
A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (Pics)


Dec 25, 2012
It's freezing rain outside and an extremely friendly but small cat has come into my house and settled right in. The fact that this cat is so friendly leads me to believe it is not feral.

What is the best way to proceed after it has a good meal and a place to sleep?

Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Contact your local animal shelter (or animal control). I typically wouldn't let a stray cat into my house - if the weather was bad, I would maybe let it into the garage while I contacted my animal shelter.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Ooh, what a sweet kitty!
Check to see if anyone reported a missing kitty and see if there is a microchip and find the owner. And if none exists claim him as part of your loving family. :appl:
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

momhappy|1396911322|3649245 said:
Contact your local animal shelter (or animal control). I typically wouldn't let a stray cat into my house - if the weather was bad, I would maybe let it into the garage while I contacted my animal shelter.

No garage, we live in a townhouse. Should I set up a cat camp in the bathroom or something? I obviously want to be safe and clean but it's brutal outside.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

I would be inclined to take it to a vet to see if it is chipped so as to try find its owner.

If there is no chip, then I would probably put some posters up in the neighbourhood, vet surgeries, animal shelters etc., with a pic of the cat, asking peeps to contact you if they know anything about the cat etc....

If there is no response after, say 2 weeks or so, then I would either keep the cat if I like it enough, or take it to an animal shelter for re-homing.

DK :))
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Elliot86|1396911451|3649248 said:
momhappy|1396911322|3649245 said:
Contact your local animal shelter (or animal control). I typically wouldn't let a stray cat into my house - if the weather was bad, I would maybe let it into the garage while I contacted my animal shelter.

No garage, we live in a townhouse. Should I set up a cat camp in the bathroom or something? I obviously want to be safe and clean but it's brutal outside.

If you don't have other kitties I don't see a reason you have to separate him. If you have other kitties a concern is feline HIV and feline leukemia. Don't call animal control please. See if there is someone who reported him missing and if he is microchipped.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

dk168|1396911484|3649249 said:
I would be inclined to take it to a vet to see if it is chipped so as to try find its owner.

If there is no chip, then I would probably put some posters up in the neighbourhood, vet surgeries, animal shelters etc., with a pic of the cat, asking peeps to contact you if they know anything about the cat etc....

If there is no response after, say 2 weeks or so, then I would either keep the cat if I like it enough, or take it to an animal shelter for re-homing.

DK :))

Yay!!! My vote is to keep him. It's meant to be. :love:
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

OMG he's so cute

Thank you for taking him in so he's safe! :appl:

But yes, be careful with fleas...I hope justginger stops by I think it was her last time I let a cat into my house she gave me all sorts of advice for how to prevent any flea problems...

Just keep in a bathroom for now, away from your other kitties...maybe take out anything like rugs, etc.?

And the rest of the steps, like everyone else said...see if he/she is microchipped, look at websites for your area that list lost/found pets, put signs up, etc.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

And a quick check for fleas? (Especially since it appears that you have another cat or two.)

Has it been neutered or fixed? (If it's a female, the stitches or the spot that was shaved might still show.) If so it might be a well loved kitty that wandered away from home - and it's owners are hoping that you'll put up signs or a craigslist notice so they can be re-united with it. However, from the picture, it looks like this kitten is just the right age to be dumped or abandoned, :(sad in which case you'll need to come up with a "Plan B."
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

I am going to give him or her a fluffy blanket and a perch by the window. Food, water, and a private litter box is all set up. Luckily we have a cat clinic a mile from here, so tomorrow we can see about some microchip checking and medical care if needed. Then I'll make some posters. I'd really rather not place this cat into a shelter if I can avoid it...
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

If you have other animals that are loose, quarantine the cat in a bathroom. And then you would have to make a decision to drop it off at a shelter or take it to the vet, the vet can scan it for a microchip and check it over for disease and test it for you, also the vet can wash/rinse it for you if you decide to take it home. Then do careful pet intros after you are sure the cat is healthy. (Also have the vet put Advantage on the baby while you are there).

If you don't have other pets. Go to petsmart get a cardboard cat carrier. Take cat to local shelter and have them scan it for a microchip and take a photo of it and check to see if it's fixed. But don't leave the baby there if you can foster at home. It's much better for the cat. And for you. :devil:

If there is a chip, they'll contact the owners. If there isn't take it home, take pics and post them on Craigslist "CAT FOUND" and make a flyer to post in your neighborhood.

