
Anyone here lost a ring and been pretty sure you lost it in the house?


Jan 1, 2016
Check the drawers under the counter. Empty them all out
Strong flaslight at night with the lights out and start low laying on the floor looking under things then work your way up then back to the floor in case you knocked it off something while looking.

Thanks. We've done this, but will do it again. It's a substantial ring and a wooden floor, so it seems unlikely to still be lurking around like that, but another try can only help.


Jan 1, 2016
Is it possible it was knocked off the counter and bounced behind the cabinet baseboard? Some cabinets are constructed so that the toe kick (vertical board) does not attach to the cabinet---there is a gap at the top of the toe kick that leads to space under the cabinet.

Have you checked under the refrigerator and stove?

Good luck!

It's all very integrated, but that's a good idea. I'll check the toe kick for a gap- that hadn't occurred to me. Thank you


Jan 1, 2016
So sorry that you lost your ring, hope that you find it! If it's any consolation, it's an excuse for an upgrade??

I'm sure I'll get myself around to that line of though eventually :)


Mar 31, 2018
@jaaron My mom said she once worked with a lady that lost her engagement ring. She found it a year later in a file drawer at work!


Jul 14, 2020
This is super sad to read.
I lost a gold band studded with diamonds in my house. I was wearing it and then that night in bed it wasn’t in my finger anymore.
I thought it must have come off when I was changing and that I would find it.
when it hadn’t turned up after a while I convinced my self we would find it when we moved out.
It never showed up.
I remember standing there on the last day in and empty house wanting to rip up the carpet and not willing to accept it hadn’t turned up.
Worst part is my partner forgets and every so often asks me about it - great!

It does make me wonder how many carpet and renovation tradies, plumbers etc must come across expensive *lost* jewellery while working?

At the risk of people laughing at me - contact a psychic ...... it can’t hurt (?!) and I wish I had before I left and gave up.


Jan 22, 2014
Such a beautiful ring.
Terrible thing to have to suggest, but if you had people over could one of them picked it up?
Other places to check are on your hands and knees in the room where your wedding ring was left. Inch by inch of the room, behind and under everything. check your fridge and your pantry, especially if you removed things to pack up for your food drop off. Did you drive in the car? If yes, your car needs to be examined very carefully. In the seats, down the seats, under the seats, the boot.
check your handbag for that day. Check your bathroom drawers if you reapplied lipstick or brushed your hair during the day the ring went missing.
check your shoes, check your washing machine and laundry baskets.
I lost a diamond earring off my bedside table. It took me a week to find it, bent and outside near our garbage bins. The diamond was out and I also managed to find it too. What appears to have happened is that I knocked it to the floor in the bedroom and while wearing my trainers, unbeknownst to me it had got caught up in the shoe tread and I had “walked” it out of the house and down the side path before the earring was dislodged from the shoe tread.
dont give up, keep looking. But do advise your insurance company and ask them what they suggest.
sending dust.


May 13, 2018
My significant other once lost an important file at the office. He spent over a year feeling guilty and trying to find it, to no avail...last month, he found the scattered folder and papers between the filing cabinet and the wall. Just check all the gaps and nooks and crannies. I'm hoping that you'll find it soon!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
What about those stories about lost ER turning up many years latter around a carrot grown in the garden
Honestly every couple of weeks i see amazing happy stories about lost rings turning up and being reunites with their owners

Im sure your happy ending won't be as dramatic


Jul 6, 2012
I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached. I don't know why - I tend to be very habitual about where I remove/put things, but if something is important, guaranteed I will lose it.

Once, shortly after getting engaged, I thought my ring was lost. I wore it to the beach, had no recollection whatsoever of taking it off, when we got home that day it was gone.

I eventually gave up and filed the claim.

more than a year later, I found the ring - in the trunk of my car, along with (get this) a set of keys to said car. This car was push button start. I'd been driving around, and parking it, with the keys in it that whole time. I must have pulled off my ring, set it with the keys in the trunk while I was getting something, and left them there.


Apr 29, 2019
My husband lost his wedding band in our house a few years ago and we have never found it. At the time, he thought he took it off and put it on the kitchen window sill while washing dishes. After not finding it for weeks, he decided it must have slid off into the trash while doing the dishes and out it went. I think he's probably right. Its not a huge deal as neither of us are very sentimental and the ring wasn't expensive. I keep telling him we can buy a new one but getting my husband to go shopping for himself (clothes, shoes, or a ring) is like pulling teeth and I know I'll never get him to go pick one out.

