
Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing...


Dec 25, 2012
I love rose cut diamonds and have firmly settled on buying one for my engagement ring. Other stones and cuts have intrigued me but rose cuts are so romantic and old world :love:

I know the cut is shallow and can have a see through effect once set into a ring. Foil backing is supposed to be the way to add more depth and dimension to the diamond, but from my research foil backed rings are more fragile and require more care than other rings. This presents a problem for me because my hands are constantly in water, working with different materials etc. Is foil backing on rose cut diamonds always necessary? Will they look flat and lifeless without it? Or is it a matter of personal preference. Please advise before I begin putting my setting design on paper!
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I like the look of rose cut diamonds but don't like the light performance. Yes, a foiled ring must stay as dry as possible, not to mention the difficulty of cleaning the diamond. I am sorry to say that it looks like a piece of glass to me without foiling.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

That glassy watery look is precisely why I like them. There is something very tranquil about a rose cut. What a boring world it would be if we all loved the same things! I might forgo the foil backing then. For my aesthetic there doesn't seem to be a huge benefit to foil backing, and what is the point of putting it on if I know I shall promptly ruin it :lol:
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I don't know really, but I think so? I do want some depth but I like the rose cut best of all diamond cuts. It seems foil backing would facilitate dimension but is not a permanent "fix." This reason was why I was also considering rough diamonds. I am not interested in precision cutting, hearts and arrows, or a ton of sparkle. At the same time I want it to look like a diamond and not an ice cube!
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I love rose cuts too ::) I just got my first one a few months ago and I'm completely enamoured of her...

The light return IS very from a diamond with a faceted pavilion! But I personally dislike foiled backs as that soft, watery look is exactly what I like about rose cuts - 'tranquil' is the perfect description.

Chrono brings up a good point about seeing skin through the stone though - my rose cut doesn't *magnify* but it does let you see what's underneath - in "frames" through the facets, almost? While taking pics I did find that the closer the bottom of the rose cut is to whatever's underneath the more clearly I can see the detail on what's underneath, to the point where if the surfaces are actually touching the rose cut really does just become a glass window, so to limit the clarity of transparency I'd suggest setting the stone high enough to leave an airspace between the bottom and the top of your finger.

That Leon is lovely :love:
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Yay fellow rose cut lover :appl: It seems so many people either do not care for them or don't know what they are! It is a dilemna. I hadn't thought of setting it a little higher but that could definitely work. I have freckles on my hands, maybe I could pass them off as inclusions :lol:
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I love rose cuts. I've owned both foil backed and ones without a back and I like them both. I can't say I liked one better than the other any more than I can say I like a rose cut better than and old mine cut. They're just different and something to love about each one. But now that I think about it I wore the non foil backed one more than the one with because I didn't have to worry about getting it wet. ;)

Here's a video to a foil backed rose cut that might help:!i=1363304530&k=4r3jkpr

Edited to add: I don't think rose cuts look lifeless without foil backing. I don't think emerald cut diamonds look lifeless next to modern round brilliants but some people might think so. They're just a different look, more subtle but not lifeless. The foil backing helps with making them sparkle a bit more, but that's not a look everyone loves either. If your hands are in water a lot, trust me, skip the foil back and enjoy the rose cut just the way it is. :)
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I am often unmoved by regular rose cuts, but the few mughal cut diamonds I've seen in person have been spectacular.

The ones I have seen had rainbows all throughout them like the one pictured at that link. I don't think they all have crazy high crowns like that. Googling didn't reveal many more that looked like the ones I've seen.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

These diamonds are driving me wild :love: :love: :love:
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Not sure what you meant by this: "This presents a problem for me because my hands are constantly in water, working with different materials etc."

But if you work with your hands a lot, it's usually not a good idea to wear an engagement ring anyway. It isn't really good to work out, clean, do dishes, yardwork, etc. with them on because it will cause extra wear (scratches) and a greater possibility of chipping the diamond, etc.

