever, but it does bring SOME funds to the area (and at the risk of sounding even more non-PC) which is atleast more peaceful when a power structure is in place). how different is this from globally banning child labour...a very good idea, i agree...but these children have to eat too! and most of the time nobody there can afford to feed them, so they HAVE to work.
i know its a bit of a weird, politically incorrect post. but i think it is worth asking what people think about the difference between historic jeweles that people have died because of, and modern everyday jewles that peole have died because of. i assume its because we have the power to change what is happening now (though, i think its probably better to talk with the ''bad guys''...i always do...like in war...you can either talk first and not have a war, or have a war and talk after...but you gotta talk!!!) and this is our support for the programes that are in place to make that change.
but maybe because its because the historic wars happened long ago and no one is around to remember them....because at the end of the day, these wars etc are not just historical facts to most of us...they are interesting. which when you really think about it, is repugnant.
i hope i havent offended anyone...but it is a topic that id really like to know what others opinions are.