
Anyone believe in the Evil Eye???


Aug 17, 2010
So, I'm wondering if anyone else here believes in the Evil Eye? Do you believe that certain people are able to bring harm or negativity into your life based upon jealousy or simply wishing ill-will towards you?

I have friends that deeply believe in this "theory" and will not leave home without wearing their protective eye-shaped amulets, whether as a pendant, bracelet or ring in order to ward off the "evil eyes" of those who wish them bad luck/harm/pain, etc.

They swear that when they come into contact with certain individuals, mainly their female friends, bad things begin to happen in their lives. For example, they have a fight with their boyfriend that same night, or they get into a fender bender, get fired, fall down and hurt themselves, their baby gets sick, etc. And they feel that these things happen, not randomly, but in correlation with being around these jealous friends. They have told me when they wear their eye shaped amulets, it helps with the bad luck.

I'm on the fence. I believe in it at times, but again I'm not convinced!

Anyone else have an opinion on this??
FuturePsyD|1290586484|2777883 said:
So, I'm wondering if anyone else here believes in the Evil Eye? Do you believe that certain people are able to bring harm or negativity into your life based upon jealousy or simply wishing ill-will towards you?

I have friends that deeply believe in this "theory" and will not leave home without wearing their protective eye-shaped amulets, whether as a pendant, bracelet or ring in order to ward off the "evil eyes" of those who wish them bad luck/harm/pain, etc.

They swear that when they come into contact with certain individuals, mainly their female friends, bad things begin to happen in their lives. For example, they have a fight with their boyfriend that same night, or they get into a fender bender, get fired, fall down and hurt themselves, their baby gets sick, etc. And they feel that these things happen, not randomly, but in correlation with being around these jealous friends. They have told me when they wear their eye shaped amulets, it helps with the bad luck.

I'm on the fence. I believe in it at times, but again I'm not convinced!

Anyone else have an opinion on this??

I completely agree with yours friends 100% I've had many many similar experiences with particular individuals in my life as well. It is extremely weird but I really started taking notice to it a few years ago.
Evil eye or self-fufilling prophesy? Correlation doesn't equal causation.

I've lived a pleasant and contented life without the concept of the evil eye, and I can't see how believing in such a thing would make my life better.

I think if you look for something you will find it. Look for red cars - wow there are a lot of red cars out today!
Look for a million small unpleasantnesses and there they are!

You get out of life what you put thought and effort into. If strife and jealousy are something you often think about, I expect there will be more of it in your life - eye amulet or no eye amulet.

(Why would anyone put up with seriously jealous friends?)

I hope life goes better for you and your friends!
There is one electronics tech at my job like that. Odd things good, and odd things bad, happen around him depending on whether or not he can stand you.
I believe that to some extent we have power over the lives of others but that we should show restraint and limit our control over our own lives, even if doing so may affect others. I think intentionally willing harm to anyone else opens yourself up to greater harm from the universe. I think if you live a life where you are careful about what you willingly wish upon people, it is reflected on your own life.

oh and also - I believe strongly about not lying about things like saying you can't go to work because you're sick or your child is sick because you're inviting that to be the truth. I would never tempt the fates by claiming even an entirely make believe relative was dying or had died... I just don't mess with creating negative things in my life.
HopeDream|1290588723|2777891 said:
Evil eye or self-fufilling prophesy? Correlation doesn't equal causation.

I've lived a pleasant and contented life without the concept of the evil eye, and I can't see how believing in such a thing would make my life better.

I think if you look for something you will find it. Look for red cars - wow there are a lot of red cars out today!
Look for a million small unpleasantnesses and there they are!

You get out of life what you put thought and effort into. If strife and jealousy are something you often think about, I expect there will be more of it in your life - eye amulet or no eye amulet.

(Why would anyone put up with seriously jealous friends?)

I hope life goes better for you and your friends!
This also describes what I think pretty well too... I truly believe that the devil only exists for those who allow him to exist and some of those people suffer greatly for that belief. I don't believe in the devil and there's no devil in my life.
I don't believe in it at all. The only way an acquaintance or co-worker can harm you is if you let the person harm you. Always trust your instincts: If something about a person doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. Have as little as possible to do with people who make your alarm go off.
FuturePsyD|1290586484|2777883 said:
So, I'm wondering if anyone else here believes in the Evil Eye? Do you believe that certain people are able to bring harm or negativity into your life based upon jealousy or simply wishing ill-will towards you?

