
Anyone else go through "phases" in jewellery?


Sep 25, 2008
I guess I've always gone through phases, just like kids tend to do but I don't think I've grown out of it yet! :lol:

This got me thinking - what about everyone else? :read:

I know there is usually a flavour of the month (mahenge spinel, halos, French cuts, Spess, AVC etc) But what about different styles or tastes in jewellery? Did you suddenly prefer white gold/platinum to yellow? Antique style as opposed to modern minimalist?

Personally I feel I've gone in a circle - in my early 20's I adored super modern designs, like the wackier the better! The I got engaged & fell in love with coloured stones, followed by obsession with Art Deco designs & then big bling. Now I've come back to wanting modern sleek minimal design again. I look at my (admittedly teeny) collection and it all seems so...flashy & try-hard. :blackeye: I am stuck by the overwhelming urge to sell it all & start again!

Does anyone else ever feel like this? :?
I think you are describing just tailoring your taste in jewelry and finding your style. I have found that the last 8 years since finding pricescrope I bought a lot of stuff and was all over the place with what I liked. While I liked it they weren't forever pieces for me. I was being sucked into the flavors of the month as you put it.

Now I can appreciate all the beauties posted on PS, without feeling like I need to get one too.

But to answer your question I have never liked YG, I always felt it was dated, but once seeing the high ct YG thread and Athensworth new YG beauty I just knew I had to get some YG pieces that weren't costume.
I go through phases and have a varied collection. Sometimes I am in the mood for simple or modern designs and other times antique or ornate ones. I'll wear some things until I'm tired of them and then put them away and wear other things I own. It's nice to do this rotation because when I put things away, they seem fresh and new to me months or years later.
I like all colors of metals and often mix them, but my tendency is to wear more white metals in the summer and yellow gold in the winter.
I think so; sometimes I'm so crazy over one colour that I keep searching for multiples of that one coloured gemstone to make a suite. Once that is close to completion, I move on to another colour or gem type. As I've gotten older, my tastes become more discriminating and I am more particular about what I want. I've slowed my purchases significantly but each one now is treasured more than my early purchases. My mindset is fewer great pieces versus multiple average pieces.
If I like a PS flavor of the month, I usually try to find a similar design in costume/sim so I can try it out without spending real money. My nice pieces are all in the same minimalist style in white metal. I do have some YG but rarely wear it. I do go thru phases of wearing particular pearls non-stop. This past winter, I wore the same strand of baroque tahitian pearls pretty much every day.
I have known from a very young age that I do not like yellow gold, and prefer white metal.

I had my "colours" analysed, and it confirmed that I am a "Winter" and yellow gold does not suit me when I was in my 30s.

I do not believe my tastes in jewellery has changed over the years, except perhaps to buy better quality.

Growing old has at least 2 good things about it - lower car insurance and more disposable income for non-essential items such as jewellery.

DK :))
Totally 100% sucked in... Part of the reason why I can't make a decision on a Ering setting...for my upgrade. Still struggling because I want to get off the Ferris wheel... But I don't want to screw it up! :eek:
I think I've been pretty consistent in my style choices. As much as I enjoy the beautiful ornate rings on here, they are simply not my taste. I prefer very modern minimalist settings. I do enjoy window shopping for colored stone statement pieces, but not sure if I would enjoy wearing them in my everyday very casual life. Semi-bezels & tension settings are my sweet spot. Or baguette, trap style sidestones.

I purchased an antique art deco three stone ring last year. It was beautiful. I enjoyed it for around 9 months or so then sold it.
It was just not my style. If I ever jump on the oec bandwagon, which doesn't seem likely, I would still do a very modern setting.
In my younger days everything I had was YG. Now aside from a couple of gemstone pendants all of my rings are in white metals.
Mayk|1400677078|3677386 said:
Totally 100% sucked in... Part of the reason why I can't make a decision on a Ering setting...for my upgrade. Still struggling because I want to get off the Ferris wheel... But I don't want to screw it up! :eek:

I know! but I'm that way with clothes too. I have several different styles that I cycle through...which is OK for clothes, but not for expensive settings. I keep ending up with very conservative diamond settings because of the indecision between classically simple and classically
:love: blinged :love:

I had a huge Tiffany addiction for about a year and now - - - poof!--- that's gone and there are just a couple of favorite pieces I actually wear.

I have to beware of myself for that reason :lol:
I do know that I went through big fun phase when I found the sims boards and Pricescope. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, some of which I eventually sold later on. I made a big switch from yellow gold of the '90s to white metals of the 2000s. I doubt that the planets will ever align into something like that again. It was the birth of new Internet distribution channels, low prices, new styles like the vintage and the halo, new superideal RB diamonds, and new look for everything with white metals replacing all of that "bold gold." You could actually get decent new mountings with prong head and diamond sidestones for only $250 - $300, suitable for colored gems and sim stones. People dumped a lot of used YG mountings and other used mountings on ebay for low prices, too. You just don't see deals like that now because metals increased in price so much. Diamonds went up, too.
Yes, because jewelry is like a form of self expression. Some days I am feeling avant-garde, others I want to go try on a solitaire at Tiffany and Co.

The stapes I always go back to:
Colored stones (pink, pink, pink, I love pink )
Yellow gold
Art deco

I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Still love clean, classic styles but now have learned to purchase through vendors w/ good upgrade policies!
Aside from my early years of adulthood when yellow gold was what everyone wore, I switched over to white metals once they were available and haven't looked back. I am still working on my platinum/wg collection and get platinum in most things when I can. I do have some special very classic pieces of YG that I have saved because of sentimental value and would wear them if I ever needed to wear yg with an outfit for some reason.