Get a cheapo litter box (you can get an all in one at petstmart for 5 bucks and it includes litter), a small bag of food. Get a dish for water if you don't have one already at home to use. Get some Front Line and make sure you get any fleas killed ASAP.

Foster the cat for 2-3 weeks, see how things go. if things are going well, take it to the vet at that point and run a bunch of basic tests on it.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

missy|1396911729|3649252 said:
Elliot86|1396911451|3649248 said:
momhappy|1396911322|3649245 said:
Contact your local animal shelter (or animal control). I typically wouldn't let a stray cat into my house - if the weather was bad, I would maybe let it into the garage while I contacted my animal shelter.

No garage, we live in a townhouse. Should I set up a cat camp in the bathroom or something? I obviously want to be safe and clean but it's brutal outside.

If you don't have other kitties I don't see a reason you have to separate him. If you have other kitties a concern is feline HIV and feline leukemia. Don't call animal control please. See if there is someone who reported him missing and if he is microchipped.

There are plenty of reasons that have nothing to do with having other cats (or pets) in the home (disease, parasites, fleas, unpredictable behavior, etc.) - and, no, I'm not saying that all stray cats have disease, etc.. I'm just saying that if I didn't know a particular cat, I would err on the side of caution.
Like I said, if the weather was bad, I might try to help it out, but I would certain be calling my local animal shelter ASAP.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

momhappy|1396912707|3649271 said:
missy|1396911729|3649252 said:
Elliot86|1396911451|3649248 said:
momhappy|1396911322|3649245 said:
Contact your local animal shelter (or animal control). I typically wouldn't let a stray cat into my house - if the weather was bad, I would maybe let it into the garage while I contacted my animal shelter.

No garage, we live in a townhouse. Should I set up a cat camp in the bathroom or something? I obviously want to be safe and clean but it's brutal outside.

If you don't have other kitties I don't see a reason you have to separate him. If you have other kitties a concern is feline HIV and feline leukemia. Don't call animal control please. See if there is someone who reported him missing and if he is microchipped.

There are plenty of reasons that have nothing to do with having other cats (or pets) in the home (disease, parasites, fleas, unpredictable behavior, etc.) - and, no, I'm not saying that all stray cats have disease, etc.. I'm just saying that if I didn't know a particular cat, I would err on the side of caution.
Like I said, if the weather was bad, I might try to help it out, but I would certain be calling my local animal shelter ASAP.

Well lucky the cat didn't appear on your doorstep then. :))
I am cautious as well but since the cat is very friendly as long as she takes some precautions (i.e. separate him from other cats, be careful of flea infestation) everyone should be fine. Win win for all.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

My SO and I discussed it. We will make every effort to locate this kitty's home, as well as getting proper veterinary care in the morning. We won't be calling the shelter. If a month goes by and no one claims the kitten we will get i.d. tags made and embrace a 2 cat household.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

You've already been adopted by this cutie. If it's not chipped, before going home from Vet tomorrow, stop off and get it's new tags. :)
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

My best cats have been the ones that found me - though sometimes it took a year (or decade) or so for that to become evident!
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

If you decide not to call your local animal shelter, then you're not making every effort to find its rightful owner IMO. It would make me sad to think that I could be keeping someone's family pet because I decided that the stray seemed to be adoptable. I have dogs and my whole family would be terribly upset if one of our dogs got out and someone just assumed new ownership of it. To some people, it's like losing a family member. I suppose that it could be a win win for all - except for the family that lost it (if there is one)….
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

:appl: Either way the cat will have a home! :appl:

From one of many cat lovers here, thank you for taking care of him when he needed a dry, warm place to hang out. :wavey:
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

momhappy|1396914288|3649294 said:
If you decide not to call your local animal shelter, then you're not making every effort to find its rightful owner IMO. It would make me sad to think that I could be keeping someone's family pet because I decided that the stray seemed to be adoptable. I have dogs and my whole family would be terribly upset if one of our dogs got out and someone just assumed new ownership of it. To some people, it's like losing a family member. I suppose that it could be a win win for all - except for the family that lost it (if there is one)….