No, I don't believe in it. Do you mean that certain people can bring negativity/harm into your life by wanting something to happen (thinking neg. thoughts) but not taking action? If that's what you're asking, no, I don't buy it. I don't really buy into superstitions, and I consider this to be one of them.
Sometimes I watch an Indian channel (no idea which one it is though, and there are many!) and it has the funniest commercial of an evil lady squinting her eyes at a mom and her young sun..and then you see animated rays extending from the evil woman's eyes to the young boy. Its a commercial for a little protective pendant.

Do I believe in the evil eye?


I dunno. I know I wouldn't want to be around someone who wants harm to come to me or is jealous of me. I think I'd place more of the blame on that person (catty co-worker that complains to the boss, classmate that tries to copy my work, etc.) than the sheer fact their their feelings can translate into bad things happening to me. I wonder..
I don't maintain toxic friendships. I won't quietly tolerate receiving the stink-eye from strangers, either. The only times I really experience this is when I have to make a foray into the mall or at a bar. It is amusing how hostile females can be in those two arenas. I usually start picking my nose to really give them something to look at. I'm such a joy to go shopping/drinking with.

If you feel the need for an amulet to ward off the evil eye, I saw the cutest evil eye charms at Neiman Marcus. I believe they were Aaron Basha. Just another excuse for more bling, if you ask me.
Do I believe that an eye-shaped trinket can ward off harmful "vibes"? Uh ... no. But I saw them throughout Europe recently. Mostly in tourist areas though. And on tour guides. So do I think someone is marketing them heavily right now: yes. Same with those red Kabbalah bracelets several years back. Those were supposed to do the same thing, right? Ward off evil?

Generally I think that people who claim other people are "jealous" of them are full up of the crazy THEMSELVES. Case in point -- Camille Grammer on RHOBH. CUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO.
decodelighted|1290614592|2778125 said:
Do I believe that an eye-shaped trinket can ward off harmful "vibes"? Uh ... no. But I saw them throughout Europe recently. Mostly in tourist areas though. And on tour guides. So do I think someone is marketing them heavily right now: yes. Same with those red Kabbalah bracelets several years back. Those were supposed to do the same thing, right? Ward off evil?

Generally I think that people who claim other people are "jealous" of them are full up of the crazy THEMSELVES. Case in point -- Camille Grammer on RHOBH. CUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Camille might want to think about getting herself one of those trinkets, because every time I watch RHOBH you better believe I'm giving her the evil eye myself.

Adam Lambert has one tattooed on his wrist, supposedly he got it when he made it to some significant round of American Idol.

I'm not a believer in other people's energy having a purposefully negative affect on me or my life. I feel that I am in control of my thoughts and actions, and what "happens" to me in life is a combination of so many different factors, including my choices, that I can't really point a finger at a specific cause like someone trying to bring me down or wish bad luck on me. Sh*t happens, yanno?
No. I don't believe in other people's energy.

But I do believe in my own. So like Cehra, I am careful what I say and am positive. I don't say stuff like "I know I am going to die of cancer one day." I prefer to say I'm going to live a happy, long life and see many grandchildren. If it doesn't happen, then oh well.
TravelingGal|1290623849|2778291 said:
No. I don't believe in other people's energy.

But I do believe in my own. So like Cehra, I am careful what I say and am positive. I don't say stuff like "I know I am going to die of cancer one day." I prefer to say I'm going to live a happy, long life and see many grandchildren. If it doesn't happen, then oh well.

MANY grandchildren? Good god, how many kiddies are you going to wish on Amelia, miss one and done??? LMAO :bigsmile:
monarch64|1290626022|2778330 said:
TravelingGal|1290623849|2778291 said:
No. I don't believe in other people's energy.

But I do believe in my own. So like Cehra, I am careful what I say and am positive. I don't say stuff like "I know I am going to die of cancer one day." I prefer to say I'm going to live a happy, long life and see many grandchildren. If it doesn't happen, then oh well.

MANY grandchildren? Good god, how many kiddies are you going to wish on Amelia, miss one and done??? LMAO :bigsmile:

I'm including all my brother's future's kids kids too. :bigsmile:
TravelingGal|1290626329|2778339 said:
monarch64|1290626022|2778330 said:
TravelingGal|1290623849|2778291 said:
No. I don't believe in other people's energy.