I hope you have better luck. Did you go through all your trash cans before taking them out?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I remember when my Dad was battling terminal cancer and his wedding ring slid off his finger somewhere
He had only gotten it for their 21st wedding anniversary as a man's wedding ring wasnt so popular amoung their friends back in 1965

He was quite upset about lossing it and placed adds in the lost and found as he thought it must have fallen off when they were out

in turned up down the back of the couch which i find kinda funny because my dad was an ulpulstier by trade and if the factory did re covering work he always warned clients to check first because the man doing the work was allowed to keep what he found

as a 6 year old my first watch came from the back of someone's couch

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Such a nauseating feeling!

My sister once lost her engagement ring. It's big & valuable. About 12 months later, after an insurance payout & a new ring, she was clearing up the kids toys & Barbie house, when something caught her eye. The Barbie abandoned at the bottom of the dolls house was wearing a VERY expensive necklace! Turns out one of the children had pulled off Barbie's head, popped the ring over the neck & put the head back on. And they were little, so asking if anyone knew what happened to mummy's ring was futile at the time! My sister fessed up to the insurance, who had well processed by that point in time and told her to enjoy both if her rings.

Please stay positive! You never know when it might surface & fingers crossed for you.

I can't stop thinking about this
When i should be sending positive vibs off to @jaaron all i can think about is barbie, nude and most likely with a questionable hair cut but with the most amazing chocker necklase
If i had a barbie doll in this house id be pulling her head off right now !


At this point I would report to insurance company - you can always retract the claim if you find it. I'm sorry that this has happened to you.


Apr 22, 2004
Mom lost a bag of jewellery. Found it years later in the pocket of her luggage.
I lost a diamond halo ring last year. Found it months later on the floor in the closet of my room.


Jun 23, 2005
Be sure to check the heat/ac registers in the floor as well. Here's hoping that today is the day that you find your ring!!


Jun 8, 2008
@jaaron I am sorry you can’t find your beautiful ring but my gut is telling me it will turn up. Sending good luck dust in finding your ring.


May 1, 2007
@jaaron I have my fingers crossed for you to find your ring!

I lost my two favorite silver rings when I was younger. Searched for years, hoping I would be reunited with them. Went camping with my new DH and what do you know? They were tucked inside one of my tent's pockets! I had put them there years before when I went on a camping trip with my best friend.

I also lost my ering while on a trip to DC with my son. I was all the more frantic because it happened the day before we were leaving. Once we were gone from that room, that hotel, I would lose all hope of ever finding it. My son, who was 9 at the time, spotted it tucked inside the rim of my suitcase, between the lining and the zipper!! How he ever spotted it I will never know, much less how it got there! The relief I felt was insane!


May 27, 2009
A couple times!

Not the same way, three times, no less, I "hid" some jewelry in the house, then forgot where I put them.

Once, in a guest bedroom, in a shopping bag that held wrapping paper and bags.

Another time, in another shopping bag, with items not needed while the house was on the market, and put in the basement. That entire bag was packed and moved across the country!

Last, I put a pouch of jewelry in a bag of vacuum attachments in the laundry room. (What was I thinking????) I found it a year later, when I went to shampoo the carpets and needed a specific attachment.

I should add that all those times, I had a safe deposit box at the bank, but didn't make it there to store my pretties. Now I have a little safe in the house. I never hide anything anymore.


May 27, 2009
Just adding: hang in there, if my multiple stories (I thought of another one, I hid stuff in my sewing basket, and it took over a year to find. Clearly, I don't use that basket much) tell me anything, there is hope. And, hopefully, when you do find it, you'll wonder why you didn't think to look THERE before.


Sep 20, 2009
I just found a garnet earring after finally selling her sister for scrap. She was hiding beside my nightstand leg. Oh well.

A while back, I lost a Rado watch. I last remembered it on the table beside where I sit in the living room. I turned the house upside down. I wondered if I had removed it at my desk and it may have walked away. I finally filed a report with police incase it was pawned so that it would show up on the stolen item list - I had the serial number from the watch box.

A little before this time, when my sister visited, she came for a dual purpose to visit a long time friend who had terminal cancer. This friend had visited with my sister several years ago and decided to move to my charming, sleepy town. She was a retired due to the cancer. Personally, I thought it was probably not a good time for a life relocation, but not my call.

This is one of those crazy stories. My life is usually very boring.

Fast forward to my sister's friend's final decline in health. The friend lived with her ex husband. He had moved to the area to care for her in her end days. He had many issues. **I have edited the story to be a little more discrete.

I went to visit her in her final week and she asked me to watch out/take care of her ex husband.

After her passing, I went to her house to help him. He was not well in any sense of the word. He only had a few days to vacate with the clothes on his back. One afternoon during one of these crisis visits, he told me to wait a second, went in the house and came out. He said to me that there was a watch she had, and she said it was worth a lot of money.