I love rose cuts. I am not sure I'd want a big solitaire one, but Singlestone has lovely ones and Kwiat has several with accent rose cuts in their rings.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I do work with my hands (I work with kids) which means constant hand washing, play dough, paint, baths etc. I'm not shoveling coal but I do work enough with my hands that it might present a problem in terms of the foil's durability. I don't feel it is drastic enough to not wear a ring...
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

You can wear it but it will be wear and tear on your ring. I wouldn't wear my ring dealing with playdough or paint, etc. and I don't shower in mine either! But you can do whatever you choose, of course! (Definitely get insurance in case of loss or damage regardless.)

Here is a beautiful ring that has a larger rose cut and you can see how it looks when on someone's hand in the pictures below the main one:
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I work with my hands a lot too. I take my rings off when I am cooking, washing dishes, showering, gardening, sleeping, etc. I also try to remember to take them off when I wash my hands--but I'll admit that I'm 75% on remembering--I do remember before I put the soap on though--it's just I remember "no water" after I've already gotten the ring wet. Gah! And that's the problem with me and foil backed rose cuts. ;)
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

You know what you might consider? One of those ring holder necklaces. I'm blanking on the name right now, but like, there's a company that makes wishbone necklaces that are pretty but also works as a necklace that holds your ring without having to take of the necklace.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Conroy & Wilcox has a number of gorgeous rose cut diamond rings with no foil backing. I like how clean and streamlined the bezel settings are.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

A ring holder necklace is a great idea! I really didn't think you needed to baby diamonds that much, but clearly I was wrong! I would not want to put all this effort into a ring and then mangle it within a few months. I am loving all these pictures. I truly like both the look of foil and no foil as well. Hmmmmm.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I have been following this thread with interest as I have a friend who is interested in a bezel-set rose-cut ring. She actually really liked the rings from Conroy and Wilcox linked above as the streamlined quality really appealed to her, but they seem overpriced to me. $6750 for a 0.75 carat rose-cut in a gold bezel? But maybe it is harder to find a good rose cut diamond than I thought and this is a reasonable price. What have you found in your search?
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

It is all over the place. Unfortunately for anyone who wants one, rose cuts seem to be not only rare in good clarity and carat size, but gaining popularity and driving the price of them up higher than I was seeing even just a few months ago. People are selling "rose cuts" that look like frozen baby food and charging what I consider obscene prices.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

If your hands are constantly getting mucky and you have no time for a real good scrubbing, I fear a rose cut that is "charming" when clean will be lifeless once dirty.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Probably so, but I can fall in love with it again after it has been cleaned!
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Yes you can! Great attitude. I love when people
Know what they want and keep positive. Good luck finding your beautiful rose cut. I was in Single Stone today looking at them. I love the feeling they gave.
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I have a rose cut diamond with no foil backing: it's a small diamond (20 points or a bit over) in an antique bezel's charming and beautiful like limpid particular care, just keep it clean!
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Thank you for these latest responses! I definitely think if I get the setting right (and don't wear the ring to work at home or otherwise) I will love the rose cut absolutely forever. They are magical!
Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

Rose cuts are amongst my favorite old cuts! Having said that, I prefer then without the foil backs. Foil-backed rings need TLC and its not something that most folks are willing to commit to.

I second Yssie's suggestion below that should you decide on one with a foil back (or have one made), I would set a little higher, or you can even have it designed with something like this at the bottom:

Re: Another rose cut diamond question regarding foil backing

I was lurking a lot previously but never posted. My rose cut engagement ring was recently completed by our goldsmith and I just wanted to share. My fiancé purchased a round 1.04 ct rose cut diamond E-F colour and VVS clarity from Manak Jewels in California for $4000/ct. And we found a goldsmith to make a custom ring. The stone is not foil backed but the bezel is sealed closed at the bottom with a white gold high polished plate. The goldsmith assured me that if set properly, moisture should not get into the bezel, but I am still waiting to see if that holds true. I think my ring is beautiful and it has a surprising bit of fire and sparkle. Looks even better in person. Not your typical brilliant cut :)