But I do believe in my own. So like Cehra, I am careful what I say and am positive. I don't say stuff like "I know I am going to die of cancer one day." I prefer to say I'm going to live a happy, long life and see many grandchildren. If it doesn't happen, then oh well.

MANY grandchildren? Good god, how many kiddies are you going to wish on Amelia, miss one and done??? LMAO :bigsmile:

I'm including all my brother's future's kids kids too. :bigsmile:

D'oh! I forgot you have a brother!
No, I don't. It sounds like crazy talk to me. But, sometimes one person's crazy talk is another person's religion. You know how it goes. I suppose there's no harm in it, though. ::)
I think it is a crock. But I don't believe in karma either. People do what they do - no charms or positive thinking can change that.
HopeDream|1290588723|2777891 said:
Evil eye or self-fufilling prophesy? Correlation doesn't equal causation.

I've lived a pleasant and contented life without the concept of the evil eye, and I can't see how believing in such a thing would make my life better.

I think if you look for something you will find it. Look for red cars - wow there are a lot of red cars out today!
Look for a million small unpleasantnesses and there they are!

You get out of life what you put thought and effort into. If strife and jealousy are something you often think about, I expect there will be more of it in your life - eye amulet or no eye amulet.

(Why would anyone put up with seriously jealous friends?)

I hope life goes better for you and your friends!

Great points. Very true that when we concentrate on a specific thing, it becomes a theme in our lives and that includes jealousy and negativity. Thanks for the well wishes! :))
Zoe|1290602981|2777944 said:
FuturePsyD|1290586484|2777883 said:
So, I'm wondering if anyone else here believes in the Evil Eye? Do you believe that certain people are able to bring harm or negativity into your life based upon jealousy or simply wishing ill-will towards you?

No, I don't believe in it. Do you mean that certain people can bring negativity/harm into your life by wanting something to happen (thinking neg. thoughts) but not taking action? If that's what you're asking, no, I don't buy it. I don't really buy into superstitions, and I consider this to be one of them.

Yes! I didn't take notice to this phenomena seriously until I had family members and friends point it out within their own lives. Then my friends would point out specific individuals and there would be a consensus and several people would agree that when they spend time around these people, within a day or two bad things happen to them, without fail. I'm sure after time it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it is sort of creepy that at the out set, my friends were not suspicious of these people however began to sense a pattern after some time.
In a I am not in the least bit superstitious.

But I still think it's a good idea to be nice to people and not to bother being jealous or wishing bad things on them. Admittedly that's more because I think it's useless and a drain on my energy than because of karma though!
IndyLady|1290606788|2778006 said:
Sometimes I watch an Indian channel (no idea which one it is though, and there are many!) and it has the funniest commercial of an evil lady squinting her eyes at a mom and her young sun..and then you see animated rays extending from the evil woman's eyes to the young boy. Its a commercial for a little protective pendant.

Do I believe in the evil eye?


I dunno. I know I wouldn't want to be around someone who wants harm to come to me or is jealous of me. I think I'd place more of the blame on that person (catty co-worker that complains to the boss, classmate that tries to copy my work, etc.) than the sheer fact their their feelings can translate into bad things happening to me. I wonder..

That commercial sounds too funny! Never seen it before, but thats exactly what I'm talking about. I agree about not wanting to be around questionable individuals, but sometimes those people are family members and acquaintances that are seen in social settings. I guess if someone believes in this sort of thing, it is an unavoidable phenomena because according to them it can come from a cashier, a hairstylist, sales clerks and people they run into while tending to their day to day lives, hence the need for the "protective amulet".
afreebird|1290612643|2778086 said:
I don't maintain toxic friendships. I won't quietly tolerate receiving the stink-eye from strangers, either. The only times I really experience this is when I have to make a foray into the mall or at a bar. It is amusing how hostile females can be in those two arenas. I usually start picking my nose to really give them something to look at. I'm such a joy to go shopping/drinking with.

If you feel the need for an amulet to ward off the evil eye, I saw the cutest evil eye charms at Neiman Marcus. I believe they were Aaron Basha. Just another excuse for more bling, if you ask me.

That's just too funny! :bigsmile: Females can certainly be hostile and catty, but I have to admit I prefer the ones that make their feelings obvious than the ones who gossip about you behind your back and are sweet to you when you see them!