I would be happy to contact the shelter and give them my contact info, let them know I am fostering the cat. I just don't feel right surrendering this cat who is slow blinking it's face off at me and belly up on my lap :(( Are you saying surrender it to the shelter and go about my business? That doesn't seem fair to an animal who showed up skinny and cold.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Most animal "shelters" don't shelter at all, and thee poor things catch all sorta of diseases while there. Thank you so much for taking this baby in. It sounds like SHE'S adopted YOU!! All the luck in the world that this kitty finds it's home, either one that's lost her, or with you.!
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Elliot86|1396914795|3649304 said:
momhappy|1396914288|3649294 said:
If you decide not to call your local animal shelter, then you're not making every effort to find its rightful owner IMO. It would make me sad to think that I could be keeping someone's family pet because I decided that the stray seemed to be adoptable. I have dogs and my whole family would be terribly upset if one of our dogs got out and someone just assumed new ownership of it. To some people, it's like losing a family member. I suppose that it could be a win win for all - except for the family that lost it (if there is one)….

I would be happy to contact the shelter and give them my contact info, let them know I am fostering the cat. I just don't feel right surrendering this cat who is slow blinking it's face off at me and belly up on my lap :(( Are you saying surrender it to the shelter and go about my business? That doesn't seem fair to an animal who showed up skinny and cold.

Doesn't seem fair? Have you thought about the possibility that this cat may have a family somewhere? If it does, how is it fair to them that someone just assumes ownership of it? I have young children and I can only imagine how terribly upsetting it would be if our family pet went missing and was never found and/or returned. I think the way some shelters operate is that you can contact them in regards to a lost animal, they make efforts to find the rightful owners, and you may have the ability to adopt it if it is not claimed. At the very least, I would contact my local animal shelter and asks them what their protocol is for lost/found animals. Some shelters even allow community folks to foster animals in their own homes while they search for owners. I certainly wouldn't' be making a decision about whether or not to keep an animal just based on my own emotions. This conversation is really disturbing to me - just because an animal ends up on your door step, does not mean that it now belongs to you. I give you lots of credit/kudos for helping it out - I am an animal-lover too. We have a lost dog in our neighborhood and the owners (an elderly couple) have been desperately searching for weeks. Now I wonder if someone found her and kept her :(
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

I can watch Frozen?
Just kidding going to sleep.


Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

momhappy|1396915490|3649317 said:
Elliot86|1396914795|3649304 said:
momhappy|1396914288|3649294 said:
If you decide not to call your local animal shelter, then you're not making every effort to find its rightful owner IMO. It would make me sad to think that I could be keeping someone's family pet because I decided that the stray seemed to be adoptable. I have dogs and my whole family would be terribly upset if one of our dogs got out and someone just assumed new ownership of it. To some people, it's like losing a family member. I suppose that it could be a win win for all - except for the family that lost it (if there is one)….

I would be happy to contact the shelter and give them my contact info, let them know I am fostering the cat. I just don't feel right surrendering this cat who is slow blinking it's face off at me and belly up on my lap :(( Are you saying surrender it to the shelter and go about my business? That doesn't seem fair to an animal who showed up skinny and cold.

Doesn't seem fair? Have you thought about the possibility that this cat may have a family somewhere? If it does, how is it fair to them that someone just assumes ownership of it? I have young children and I can only imagine how terribly upsetting it would be if our family pet went missing and was never found and/or returned. I think the way some shelters operate is that you can contact them in regards to a lost animal, they make efforts to find the rightful owners, and you may have the ability to adopt it if it is not claimed. At the very least, I would contact my local animal shelter and asks them what their protocol is for lost/found animals. Some shelters even allow community folks to foster animals in their own homes while they search for owners. I certainly wouldn't' be making a decision about whether or not to keep an animal just based on my own emotions. This conversation is really disturbing to me - just because an animal ends up on your door step, does not mean that it now belongs to you. I give you lots of credit/kudos for helping it out - I am an animal-lover too. We have a lost dog in our neighborhood and the owners (an elderly couple) have been desperately searching for weeks. Now I wonder if someone found her and kept her :(

Sorry I am not handling this in the way you think is best. I don't recall saying "Tough luck potential owners." Rather, let's recap:
Cat is getting checked for microchip first and foremost.
Cat will receive medical care on my dime to ensure no fleas or other parasites.
Cat is not in the rain, looking for food, potentially getting hit by a car.
SPCA is being notified of the cat's presence in my home, being provided with a picture and veterinary records of the cat, as well as my personal contact info.
Cat will not be without a home in the event it remains unclaimed, will not be put to sleep as so many strays around here are. Tons of people around here move out of their complex and abandon their animals. It's horrible.

