
Anxiety and catastrophisizing


Feb 2, 2011
Anyone have any tips on how to deal with this?

I’ve been able to manage my anxiety through exercise and self care but in the last few months it has gotten worse. My back injury has prevented me from exercising much and I’m not sleeping well. So my energy levels are down and the hot flashes are back. My chiro got in touch with my doctor and they want to see me for a work up as I complained about lack of energy, hot flashes and back aching more at night. Completely a good idea but scaring the hell out of me, as people around me are getting diagnosed with cancer. My catastrophizing is going nuts right now. I’m getting outside for a walk later, gonna meditate and took some L - theanine. If I could smoke pot, I probably would right now but that and CBD oil doesn’t work for me. Any sufferers out there who might be able to relate and offer suggestions?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Meditation and mindfulness are great to cope with anxiety. Also you could use some basic CBT techniques to deal with your distorted thoughts (like catastrophisizing). Worrying will not change the outcome. Look for evidence that supports and disputes the negative thought. Ask yourself what advice would you give to a friend in the same situation. Schedule "worry" time.


Aug 12, 2005
It's hard. My CBT techniques include making lists of inane things like cereals (brands/flavors), car makes and models, colors, anything you can think of. A PSr might make a list of all the colored stones or diamond cuts they could think of.

Another thing that has helped me tremendously is watching ASMR videos on youtube.
Or, guided meditations, such as:

Good luck. Anxiety is a real bitch.

Edit: smoking pot doesn't relax me at all; in fact, it increases my anxiety. I do NOT recommend substances, but 1-2 glasses of wine can help, or ask your health care provider for a RX for the truly difficult situations.


Jul 31, 2014
It's hard. My CBT techniques include making lists of inane things like cereals (brands/flavors), car makes and models, colors, anything you can think of. A PSr might make a list of all the colored stones or diamond cuts they could think of.

Another thing that has helped me tremendously is watching ASMR videos on youtube.
Or, guided meditations, such as:

Good luck. Anxiety is a real bitch.

Edit: smoking pot doesn't relax me at all; in fact, it increases my anxiety. I do NOT recommend substances, but 1-2 glasses of wine can help, or ask your health care provider for a RX for the truly difficult situations.

I am the same way. I have an app called buddhify and it has nice meditation tracks for various situations. One of those situations is "difficult emotions", and I like the ones they have in that category. They also have ones to help fall asleep, which I also find helpful.

I often deal with catastrophizing and anxiety, so I'm not sure I can provide the best advice. But from an evidence-based perspective, @Tacori E-ring is spot on about everything she said. All of those suggestions are great.


Feb 2, 2011
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I went for a brisk walk and then did a guided meditation. Listened to a doctor talk about GAD and learned quite a few things and am arranging for some (more) therapy. Going to go take a bath and stay away from googling anxiety. Feeling a little calmer. Just realizing how much my anxiety has grown, and that it needs some new approaches.

Am going to check out this app and the YouTube ASMR. I’m very glad I asked for help and thankful you replied!


Mar 2, 2012
If you can walk I'd make that a daily activity, followed by a prolonged period of stretching. There are barre exercise classes that incorporate stretching and I'm a big fan. I find this is one area people tend to ignore as they age, and along with balance it's the first thing to go. The result can be chronic pain and injury which exacerbates anxiety.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Hi B,

How much L-theanine are you taking? For anxiety, you should take up to 600 to 800 mg per day divided into 200 mg doses throughout the day. It works! Also, I would recommend adding a high absorption magnesium, and a really good omega three. You want high levels of epa and Dha. I take one by Jarrow. These supplements don’t work overnight but they help take the edge off over time.

One other thing. Probiotics are now being proven to help with anxiety and depression. There is a link to gut health and our emotional health. There are specific strains that help. There are probiotics designed to help. They just take a simple internet search.