Neiman Marcus does have the cutest evil eye amulets. Pretty pricey, but they are SO cute and worth it if someone wants to wear them on a daily basis. I have a few friends that purchased the pricey ones after they were married and had a baby, because they felt their single friends, acquaintances and cousins were going to start causing problems for them due to their jealousy. :rolleyes:
decodelighted|1290614592|2778125 said:
Do I believe that an eye-shaped trinket can ward off harmful "vibes"? Uh ... no. But I saw them throughout Europe recently. Mostly in tourist areas though. And on tour guides. So do I think someone is marketing them heavily right now: yes. Same with those red Kabbalah bracelets several years back. Those were supposed to do the same thing, right? Ward off evil?

Generally I think that people who claim other people are "jealous" of them are full up of the crazy THEMSELVES. Case in point -- Camille Grammer on RHOBH. CUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO.

WOW, I cannot believe some of the things this woman says out right in this show. She is beyond narcissistic. The comment about her husband being higher on the pecking order, implying that she deserves to be treated with more respect due to his success! Oh, lady, please! And what has she done to deserve this respect? Or the 3,500 sq foot apartment in NY was too cramped for her taste, even though it was for a few months! Unbelievable. She has more than few screws loose and she does seem to bring her own drama out by implying things that don't really exist to make herself feel envied. Crazy!
TravelingGal|1290623849|2778291 said:
No. I don't believe in other people's energy.

But I do believe in my own. So like Cehra, I am careful what I say and am positive. I don't say stuff like "I know I am going to die of cancer one day." I prefer to say I'm going to live a happy, long life and see many grandchildren. If it doesn't happen, then oh well.

That is also what I try to do on a daily basis. Just stick with thinking positive thoughts and outcomes and hope for the best! We may not control everything that will happen, but at the very least we can control our thoughts and try to keep ourselves generally happy on a day to day basis.
You are judged by the company you keep... I guess if you are around negative individuals, that negativity is drawn to you. I am living in Turkey right now and the eye is everywhere.. I didn't know much about it until I moved here but I am a big fan of it now. I use to have really back luck in the last city I lived in and now, well.. it's fabulous :).. who knows if there is a correlation or not.
No, I really don't believe that.
decodelighted|1290614592|2778125 said:
Do I believe that an eye-shaped trinket can ward off harmful "vibes"? Uh ... no. But I saw them throughout Europe recently. Mostly in tourist areas though. And on tour guides. So do I think someone is marketing them heavily right now: yes. Same with those red Kabbalah bracelets several years back. Those were supposed to do the same thing, right? Ward off evil?

Generally I think that people who claim other people are "jealous" of them are full up of the crazy THEMSELVES. Case in point -- Camille Grammer on RHOBH. CUCKOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Well, I think there is a problem if bracelets are mass produced to ward off evil because who knows who's making them and the energy flow behind them. People in countries making 25 cents an hour? How can they make positive-vibe jewelry when barely having enough to eat and are upset about that??? Doesn't equate. If someone wants a true amulet of positivity, she should make it herself!

I'm not sure about the evil eye, but have met some toxic people and have had to avoid them. It's especially difficult when the person is a relative, but really how much crap can a person put up with? They don't give me the evil eye, though, and I just give them the forgetting to answer their voice mail eye so no eye-contact is made. ;)
I accept things for which there is evidence.
I am not aware of evidence people have powers to hurt others in these "evil eye" "magical" ways, so of course it follows there would not be evidence that an amulet can stop it.

That said I live in a world in which zillions of people passionately agree with astonishingly irrational things, like, say, a virgin had a baby.
Given this, I'm surprised anyone finds any beliefs surprising.

I'm baffled that people who agree with one thing that there is no evidence for turn their noses up at something else because it doesn't make sense.
When I see this all I can do is throw my hands up and say, "Oh well! People vary."

All that stuff for which there's no evidence is in the same category to me.
sweetpepsigirl|1301334125|2881925 said:
You are judged by the company you keep... I guess if you are around negative individuals, that negativity is drawn to you. I am living in Turkey right now and the eye is everywhere.. I didn't know much about it until I moved here but I am a big fan of it now. I use to have really back luck in the last city I lived in and now, well.. it's fabulous :).. who knows if there is a correlation or not.

Nerede Turkiye'de oturiorsunuz? O cok guzel bir ulke. Turkce biliyormusunuz? Turkcem cok iyi degil, ama simdi ogreniyorum. :bigsmile:

(Apologies for the lack of proper keyboard!)