My taste in style has not changed at all, though. I love classic, traditional styles and I love antique styles. Both are proven to stand the test of time. One of my very first posts on PS 8 years ago was about discovering Beaudry settings! It took a few years but I ended up with some when they went on sale!
I still wear some of my yellow gold pieces from the 90s! I don't think of it in terms of "phases." I still love what I loved 20 years ago--anything shiny! This past Saturday I wore a little black dress, gold sandals, and gold bangle/gold hoops. I've always had a good eye for what looks best on me according to my frame and coloring so I haven't ever really let trends factor into my jewelry decisions.
Elliot86|1400682039|3677438 said:
I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Go VC. There is no way I'd ever give RDG my money for multiple reasons.
FrekeChild|1400699344|3677608 said:
Elliot86|1400682039|3677438 said:
I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Go VC. There is no way I'd ever give RDG my money for multiple reasons.

Is "VC" Van Craeynest or Victor Canera?

All three are completely different IMO - very different skills and specialties that don't really overlap at all. Van Craeynest's is old-world romance, Victor Canera's is modern streamlined pave, RDG's is fanciful whimsy.

I think MC2 would be a good alternative to RDG. I would love to have a piece by MC2 one day.
I was in a phase for a while where I really wanted more of my white metals rings to be in platinum. I liked the weight, the whiteness and cachet of platinum. I bought quite a few second-hand platinum rings. I later traded most of them for other things in white and yellow gold. I found out the hard way that most of my platinum rings were made of that alloy that scratches and dings very easily. I don't know what I did, maybe open a file cabinet, but one of those rings looked so dinged in one day, it went from nice looking to awful- it looked like a mouse was eating chunks out of it and that a cat had clawed it. The diamond even got loose because the alloy was so soft. I discovered that it wasn't for me - dull greyness and no shine like gold has. My grandmother's ring obviously is platinum of a better alloy as it is very old and has none of those problems...but my "platinum phase" is over.
Because I am a "spring" I stay with yellow gold. I have always loves traditional, classic pieces. Nothing really modern, although I appreciate the art in it. Nothing vintage , which I really don't like. No halo, just not me. Simple elegant timeless pieces.
My latest phase is wearing rose, yellow and white gold pieces together. Pretty stacked weighty chain bracelets, my favorites are made by Golden West, a high-quality California company that did amazing, unique chain designs. (not sure if they are still in business, they folded in 2008 but I heard they are back in business.) Pretty plain gold bands of different colored gold for my fingers, one nice diamond ring worn on each hand. When I get tired of that, I start wearing jade and other colored stones for rings and bracelets. I've been wearing a .75 round diamond solitaire pendant every day for a while now on a white gold chain.
I'm just learning about what I like, so I haven't experienced a phase yet. Just BLING in general.

I love the look and idea of some antique inspired pieces, but when I have to put my money down, I end up going with classic timeless pieces. I would stick with platinum whenever possible, and white gold. Yellow gold for fun.
FrekeChild|1400699344|3677608 said:
Elliot86|1400682039|3677438 said:
I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Go VC. There is no way I'd ever give RDG my money for multiple reasons.

Really? Hmmmmm. Curious about this, but I won't press if you'd rather not discuss.

Yssie I meant the VC to stand for Victor Canera. I'm looking for the best custom bench since my design may be a tad complex.
My tastes have changed over the years. I started out with mostly yellow gold. I still like it but I wear mostly white metals now. I am a winter, but still love the warmth of yellow gold. Most of my jewelry is classic style pieces so while I may not wear it for a while, I take it out again and fall in love with it all over. My daughter will only wear white metals though so I have no idea what I will do with all my yellow stuff.
I went through a few shifts in emphasis - partially, I think, because my taste was a work-in-progress, and partially because one of the styles I like is much more affordable than the other - but overall I think I've been pretty consistent. I used to love organic and Deco pieces, and actually own much more of the former than the latter, and the focus has reversed over the course of the years. I just wish I'd understood about old cuts early on! But I do still love a lot of my simpler pieces - the rough diamond rings, the bezels. And of the ones I don't ... well, happily those chunky platinum settings ought to have appreciated by now, right? :naughty:
Elliot86|1400707984|3677712 said:
FrekeChild|1400699344|3677608 said:
Elliot86|1400682039|3677438 said:
I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Go VC. There is no way I'd ever give RDG my money for multiple reasons.
Really? Hmmmmm. Curious about this, but I won't press if you'd rather not discuss.
If you are interested, you can potentially message me via Loupetroop.
I used to like gold (esp yellow gold), but now I've switched to Platinum and Palladium pieces.
I have always love a "simple classic setting" .. :love: I can pick a setting within 10 mins... :))

I love RG watches but for rings I'd prefer white metals.. :wacko:
FrekeChild|1400790661|3678342 said:
Elliot86|1400707984|3677712 said:
FrekeChild|1400699344|3677608 said:
Elliot86|1400682039|3677438 said:
I am contemplating RGD and VC for my ering now because my jewelry purchases in this lifetime will be extremely limited and I want a perfectly crafted ring the first go 'round. That way every time I look at it I know nothing was compromised.
Go VC. There is no way I'd ever give RDG my money for multiple reasons.
Really? Hmmmmm. Curious about this, but I won't press if you'd rather not discuss.
If you are interested, you can potentially message me via Loupetroop.

Sent! And thanks :wavey:
DF, if you can choose a setting in 10 minutes, maybe I need you to be my reset consultant. I've had my "temp setting" for five years now. :oops:
MonkeysInk|1400866725|3678883 said:
DF, if you can choose a setting in 10 minutes, maybe I need you to be my reset consultant. I've had my "temp setting" for five years now. :oops:
I don't give any advise on settings b/c I'd like simple 6 prong PT settings. I prefer to spent more money on the stone then paying for a custom setting.