
Another sapphire... opinions needed (picture heavy)


Jul 10, 2010
First off let me thank everyone in advance. This board has been an amazing resource, and the wealth of knowledge here is nothing short of astounding.

This sapphire is certed. Heat treatment (low). Pink-orange color (not "padparadscha" which is OK). Sri Lanka. I think the price was fair because it is heated, but for this reason I don't want it as my e-ring center stone. I got it from Ebay.

So the plan is, center stone will be unheated, untreated, all natural (mind clean and all that nonsense) but I'm wondering if this 1.45ct sapphire will be too big for just a side stone... I have a return window (amazing what happens once you mention PS!). Opinions? I will post a comparison from the last sapphire I purchased, the heat makes quite a difference for sure...







Some comparison to last purchase (which I returned).



There is a window... but I don't find it particularly bothersome. It tends to disappear when you put it against something.
Nashville said:
First off let me thank everyone in advance. This board has been an amazing resource, and the wealth of knowledge here is nothing short of astounding.

This sapphire is certed. Heat treatment (low). Pink-orange color (not "padparadscha" which is OK). Sri Lanka. I think the price was fair because it is heated, but for this reason I don't want it as my e-ring center stone. I got it from Ebay.

So the plan is, center stone will be unheated, untreated, all natural (mind clean and all that nonsense) but I'm wondering if this 1.45ct sapphire will be too big for just a side stone... I have a return window (amazing what happens once you mention PS!). Opinions? I will post a comparison from the last sapphire I purchased, the heat makes quite a difference for sure...

Where is the lab report from and what exactly does it say?
Hi Nashville,

I love how vibrant your pad-like pink sapphire is. It's very beautiful. If you think that the 1.45 carat sapphire will be too big for a side stone as a east-west side stone, have you considered a north-south style side stone? Here's an example, Courtney Cox's engagement ring (which kind of looks like a staking ring)... Just an idea...
Do you have the unheated uncheated center stone yet?
It is hard to say if this would be too big as a side not knowing what the center is, but yeah it's too big. If it is intended to be one of two side stones do you have another that matches it? Maybe I don't understand what you are doing. I will go back and read again
VapidLapid said:
Do you have the unheated uncheated center stone yet?
It is hard to say if this would be too big as a side not knowing what the center is, but yeah it's too big. If it is intended to be one of two side stones do you have another that matches it? Maybe I don't understand what you are doing. I will go back and read again

Erhm, well to be honest I probably don't really understand what I'm doing either. My "center" stone is 1.02ct oval. And I don't have another matching stone... yet.

But what I was also thinking was maybe I could use this stone (I really do love the color) as an option if need be and do side ovals? I'm actually after a pure pink sapphire oval as well. I want a 3 stone sapphire (and possibly spinel) ring and I've probably got unrealistic ideas about what I want it to be.
I think it would be helpful to see the center stone and perhaps with this side stone contender next to it. It is possible to do a ring with a center stone smaller than the sides but it is a difficult design concept to pull off and also requires quite a commitment to that design ethos on the part of the wearer. Especially so for an e-ring. Do I understand right that this is to be an e-ring?
On another note, have you looked at the pink sapphires and spinels at gemrite?
VapidLapid said:
I think it would be helpful to see the center stone and perhaps with this side stone contender next to it. It is possible to do a ring with a center stone smaller than the sides but it is a difficult design concept to pull off and also requires quite a commitment to that design ethos on the part of the wearer. Especially so for an e-ring. Do I understand right that this is to be an e-ring?
On another note, have you looked at the pink sapphires and spinels at gemrite?

Thanks, this is exactly the honest advice I was looking for. The oval stone is on hold with another vendor, I hope to have it by the end of the month (payment plan from my savings... I'm anti-credit cards). The design is going to be tricky for sure, yes it's an e-ring and this is gonna be it for upgrades. I'll check out Gemrite! The Ebay purchase was kind of a fluke, I wasn't even really looking to buy anything but the price was too good to pass up.
Did you buy two of these? Otherwise how are you going to make it a side stone? I have only seen one large stone sided by two (symmetric) stones.

If you only have one, I'd say it is hard to find another stone that's just like this. BTW, I do notice the window immediately from the first photo (sorry).
GemPendants said:
Did you buy two of these? Otherwise how are you going to make it a side stone? I have only seen one large stone sided by two (symmetric) stones.

