
Anyone else need to rant?


Dec 9, 2008
Come on, let it out!

My rant: For the past two weeks I've been feeling FRUSTRATED. VERY frustrated.

BF and I have our own house now and it is wonderful!However, having our own house has ticked off the last thing on our pre-engagment check listso we have all our ducks in a row, so WHERE'S THE PROPOSAL? He's been the one who for the last 2 years has been saying how he can't wait to propose to me, he's had the ring for almost that long, so what is he waiting for? It was my birthday the day after we moved into our new place, he could have done it then. The day after my birthday we went for a very romantic day trip to a island winery for lunch, he could have done it then. I don't need a big fuss of an engagment but I don't think I can say that without ruiening any plans he already has, and I do get the impression that he's a man with a plan. The next big events for us is the end of November is our 3 yr dating anniversary then Christamas and New Years - I am going to go INSAINE if I have to wait THAT long.

Yes, I am a control freak. I know he will do it how he wants to and in his own time but I find the not knowing frustrating.

Rant over.
I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated. I definitely think it's better to vent to us than to say something to him. If he already has the ring and everything then I guess all you can do is wait. You have some significant event coming up (anniversary and the holidays) so maybe that's what he's waiting for.
I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated but I completely understand. I would be thinking the same thing, especially if he already had the ring. I too have been feeling very frustrated lately. We just moved in together about a month and a half and that was also our last thing on the pre-engagement checklist. I know it's only been a month and a half but I can't help but get antsy wondering when it will happen. We've been dating for almost 6 1/2 years! Good luck with the LIWitis. Maybe it will happen really soon! ***DUST***
Ok, let me first get this off my chest that I envy you since you have all your ducks in a row and are just waiting for a proposal! FF and I have been together for little over 5 years and we have several things to check off before we can even get to the proposal stage. Talk about FRUSTRATION! :errrr:

Now, in your case, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE WAITING ON? :bigsmile: But seriously, I think you may be in for a holiday proposal of sorts. Not to mention you have an anniversary coming up, it sounds like he is plotting and planning for the perfect moment, so please just hang on a little while longer. I'm happy you have been able to keep from bringing this up to him, since I've heard this delays things even further with men who have the ring and a plan in mind. It makes them just postpone it until he feels like you magically forgot about the ring and the upcoming proposal and then boom, they propose trying to sweep you off your feet with a big surprise!

I'm so sorry you're feeling frustrated. I would be feeling the same way if I were in your situation! I think it sounds like he has a plan. Maybe he is just waiting for the time that you least expect it so he can really surprise you!

Sorry for the lack of reply, been busy busy busy!

I am slowly re-gaining my sanity but still find I'm a little more snappy with him than usual.

I have also been trying on the ring (quite alot) when he is out and I'm home alone.

Anyway, thanks for the support, I'm hoping to bump a good number of you up the list by the end of the year.
You put that ring away right now!! You are stressing yourself out by dangling that ring in front of your eyes. And what if you got caught!?!? Be patient and focus on something else before you drive yourself bug-nutty!
He must have something AMAZING planned if he's making you wait this long! It'll happen, don't worry! Congrats on your new house!
Hehe, If I got caught he'd just laugh at me, I've been given premission to play with the ring since we realised it was going to be quite a while till I got to wear it (his idea, not mine). I still try not to play with it when he's around because I don't want him to feel pressure from my impateince.

And yeah, he BETTER be planning something good if he's dragging it out this much!
4ever, i just reliased that your anni must be close to mine, im hitting the 3 yr mark this year also. I know about the SO draggin their feet, im in the same boat expect he wont tell me anything about the ring, at least you know what your ring looks like, and ahve tried it on. Im sure he is planning something EXTRA special.
I have to tell you something that you won't want to hear!'s not mean!

I am envious of you, that you have a house first and are still anticipating a proposal/ring. You've got the largest step out of the way, in my eyes, already, so consider yourself very fortunate, lady!

I met and became engaged to my FI in 10 months. We've been talking houses, looking at houses, breathing houses, for the past 2.5 months and I have to say that this process is far worse for my sanity than waiting for an engagement ring ever was.

I hope you receive your proposal and ring soon! :wavey:
Jessie- Three years is a big milestone! Ours is the 27th (I think) of November. However, It did just occur to me that he might we waiting for a big New Years fireworks proposal - That's AGES AWAY!

Monarch- getting a house together is a big, stressful step, it took as a LONG ASS TIME to find the right place for us and then to find all the right furnature and things to fill it with. BF admitted that he was a little concerned I'd turn into a phsyco when we moved in since I kind of went a little nutty when looking at all these different places and then when trying to get good quality, reasonably priced second hand whiteware in time for us to move in (which was less than a week!) .....and again when I cryed tears of fury after making a flat pack (or kit set- whatever you call it) bed side table wrong the morning of my birthday which was the day afer we moved in.

But now we FINNALLY have all our new furnature and are blissfully co-exsiting ::) :bigsmile:

Good luck with your house finding and nesting prosses, I'll sent you lots of calm, collected and sanity maintaining vibes.
Ours is the 17th of 10 days before...
17th isn't far off you think that might be the day?
No, i hardly doubt he will propose on our anni. *sigh*
Can I rant a little too?

I found an amazing ruby (I'd love to have a ruby centerstone); within 2 days of posting: SOLD. To someone other than me. It was just a little smaller than I'd like (6mm, and "upgrading" the way one can upgrade diamonds isn't possible when it comes to colored stones) so I sat thinking about it. Boo. Double, triple, quadruple, boo.
Indylady- I'm sorry about your ruby, but I'm sure the one ment for you will turn up when the time is right. Keep looking!

Also: Mystery solved- BF told me last night he wants to ask my parents first and is very nervous, hence it taking a while. I have told him he dosn't have to, I don't think anyone expects it of him, my parents arn't exactly traditional like that and nore am I. Oh well, if he wants to tourture himself....
IndyLady said:
Can I rant a little too?

I found an amazing ruby (I'd love to have a ruby centerstone); within 2 days of posting: SOLD. To someone other than me. It was just a little smaller than I'd like (6mm, and "upgrading" the way one can upgrade diamonds isn't possible when it comes to colored stones) so I sat thinking about it. Boo. Double, triple, quadruple, boo.

I have a sapphire listed on a webpage that I want *really* badly. Perfect color, 7.5 mm (which is a bit bigger than I want...) and check the page every day to make sure it isn't gone! I feel your pain. I need to find a good time to bring it up to the SO. (when he isn't at work or completely drained of all energy from work)