Is your sleep ok? I have found that a terrible night’s sleep makes me an anxious mess the next day. Because of this, I protect my sleep over all else. If you find you are the same way, you might want to establish a soothing bedtime routine. Make it something you can actually stick to each day. Sometimes just a cup of tea and a bath is all a person needs. You might also want to avoid certain things that may upset you or energize you before bed such as journaling or certain websites, etc.

I’m glad you’re seeking therapy. This will probably be the most helpful thing you can do for the thought patterns you describe.


Jun 8, 2008
Aww sweet @Begonia, I am sorry you are dealing with so many issues and I feel your pain. I do this too. I let my imagination run wild when things get tough and I worry probably way more than I should. Imagining worse case scenarios. But I do this because then I feel more prepared to deal with things if they should get to those worse case scenarios if you kwim. But yeah it's unpleasant and stressful and harmful to our well being.

I second the mediation recommendation and also the CBT recommendation. Plus add in aerobic exercise if you can as that helps me calm my mind when it is overactive. I do the arc trainer and that might be OK for your back as it is low impact. Cycling also really helps as the endorphins calm me down and my mind feels more at peace. And Pilates helps me stretch and I find it peaceful and calming as well.

A good night's sleep is key but that is easier said than done. I find Holy Basil supplements can help with that as well as Zinc if you can tolerate it on an empty stomach before bed. Not everyone can though. I also take 800 mg Magnesium glycinate during the day. It has a calming effect too.
I also spray lavender right before bed as it calms me.

Sending you hugs and peaceful thoughts and good energy.


Sep 24, 2011
All good suggestions above!
I feel that I have ‘learned’ by getting older that most everything I catastrophize about never happens.
I also learned that if my anxiety is going up- I stop and put on my logical hat and try to figure out what is causing it. I write it down and brainstorm solutions/actions I can take. For my personality, having an action plan soothes me. May not work for all.
For many people if you are having an anxiety attack (releasing adrenaline with racing heart) -you need to burn off that adrenaline to return to calm. So that’s why a brisk walk or physical activity helps. I’ve heard of some people who do a bunch of squats or jump rope to burn up the adrenaline.
If you do what you can to understand anxiety, and yours in particular, you can work with a therapist to manage the anxiety. It may always be your tendency but make sure you create the best toolbox of ways to manage it.
A mild dose anti depressant is an option for some people.
Good luck!


Feb 2, 2011
If you can walk I'd make that a daily activity, followed by a prolonged period of stretching. There are barre exercise classes that incorporate stretching and I'm a big fan. I find this is one area people tend to ignore as they age, and along with balance it's the first thing to go. The result can be chronic pain and injury which exacerbates anxiety.
Yes! This has been in the back of my mind for a long time now. I’ll YouTube mild stretching and bring that into my new daily routine. Used to do yoga once upon a time...must get back into core strengthening. Thanks Doberman. Do you own a Doberman? They are my favourite dog...


Feb 2, 2011
Hi B,

How much L-theanine are you taking? For anxiety, you should take up to 600 to 800 mg per day divided into 200 mg doses throughout the day. It works! Also, I would recommend adding a high absorption magnesium, and a really good omega three. You want high levels of epa and Dha. I take one by Jarrow. These supplements don’t work overnight but they help take the edge off over time.

One other thing. Probiotics are now being proven to help with anxiety and depression. There is a link to gut health and our emotional health. There are specific strains that help. There are probiotics designed to help. They just take a simple internet search.

Is your sleep ok? I have found that a terrible night’s sleep makes me an anxious mess the next day. Because of this, I protect my sleep over all else. If you find you are the same way, you might want to establish a soothing bedtime routine. Make it something you can actually stick to each day. Sometimes just a cup of tea and a bath is all a person needs. You might also want to avoid certain things that may upset you or energize you before bed such as journaling or certain websites, etc.

I’m glad you’re seeking therapy. This will probably be the most helpful thing you can do for the thought patterns you describe.[/QUOT

I do take good omegas but have fallen off the wagon of probiotics - will source some good ones. Will also up my dosage of L - theanine. Did not know I could take more. Good to know!

Yes, sleep is very poor these days - I’m trying to get off the hamster wheel as the anxiety and stress leads to night time hot flashes which just leads to more sleeplessness. Hopefully some changes and all these ninja tips will help me see some improvement. I’ll have to be more protective of my night time routine leading to bed. It is such a good reminder. Thanks Cat!

Off to an app, but will address other comments shortly!
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Feb 2, 2011
Somehow I managed to put my reply in the quotation ...?

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I totally relate to this & feel your pain & for me, it took several years of hypnotherapy. I almost carked it during the birth of my youngest daughter, which then threw my health anxiety into a ginormous, out of control beast. I used to lie awake thinking about what I would put in their memory boxes & the letters I would write to them if I knew I was going to die. Awful, awful times on the back of two wonderful, happy babies.

One of the biggest things I took from my hypnotherapy, was the ability to take mysellf to my calm, safe place. For me this is a beach I visited in St. Lucia many years ago with my husband. At the waters edge I have a big old wooden chest, and I put into it all my worries one by one, telling them how rotten & vile they are as I do so. Then I lock it, throw the key into the ocean & push the chest out in the opposite direction, watching it bob away into the horizon as I calmly & slowly breathe.

I will always suffer from anxiety, but I feel for the most part I now have the mental tools to be able to deal with it, control it & put it into perspective. Exercise always helps too, as it reminds me how strong my body is, how healthy it is & what it can do for me. I run. A lot!

Good luck to you & I hope everything checks out positively & you can keep your brain busy with other things.


Mar 2, 2012
Yes! This has been in the back of my mind for a long time now. I’ll YouTube mild stretching and bring that into my new daily routine. Used to do yoga once upon a time...must get back into core strengthening. Thanks Doberman. Do you own a Doberman? They are my favourite dog...

Yes I do. I love the breed and have had two dobies, but my next dog is going to be s rescue.


Jul 31, 2014
ugh, my anxiety has been out of control the last few days as well. I've had the flu (which I realize I've never actually gotten before), and haven't been able to go to work or do anything else other than sit at home and be miserable. My main coping strategy is to work out, which I genuinely love. Sadly I can't do that either, since I'm much too weak/exhausted/nauseous. Without any of my usual coping strategies AND nothing else to do to keep my mind occupied, it's just going crazy with anxiety and catastrophizing. boo!


Jun 8, 2008
ugh, my anxiety has been out of control the last few days as well. I've had the flu (which I realize I've never actually gotten before), and haven't been able to go to work or do anything else other than sit at home and be miserable. My main coping strategy is to work out, which I genuinely love. Sadly I can't do that either, since I'm much too weak/exhausted/nauseous. Without any of my usual coping strategies AND nothing else to do to keep my mind occupied, it's just going crazy with anxiety and catastrophizing. boo!

So sorry you are sick with the flu ad sending you lots of healing vibes. The flu SUCKS and all you can do is rest, drink fluids and rest some more and you will get better. But the process isn't fun. Have you tried ginger (tea, candy, ale) for your nausea? Hope you are feeling much better soon!


Jul 31, 2014
So sorry you are sick with the flu ad sending you lots of healing vibes. The flu SUCKS and all you can do is rest, drink fluids and rest some more and you will get better. But the process isn't fun. Have you tried ginger (tea, candy, ale) for your nausea? Hope you are feeling much better soon!
Thanks! It just feels like I might never get better--which my brain is capitalizing on as an excuse to have tons of anxiety. My DH brought me ginger ale and I'm trying to drink at least 1 per day. But it's just hard.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks! It just feels like I might never get better--which my brain is capitalizing on as an excuse to have tons of anxiety. My DH brought me ginger ale and I'm trying to drink at least 1 per day. But it's just hard.