If you only have one, I'd say it is hard to find another stone that's just like this. BTW, I do notice the window immediately from the first photo (sorry).

No need to be sorry, the window doesn't bother me, and I'm the one who will be wearing it, so I don't care if it's noticed or not. As I've already said, I've got another stone on hold and am currently searching for a third.
I'm goin out on a limb here making assumptions but since you have the center stone, albeit not in hand, the quest is for pink sapphire or spinel sidestones? I'd love to see a vendor pic of the center stone you've chosen. The other stone you showed that you returned, is that the one from planetary? As for the style of the ring, 3 stones, modern prong basket, edwardian pierced tablet, tiered bezel... do you have a mount picked out or a custom setting to be made for the stones? Since the setting will dictate some of the stats of the side stones it might be easier to start with the setting then looking for stones that fit (unless going custom). A lot of vendors will have pairs already matched so you should look to see if they have a section for pairs and sets with each site you visit or speak with.
It's a very pretty colour and super sparkly. It has the delicate colour without looking brown or too pale. A bit on the pink side on my monitor but I prefer it this way. I do have a few concerns though:
1. Which lab did you get the memo from? Not all labs are created equally.
2. I don't think I can pull off a ring where the center stone is smaller than the sidestones.
3. Speaking of side stones, it is going to be difficult to find another oval with the same proportions AND the same colour AND saturation. Nice looking padparadscha sapphires are difficult enough to find as a single stone, much less trying to find another to match the original.
4. How would you know if this oval will outshine your center stone?
I thought the oval is the center stone and the round pictured at the start of this post is only a contender for side stone status provided a match can be found. Not that that would be any less difficult. Is the oval center stone pink too? A three stone pink sapphire ring can work, but I wouldnt put bigger and/or better stones as the sides.
Good, lots of questions! I'm looking forward to hashing this out, because I've been having anxiety about this project and it's getting expensive ;(

Lab is AIGS. Originally the plan was to make this pad pictured (1.02ct) my center stone. But when this other stone's color "spoke" to me (I know, I know) I snapped it up. No real regrets as I love the color, but now my whole design aesthetic is thrown off. I don't know if a bigger round and smaller oval side stones will look wonky... but I know it would be fairly easy for me to find a nice pink sapphire or spinel in a 1ctish oval.

Could this maybe be somewhat disguised with a halo???

Also, bear with me. It makes me slightly uncomfortable revealing all my sources/info/vendors because I want to feel as though I can be candid without burning any bridges... I guess it's just something I'll have to get used to.

Oh and yes, the other stone returned was from Planetary. Very different color once I saw it in person, washed out and rather lifeless...
Im not sure what you want to disguise with a halo, but the oval sapphire pad is lovely and would be excellent alone with a halo. A three stone ring with halo(s)? now that sounds wonky to me. Also the color and saturation of the bigger round in question is too strong for the oval pad I think. You might want to look at some of the pink spinels here
Nice spinels VL thanks! I'd love 3 sapphires, but I'm really not sure my budget can handle that and I'm loving spinels more and more these days.

I meant about the halos that maybe if they looked uniform, that could somehow help hide any inconsistencies with the stone sizes? But this is why I'm not a jewelry designer!

I had something like this in mind...

THat's a very lovely ring! With a setting like that you find the stones to fit it. Gorgeous pink spinels that will compliment you pad can be found. If that is the kind of setting you have in mind you might do well to find one that fits your pad as center and then look for spinels that fit the setting.
This stone is lovely.

Personally, I really like asymetrical designs, and I think that this would look cool as a two-stone instead of three-stone setting. Imagine a cross between the setting you just posted and one of James Meyer's "offset" engagement rings.
Beautiful color! It's a lovely stone and truely a keeper but I don't understand how it could be a side stone. Is your unheated center going to be like 3 or 4 cts? Is you ring size large enough to accommodate? I'd think you'd need to be like a size 12 or more to fit those stones all together. Finding one acceptable pad-like stone is hard enough, finding three complimenting ones...I would say it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. How about use it as a complimenting necklace to go with your unheated e-ring?
Nashville, your new sapphire is very pretty. I love the color. Have you thought of doing a bypass ring?
Nashville - whatever you do, please don't send the orange-pink sapphire back. It's stunning. No brown and a lovely colour. Also, the fact that it has an AIGS is a real bonus. For me, irrespective of whether this is heated or not, it would be my centre stone. You are highly unlikely to find one that matches this so using it as a side stone I doubt will work. You could put it in a pendant?