Yep, it was my watch. Talk about crazy Karma.

I was shocked and told him it was my missing watch - Not many Rado Hyperchrome watches in town. I think he knew it and was trying to return it to me. I also know that he had never been around me, in my house etc. to have taken it at any time in the past.

I didn't see that coming at all. I still don't know why she took the watch. I think maybe the cancer had something to do with it and she was not thinking clearly.

Happily, the ex no longer is living in his van and is housed :) We are still working on disability for him.

End of the long missing watch story :)
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
A couple times!

Not the same way, three times, no less, I "hid" some jewelry in the house, then forgot where I put them.

Once, in a guest bedroom, in a shopping bag that held wrapping paper and bags.

Another time, in another shopping bag, with items not needed while the house was on the market, and put in the basement. That entire bag was packed and moved across the country!

Last, I put a pouch of jewelry in a bag of vacuum attachments in the laundry room. (What was I thinking????) I found it a year later, when I went to shampoo the carpets and needed a specific attachment.

I should add that all those times, I had a safe deposit box at the bank, but didn't make it there to store my pretties. Now I have a little safe in the house. I never hide anything anymore.

OMG your story just reminded me I misplaced jewelry I bought for my nieces and I still haven't been able to locate it. I put it somewhere for safe keeping so I wouldn't forget where it was and then I forgot! LOL. At first I thought I put it somewhere in my safe but I couldn't find it there so then I thought I gave it to Greg for safe keeping but nope he didn't remember that and I looked everywhere I could think of with no luck. This was a couple of years ago and the items in question are earrings. I know they are in the house but I just don't know where. Anyway it's funny how some of us hide things for safe keeping and then we cannot remember where. I am glad you found your items @KaeKae and like you, from now on, all my jewelry is going into the safe. Even the less valuable items. For safe keeping indeed.


Feb 3, 2013
Good luck it should turn up soon. I lost a Cartier trinity ring which I often wear on my pinky. I was bereft, as it was a gift to myself which I bought on a trip to Paris, just off Place Vendôme. Unbeknownst to me, it rolled off my finger whilst taking laundry out of the front loader washer. After, of course pulling the house apart, I found it 2 days later in the rubber lip around the washer door.


Jul 24, 2003
I haven't misplaced a ring but have lost a bracelet and a necklace on 2 separate occasions. The bracelet I found in a drawer of clothes about a year later. The necklace had gotten under the little rubber mat in the console of my car when I took it off to go into the hospital and forgot I have put it there.

Diamond Girl 21

Jun 26, 2017
My mom lost her wedding band. She couldn't find it anywhere, but she knew it was in the house. It drove her crazy! Anyway, she eventually found it behind a drawer in her bedroom dresser. Don't give up hope. Good luck!


Dec 14, 2017
We came back from a two week camping/glamping vacation from Mississippi to the Grand Canyon and back with stops at points in between 10 years ago this summer. When we returned I couldn't find my wedding set ANYWHERE and the engagement ring and band were soldered together! I tore the camper up trying to find it and couldn't imagine what had happened. Fast forward a few may not know this but most camper sinks have covers to provide more counter space. I removed one of the covers and there is it's box in the sink where I had dropped several jewelry boxes because that's how I kept them at that time and I had not picked that one box up. Good thing we live out in the country and my husband didn't think my screams of delight were another kind of scream.

Keep looking...and I hope it turns up.

(On the other hand, we never did figure out what happened to our camcorder from the idea. It disappeared never to be found again. We have NO idea what happened to it....did it fall from our pickup truck? Did we take it in somewhere and leave it? Did someone swipe it when we weren't looking? The world will never know.)


Nov 20, 2012
My friend lost her grandma’s ring 4 years ago, the only heirloom she had. She said the last place it was, was in her room (She was living with her parents Back then) It was a huge mystery for her and she had to keep lying to her grandpa on where it was. Fast forward to now..she has her own place but with Covid she’s been staying with her parents and low and behold her mom had it in her drawer. They don’t know how or why it was in her moms dresser but at least it was found, I’m still shocked because it’s been 4 years! Good luck and I bet it will show up some wear unexpected


Oct 5, 2006
I've lost 2 things in the house:

1) one is a beautiful 3-stone ring with green tourmaline in the centre and candy pink spinel sides. That was a few years ago. To this day, I still don't know what happened to it. Sooo sad!

2) a few bags of loose small emeralds, blue and pink sapphires and red rubies. I think my former maid/ housekeeper stole them. Also super sad about both losing them and having someone I had in my house steal from me.

Sending @jaaron goodluck dust for finding your ring.
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