
Apparently I'm pregnant according to...


Feb 8, 2003
Remote Sensor Technology.

My baby is going to be a girl and the dad is Arnold Schwarzenegger!

How about you all?

Test here:

*** Oh, and my male neutered cat is pregnant too. The dad is Dick Cheney.
*** Also, my husband and both my kids are pregnant.
AND my cell phone is pregnant...oooh, so cute. Little baby cell phones running around. Excellent stocking stuffers.
Ok i'm not pregnant, but then I took the test again, and i'm having a baby girl with black hair and green eyes.


Jesse Jackson

That should be interesting. I have red hair and brown eyes so i'm guessing the father is really the milk-man. :Up_to_something:
I knew I should have avoided that frat party the second I saw Dick Cheney there... :nono:
That is just mean....... :blackeye: And it laughed at me at the end.....I'm sad now. And barren.


It's A Boy!

Me, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby boy, and just look- isn't he just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby boy will weigh about 16 lbs, 15 oz and have black hair and green eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!

And the daddy is:

The Pope

Oh, girl- that is just so wrong on so many levels, we don't even know where to begin. Thanks for bringing down the Catholic Church single-handedly.

What can I say? Perhaps we should have used a prophylactic? :saint:
And apparently my puppy Hera is going to have a brown eyed, blonde haired baby with Janet Reno.
I'm pregnant IRL... with a boy.

My first test came back negative... however, they strongly advised retesting, because false negatives are so common! And lookee... I'm pregnant with Jesse Jackson's daughter. Her name will apparantly be Amy Elizabeth Jackson, and she'll be born on Christmas day.

How I'm gonna explain why our child is dark-skinned to my husband, I don't know. :rodent:



A boy, dad is,

Bill O'Reilly
I am going to shoot myself. Damn you MC.
Pregnancy detected!

Congratulations, The Virgin Mary! You're "with child". Our remote testing system has detected that you're pregnant. The Miracle Of Life has begun! To see whether your baby is a boy or a girl, click the "View My Baby" button below.


The Virgin Mary, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby boy, and just look- isn't he just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby boy will weigh about 8 lbs, 12 oz and have brown hair and green eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!

Would you like to know who the lucky father is? Our Genetic Validator module has processed that data and determined who the father must be. Click the "Who's The Daddy?" button to find out.


The Mailman

Uh-oh, your dalliance with the mailman is catching up with you. How are you going to explain this 'Special Delivery' to your hubby?

OMG LOL! Um, okay. :devil:
"The Neighbor Kid

Holy &#%@! You seduced the neighbor's kid, you cradle-robbing hussy! I hope for your sake he's over 18. We sure hope he resembles your husband. . . "
Who is BOSS HOGG? He is my baby daddy!
I'm going to have a 16lb baby boy :eek: :shock: :? :knockout:

It's taking forever to decide the father. Apparently I'm a hussy.

ETA : It Says: Naughty, naughty! You aren't supposed to fool around with the hired help. Just like with the Butler, the Cook, the Chauffeur...

My baby daddy is the Pool Guy.
bean|1289595366|2763685 said:
Who is BOSS HOGG? He is my baby daddy!

HAHAHAHAHAHA Dukes of Hazzard.
bean|1289595366|2763685 said:
Who is BOSS HOGG? He is my baby daddy!


LMAO!!! Boss Hog, I love it!!

Random, and only slightly off-topic, my uncle's brother (by marriage) was Cooter on the tv show!

It's A Boy!
Manderz, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby boy, and just look- isn't he just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby boy will weigh about 12 lbs, 9 oz and have brown hair and brown eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!

Would you like to know who the lucky father is? Our Genetic Validator module has processed that data and determined who the father must be. Click the "Who's The Daddy?" button to find out.
Ralph Nader
This is astounding- the first time Ralph has sex since 1963 and he cranks out a baby. Is it true that it's $50 extra for 'cuddle time'?
I'm having a 15 lb. baby boy with PeeWee Herman! Awesome! I think my husband might actually be pretty excited about this. He's a big "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" fan. Turns out, I'm Pee Wee's big adventure.
...The father of my baby is the Pope...

Should I tell him I'm a Jew? ;))
Sweet, not preggers!

's a girl w/ the pool guy :naughty:
I'm pregnant (and so quickly too!)

It's a boy! 9lbs 16oz (um, isn't that 10 lbs???) "damn cute" with brown hair and brown eyes, and the Daddy......Fabio!

This is so funny!
Preggers, with boy (large boy of over 9 pounds, OUCH!) and the mailman is the father.
Talk about miracles...

I'm pregnant too.... With a baby girl no less.

I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to my mother (or anyone else)...

LOL - am I the only one that's NOT pregnant according to that test???? Whew!
My dog is having a baby girl with Bill O'Riley. Lovely!
My sis is having a 10lb 5oz boy! With the pool man! When she clicked "get a new daddy" she got the hot neighbor. Damn, she's so lucky.
Yssie|1289604220|2763827 said:

's a girl w/ the pool guy :naughty:

YOU STOLE MY BABY DADDY HO!!!!! :lol: :lol:
My baby will be 15 lbs 11 oz! (ouch!!)....And my Daddy is Jesse Jackson! I'm gonna have a hell of a time explaining this one to my husband!

Or that I'm going to give birth on Christmas day in 2006!

Jack Connor Jackson....Love it!
Baby girl, 6 lbs 6 oz. Father is Arnold Schwarzenegger. I tried for another father and got Janet Reno. I took Arnie back.
Matata|1289594813|2763668 said:



A boy, dad is,

Bill O'Reilly
I am going to shoot myself. Damn you MC.
LMFAO! That's tragic! :bigsmile:

Aparently I'm pregnant with Fabio's 10lbs 10oz baby boy with brown hair and blue eyes.
burberry~ That's MY babydaddy! I knew his hair smelled of some other woman!