My only concern is the oval you've picked for your centre stone you still haven't got, right? I'm a bit suspect of that one on the colour and cut. I'm not sure that it's going to rock your world when you get it. The colour is also VERY different to the gorgeous orange-pink (which by the way really compliments your skin tone).

Get the oval BEFORE deciding about sending back the round. Definitely!
Nashville said:
Good, lots of questions! I'm looking forward to hashing this out, because I've been having anxiety about this project and it's getting expensive ;(

Lab is AIGS. Originally the plan was to make this pad pictured (1.02ct) my center stone. But when this other stone's color "spoke" to me (I know, I know) I snapped it up. No real regrets as I love the color, but now my whole design aesthetic is thrown off. I don't know if a bigger round and smaller oval side stones will look wonky... but I know it would be fairly easy for me to find a nice pink sapphire or spinel in a 1ctish oval.

Could this maybe be somewhat disguised with a halo???

AIGS cannot test for diffusion. It is possible it is diffused, even if the memo states "heated."

I would not buy a sapphire with an AIGS. I would only buy one with full foreign element testing (LIBS) from GIT, GIA, AGL, SSEF, GRS. Those are the major labs that can test for diffusion. Your sapphire is far too rich in color, and is suspect. I'm sorry, not what you want to hear, but it's something that is extremely important if you care about diffusion.

AIGS cannot tell you possible origin as well. I assume the dealer is telling you that. I don't know this dealer, but I would be very careful. Sri Lankan padparadchas are at a premium, so in this case, an origin report would be beneficial as well if it's truly from Sri Lanka.
Well I'm not just going to send it back because of who certed it. It's beautiful, and I didn't pay what I'd consider premium prices for a "padparadscha" sapphire. I don't believe it is diffused, but what do I know (serious, not sarcastic). Another lab should be able to put my mind at rest.
LovingDiamonds said:
Nashville - whatever you do, please don't send the orange-pink sapphire back. It's stunning. No brown and a lovely colour. Also, the fact that it has an AIGS is a real bonus. For me, irrespective of whether this is heated or not, it would be my centre stone. You are highly unlikely to find one that matches this so using it as a side stone I doubt will work. You could put it in a pendant?

My only concern is the oval you've picked for your centre stone you still haven't got, right? I'm a bit suspect of that one on the colour and cut. I'm not sure that it's going to rock your world when you get it. The colour is also VERY different to the gorgeous orange-pink (which by the way really compliments your skin tone).

Get the oval BEFORE deciding about sending back the round. Definitely!

I like it too. The color I'm expecting the oval is a somewhat baby pink. Lighter in person. I talked to the vendor to clarify whether the orange will show (I don't see any in the picture) and he says it does, and does qualify as a "padparadscha" sapphire (but I've all but given up on that notion lately). The oval is from Ella, Sri Lanka. Who knows, maybe they will look good side by side (if anything, it's an excuse to post more pics right? :bigsmile: )
kelpie said:
Beautiful color! It's a lovely stone and truely a keeper but I don't understand how it could be a side stone. Is your unheated center going to be like 3 or 4 cts? Is you ring size large enough to accommodate? I'd think you'd need to be like a size 12 or more to fit those stones all together. Finding one acceptable pad-like stone is hard enough, finding three complimenting ones...I would say it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. How about use it as a complimenting necklace to go with your unheated e-ring?

My ring size is usually a 6.5, sometimes a tad smaller. So I agree, I'm not really sure why I thought I could pull this off as a side stone! I'm still wanting this on a ring though... probably as the center, with oval side stones. I like my gems on my hands where I can SEE them! :lol:
Nashville said:
I didn't pay what I'd consider premium prices for a "padparadscha" sapphire.

All, the more reason it's suspect. Even heated (non diffused) padparadschas of fine color are very expensive. No one is going to give those away. Like fine emeralds, rubies and sapphires, they always go for a premium. In any case, it might be worth it for you to send it to the AGL if yo live in the United States, or one of the overseas labs I mentioned above for a premium report that tests for diffusion. Those reports can cost at least a couple hundred dollars however, so be aware of that. If you're considering it as a thing of value, especially for the future, it is wise to send it out.

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