Yes it's awful dealing with the flu. :blackeye: Just try taking it one hour at a time and know you will get better. (((Hugs)))
Hope this makes you feel a little bit better.



Aug 5, 2018
@missy That crooked light blue thing! .-) www


I must admit to seeing the end of the world twice - and the second comming was last year, when I discovered what @monarch64 says of wine (cca half a glass) - as if the world changed colours & I could laugh at my pointless dread of ten minutes before - which wisdom lasted beyond any possible jolt of body chemistry. This came as a serious surprise since I hardly have anythign to do with alcohol (no qualms involved, more than a taste of anything puts me down with some daft headache; so... I am a dedicated... taster...).One of the most spectacular things my body ever did (not asking for more such revelations, to be sure). I would have laughed (derided or cursed) anyone's recommendation that I treat myself this way.

Something I would rather take for annoying insomnia is poppy seed tea (I've learned on my own skin also - noticing what this www did). The relative low temperature of brewing versus baking is key. I never had more than a cup. (the cake is another matter - this is at least one of my top three!)

It must be obvious that none of the above are in any way medical notes.



Sep 1, 2021
A few years ago, I learned that CBD has beneficial properties and if you use its oil
Apr 22, 2020
I’m sorry to hear of your struggles with anxiety and catastrophising behaviour (I have them as well). Things that I do that really help me - if the things I am worrying about are not rational or the consequences I am thinking of are not world ending, I like to do the “so what” technique to combat the endless “what ifs”. Otherwise I spend 30mins minimum per day on stream of consciousness journaling. This helps me to be functional for the rest of the day as I give myself permission to relieve the worst of my anxiety in that half an hour. It also helps me work through my triggers (or at least identify them). If I start having a full fledged panic attack I will try and ground myself in the here and now. I also detach myself from my attack by making myself believe “I am not my anxiety, I am not my body, I am just an observer in the moment, just live the experience.”

I find that guided meditation and sleep meditation really help me unwind. I can’t do THC or CBD either, it makes my anxiety spike. Bubble baths also help me relax. I carry a lot of stress in my shoulders, which causes tension headaches and ups my chances of having an anxiety attack, so I try my best to relax my shoulders (through stretching and shoulder rubs).


Dec 16, 2017
You guys are so good about alternative therapies. I just take meds. Exercise and supplements do help, but in the end I need the meds.


Feb 2, 2011
A few years ago, I learned that CBD has beneficial properties and if you use its oil

Not effective for me, but very helpful for a lot of folks!


Feb 6, 2021
Since spending a Covid year alone in a house, annoyingly, my anxiety has gotten much worse even though things have gotten better. Two of the things that I use are Michael Sealey‘s guided meditations on YouTube, and an app called Bloom which gives effective cognitive behavioral therapy sessions that guide one to reframe thoughts and emotions.


Sep 1, 2021
Since spending a Covid year alone in a house, annoyingly, my anxiety has gotten much worse even though things have gotten better. Two of the things that I use are Michael Sealey‘s guided meditations on YouTube, and an app called Bloom which gives effective cognitive behavioral therapy sessions that guide one to reframe thoughts and emotions.
A few years ago, I learned that CBD has beneficial properties and if you use its oil, you can feel much better. However, I never heard about it's benefits on helping those with Raynaud's syndrome. My mom suffers from cold fingers during winter which causes pain and dry skin. One of her friends recommended an organic CBD salve stick from . It helped her a lot by keeping her hands moisturized and soothing away the pain. I'm not sure if this has to do anything with your condition but I highly recommend you give it a try.

no, as for me I don't thing that cbd is a good idea


Aug 14, 2018
Following this so I remember to look at it later…


Feb 21, 2019
Me too, so much good information thanks everyone


Feb 29, 2012
My anxiety has been sky high lately to the point where I have pressure in my chest. Reading through what helps everyone helped me. I’m going to go take a warm bath.


Jun 7, 2014
I hope you feel better @whitewave. Anxiety is a bit@h to deal with.
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