I feel if an animal shows up you do become responsible for it's care until ownership is established, whether in my house or with the original owner. I am not being predatory, I feel personally responsible for this animal at the moment.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

You can handle the cat as you see fit, but you came here for advice. If you are checking for micro chip first and foremost, then that's all that matters IMO.
Your thread was getting a heavy response with a keep-him-he's-yours attitude that I didn't think was appropriate and that's more of what I was responding to. I realize that the cat is adorable and it appears as though it has found what seems like a loving home with you. I just find it disturbing that so many folks seem to think that found pet = new pet for them. Guess it's a good reminder for me to never lose mine or someone may just keep them….
Best of luck with the kitty =)
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

momhappy|1396916575|3649333 said:
You can handle the cat as you see fit, but you came here for advice. If you are checking for micro chip first and foremost, then that's all that matters IMO. Your thread was getting a heavy response with a keep-him-he's-yours attitude that I didn't think was appropriate and that's more of what I was responding to. I realize that the cat is adorable and it appears as though it has found what seems like a loving home. I just find it disturbing that so many folks seem to think that found pet = new pet for them.

momhappy, it's quite the opposite. What's disturbing is your attitude towards helpless animals in need of shelter. No one here suggested not to look for the kitty's owners if they exist. In fact most posters mentioned checking to see if he is microchipped and putting posters out etc in an effort to find the owners should they exist. So go and twist it as you want but we know what we said just like we know what you said too. No hard feelings but just calling it like I see it and that's how I see it.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Elliot86|1396915637|3649318 said:
I can watch Frozen?
Just kidding going to sleep.

Awww, what a sweetie.

Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Good for you Elliot! That cat is very happy to be with a loving person and you are doing all the right things as a responsible pet finder.

You could take a picture and post it at local animal shelters and on-line in case it has been missed by someone.

I am glad the cat found someone like you, versus someone who would immediately drop it off at a local shelter because it might have an owner out there somewhere, maybe.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

madelise|1396915112|3649310 said:
Most animal "shelters" don't shelter at all, and thee poor things catch all sorta of diseases while there. Thank you so much for taking this baby in. It sounds like SHE'S adopted YOU!! All the luck in the world that this kitty finds it's home, either one that's lost her, or with you.!


I have found SO MANY kitties. I don't take them to shelters, unless it's an exceptional rescue and those are as rare as hen's teeth. If you don't want to take him to the shelter that's not a problem. Just email them a picture of the baby so if someone goes there looking, they have the picture.

And thank you for helping, and bless you for your care.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Ok. Then I guess that I misunderstood. It seemed like a lot of folks were advocating just keeping it, but I see now that many of those were quoting posts that advocated checking for a microchip first. Also, there's nothing disturbing about my attitude towards rescuing animals in need of help. I'm actually on a list to foster and/or donate financial assistance to stray animals with a group that works in tandem with one of our local shelters, which I do frequently. If you are not comfortable with a local shelter, there are sometimes lots of independent groups that aid shelters by helping shelter animals to find homes, paying for vet care, etc. You can often find them on FaceBook or just by doing a basic google search in your area.
Re: A cat sat on my steps meowing to come in... Now what? (P

Elliot86|1396916310|3649327 said:
Sorry I am not handling this in the way you think is best. I don't recall saying "Tough luck potential owners." Rather, let's recap:
Cat is getting checked for microchip first and foremost.
Cat will receive medical care on my dime to ensure no fleas or other parasites.
Cat is not in the rain, looking for food, potentially getting hit by a car.
SPCA is being notified of the cat's presence in my home, being provided with a picture and veterinary records of the cat, as well as my personal contact info.
Cat will not be without a home in the event it remains unclaimed, will not be put to sleep as so many strays around here are. Tons of people around here move out of their complex and abandon their animals. It's horrible.

I feel if an animal shows up you do become responsible for it's care until ownership is established, whether in my house or with the original owner. I am not being predatory, I feel personally responsible for this animal at the moment.

You are handling this perfectly. IMO. Although I would have kept him in the bathroom till after the vet visit. I would have sat in there with him, but I would have kept him in there overnight. And I would have bleached the bathroom (if he checks out and you want to let him out) and stripped and washed my clothes before going back out to where my resident cat is, and I would have the cat rinsed/washed at the vet tomorrow if he's healthy.

You are doing the right thing with respect to the old (possible) owners. :appl: